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If you know, you know

Thanks to Anora / MorbidOrb for their help and feedback.

tagline: couple is kidnapped and brought to a tentacle monster's lair.


We had heard of these things. The brain of the operation. The hivemind. My friends and I had jokingly called them Anora. There was this kid named Anora in our neighborhood when we grew up who always seemed to know everyones thoughts. We joked and teased how we were all part of Anora’s hivemind. Though, we had never seen an actual Anora.

This morning, my husband Kenny and I woke up in the midst of being kidnapped. We lived in a third floor apartment in a high rise outside of Indianapolis. The apocalypse had seemed imminent, but somehow never got to our part of the US. Chicago and some other cities had it much worse, and I heard that Wisconsin just didn’t exist anymore. So many different reports, so many rumors and so many conflicting stories. And the internet? It was hard to tell with everything going on.

But it all traced back to the same thing. The same being. The same rumors. How the monsters tearing people apart all came from the same Anoras. Of how these flesh eating human-like beasts that had torn society asunder were all connected in some way. These beasts had different names, but it was obvious that they were pawns, if we were to equate them to a chessboard.

When our kitchen window crashed that morning, we thought it was these beasts that had finally come for us. Kenny got his shotgun and shot one point blank in the face. It fell, but right behind was another. I screamed as I heard the snap. Then I threw up when I connected the sound to Kenny’s torn elbow, his arm hanging loosely from its socket. But instead of us being eaten alive, the zombie beasts picked us up, threw us across their backs and disappeared with us into the early spring.

It was a while until anything changed. Both my husband and I quietly sobbed in despair, not sure what was going to happen to us. If we weren’t to be eaten, then what? It had been hours since we were kidnapped. It was so long. We witnessed so much. The normal flesh eating human-looking zombies slumbered towards the city while we were carried the opposite direction.

Heaps of body parts were everywhere. Heaps of indistinguishable corpses. I had to close my eyes, I couldn’t bear to look at the devastation. One minute everything was a relatively normal morning, now I saw clerks, postmen, maids, road workers all in the same piles in various forms of disfigurations and consumption.

And even as my eyes were closed, the stench was unbelievable. Blood and rotting flesh made the oxygen itself unbearable. It was like the air itself was thick and even moist. Humid and caked. At first I tried breathing through my mouth, but I could taste the death on my breath as I drew in. And through my nose it just stuck to my canals.

I don’t know if I could call it luck when the kidnapping beasts that were carrying us sped up. I looked to both my sides and saw that me and my Kenny were not the only ones that were off to wherever we were off to. We didn’t know it then. But we know now.

Or I think I do.


We sat in a chamber of sorts. I don’t really have any other word for it. It was a square room. Four walls, a floor, a small window and a door. The things one expects from a room. Only it wasn’t made out of wood or concrete. It was flesh. Or a flesh-like substance. Dark and somewhat pinkish. Maybe a darker shade of violet. It clung to the walls and partly covered the window and the door, making any sort of escape difficult. But unlike the horrors outside, it didn’t smell like death. It smelled like…

“Tutti frutti, Amy,” Kenny moaned, clutching his arm. He had been out for a while.

Normally he was a big burly man, bearded and flannel wearing kinda guy. His dad worked in a coal mine, and he was a lumberman. A contrast to me. I was a journalist. Small. Petite. Blonde. Kenny was big and dark haired, though with a face full of life and a glimmer in his eye. But now he looked pale. He had lost a lot of blood from getting his arm broken almost in half.

“It smells like tutti frutti… I have been wrecking my brain,” he said, ever trying to be the cheerful man. I guess the air was kind of sweet. And thick. Like outside, but surprisingly much more pleasant.

“What the fuck are you talking about, Kenny? Lets focus here. We need to get out!” I slapped back. Kenny must really have lost a lot of blood.

I looked around. It was hard to tell where one piece of the skin-looking material began and ended. It was like the whole room had become whatever this thing was. I went over to the door and tried to yank it, but the handle was way too slippery. I couldn’t get a grip.

“You think these are one of the Anoras?” I asked, standing up to inspect the wall closer.

“You mean the hivemind? I don’t know… I… ugh, I can’t figure out why they would bring people here. Wouldn’t it be for them?”

“Maybe this is like their nest or something,” I answered. I found it increasingly hard to focus for some reason. I wanted to look for a way out, but I just felt my thoughts drifting.

