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Thank you to Anora / MorbidOrb, Joko44 and Roxy.

If you don’t like these types of stories, please fuck off.


“Hotwife, eh?” Kim asked atop of me.

“Ye-yeah…” I replied, squirming and sweating under her.

“Sounds interesting… Is there some hot-husbanding, too?” Kim asked, giving me a few squeezes, biting her lip. “If I can have fun, you should too.”

It was the morning after the party. And the best cure for a hangover was a good handjob from the wife. Unfortunately, Kim took the opportunity to explore what we sort of had discovered last night. Playing around could be fun. And amidst that, I had spilled a bit of my, heh, research.

“Well, I have to admit it was fun to play around a bit,” Ki mused looking at me for my reaction. “As long as it is fun to play.”

“Ye-yeah,” was all I was able to say.

“Am I a hotwife now?” Kim asked. “After all, another guy came on my lips last night.”

I only groaned. Kim always knew how to tease me the best. My cock was  throbbing and leaking, aching for release. But she wasn’t done yet. She decided to push it even further.

“Is it fair that I got to see him, and him none of mine? Shouldn’t he at least get a peak? Maybe after this, I’ll scurry off to the bathroom now and send him a pic of little ole me in nothing but my boxers and an oversized shirt? I think that would wake both him and Toby up.”

“Would you do that?” I asked in disbelief.

“He is my number one fan, don’t you think? He should be rewarded for his devotion.”

That was enough. I groaned as I came in her hand. And all over her hand. It was such dirty talk, I couldn’t last a minute more. It wasn't a fantasy I think I had, but I couldn’t help but be turned on by the thought of… it.

Kim giggled excitedly and bit her lip.

“So you, ugh, gonna do it?” I asked, slightly curious how serious she was.

“Nah. Probably not,” Kim said, inspecting her hand as she rose from the bed, trying not to spill any. “Just funny to see how you react when I tease you.”


“Oh shit,” Toby muttered one morning.

“What’s up?” I asked, looking up from dicking on my phone.

It was still early in the morning and we were eating breakfast. Toby had college early on Tuesdays. I just woke up early because that’s what I do. I didn’t have anything but a trip to the dojo and the gym later. Then college way later.

“My… professor moved one of the classes,” Toby said, scrolling on his phone.

“Yeah?” I asked, stilling scrolling through the gram. “Why can’t we have politicians like this?” I thought, looking at what the Europeans got.

“Yeah, I’m probably gonna be late… The class is in 20 minutes,” Toby muttered in defeat.

My intention snapped back to the real world. I reached over to the bowl where we kept the car keys and fetched the one with an angry bull on, and slid it across the kitchen island.

“Take the Lambo,” I said casually. I knew mileage was a huge hubbub about expensive cars, but I had the mindset that cars were made to use. Tho, I really should get a regular car some day.

“... I don’t have a license…” Toby said, staring at the keys, not even daring touching them.

I quickly moved around the island and grabbed the keys again, nodded my head for him to come after as I moved down the hall. “Come on, I’ll drive ya, then,” I said.

“Oh… Thanks!” Toby grabbed his bag and hurried after me.

“Not a problem at all, buddy,” I chuckled, marching down towards the hallway.

“Shouldn’t you get dressed,” Toby asked.

I looked down. Damn. I had nothing but my bathrobe on. Fuck it.

“Nah, I’m not getting out of the car anyway,” I said.

A few minutes later we were roaring down the road. It was a bit awkward at first, perhaps especially after Saturday. Sunday I was hungover, of course. Monday I hadn’t really seen Toby. The property was pretty big so it was easy to keep for yourself, I guess. So today was  the first time I’d really seen him since that fateful night.

But it wasn’t, for once, me to break the ice.

“How did you guys get married?” Toby asked. I looked over at him. He seemed to focus on the road ahead. I was driving pretty fast, so maybe he was distracting himself.

“Me and Kim? Oh, we’ve been together forever,” I replied. “So when we were gonna move together, I popped the question.”

“How’d you do it?” Toby asked.

“After a fight. Boxing match, don’t worry. Not some stupid street thing. I proposed to her in the ring after a win,” I explained, thinking back to how surprised she had been.

“You’re a lucky guy,” Tiby muttered. I don’t think it was all intended for me to hear. But I did.

“I guess I am. Kim is wonderful. But I guess we agree on that, eh?” I said, nudging him lightly with my elbow, laughing. Toby smiled and nodded.

“Alright, here we are. Alive and un-ticketed,” I said, pulling up ahead of the main building where Toby took his programming classes. I had too, back when I took my Major.

“Oh no,” Toby muttered.

“What? Did they change it again?” I asked, looking towards his phone. Toby pointed to behind me.

I turned. A parking guard was already on his way over to me.

“Don’t worry. Head in, I’ll deal with it,” I said with a resigned sigh.

Toby opened the car door and hurried away. He only had a few minutes until the class started anyway.

“Hey, you can’t park here!” the guard said.

“I just gave someone a lift, chill,” I explained.

“Hey Josh! What are you doing here?” a familiar voice exclaimed. Amanda was now approaching as well.

The guard immediately were smitten by Amanda’s bombshell looks. A stunner blonde bombshell with the confidence to back up her snarkiness. The guard started stammering as he became flustered.

“Uhm. Yes. Well, I want you gone in five minutes… Josh!” the guard said, letting me know he now knew my name. He then wandered off.

“I was just dropping Toby off. They changed his classes or something,” I explained to Amanda.

I wanted the conversation to be over as quickly as possible, but I didn’t want to be rude either. And also, she had saved me a parking ticket just now. Amanda trailed her gaze down across my attire.

