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What if we release a full encounter that you can include into any adventure?
What if it also has a cool illustrated NPC, tokens and custom items?
What if it is an encounter with cool mechanics and a reward for your players?
What if we made a package that you can import into your Foundry adventure?

Well, we just did that, and free of charge for all Patrons :D

This is our first One-page adventure (well, this time it's an encounter), a series of adventures and encounters fitted in a single page.

Rewards work as usual, but all Cartographer Patrons can also get the Foundry pack. And if you don't use Foundry don't worry, in the Cartographer pack you'll find all illustrations, tiles, tokens and weapons to play this encounter.

Take a look at the above One-page sheet to learn more about it. Be careful with spoilers!

We hope you enjoy it, and if you like it we are eager to do more like this and start creating maps and adventures for Foundry!
As always, any feedback is more than welcome.

The Wandering merchant is inspired by Liam, who gave us permission to develop this adventure using his persona, definitely go check him out! He has pretty cool content on his Instagram.



Scribe Tier

Explorer Tier

Cartographer Tier

Free version at the bottom of this post





Hi. Could you check the Cartographer link for the Liam file?


I can’t uncompress the file. It just errors. The Free version does work. But niether of the patreon linked zip files work.


Hi! It's working fine for me. I'm gonna contact you over private message to see if we can address the issue.