“Anora’s nest,” Kenny joked. I chuckled. I felt my own laughter echo inside my brain.

Why did I chuckle?

“Do you feel that?” I asked. I was starting to feel kinda weird. Floaty.

“What?” Kenny asked.

I didn’t answer. A weird calmness sunk over me. I don't really know what I was feeling. Or why I should wonder about that at all. A calmness slowly seemed to roll through me with each breath I took. My own heart beat slowly calmed down. Instead of looking out the window, I found it much easier to just… sit down. Yes. I should sit.

“Kenny, please sit,” I said, feeling how comfortable it was to sit.

“I am. Sitting,” Kenny answered. His voice sounded faint and weird. Maybe he was feeling something too. “I feel good. I think,” Kenny said, but it seemed so distant.

I felt my eyelids become heavier, but not really growing tired. Wait, wasn’t I supposed to do something? I slowly rolled my head and looked towards the door. Something about that door seemed important. But I couldn’t really point out what. I let out a sigh. Why even bother with that right now? I could deal with whatever that door wanted later.

For now. Let's rest. I leaned back on the warm floor, feeling how comfortable it was. Almost like a soft mattress. It was like I was dreaming, but I was wide awake. It was hard to pinpoint. Not that I found myself trying very hard. My body was sort of tinglish. I felt warm. My breath was slightly labored and I found my concerns of the world slowly washing away.

Then I felt something warm and slimy touch my toes. I sat up on my elbows and looked at what had tickled me. I didn’t really understand what I looked at at first. Stretching from somewhere came a fat, meaty shaft looking thing. It looked incredibly girthy and dark. And hard. The tip of the shaft was flared out with a strong ridge and some bumps. Even from here I could see its ominous pulses. It kinda looked familiar to something else, but I couldn’t put it together.

“Hey there, buddy. What are you up to?” I giggled down to it. There came no response.

Instead it started to crawl up along my left leg, slowly pushing it aside as it went up. I didn’t have time to grab any pants when we left this morning, so I felt the slimy phallus rub against me. A trail of thick, clear liquid got smeared as the thing dragged against the inside of my thigh and moved up between my legs.

“Where are you going?” I asked stupidly. It was more out of curiosity than anything else.

The thick meaty shaft was snaking up past my knees. My heart rate increased, but instead of feeling fear, I felt excitement. Anticipation. The slick head was pushing up towards my crotch, firmly parting my legs. Or was it me that did that? Soon the tip disappeared out of sight from beneath me and I felt it nudge between my legs, right up against my entrance.

“Oh, you’re going to be naughty?” I said, licking my lips.

I then remembered Kenny. Right. I rolled my head to look at him. He was across the room, halfway between the corner and the door. One of the snaky things had curled around his neck and disappeared into his mouth. Another two had crept up his pant legs and looked like it was thrusting slightly. “There is more of these things? How delightful,” I thought. I should’ve been more concerned, I guess, but Kenny seemed to be relatively okay. I guess.

“Ugh,” I softly moaned as I felt the big fat phallus looking thing burrow hard into my vagina, bringing my attention to my own tentacles.

It struggled at first, as it was so large. I had never had something so big inside me. It crashed against my labia and then my entrance, but slid up against my clit making me tremble all over. It was so strong, but so smooth and so wet. So when it rubbed up slit once more and it again shot up at my clit instead I felt my hips grind to meet the motion and a sparkle shot through my body, feeling like my whole body was crackling in anticipation. And for a third time, it tried to enter me. This time the tentacle found a home. The juices that emanated from the tip of the tentacle were lubing me up.

In the end, I felt it breach past the first part of my entrance, as my body succumbed to its will. It made me squeal out in delight. It stretched me out so much. Like nothing else. I had never felt something like this inside of me, not even Kenny. And with each passing second it pushed into me even further, much to my delight. Driving inch after inch inside of me. I couldn’t help but moan in pleasure.

I couldn't understand how I had been afraid before. This is nice, why would I even struggle against it? I couldn’t lie to myself. I had never dreamed it could feel this good getting stuffed. My body loved it, and my mind was railing. I drew in big breaths to accommodate this girth, as it stretched me so much, but I wanted more.

