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Another free map for all Patrons! This week we bring a mailing system composed of two stations, the Muta and the Masio, both with 7 different variations. Read the info below to know how this system works.


The Posta Service

The Posta is a fast mailing system that the empire uses to send documents and other important reports.
Messengers, also called Veredarii, ride well trained horses and travel the roads as fast as they can. When they reach a station they quickly change to a fresh horse and continue traveling to the next station, similar to a relay system. This allows documents and other reports to quickly and safely travel long distances.

This network is composed of thousands of stations placed along the main roads. These are called Mutas if the building only supplies fresh horses and repairing services, or Masios if it also supplies food and accommodation.
Masios are 60 miles (96km) away from each other and it takes 8 hours for a rider to go from one to the next, where the rider will rest and another fresh rider will take the document and continue the ride. There are 4 Mutas between Masios, at around 12 miles (19km) from each other, where riders take a fresh horse. So each rider will ride around 5 different horses in a single day.
This means that a message can travel 120 miles (193km) per day at normal speed, or more if the message is urgent.
For sensitive information a single trustworthy Veredarii will carry the message throughout the whole trip and hand it personally to the destination. If this is bad news the Veredarii will carry a feather attached to the tip of their spear. If the news is good a Laurel leaf will be attached to the letter.
Carts or other vehicles are also used for bigger cargo or important personalities, but transport is slower.

Managing a station

These stations are privately managed by individuals. They must take care of their part of the road and the rest of the facilities, although stations on the Royal Road (the main vein of the Posta network that connects the main cities) receive a little help from the Treasury.

To make use of this service the rider must have a diploma, called Evectio, signed by the Emperor themself, which makes getting one quite difficult. Although an Evectio can be bought and issued by the Empire, it’s ridiculously expensive, so you can also try to forge it or you can get someone to use it for you.

Other messaging options

Pigeons and ravens are also used, but it’s not the first time a druid steals sensitive information this way, so they prefer the reliable Posta service.
People that can not afford this service or can not get an Evectio can hire regular couriers who will deliver your letter by foot, although it’s a much slower method.
Most people rely on traveling friends or merchants to deliver their letters.
Magic can also be used, but magic messages can be intercepted by enemies, so it may be dangerous.
Another way to stay informed are bards and criers, who bring the news to the city when they pass by. Careful, they may be corrupted or bribed to spread false information.

The Posta Service is inspired by the Cursus Publicus of the Roman Empire, and earlier of the Persians. Most of this information is quite accurate, but some things have been exaggerated or changed to fit the game system. Some details are also inspired by the Pony Express in the United States.

Quest ideas

  • Steal a letter or intercept a rider.
  • Modify a letter to fit your needs.
  • Simply send a letter.
  • Forge/buy/smuggle an Evectio.
  • A manager is using the service to their advantage. The Empire pays you to "talk" with them.
  • Bribe a manager/rider.
  • A wizard is waiting in a Station entrance. The wizard charges you less than this service to instantly and magically deliver your message.
  • Sabotage a station.


Scribe Tier

Explorer Tier

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