“Yeah, heh, we were in a hurry,” I explained, chuckling.

“So Toby lives another day?” Amanda asked.

“Yeah. Why?” I asked, somewhat confused.

“Zach was not happy about it. He left a dozen phone calls and even more texts.”

“About getting tossed out?” I asked, still a bit lost.

“No… More the whole Toby-situation. How are you even cool with it? You know any guy who can get a kiss anywhere, you know where that goes!”

“Pff, get outta here. Kim told me. We were just having some youthful fun,” I said, waving it off.

“Well, you’re more understanding than Zach then. He’s so damn insecure. All talk and bravado, yet such a boy. But I’d be careful around Toby’s hog, by the way. A girl might get some ideas,” Amanda chuckled. I just shook my head.

“Yeah, well, iI had my head in some other girl’s tits, so I guess we’re even.” I said, trying to conclude this whole thing.

“You think… you think she reall is a trann… I mean a transexual?” Amanda asked, leaning in deviously, as if it was the town’s gossip now.

“What the fuck does that matter? It’s her business,” I said, looking Amanda dead in the eye. She took the hint.

“Five minutes, I said! It’s been ten!” the parking guard roared, waving a freshly baked ticket right out of the oven. I sighed.


University had been somewhat demanding, putting the business on pause. I couldn’t wait until my Masters was over so I finally found some time to revisit my contact in Venezia by email. It seemed like it would go through, but they wanted me to come visit for the ceremonial document signings, some pictures, and heh, sample products. Also, it is nice to meet the people you do business with. Maybe these Italians were not so bad? But that was down the line. First things first–

I turned my head and saw the office door slowly creak open. It wasn’t Kim, she sat next to me gaming like she always did. Or, it looked like she was writing some game analysis right now, actually. I rolled my chair back and saw Toby standing there looking a bit flustered.

“Waddup, buddy?” I asked, taking my headphones off. Kim didn’t even turn. She just flicked her eyes back at me, registering that a conversation was going on, and then back to the screen.

“Oh! Erh… I…” Toby stuttered. He seemed a bit surprised for some reason. “I, ehm. I wanted to swim.”

“Pool’s downstairs,” I chuckled. “And yeah, you have permission to use it. I think we told you that when you moved in.”

“No… ugh, it’s not that. I, ehm, I can’t swim so well…” Toby looked over at Kim briefly.

Oh. Maybe he was embarrassed and didn’t want to make a bad impression in front of the lady? At first I thought he had come up here to be his old creepy fanboy self again. Turns out he was just embarrassed. I rolled my chair back and headed out into the stairwell, draping my arm around his shoulder.

“Don’t worry, buddy. Smart thing to not swim alone. I’ll lifeguard you, then. Maybe we can hire a swimming coach?” I asked, guiding him towards the stairs.

“No… I… Thanks, but I think I just need to… you know, get used to it.”

“Trying to get ready for the summer?” I chuckled, slapping my own ripped stomach. Though for once hidden behind a t-shirt.

Toby glanced at me, “Yeah… Something like that.”


I had no idea how I wasn’t thrown out yet. Surely Kimberly had told Josh how I had jerked off in  front of her and even… the dirty girl took my cum on her lips! Yet, a few days later it seemed that everything was all back  to normal. I wasn’t thrown out. I survived another day. I had no idea why Josh didn’t break my neck, but I wasn’t going to complain.

Instead, I found myself Monday morning standing outside their office once more. Kimberly was right inside gaming again. She cursed like a drunken sailor, but her body was that one of an angel. I looked as her thighs flexed anytime she was startled in the game. How she rolled, laughed and cheered on her teammates when they did good. Never noticing me. Oblivious to how she turned me on.

With Josh nowhere to be seen I decided to be more daring. Like the other day. I slowly inched my hand down to my sweats and grabbed onto my cock. I slowly stroked it while I stared at her. I was practically drooling. Dirty girl, turning her tenant on like that. If only I could see more. To see her face. To see her naked body. To see how her face reacted when I penetrated her naked body.

But I had been so close to being caught by Josh last week. Sure they were accepting, but I couldn’t be so foolish anymore. I needed to find a way to see Kimberly more.

I started setting a plan.

It wasn’t often, but one day Kimberly would finally leave the house. Mostly she only left for groceries, so it wasn’t long. Today was one of those days. I was all alone in the house for at least 30 minutes. One part of me told me to head to their bedroom and raid Kimberly’s underwear. But I only had time for one plan.

I snuck up the stairs and into their office, bringing with me a small, yet devious USB-stick. It was like defusing a bomb, laying under Kimberly’s desk shoving the thing into the right USB-port. But once it was done, the next step of my plan would emerge.

I fought the temptation of sniffing her chair, and headed down to my room. Awaiting Kimberly’s return.

It was just one hour later when I heard her wander around the kitchen cursing and complaining. No doubt did her computer not exactly work how it was supposed to. I slowly made my way to the kitchen ,trying to catch what was being said.

“I have no fucking idea!” Kimberly more or less shouted. Who did she talk to? Not that it mattered. “It just stopped connecting!”

“Everything okay?” I muttered, trying to feign innocence. Kimberly turned ot me, holding up a finger for me to be quiet.

“No! I already tried restarting the router! I’ve got scrims in one hour!” Kimberly wheezed into the phone, trying to turn away from me. “Alright, I’ll try that. I’ll call you up after.”

“You need any help?” I asked, trying to sound concerned. Kimberly let out an annoyed groan, luckily not directed at me.

“Yeah, no. The fucking internet on my PC. I’ll get it sorted, don’t worry about it. How was  the University?” Kimberly asked, but only out of courtesy. She was already on her way to the stairs.

