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For information this is the charging post. All packages will be send between 3th and 5th October 

Thank you again for your support !  For new Patreons, Warm welcome ^^, 

and if you are interested, here's a FAQ I did last year with some advices, informations about my carreer and other informations. https://www.patreon.com/posts/48194394 

Pour les nouveaux Patreons, tout d'abord bienvenue ^^,et si vous etes intéressés , voici une FAQ où je donne des conseils, ou je parle un peu de mon parcours etc.. https://www.patreon.com/posts/48186342 

Merci !  Xa

Oh ! And I wanted to share you a 3d book test for my artbook kickstarter page ^^
For information, I will try to launch it in November but if is too early, it will be february.



Felice Sciaraffia

The Fantasy Illustration looks amazing, loving the color scheme


Sorry about asking... But I joined up a few days later than sept 30. (today) Would you be able to charge me for the sept 30 pack mentioned here so that I can be included as well? Appreciated!


Hi Lintbox and thanks for your support ^^ I can't charge you with Patreon (or I think not) , But i will send you a gumroad link with Patreon price no problem :) . Tomorrow or in 2 days