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Today we bring a "moving" map. We have separated all layers so you can have overhead tiles. Read the description to learn more.

The Silent Walkers

For millennia, the Silent Walkers have roamed the world, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. No one knows whether they are living beings or magical entities. These giant, headless, four-legged rock creatures move slowly, dragging everything in their path. Despite their surroundings, they keep moving forward, and as they travel, vegetation and other environmental features grow all over their body, allowing them to blend in with their surroundings.

Some believe that the Silent Walkers are following a predetermined path laid out for them by the universe. Whether they are a force of destruction or a blessing is still a mystery, but one thing is for sure: their power cannot be tamed. There are only a few Silent Walkers known to exist, making them incredibly difficult to spot and even harder to track when they enter the oceans and walk on the bottom of the seas.

However, when a Silent Walker is spotted, some investigators follow and study them, trying to predict their behavior and warn people and villages that may be in their path. This is no easy task, as the Silent Walkers seem to move without any pattern or reason.

Some of these investigators speculate that the Silent Walkers may be moving along ley lines, invisible pathways of energy that criss-cross the Earth. If this theory is true, the Silent Walkers may be playing an important role in maintaining the balance of the planet.

Plot hook ideas:

  • The leader of a village hires the group to try and track down the path of a Silent Walker that is headed towards their settlement.
  • A powerful mage seeks to capture a Silent Walker in order to harness its energy for their own magical purposes.
  • The Silent Walkers may be actually guardians of the planet, protecting it from a great evil. The Silent Walkers are losing their energy, find out more about this evil and how to stop it before it's too late.
  • A group of bandits has figured out a way to ride on the back of a Silent Walker, using it to raid and pillage nearby villages.
  • A group of powerful mages have discovered a way to control the Silent Walkers and are using them to wreak havoc on rival cities.
  • The Silent Walkers are mysteriously disappearing, and the balance of the world is at risk.
  • The Silent Walkers are rumored to possess magical properties, and their parts are highly sought after by collectors and wizards. Fight the creature to get its heart or protect it against its enemies.
  • The silent Walkers are dormant, but a group of cultists are conducting some rituals to summon them again and create chaos.
  • The Silent Walkers are being hunted by a powerful dragon, who sees them as a threat to its territory. The players must either defend the Silent Walkers or ally with the dragon to take them down.



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