I watched that perky ass jiggle slightly in her tight blue jeans as she walked across the floor past me. I caught a whiff of her light perfume. So delightful.

“Can I help?” I asked again.

“Sure,” she answered, not really paying attention.

I of course hurried after. I wouldn’t miss walking behind Kimberly as she ascended the stairs.

“Have you tried unhooking the cable and blowing on it?” I suggested, as we entered the office.

Kimberly shrugged her shoulders, hands on her waist as she looked still thoroughly annoyed. I hoped if I didn’t make a move to do anything perhaps she would. Kimberly was a smart girl, so she took the hint. I moved a bit back to give her space. Or at least that was the pretense. Unfazed, she shot down to her knees and then planted her hands on the carpet and crawled on all fours under the desk.

From my vantage point… I could see it all. Or at least as much as her blue jeans allowed, and they allowed a lot like this. The fabric stretched over her ass magnificently. Blue did Kimberly so good. And what was that? Her loose t-shirt even hung low… I could make the color of her bra even. Jesus. I could feel my dick grow. I tried to think about something else, but it was impossible. Fuck, she would notice for sure.

“The cord is a bit stuck,” Kimberly groaned… Oh that groan. I licked my lips.

If there is a God, I shouldn’t cast aside the opportunities he gives me. I diligently fished out my phone from my sweatpants and unlocked it. Again, it was like defusing a bomb. Sweat trickled down my temple as I aimed the camera and shot a few photos for later. Perfect. In the best position too.

Unfortunately, with all this excitement my dick had grown to a slight semi. There was no way Kimberly wouldn’t notice… fuck…

“Got it!” she exclaimed and started crawling from under the table.


As I came out from under the desk, I found myself once again eye to eye with Toby’s crotch. He had made this stupid ploy to get me to crawl on all fours under the table to get the network cable and to blow on it. I knew he wanted to look at my ass, and Josh and I were in the current mix of exploring some of our more dirty tendencies, so I figured why not? And a small tinge inside of me couldn’t help but wonder what Toby would do while thinking about me bent over for him on the floor.

So to tease him even further, I sat back on my knees and looked up at him, holding the cable next to my face, putting on my doe like eyes as I asked “You want me to blow on this cable?” No doubt was this imagery part of his intentions.

I waved the cable around a bit. Toby didn’t move an inch. He didn’t say anything, and he looked to be quite heated, but I could tell he enjoyed the sight of me on my knees. A part of me liked being here. Being under this big dicked, nervous young man. Our tenant. Knowing how much he liked it. Wondering how much Josh would enjoy it when I told him I was on my knees for Toby once again.

Toby slowly nodded. I stopped the waving, and slowly moved the cord towards my lips, stopping a mere inch from my mouth. Never breaking eye contact, I pursed my lips and lightly, and ineffectively I might add, blew on the tip of the cord. I could see in the bottom edges of my vision how his semi hard cock twitched inside his sweatpants at the sight of me teasing him. I saw it in his eyes. Naughty boy.

Toby was looking at me in slight desperation. I wondered if he was going to drag his pants down right now and release his fath length in front of me again. Would he be so daring? Part of me wanted him to find the courage. Fulfill his needs while staring at me on my knees? Where did all this come from? What had me and my husband awoken? I was getting worked up just sitting here.

“Everything alright?” I asked. Again, Toby slowly nodded.

Seeing that he didn’t make a move, I slowly stood up and took a step back.

“I– I can take a look at your PC… I can have it… fix it in half an hour, hour tops,” Toby muttered, staring at my cleavage before staring at the floor.

I started towards the door, making sure to walk slowly.

“Get to it, big boy,” I said in an almost sensual way, giving him a small smile over my shoulder. “I’ll head for a swim and a shower, if you… need anything.”

It was just so funny to tease guys like that. His eyes went wide and practically bulged. I couldn’t help but laugh a bit at him. Toby chuckled a bit too, probably realizing I was joking. But a girl could get curious. I would be naked in the shower in the same house as him… And no one else around… Who knows what a boy might dare to do?

I didn’t go for that swim right away. I needed to call Josh. I told him how Toby had come and was fixing my problem. And then I told Josh how I had teased the shit out of the young kid by crawling on all fours in front of him. Josh was well receptive to that part.

“Really? You won’t even let me tell you how fucking hot you are? Now you show off your sexy ass, eh?” Josh beamed on the phone, ever so enthusiastic.

“Oh stop it. This is different,” I said, dismissively.

I loved when Josh complimented me, but I also hated it. He made me up to be some hot model, but I just wasn’t. I am a very casual girl. Which is perhaps why flirting and teasing with Toby was so… flattering? Yeah I guess flattering. Toby was so receptive to how I teased him. And Toby never said anything. He showed it. And boy did he show it with the thing he was packing.

“How so?” Josh asked, snapping me back.

“Pff, come on, dude,” I said. “You’re supposed to tell me those things.”

“Well, now you got two men ogling you all day.”

“‘Well’ my ass, fuck off with that,” I said. But I had to admit I was getting ever so slightly turned on by this. “I’m gonna go swim, rinse this filth off of me,” I said.

“Alright, take care. Love ya, babe.”

“Love you too.”

After a decent few laps I felt much better. Nothing like good exercise to clear your thoughts. Yet, when I came in, instead of heading to our own bathroom to shower, I headed to the one next to the kitchen area. It was just more practical. It was right there after all, and my room with fresh clothes was just a few steps of stairs away.

