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 So you may notice a lack of content in the coming days. that's because i  am currently moving across town. we decided to do the move in bits an  pieces. this means less intense moving at one time but it is taking a  lot longer. This week in particular has been excruciating. we are now  sleeping in the new place but a lot of stuff is still left to pack at  the old place. This means any time i have off work needs to go towards  packing and moving so i can have all the stuff out of my old place back  and forth. my car isn't very big and i already spent what i could afford  on a truck for one day. so this means a lot of trips. basically what i'm  trying to get at is bare with me till the end of the month. I promise if I owe you a reward it will be finished before the end of the month. along with the raffle winner. Thanks for being patient. Love you guys. 



Moving on up to the east side, to a deluxe apartment in the skyyyy.