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This is a work of fiction that describes mature content between 18+ adults

A bit awkward in our step, we both got our giggling asses back down to Faith's dungeon without much delay. She even parked closer, yet hidden behind a bunch of bushes, to save time. But soon enough, I was in the shower, washing off all stickiness. All by myself, as Faith refused anything more until I was cleaned up properly for her. She just spanked me lightly, saying “You better know I’m getting some of that later!”

Faith's copious affection for me was really doing me good, and I was starting to feel like a new man after this shower. Not just after this shower, but in general from exploring new dynamics and new interactions through and with my relationship with Faith. It felt good. It gave me this weird, but nice buzzing sensation within me, an everlasting excitement to just be around her. Maybe it was a bit early to think the way I did, but I was starting to realize that I might actually truly love her. Like for real for real.

Faith was probably the person who made me feel the best about myself. It wasn't only her looks or her personality that made me attracted to her, but the fact that she was a vampire and had seen so much shit over the years. She had lived a life that I could never even begin to imagine, and yet she was so down to earth. It was so easy to talk to her, and she was just so kind. And to think that it was me who ended up as the lucky boy who dated her. It was mind-boggling, but I appreciated every second of it.

My dear protector, my girlfriend.

“Is there room for two?” Faith asked, breaking my shower-thought trance.

“Ah, I'm actually done,” I said, watching Faith pouting her lip playfully, then glancing across her body. “I'll just watch you get cleaned up, instead.”

“You creep,” Faith chuckled, handing me my towel.

“I know, I'm a monster,” I said. “Now get to cleaning.”

Faith smiled, kissing me before she started her own shower.

I sat down on the toilet seat, watching Faith wash her body. I felt quite satisfied as I saw her smile, and she caught my gaze. With a smirk, she took the bottle of liquid soap, held it over her head as she stretched up in full length and closed her eyes, letting the soap trickle out and crash against her naked body, giving a small moan as the soap collided with her chest. 

She then gently pressed her open palms against her hips and guided them up toward her breasts, cupping them before finding the smoothe soap and spreading it around. All the time with the water spraying over her, making her look all sexy and elegant. She then continued upward to wash her shoulders, stretching even higher still, her breasts glistening and shaping up so sexy from how she mushed them about.

“How come you own a club?” I asked, staring at her as she moved down to spread soap across her thighs, eventually turning to show me her doing her butt too. My eyes were glued to every motion.

“The club, while it isn't the most lucrative line of business, it's one of the more fun ones,” Faith explained. 

I then watched Faith for a few minutes, just taking in everything for a moment while I kept her company. She had a smile on her face, and it made my heart swell to know that I was the reason for that.

“Are we good?” I asked. “With what happened tonight.”

Faith turned off the shower and turned around, “Fetch me my robe while I dry off. Of course. I'll beat up all the bullies in our way, and then some. But I only save my best beatings for you, sweetheart. When you're not so bruised up.”

Yeah, I had had a rough week so even as I wanted to, I don't think I could actually take one of Faith's whipping sessions. But that wasn't the question I was asking.

“I know that. I mean, did you do something you can't undo?” I asked.

“Nope,” Faith said. “I own that bitch, and if anyone has a problem they can fuck off. Even from a pure business-pragmatic sense it's hazardous to have a bunch of little kids running around our booze.”

“Like me?” I challenged.

“You might be little, but with that hog you got you're not kid,” Faith said.

It was still a bit awkward when Faith complimented me like that, especially in areas I had been previously ridiculed for, but I still found myself flattered. Probably because it came from her, and with all sincerity. I think I liked it, especially with how crass she was sometimes. I liked the dirty Faith as well as the elegant side of her.

“Erh. Can I confess something?” Faith asked, finally taking the robe out of my hand, draping it across her shoulders and loosely tying it.

“Of course,” I said, glancing across her naked body before she hid it under the red silk.