It was still April, so getting a warm shower after a swim was welcome. Feeling the warm water crease down my face and the beams hit my cooled skin made a small shiver go through me. Goosebumps to goosebumps, turning cold to warm. Before, when growing up, I had to save on the warm water to not drive up the water and electricity bills, but now that was not a problem at all. Even with our ‘money situation’, we still had the day to day covered easily.

Finishing up rinsing out my conditioner, I snatched the towel off the rack outside the shower half wall. I slowled dabbed it all over, still savoring the new warmth. Then I heard the bathroom door open, some shuffling and the door closing. A small groan, some more shuffling. I heard the sound of something soft touching something soft, and then a satisfied moan.

Then repeated, rhythmic slick sounds. I saw through the grained shower half wall a silhouette facing the toilet. A black t-shirt rolled up and pants pulled down. In between, the shiverings of something long, thick colored pink and purple.

Was Toby on the other side of this shower wall, jerking off? I knew I should yell at him to get the fuck out, but for some reason I didn’t. It was perfectly normal to jerk off. I was curious. He had just seen me bent over in a very flattering way, after all. It made me wonder. Was he pleasuring himself while thinking of me? Was he thinking about how my ass looked bent over in front of him? Perhaps he was thinking about how I was when I was sitting on my heels before him? Was he… imagining it would be if I pulled those sweats down and ‘helped’ him?

The curiosity mixed with my own turmoil was overwhelming. Not only was I curious about Toby’s fantasies about his hot latina hostess, but also, I just wanted to see. See how he did it. See the results my body had for him, as he pleased himself with the image of me in his mind. See how much he came while thinking about me.

Some would say it was creepy, but I found it oddly flattering. Highly flattering. The poor boy couldn’t help himself. I was after all parading around in my underwear and a loose t-shirt most days after all. When I was bent over, he no doubt saw my bra too. Shit. Did I leave my clothes out there? I think I did, in the basket.

I had to make sure. It would be a dead giveaway.

I slowly wrapped my fingers around the edge of the half wall and slowly peeked around  the corner to see the basket. How he hadn’t noticed me, I don’t know. The shower wall wasn’t completely transparent being grainy and all, but it would let you know someone was in there. Perhaps he didn’t even think to look. After all, I normally showered upstairs. The straw basket was there by the sink so I didn’t have to stick out too far. Luckily, the lid was on. My clothes were hidden.

Instead of getting back behind the wall again, I did something else. Perhaps I was being stupid, but I was already so close to seeing what Toby was up to. Snooping curiosity clouded my better judgment. Instead of letting him do his business and leave him be, I inched my head even further past the half wall.

Slowly, the blurred silhouette became the real life Toby. Sweatpants around his ankles, t-shirt wrapped up on his belly, two-hand stroking his beast. It was dangerously blue-violet-ish, almost purple at the head. Toby was tugging it so hard. Stroking his mighty fat hog, groaning in sheer pleasure. Looking up at his face, I once again wondered where his mind was. Was he this turned on just from thinking of little ole me?

Then he snapped his head around and looked straight at me. He let out a loud yelp, stumbling towards the door. Not to exit, but it broke his fall.

“S-sorry! I… I didn’t think… I didn’t s-see you!” Toby gasped.

“Chill! Don’t worry. It’s perfectly fine,” I said, trying to calm the young man, from behind the shower wall. “Everyone does it. And like you said yourself, it was an accident. You didn’t see me.”

Toby still looked at me with horror all across his face.

“Really, It’s fine. Enjoy yourself. I didn’t want to bother you, so I hid a bit,” I said, trying to reiterate that he wasn’t in any trouble. Truly, some part of me wanted to see him continue.

“R-really? I’m not in trouble?” Toby asked.

“Nah, it’s alright…” I said, reaching for the towel on the rack at the opposite wall. But I couldn’t quite reach it. Not without exposing myself.

I turned my back to Toby, as he was still staring at me in his aftershock. I wasn’t shy or anything, and I kept myself in good condition. But outright exposing myself? Showing Toby my naked body? That would be too far. But I still couldn’t reach the towel, and Toby was still clutching the door… showing himself.

I guess I should’ve told him to get the fuck out but - “Toby… could you get the towel for me? I’ll  turn,” I asked, playing innocent. So much for not seeing my naked body.

I knew he would sneak another peek, and now of my naked ass. The poor boy would get an eyeful of what those tight jeans were hiding. The naughtiness was such a thrill. It was so daring, but also masked. After all, all I wanted was to get my damn towel so I could potentially regain some modesty.

I heard Toby shuffle over. He paused as he reached the half wall. Yeah. He was definitely looking. I heard his labored breath. I could almost feel it in the air. How hard he got from watching my trim ass, right in front of him. Shining wet from the shower. I made sure to face straight ahead, to let him have as much of an eyeful as he needed.

Then he muttered, “Here.”

I looked over my shoulder and saw his hand with a towel. I grabbed it, wrapped it around myself and moved to step out of the shower. Toby moved back to the toilet. If he had social cues he’d leave. Perhaps he did have those social cues, but wanted to see if there were more. Or to drag the moment out. Dirty boy. Trying to see how far he could push it before I would toss him the fuck out. Against better judgment, I decided I had to tease him as I dried off behind the wall. I just had to.

“So… what were you thinking about there, big boy?” I asked, smiling at him encouragingly, with a small smirk hidden behind. Aaaand he got beet red.

“Oooh, I understand,” I said, taking a long peek at his thick, throbbing cock that he hadn’t stowed away yet. “You were thinking about Amanda!”

“No…” Toby answered, taken aback.

“Jen?” I said, tilting my head.

“... No!” Toby answered.

