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Nightwater is a self sustainable city built in the sewers, where everyone has the same opportunities. There is no authority there but Nightwater people will take care of whoever breaks the code or does something stupid.
One of the main attractions of the city is the Arena. Rules are decided by the fighters before the combat, which makes every fight unique. That allows bets to be extremely exciting, that gives the city a reason to be visited.


Nightwater is the name given to the micro-civilization that emerged some decades ago, when an exiled group of people decided to use the wide empty space of the sewers to start a new life. Veren Downbridge was the one who, after living there for some years escaping justice, placed the first stone of The Gas Fountain, which is now the center of Nightwater. Throughout the years the settlement has been slowly expanding, becoming a self-sustainable city. Nightwater is self-managed in a very peculiar way, although the surface nobility still does not accept its independence. Nightwater grows every year at a slow pace, but it is no longer just a shelter for criminals, but a meeting place for merchants and a place where you can have a second chance as long as you can resist the dense greenish mist and the pestilent vapes. Despite being a meeting place for thieves, murderers and other criminals, Nightwater's crime rate is almost zero. The city has no written rules, no judges, no guards and no authority, but The Code, as they call it, is the fundamental pillar that no one even thinks about breaking. Nightwater was built based on trust, tolerance and good faith. Everyone is welcome, but if anyone is foolish enough to break The Code or do something stupid, each and every person in Nightwater will severly punish them. One of its main attractions is the Nightwater Arena, known for its relentless fights. The arena is a platform built, like most of the city, over a pit of blackwaters that form an ecosystem of creatures that will devour anyone that comes near. The rules and limits of each combat are established beforehand between the fighters according to their preferences. This makes each fight unique and exceptionally entertaining for the public, especially if you participate in one of the most famous reasons to visit Nightwater: betting. You can bet on anything, being the death of a fighter the most common option, but also how many limbs they will lose, whether they will fall into the water or not, how many rounds they will last until one of them bleeds out, and so on. The only prize for the winner is a privileged seat from which to watch the next arena, but depending on how much the viewers like the spectacle, it is a common practice that they give money, food or other goods to the winner so they can enjoy a well-deserved rest. This way Nightwater can attract new challengers and people around the world and boost the economy of the city.


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