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Hey everyone! Today we bring something we have been working on for a long time and what has become one of my personal favorite battlemaps.

This is a Salvage Submarine Crab vehicle that crawls the bottom of the seas looking for scrap and other treasures to recover.
It can also be used as an exploration or even military submarine combat vehicle.

The Submarine is controlled between two operators, each one controls one of the sides of the vehicle, which includes four crawling legs and a salvaging claw used to pick scrap and other treasures from the bottom of the sea. Then the claw can move the recovered stuff into the "mouth" of the crab, which is a hatch that can be opened so the crane operator can pick these objects for further storage and processing.
Usually all they recover is then sold to the best buyer.
A minimum of four crew members is required to operate the Crab, but six is the optimal.
There is not much room on the inside, so the recovered objects must be stored all across the room.
The Crab is very heavy and can only crawl, so it can only walk on the bottom of the sea. Usually it enters the water on the beach or in shallow harbors.
Six oxygen tanks allow the vessel to be submerged for long periods of time, even days. Depending on the depth the crew is going to work at, a few days of decompression may be needed. Same as in "saturation diving" in real life.
Four harpoons can be controlled manually from the inside to defend against big creatures that may present a thread to the vehicle. Sometimes these are also used to recover objects that are far away by reeling the harpoon rope back.
In case of an emergency there are two escaping pods, in which all crew can fit and release, after which they will safely float to the surface.

This is our first steampunk style battlemap, but we have other concepts like this one planned. Let us know what you think about it in the comments or share it with us in our Discord. We are eager to know how you use it in your campaign.
Most of the variations are focused on things you may find on the bottom of the sea, but you can also use this vehicle to travel the desert.

Have fun!