“Who then? Linda? She’s pretty hot,” I said, not able to hide my smirk anymore.

“No. I mean yes. But no, I was thinking…” Toby said, trailing off before finishing what he was about to say.

I stepped all the way out of the shower, looking at him expectantly. I wanted to hear him say it. But he just backed away further, almost afraid of me coming too close. He was brave enough to sneak peeks when I wasn’t looking, but when I was facing him, he was so meek. Modest. Shy.

“Thinking?” I trailed off, wanting him to finish his sentence.

“About you,” Toby muttered, finally. He was barely audible.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“I–I– I was th-thinking ab-about y–you,” he stuttered, not even looking up. He stared at my feet.

“Aaaw,” I said. But he looked like he thought I was mocking him. Was I? I had my way of talking that some guys were turned off by. But I wanted to tease this little guy a bit more. I was definitely pushing some boundaries, but I couldn’t help it. Not now, when I had the confirmation I needed.

“You didn’t have to stop,” I said, turning my voice low and sensual. His eyes shot up to mine. “Like I said, it’s perfectly normal.”

“In front of you?” Toby asked in disbelief.

“You can continue if you want to,” I said. “Not like I haven’t seen it before.”

Where was this even coming from? I was getting slowly turned on by this… And it was true. I had seen it before, so what did it matter? It was something every guy did. And now. I would just… be there. Not like I was going to help him out. Physically, at least. I was just moral support.

But to my disappointment, Toby didn’t do anything. He just stood by the toilet looking at me.

“Sooo… You gonna jerk it, or what?” I asked, sounding slightly more agitated than I intended.

Quickly Toby moved his hand to the head of his cock, slowly starting to drag the foreskin back and then forth, still a bit unsure if this was okay. I stared down at it. It was truly a specimen to behold. I know size doesn’t matter, first hand, but a girl can be curious. For now, I just looked down at the thick thing getting slowly tugged a foot away from me. So close. I could feel the radiation through the small distance. Or maybe that was me that I was feeling. I felt so warm. My breath slowed, and got heavier, as I stared at him.

Toby was so turned on now too, he didn’t mask his desire. His eyes went up and down my wrapped up body while stimulating himself. He was jerking slightly faster, as he liked what he saw. Being so close to it all. Though, he couldn’t really see it. Maybe he should? He was being so modest, so polite. Maybe he should be rewarded by getting some extra visual stimulation?

Before I had even finished the thought, I dropped the towel down to my navel. His eyes went wide. He saw it all. My perky tits. Yeah, Toby liked them alright. He let out a deep guttural groan and picked up even more speed. It made me flutter inside, to see how he reacted to seeing my naked body. I knew guys his age loved big titty mommas, but he seemed to like my smaller ones just fine.

“Like what you see?” I asked in a low voice. He nodded. “I don’t have the biggest tits, only B-cups, but I guess they’re alright.”

“Th-they’re perfect,” Toby blurted out. I couldn’t help but smile at his compliment.

But if he were to see some of mine, I wanted a closer look at some of his. It was only fair. Besides, my knees were getting weak standing here. From what? Could be anyone’s guess. So slowly, I lowered myself down onto my knees, never breaking eye contact with his throbbing cock. He was getting closer now, seeing me in one of his favorite positions. On my knees in front of him, cock a few inches away from me. He jerked with more purpose now.

“Stroke it, big boy. Show me how much you enjoy seeing me like this!” I said. “I bet you’ve been thinking about all the dirty things you wanna do to me, huh? All the things you’d have me do inside that head of yours.”

He went faster now. My tits, my talk and my pretty little face seemed to drive him towards his climax. And seeing that I wasn’t stopping him, encouraging him rather, was certainly getting to him. His host's sexy wife sitting on her knees, watching him jerk off to her.

“Like my tits, Toby?” I asked, grabbing them, feeling them up a bit while I met his desperate eyes.

I was so turned on now, I couldn’t lie. Seeing this shy younger guy being so turned on by me he forgot his inhibitions was such a thrill. I couldn’t help but feel so desirable. To feel so wanted. The attention, from someone who wasn’t Josh, was intoxicating. Maybe I now had a taste of how Josh had it. Girls flaunted over him. But Josh never acted on it. I guess in some ways I sort of did.

Saying Toby's name seemed to do the trick. Toby grunted and groaned. Jerking frantically as he stared at my tits. I sat back on my heels a bit and pressed the goodies forward a bit so he could see them better. Presenting them for him to enjoy.

I looked down at his cock. His head was so discolored, dangerously throbbing with each stroke. It was so erotic to see the head punching out of his foreskin so deliberately just a few inches from my face and chest. So slick with precum. He didn’t have much left, I’d say.

“Come on and cum for me, Toby. Cum for momma,” I whispered to him as seductively as I could. It did the trick.

Toby groaned out loud, his hips trembling and his breath jagged. As he clenched his eyes shut, his whole body tensed up with a loud groan, and with a violent jolt, a white rope shot from his cock and splashed across my chin. I drew my head back a bit, as the amount and force of it startled me. I don’t know what else I expected when I asked him to cum. I was, after all, very close to him. I felt another splash collide with my tits. It hit me so violently it sent droplets all around. Another splash. And another. “Fuck, Toby cums a lot,” I thought. Way more than Josh. And all that just because he jerked it to me? Did I give him such a thrill? Man, he must really have it in for me. I looked down and saw that there was still plenty of cum left getting jerked off onto me. I moved my chest up a bit so he would hose both my boobs down properly.