I felt it press into me further and further. I couldn’t help but start drooling from my mouth as the fat shaft started to thrust in and out of my depths. My eyes flicked to the back of my head at the wonderful penetration and my body felt so warm and fuzzy. So hot. I squirmed, not from resistance, but pleasure. Already there was so much of it. My body’s response to the atmosphere of getting stuffed and stretched by this big, thick, juicy meat was otherworldly. My crotch was thick with slime and clear goo, the stuff that had gushed out of the tip.

I looked back over at Kenny, whose eyes looked totally glazed over.

“This is wonderful,” I moaned. “It feels, ugh, it feels so good. I can’t believe it could be this good- UGH!”

Then the tentacle cut me off. It had bottomed inside of me, drew back and firmly shot back in. Not forcefully as some clumsy men might do, but deliberately. Like it knew what it wanted, and it was here to take it. Take me. “Fuck yeah! Take me all you want!” My mind was in such a frenzied state. I could only focus on big, dark shaft fucking me like nobody else ever had.

The more thrusts it gave me, the better it felt. Soon I felt something build within me. A glow. Each mind bending thrust built that glow up increasingly until it exploded into a bright light blinding me for anything else. It was so wonderful. I squealed and I felt myself gush and clamp down around the juicy shaft, as if to crush it. It was the biggest orgasm of my life, it had to be. And through it, the shaft just kept coming. Giving me more and more. Even as my orgasm subsided was I filled with a world of pleasure.

“Thank you, Anora,” I moaned out, purring in delight. It made me feel so good over and over. Like an endless wave. I drew in heavy breaths to regain my composure, as the onslaught didn’t seem to end quite yet.

I sat up on my elbows, wanting to see this thing that was treating me so well. I still couldn’t see the end of the long meaty shaft, but I could see which part that mattered. It stuck right down in between my legs. It was so wide and so thick, I couldn’t believe I fit any of it inside me. It was thrusting into me over and over with a slight twist. Pulsating ominously each time it hilted inside me, right up against my cervix and womb. Normally that would’ve been extremely uncomfortable, but now I was filled with a primal urge.

Then the big fat tentacle swelled up to almost double its size, causing me to grit my teeth and wince. Both in pain and from the pleasure of getting stretched so wonderfully. I had never felt this good from sex before. I almost felt resentment towards Kenny, as irrational as that was. How had I been robbed from this? But now I was saved.

I felt two giant twitches before the dam was breached. It felt like a flood had occurred inside of me. Though the tentacle's fluids were much thicker than water. Thick, white and almost radiating. There was so much it was trickling down my legs. I locked eyes with Kenny as I moaned and smiled at him. It was so good. It smelled the same as the air tasted. Fruity. Sweet. Maybe it was the same, maybe whatever was in the air was also in the sperm that shot inside me.

Feeling the tentacle erupt inside of me sent me into a new frenzy of jagged screams and wild moans as I came over and over. It was such a primal feeling getting stuffed like this. Like I deserved it. Like Anora deserved it. To take my body and use it. Use it until it fills me up. Breeds me. Knocks me up. Again and again.


I woke up several hours later. At least it felt like it. I have no idea how long the Anora continued to ravish me as I passed out. Honestly, and somewhat disappointingly, probably not at all. It seemed like it had awaited for my body’s acceptance to respond to it before deciding to fuck a bucket of cum inside of me.

I looked over at my dear Kenny. He sat where I last had seen him. Near the corner. He was still breathing, but he was slumped forward and looked like his shirt had been ripped open. His pants were somewhat torn in the leg too.

Part of me wanted to feel guilty. I had been trapped. Kidnapped. And I’m a wife. I shouldn’t feel the things I felt as the Anora ran a train on me. It was something that should be exclusive to my husband, Kenny.  And how it ended, with the Anora cumming inside of me was something I should only do with the one I wanted to start a family with…

… As my concerns alarmed me, I suddenly felt my heart rate slow, my breath slowed down and my nerves calmed. Everything was fine. As much as I should feel this guilt. I didn’t. It was slowly pushed away, as I laid there still basking in the post orgasmic bliss.

A more immediate concern, I was famished. Starving. Parched. My lips were dry and my stomach ached. It had probably been over a day since I ate, and I was pretty beat after getting fucked by the Anora.

