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Hi dear Patreons,
First of all, just a reminder about Patreon's content. As I said before, and because i work on my artbook project, I had no time for new content here this month. So, of course, you will not be charged at the end of this month. In conclusion, new content will be available at the end of March

I'm already working on the content of the book, converting illustrations from RGB to CMYK, organizing files for my brother who will make the pages setup etc...

About my Artbook Kickstarter, the book will be now 160 pages and some print bonuses have  been unlocked. For information, there are 5 days left until the end of the campaign and next step will be again 16 pages more but with sketches only ! ^^ :


Have a great day and thanks to all of you ! ^^




C'est d'accord! very excited to get your book!


ah c 'est dommage Q_Q j ai manqué le Kickstarter de pas long... est ce qu il y aura moyen de commander ton livre par la suite ou il n'y aura que pour les backers?