It was so warm. So thick. And it was almost so white it was glowing, radiating almost. As if it spoke to its potency. My chest was completely covered in a few minutes of Toby jerking his cum onto me. Finally, he let out one final shiver, shaking his beat cock at me. Totally spent, he was panting above me. I trailed my eyes up his body, and met his gaze.

“Alright. Now fuck off. I need to clean off again,” I said. But feeling bad for how I talked to him, I turned to the laundry basket. I wanted to give him a little something, so I fished out my blue spandex boxer shorts. Guys liked that stuff, right?

“Here, a souvenir,” I said awkwardly, handing them to him. He gave a small smile and accepted them, before heading out.

I’d never go behind Josh’ back, but being bad (and being good to Toby) was such a thrill. And technically, I never really cheated. I was just there to witness it happen. And by sheer coincidence I sat in front of him when Toby ejaculated, covering my body in his jizz. I jumped in the shower and rinsed off, thinking back to what had just happened.

Josh had always been the more confident one. Was this how it was for him? Getting this sort of attention? Not that he ever did anything with other women, but I knew perfectly well that several of my friends dreamed of him. But Josh was unwavering in his loyalty to me. Maybe it was just as well I hooked him early. Lot of those bitches would’ve just dated him for his money.


When Kim told me what happened to her in the bathroom, I immediately tossed her up on my shoulder and carried her to the bedroom and fucked her silly. It drove me nuts to hear all the shit that went down while I was out of the house. Toby had such easy access to her, as both of them were at home most of the day.

We both agreed it would remain just like that. Our silly excuse was that Kim was just ‘helping’ Toby. Getting comfortable and settled in our home. Heh. At least that was the excuse. Just as long as it stayed at that, that he didn’t get too settled inside home. So far Kim hadn’t technically done anything wrong either. Not that I thought that she had anyway. It was sort of an ultra level of voyeurism. She just… watched him. And Toby watched her. In all fairness, both of them should’ve been masturbating and not just Toby. But Kim never seemed to be the type to do such things. It never interested her.

“But maybe I’ll do it, you know, just to tease the shit out of him,” Kim had said.

So that was a small while ago. Like a week and a half ago. Nothing new really happened. Though, Toby was getting more comfortable it seemed. He was still shy, just… more present around the kitchen, hung in the downstairs library more and what not. I chalked it up to him probably wanting to see more of Kim.

“You’re doing great. Soon you can do the long laps,” I cheered Toby on. I was lifeguarding him as he swam back and forth on the short side of the pool.

He had built up decent technique, but stayed on the shallow side. Toby’s main issue was that he struggled keeping his momentum enough to stay floating. Toby spat out water and nodded, filling his nose with water that he snorted out again. He was getting pretty blue lipped so maybe it was best to call it quits. 60 degrees was alright, but getting out of the pool was always a bastard.

I looked at the clock. Oh shit, I had to run actually. I had to drive up to Indianapolis and catch a flight. If there were to become some sort of deal over in Italy with a trip and everything, I wanted a proper suit for the occasion. The trip was not for a while yet, if at all, but it was nice to be prepared.

Only thing was, that would leave Toby and Kim all alone in the house overnight. While that was not something that concerned me, recent events made me… not worried. Just weird. But also sort of excited to see where it led. Though. I didn’t want it to go overboard of course. As long as Kim was comfortable.

“Well, kiddo. I need to go. Go get dried up,” I said, getting the towel for him.

Toby normally changed in the pool house, but more and more he had started changing his room, walking down the house in his bathing trunks. Was he showing off? He didn’t have a body for it, but if the rumors were true, then he had something else that he could parade around. Was the parade for Kims sake? I snorted. Kim never gave a fuck about size. Though she had seen it twice now.

I handed the towel to Toby, as I scanned him. Was he packing? It was hard to tell. And I didn’t want to get caught staring at another man's junk. “Eh, let it rest,” I thought. Didn’t matter. I slapped his ass and headed in, finding Kim standing in the kitchen waiting for me. She was ever the timely one of us.

“You boys finally done?” she asked, reading some magazine while waiting.

Kim had donned a bloodred, short faux leather jacket, white t-shirt and casual jeans. While she wasn’t a stranger from a light touch up on the makeup, it surprised me to see her with lipstick on, and a tiny bit heavier on the mascara.

“Is that the new lipstick? Which one is that?” I asked. Kim blushed so cutely whenever I noticed her beauty, and especially when she had put effort into it. Even if it was just the small details. Her lipstick matched her jacket perfectly.

“It’s just preppy red. I don’t know the brand, I just ordered it on Amazon,” Kim said, shrugging it all off, but still smiling at me noticing her effort.

“It stands so well with the redness in your jacket. And the jacket almost looks like the ones we try to get made in Italy for Entrendy,” I said, looking her down. Entrendy was our clothing company. We had several names, but landed on that one.

“That was the idea!” Kim said and smiled. So she did put effort in. Jesus, she looked good. “Get dressed. We need to head out.”

I nodded and headed up, giving a small nod to Toby too, as he passed through.


I stood in the middle of our bedroom, looking at myself in the mirror. I had just showered after dumping Josh at the airport. Now I stood studying myself  in the wall mirror. My hair was still wet, wrapped in a towel, but the rest of me was buck naked. Slowly I moved a hand to my perky tits, feeling them up a bit. They weren’t the biggest but they were pretty shapely, I guess. A decent handful each of them.

I moved my eyes to my hips. My hips were wide, but not all that muscled or anything. I had muscle, but just because I jogged a bit and swam. I don’t know if I qualified as petite, but I was certainly not ‘thicc’, either. And I didn’t have the biggest ass. Though, I have to say, it was my best asset. It wasn’t a huge Kardashian badonkadonk, but it was pretty well built, I’d say. My face probably was on the cuter latina side, though I’ve also been called exotic. Olive skinned, brown eyes. Smokey with the right makeup. And some decent red lipsticks fitted me pretty well.

