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Eyyyy it's been awhile. 

Mega / Google Drive 

-update includes scenes for netorarse rout when you bring gf to one of the rooms at night ( 1 for camilla / 2 for Julia )

-Also includes next step for the GFxJulia rout, in that rout you're basicly standing right after intro when they threw you out because they thought you were to shy to do anything, now you can tell julia that you either 

1) like how it's going untill now.


2) You can tell her that you want to join in with them.

This will influence the scenes and ending of that rout between option that exclude you and threesome options.

(the optional scene when you bring gf at night to her room changes as well so take a look at that one too) 

Hope you like it.

I've taken  the freedome to combine two two week updates into one four week update since one update kind of relied on the other. 

There are 4 scenes in this update so I'm still in my 1 scene per week rule.

Originally I made 5, untill I looked closer and saw how fucked up and clipped the render of the pics was. 

And since that was the only one that wasn't animated I thought screw it and threw it out as a whole. Didn't want to put something in again if I don't like it.

Will go back to my ususal 2 week rythm now. 

Thx for your support^^




Will there be a creampie scene with the mom?


Eventually, yes. Presumably, at least. Would be something of a missed opportunity otherwise.