“I knew those assholes would be there,” Faith admitted. “I wanted to punish them so badly for how they've treated you. So when I then saw on Instagram that they were at a club, one of my own at that, I knew if I could get us there the idiots would do something stupid. Which they did. And while I won't apologize for fucking them up, I want to say sorry for misleading you like that. I could've told you, but I thought you would say no… And I wanted to fuck them up so bad.”

“Faith, it's okay. Perhaps a bit messed up, but I forgive you. It was fun, and it felt good that you wanted to do it. I've just been worried you'd kill them or something if some confrontation happened. As you said before that you can get quite angry, and you've, erh, done such killings before. You really are a wonderful girlfriend, you know that?”

“And you are a wonderful boyfriend,” Faith replied, giving my head a kiss, taking my hand and guiding me to the bedroom. “You know my toy room?”

“Yeah?” I asked, feeling the intrigue grow within me.

“Maybe we can celebrate tonight even more? If you think you’re ready to fully submit, by taking it to the playroom, the more appropriate name?” Faith suggested, smiling down at me. “But you have to be sure. Like really sure. Like, you might get forcibly taken against your will in there, and in ways you’ve never imagined. If you join me in there, it won’t help to plead. You are mine, and I won't hold back. But I can promise you this, you'll have more fun than you can ever imagine.”

That was certainly an enticing offer. It sounded like a warning, but up till now everything Faith and I had done had been fantastic. As ominous as her warning was, it only added fuel to my already burning desire. I desperately wanted to make her proud, and to explore that dark, forbidden part of me I've always suppressed. Faith would treat me right, I just knew it.

“I know I can trust you,” I assured.

“Not in there,” Faith smiled, but I knew even when she said that she wouldn't hurt me more than what I wanted and was able to take.

“Will I enjoy it?” I asked. I don't think I'd ever been so nervous about anything else. It didn't help that I felt weak-legged in this current state.

“Like nothing you've ever known,” Faith nodded, grinning ear to ear, turning hopefully.

“I love you,” I blurted out. Not the words I expected, but it caused Faith to pause for a moment in her lustful pursuit.

It felt a bit clumsy, but felt like such a physical reaction to say it, a reaction from seeing her powerful being act as my angel and champion at the same time, being so devoted, and treating me in every which way that I could never have dreamed of. Maybe I should’ve saved it for another time, but it also felt good to say it out loud, to put my feelings towards her into the correct words.

Her expression grew soft as she turned her back to me. After a few moments of silence, she finally opened her mouth to speak. “Please say it again. Say it again.”

“I love you,” I said, though a bit more unsure now.

Faith whipped across the floor, throwing herself at me. Before I could even register what was happening, I was in a tight hug.

“Say it again,” Faith pleaded, pressing her head into my neck biting me hard before moaning again, “I need to hear it again.”

“Faith," I started, trying to gently guide her head up. "I, ugh, I love you.”

“Of course you do. And I love you too, silly-bun,” Faith said, moving up to kiss me passionately on the lips. Her hands on my back, rubbing gently, letting me feel free in her security as we held out lips together for an eternity. 

Faith finally disengaged, then looked down at me with a mischievous smile.

“Please, don't make me beg,” Faith said.

“Take me to the room. I'm ready,” I said.

“Well… First I think it’s best if we shave you,” Faith said with a smirk.

“Shave me? What do you mean? I mean, it has been a few days but–” I started, rubbing my cheeks.

“Not those cheeks,” Faith said with a knowing smile.

Slowly it dawned on me what she meant. And as she saw the realization draw over my face, Faith’s grin grew wider. Did she want me to shave my ass? I mean, I had never even thought about it. What would be the benefit?

“You want me to shave my ass?” I asked.

“Not just your ass, honey bun. While I like a bit of hair to remind me that you're a man, a nice landing strip if you will, I like it shaved from shaft, down, and up to the lower back,” Faith explained. “And no, I don't want you to shave. I want to be the one to shave you.”

I felt heat rise to my face, and I suddenly felt very self-conscious.

“Can we talk about it?” I asked. “I'm not sure I want you to do it. And… Erh, why? I mean, it's kinda weird, right?” I asked.

“To the contrary, I find it very hot. And no. We're not talking about it. If you're going to come with me to my playroom, I'm shaving you.”