I knew I was pretty and good looking, but hot? I never believed it, despite what Josh said. Maybe I was? I seemed to give Toby some inspiration at least. It made me feel desirable to know how our tenant thought of me.

“Am I truly hot?” I mused, inspecting my own body. It was weird to analyze myself like this, but recent events had awoken some curiosities about myself.

It was hard to think about me that way. Josh was always the pretty one. Or perhaps that is wrong of me to say. I’m not ugly, and I swim and jog. I was fit, but no fitness model. Josh always gushed over me. And I am confident in my looks. It’s not that. Perhaps I’d become too much of a homebod that I didn’t realize it. I never dressed up at home, and I never wore much makeup other than to puff me up if we were going somewhere. But that was how I was comfortable.

I decided that I should reward Toby. Sure, he had got to jerk off to me, but that was sort of mutually beneficial at that point. I got a great view of the show, and he got to jerk off to the real thing. At least, that was how I reasoned it. But he had fixed my computer issues. And that couldn’t go unnoticed, right?

I took on some black boxers, real tight and shiny, and pulled them on. I turned my naked back to the mirror, aimed my phone, and took a nice photo of my perky ass and my dark wet hair covering most of my naked back. I then wrote a quick caption. “Thanks for helping with my computer. Here’s some ass as your reward. Don’t tell my husband.”

Before I could change my mind I sent the message to Toby. I felt so naughty. I would of course tell Josh, and send him the picture, but playing the naughty housewife was kind of fun. Especially when I knew what kind of attention that would receive on the other end.


I laid in my bed, studying the picture on my phone in my one hand. In the other I held her gifted spandex boxers wrapped around my cock. The dirty skank had let me bust all over her tits, and then rewarded me with her clothing and a picture at her own volition? Kimberly’s soft fabric felt wonderful against my skin as I rubbed it up and down, almost tickling myself with it. At first I wanted to preserve it like a trophy, but I couldn’t control myself. Kimberly was just too wonderful. Now I had something of hers and the visuals to make the experience even more fulfilling.

She treated me so well. Even now, unknowingly. Or… perhaps she knew. Why else would she give me her underwear? Did Kimberly want me to jerk off? She said as much when she watched me in the bathroom. And then she sent me that picture of her ass… God, she wanted it bad. I knew it.

“Oh, Kimberly,” I whispered out in my room.

I bucked shortly after, soiling Kimberly’s underwear with my spunk. I tried to suppress my grunts, so in a series of grunts and coughs I shot my sperm inside her panties. Oh Lord how I wished she was here to see how much she made me cum. How good she made me feel.

The effort made me so sleepy. “Damn, Kimberly. You’re wearing me out. I’m spent,” I thought, shortly after I passed out.


I was sitting in the lounge area of our living room watching some Verhoeven movie about some lesbian nuns or something when I heard Toby rummage around the kitchen. It was pretty late, so I was a bit surprised to see him there. I was actually not that far from going to bed myself, actually.

I lifted myself off the carpet (I often liked to sit on the floor with my back against the sofa), seeing him looking around for some late night snack.

“Can’t sleep?” I called out. Toby grunted. I slumped back down.

“Something like that. Napped earlier so I’m wide awake,” Toby said, closing the fridge. He wasn’t so hesitative now. Maybe he was warming up to us a bit more.

I patted the couch next to me, inviting him to sit and watch the rest with me. Toby hesitated a bit, but then moved over, taking a look at the giant flat screen TV.

“What are you watching?” he asked.

“Some lesbian nuns hooking up or whatever,” I explained.

“Any good?”

“The movie is called Benedetto, and they’re supposed to be Italian, but everyone is talking French. At least they’re dirty,” I explained. I was really boiling it down, but I wasn’t about to get into some fucking analysis.

“Dirty?” Toby asked.

“Yeah? I can’t get into a historical movie if the characters aren’t dirty. It isn’t authentic. Everyone was dirty back then. Don’t you like dirty girls?” I teased. I didn’t mean to push for anything, it was just to keep it lighthearted.

“... No… I mean yes,” Toby muttered.

“Well, these nuns are getting pretty dirty later,” I said, turning to the screen. “Don’t just stand there! Sit down if you want to watch. The movie.”

I didn’t bother turning my head. I felt his presence inch between the sofas and slump down a few feet to my right.


Kimberly had said the movie was about two dirty nuns, and teased me about liking dirty girls. The only dirty girl I wanted to watch was sitting with her head resting against the sofa only two feet away from me. Even in her casual black t-shirt and flannel pajama pants was she a goddess among mere men. I looked at her concentrated eyes, occasionally slightly squinting as things happened on the screen. She had put on makeup earlier, but now she was wearing none.

At first I tried to focus on the movie a bit, so at least not be a total creep. Also so as not to let her know I wasn’t a creep all the time. Though Kimberly probably didn’t notice. Nor pass such judgment. But again my eyes had a mind of their own. Slowly I trailed down to her chest.

From my point of view I could only see her shoulders and the top of her chest. While she had a t-shirt on, I could easily imagine how magnificent the view would be without the pesky fabric in the way. Perky little things. I wondered if she liked having her tits sucked. Her tits were made for it. I wondered how often Josh got to do it. I wondered if they’d ever let me touch them. Or her at all. Feel her soft naked skin, outside of cordeal social exchanges.

