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As we get close to the end of the month, I wanted to announce some changes to the reward tiers. As I have made changes to commission prices, I also have to make changes to the reward prices. I appreciate all the help every one of my patrons has given me over this past year, I would not be able to support myself without you. But as it stands right now the amount of work i spend on rewards far outweighs the financial support i get and i just can't keep things up at this rate. I will Put the new tiers into affect at the end of the month on January 31st. If you want to cancel your pledge before then so you do not get charged for February I completely understand. If you want to continue the same pledge you will only have to re select the reward tier on Feb 1. But if you want to increase your pledge to make the same reward tier, wait until after the 1st of February. This way you won't be charged for the remainder of January and then again for February. You will be charged upfront as soon as you change your pledge so just wait until February.

Now without further ado, here are the new tier prices:

Bronze: (Was 10) Now 20

Silver: (Was 20) Now 30

Gold: will stay the same price, BUT drawings will have to be scaled back to Flat colors only.

Platinum: (was 70) Now 60, BUT Only one color shaded character instead of two.

Multiples are also +1 character for each tier above the base. So Platinum tier gets you 4 sketches, 3 color sketches, OR 2 flat color drawings.

I will not pose any limits on tiers until after everyone that pledged this month has either picked a new tier or has canceled their pledge.

Thank you all again for your patience and understanding.



Wait so my rewards arent changed?


I believe you got 4 sketches last month. I will only be able to do 3 next month for the tier you are pledged at.