“But it's so… odd,” I mumbled.

“Aaaw, poor little puppy,” Faith whispered affectionately, kissing both my cheeks with still blood on her fangs. “Let mommy take care of you. You know how much I like asses, especially yours. Come on.”

Faith took my hand, guiding me towards the shower once again. I was quite nervous as we got there. Being treated like a poor little helpless kid was a bit humiliating, I can’t lie. I knew Faith wanted the best for me, and even though it felt a bit odd to be shaved like that, I guess it fell in the realm of being doted on. And Faith loved to dote on me, so I could allow it, I guess. In some sense, it could be endearing.

“I don't even need a razor. I got this cream and paddle that I think will work great. I’ll smear it out, then it'll work for a few minutes then we just swipe it off. Easy as can be. It stinks though, so be warned,” Faith said, fishing out said cream from a cupboard. So she was prepared. She knew I'd cave to her wishes. “Just trust me. I know it's new to you, but once I get your sack nice and smooth you'll love my tongue all over those big plums.”

“Okay,” I said, still unsure. But if Faith was so sure, I’d trust her. I had nothing to lose, really, other than my dignity. Though, I guess this was one of these things where Faith wanted me to face with some confidence. Like, this was our lifestyle so why not try to find the thrill in it too?

“So just stand still and let me spread the cream,” Faith said, getting to her knees as I already stood in the shower. 

It was quite a big shower so she had plenty of space to maneuver around. The cream was pretty cold, and, like she said, it stank quite a bit. Like burnt plastic. I guess there were some chemicals in this ornament. I guess it sort of felt alright to feel her fingers rub all over me down there, especially with oily cream involved, even with the intent to remove all my hair afterwards.

I felt a bit vulnerable though, especially when she told me to bend over a bit so she could get better access. She kissed one of my cheeks though, and that tickled me in a funny but very good way. She had eaten my ass before, so maybe removing the hair would enhance that experience. Or the fingering stuff. Maybe even if I got whipped in the future it would feel  different.

“Almost time to get all that pesky hair removed,” Faith mused cheerfully, sitting on the edge as she studied her handiwork. A few minutes passed.

“It doesn't smell good,” I said, wrinkling my nose.

“It sure doesn’t, but we all make sacrifices for our beauty,” Faith chuckled, grabbing a small plastic paddle. “Now be a good boy for mommy and stand still while she gets to work.”

“Yes, mommy,” I sighed, still feeling quite uneasy about the whole thing.

She gave me a small slap on the butt before starting to swipe away the hair. She worked with a methodical pace, and she was pretty quick at it. And the cream sure was effective. Almost scarily so. But Faith looked laser-focused on what she was doing, occasionally humming something to herself, and I think she was enjoying this too.

“You have a very nice ass, little one,” Faith mused, rubbing my cheeks before giving them a playful slap, after the cream was paddled away from that area, mind you. “We should go to the spa and get a proper massage sometime.”

“That sounds nice,” I admitted.

“You deserve to be spoiled sometimes, sweetheart,” Faith smiled. “Now, let's get this over with so we can start playing.”

Faith then got to work on the hair below my sack. This was quite a sensitive area, so I couldn't help but squirm a bit, which earned me a couple of light spanks as punishment. But soon it was all done, and I was completely clean shaven. Faith looked at her work in the mirror, nodding with satisfaction as she admired me.

“Well done. Just take a shower with some strong-smelling soap. My god, you're smelling like burnt plastic dumped in acid,” Faith said. “Then you can walk your cute little butt down to the playroom, if you want.”

“Is that an order?” I asked.

“It is, now that you ask. Chop chop,” Faith said, standing up and exiting the room, grabbing her silk robe on the way.

I quickly found a soap that smelled strongly of bergamot and lavender, hoping it would kill the burnt plastic smell from my nether regions. As I smeared the soap all over, I can't lie that I didn't notice how smooth I had become. It did feel really good, I guess.