And now my cock was growing. Thanks, Kimberly. Now I would get utterly embarrassed if she turned. But she hadn’t yet… so perhaps… I could slide my hand down and adjust it a bit. Yes. I slowly moved my hand down to my crotch, careful to use my right hand as that was the one furthest away. A small groan escaped my lips as I touched myself.

Kimberly turned a bit, but stared ahead again. So I was in the clear. But best not stoke the fire. I didn’t want to–

“Listen, Toby,” Kimberly said sternly, turning fully on the floor to sit on her knees. “I know some stuff has happened, but we’ve told you it is okay. I don’t want this awkward shit. If you want to do something, do it. I don’t care.”


I turned back, but gave him a side look and a smirk. That should put him in his place. One way or the other. So for the next few minutes, I forced myself to not look, barely able to focus on the movie anymore. I wanted him to just do it without me having to encourage him. It had been a full five minutes. I had no idea if he was doing anything, but I swore I heard some small rhythmic slickness somewhere behind me to the right. In the end curiosity got the better of me.

I turned and there it was. Standing up from his slouched over lap. Toby’s huge cock was throbbing up in the air. Veins and a maroon color covering. I even felt my mouth hang open upon seeing it again. A small smirk crept across Toby’s lips, seeing how amazed I was yet again. It was truly the biggest thing I’d ever seen. Towering up above me, only two feet away.

Without the pretense of anything innocent anymore, I turned to lean up against the chaise lounge instead. I wanted to be more head on to enjoy the show again. But Toby stopped as he saw that I was looking.

“Don’t stop on my account,” I said encouragingly. “Maybe I wanna enjoy the show.”

Toby didn’t respond, but slowly started to pick up where he left. He was so hard. And so wet from the copious amount of precum leaking onto his length and his hand. I couldn’t keep my eyes off it. It was truly mesmerizing watching his thick head bounce down with each down stroke, pulsing hard as if threatening to explode at any moment. Listen to the sounds of Toby’s hand deliberately stroking his big cock for my and his pleasure. The head was the size of a big apple, and just as red. Thicker than a beer can, except the middle which held even slightly more girth.

Abruptly, Toby stood up, releasing his cock. For a second I thought the show was over, but as he moved the coffee table aside I knew the show was just moving a bit closer. It seemed like Toby thought cumming on me had become part of the process. Not that I was going to object. I don’t know why, but a primal part of me yearned for it. Yearned for the subjection.

Remaining on my knees, I let my eyes travel up Toby’s body. I knew, even despite what I had thought earlier, that I was out of his league. Which is why it was so freeing, enticing even, and almost gratifying to let him do what he pleased. Or at least, to a certain extent.

“You’re going to cum on me again?” I asked, looking up at him with feigned curiosity.

“Ngh… ugh,” was the response I got.

I made a short involuntary inhale. I couldn’t help but feel my own arousal arise intact with how eagerly Toby was stroking himself. It was so tempting to at least reach out and feel how hard he was. Instead, my hand slowly crept down between my own thighs. As Josh had said, it was only fair if Toby got to do it, then I should too.

My fingers braced my clit and a small electric jolt shot through my body. I gasped out, jutting my head forward at the impact, slightly clenching my eyes shut. Woah. That was fast. I didn’t orgasm or anything, but it was damn close. I slowly started to circle around with my fingers, trying to find more of that feeling. And soon enough I found it.

Was I truly so shallow that the sight of a big cock turns me on that much? I was supposed to be better than this. Yet, here I was. Staring at this monstrous hog jolting up and down with each stroke. It was mouth watering to look at.

I looked up at Toby. He was slowly edging himself only a foot away from my open mouth. Part of me wanted him to grab my head and shove my mouth onto him. But I knew that was too far. The imagination was plenty though, as I felt myself tense up. I was so close, and it was coming so fast. I pressed harder, making the circles smaller and more concentrated.

Then I felt it. I fucking heard it even. Toby’s grunt, but also the audible sound of his cock spurting towards me. The first rope hit me square on the forehead. The next on the bridge of my nose, almost spilling down to my eyelid. The rest was almost a literal blur. Both from getting my eyelids covered, but also as I clenched my eyes as I clenched my thighs. Just as he started cumming, so did I. My breath became jagged as I fingered my clit, stimulating myself through each of his spurts.

Still, I could feel Toby close the small distance a bit. At first I thought he wanted to shove the big thing in my mouth. I almost wish he did. But no he just wanted to make sure he didn’t miss my face with a single drop. I felt my cheeks and my chin get plastered in warm goo, and soon after my lips too. His head bracing against my pursed lips. There was a tiny gap, not big enough for his cock, but some of his sperm came through and a few smaller ropes of his sweet and salty cum entered my mouth. My body shuddered as I tasted Toby’s warm sperm on my tongue. I quickly shoved it out however, letting it join the rest of the spunk on my now white chin.

But finally he was done. With a few final jerks of his cock, he took a step away. Surprising myself and him, I quickly moved my hand to the middle of his shaft to hold him. Just long enough to place a small peck on the tip. A shudder went through Toby, which in return made me giggle. He pulled away, probably super sensitive. Probably he wanted to stare at my cum covered face, inspecting his handiwork.

It was probably a huge confidence boost for him, to see how he conquered a girl like me. A wife.

“See? Much better,” I assured him. I couldn’t see him properly, but Toby gave a grunt in response.

Again I had let Toby busted a huge load onto my body. And again it aroused me to no end, to a point where I had joined in on the fun. I hadn’t even been touching him… except at the end, but that was just a small thing.

After we had gone our separate ways. I headed to the sink in the kitchen to rinse off, and by the time I was back Toby had scurried off to his lair.


Thanks for reading


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