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I'd like to start this off with an apology. I promised Chapter 56 would be coming out today and it still isn't nor will it be in the near future. As the the title implies this story will be going on a Hiatus for an undetermined period of time. 

My skills and productivity as a writer are lacking for the Patreon type model currently. Every chapter has been getting increasingly more difficult for me to write as time went on. I believe this can be seen through the writing quality as of late and through the story as a whole. I'd like to take time to focus on editing and shoring up the weaknesses in Book 1 of Immortality Starts With Generosity and work on other novel ideas I've been brainstorming. Not to mention my job search. 

I sincerely apologize for the disappointment this decision will cause. I do it because I think its the best choice for both myself and the story. Naturally the billing for the Patreon will be paused. If anyone would like a refund please feel free to request it. If anyone has any questions or would like to reach out then I can be found on the Discord. 

I'd like to give a big thank you to each and every one of you. It absolutely floors me that people would like my novel enough to actively join my Patreon. You guys are awesome and I will be working hard on creating stories that I hope you will enjoy just has much as you have ISWG.

Thank you,





Ethan Gardner

Thanks for the story so far, hiatus is understandable, gotta do what's best for you. Hopefully you can get the story back to a point where your happy with it! Even if you move to dropped for your own health, I've enjoyed reading this story so far, so thanks again!