Almost as if on cue, out of nowhere, another tentacle snaked towards me. It bumped into my cheek, glazing it with its warm goo, and crawled up to my lips. I opened up happily and the giant phallus entered my mouth. It was huge and it stretched my jaw to its limit. But it didn’t get very far. It was just too big. The big thing started to slide around my mouth, rubbing the underside of the head against my tongue, dominating my mouth.

This made my taste buds go nuts. Tutti frutti indeed. So that was indeed where the smell came from. Though this was more salty. But as fucked up as it was, I loved it. The taste was savorable and the contour wasn’t too bad either. Like thin glazing. It was like it hit a switch in my head. From being tired and famished, I started to feel more enthusiastic and filled. As if the liquid was satiating my hunger.

Quickly after, I felt the thick hog in my mouth shoot something even more tasty and ever more thick in my mouth. In copious amounts. I swallowed and swallowed all I could, while trying to wiggle my tongue around to taste it. But it was so thick I could barely swallow fast enough. I felt like I was losing my mind, it tasted so good. I wanted more. I shot my hands up and held  the fat tentacle in place so it could shoot all over my tongue. But it was much stronger than my small hands, it insisted on shoving its goo towards my gullet instead.

Soon the fat slime became too much still, starting to blow out my cheeks and trickle down the sides of my mouth. Maybe it should’ve been absolutely disgusting, but I loved it all. I fetched it with my fingers and crammed it in the corner of my mouth, trying to get as much as possible inside of me. It tasted so rich and nutritious I just wanted more.

The head then slipped out of my mouth with a loud pop. I tried to follow it with my head to kiss and nurse on it more, but I couldn’t move. I then realized more tentacles had joined in and now held me down. Like the Anora read what my instincts would do. So it pinned me down, ready to give me more. I relaxed, as I knew how good it was.

I let out a small whimper as a fat slob of tentacle cock got shoved inside of me. I decided to just give myself to the magnificent feelings. Let the Anora have me as it saw fit. I had never felt so full before. So fulfilled. It was such a primal feeling. The tentacle was so hot and heavy inside of me. I could feel the weight crash against my walls. I could feel my mind tingle as it got altered and molded to the depravity. It was swallowing me whole as the Anora fucked me into a new world.

The depravity was slowly consuming me, perverting my brain and enticing me to want even more. And even to think I was getting such sexual pleasure right in front of my mate, my husband, Kenny. So close. He could probably hear how much I enjoyed getting used by the pleasure-monster.

“It’s so good, Kenny,” I whispered, barely able to speak.

I couldn't see him, but I heard a groan.

“You like hearing how I get fucked by the Anora? Isn’t it wonder–ugh–wonderful?”

I had to stop speaking at that point as I felt my own climax starting to brew. I didn’t want to talk even, I just wanted to focus on how well fucked I was. How every stroke hit places within me that were untouched. How the white slime would fill me up once it was done with me. I let out a jagged shriek as I came again. My mind went blank as I trembled all over, the tentacles doing their business on me undeterred. It was just as wonderful as it had been the last time me and the Anora hooked up. I giggled. In a way, it was like we were a couple now, me and the tentacle monster, instead of me and Kenny.

“Fuck yeah, give it to me,” I moaned out in the post orgasm bliss. The tentacle didn’t respond in any other way than continuing to give me just what I wanted.

It wasn’t long after I felt the Anora filling me up with its essence. It felt like it shot into my womb, splashing around in my insides. But it was so thick my inner walls were no doubt getting glazed and coated more than anything. I pictured how my love canals were stretched obscenely, sealed shut by the fat shaft inside of me. At first the tentacle held still to hold the white slime inside of me. Then I felt it push into me to then make sure as much as possible sloshed into the right place. I was so filled up. So fucking filled.

I closed my eyes and hummed in salvation as I waited eagerly for the twitching and pulses to subside, but also wanting it to last forever. Or for it to happen again. Or both at the same time. The tentacles departed eventually, leaving me as a drooling, leaking mess on the floor, eagerly awaiting the next pounding. Front and back, up top and down low. However it wanted me, I wanted it that way.

It was like a drug. I just wanted more. And more. And more. I wanted to give back to the Anora as much as it gave to me. It was right. It deserved my body, and I wanted to give myself to it. The more it happened, the more I wanted. And as my stay within the Anora extended, it never ended. My new world had become the Anora, and I had become part of it. I was consumed and lost to its perversion, wherever it would take me.


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