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Last night my cat vomited four times throughout the night.  I took him to the ER early in the morning. They ran tests on him and they came back normal. I found a tylenol PM capsule next to where he first vomited. Tylenol is super toxic to cats and the vet suggested we keep him there for observation. however it would have cost about 1000$ all together. I ultimately had to make the decision to keep him at home and watch him myself. He seems to be doing ok. I'm hoping it was just a coincidence and he didn't ingest any tylenol and something else upset his stomach. The tests were normal so the vet didn't think there would be any cause for alarm as long as he eats and drinks. This whole ordeal still cost me half a grand. And of course there's no price i wouldn't pay to keep my cat safe, but at the end of the day i just couldn't afford to pay any more just to be super duper sure, when it seemed that signs were pointing to him being alright. This sudden expense is going to make my financial situation a lot more tense this month. So I have to apologize for not prioritizing patrons, but I have to open emergency commissions to all interested. However since I need all the help I can get I will not be bothering with slots. I will just load myself up with work and not stop until my goals are met. I am on track to finish rewards very soon so this is the best time to do it. Thank you all for your continued support.

here is a link to my DA journal along with another link to my commission prices: https://www.deviantart.com/shydad/journal/Emergency-Commissions-758182823


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