But soon I was clean, and as I exited the shower I found a white towel waiting for me on the counter. After a quick dry-off it was off to finally enter the infamous playroom. It was honestly something I had been wanting for some time, learn just how kinky Faith was. It wasn't like I was an expert in sexual activity, as Faith was my only one, but I did remember way back when she made a point to highlight that she was kinky. I had experienced some of that, and I guess I was about to experience some more. 


In the center of the room, which was the first thing I noticed, was a thin purple veil that hung from the roof, looping down and up before touching the floor, creating what looked like a possum of some sort. Or a swing, I guess. Weird.

The next thing I noticed was the walls. They were cushioned by the looks of it, though some of the walls were hidden behind shelves with various instruments I didn't really focus on as the purple veil still held my attention. Grazing it carefully with my knuckles I felt how soft it was, and that it was probably some sort of silk.

“What's with the fabric?” I asked.

“You'll see,” Faith answered from behind me, closing the door. I couldn't help but glance over my shoulder as she locked the door. She turned around, locking eyes with me before she grinned wickedly, licking her lips. “And you have no idea what is in store for you.”

She had even dressed for the occasion, wearing the white lingerie that she had worn before, smiling with dark red lipstick. It was a smile mixed with both happiness and devious intent. Just the sight of her like this was enough to make me stir.

“I see you're already getting ready,” Faith said, crawling her eyes down to my cock as it flinched. I hadn't bothered with any clothes as I came down here, so it was probably more apparent. 

“This is a swing,” Faith explained, making her way over to and drawing her hand through the material as she stood in front of me, looking down at me. “And I'm going to fuck you in it.”

“Really? It looks a bit hard to do in this,” I said, trying to imagine how that could happen. The material looked strong enough, but barely enough space for one person as far as I could tell.

“Lay down,” Faith said, nodding toward the veil. “I'll help you, here,” she added, giving me her hand. But before she helped hoist me down on the veil she made sure to give me a warm kiss to remind me of her love.

Carefully Faith guided me down so I could lie down comfortably on my back. It wasn't too bad. I even kicked out my feet to test the velocity, earning a laugh from Faith as she went over to one of the shelves I had ignored before.

“Don't go anywhere,” Faith joked, grabbing something before heading over to the bed.

“Oh, I wouldn't dream of it," I said. “This is quite comfy.” It was. And the room itself was quite cozy too, just the right temperature and–


Suddenly I felt my legs getting held up and placed on two stands of some sort. I couldn't really see, nor could I ask as I suddenly got a wet cloth stuffed in my mouth by a smiling Faith.

“It's my thong,” she explained. “I don't want you to scream. Much. You're going to want to, and you're going to try. But I don't want to hear anything other than muffled screams, understand?”

I nodded, my heart starting to beat a bit faster. I had no idea what was about to happen, but I did know that Faith would never hurt me in any permanent way. I think. She disappeared down towards where my feet were awkwardly spread apart, supported by those stands. I wasn't sure how I felt about this as I felt quite vulnerable. It was quite a compromising position to be in, and my arms were just kind of laying there.

“Now, let me just get you ready. I think you'll like this,” Faith mused, and suddenly I felt a warm and wet sensation on my butthole.

My body jerked at the feeling, and I realized that it was Faith's tongue. It was a sensation I had experienced before, and now was no different. Actually, I was a bit embarrassed how excited it made me. Her tongue was incredibly skilled, moving across the muscles gently and massaging my ring. Faith groaned as she began, the feeling of her cool lips and slick tongue exploring my sensitive flesh and area, making my eyes roll back into my head.

“I promised my tongue on your fat plums, didn't I?” Faith asked, before soon rolling her tongue up from my freshly shaven ass to my smooth sack.

And she was right, feeling her tongue roll across my sensitive balls made a chill run down my spine.

“I fucking love this, and so do you. God, your taste is so perfect,” Faith whimpered into my nutsack.

I could even feel her fangs as she seemed to almost chew on my sack, before she slid her tongue down to lap my ring again. I groaned around the thong gag in a breathy moan, reaching my hands out for something, and found the veil, curling my fingers around one tightly. My legs wanted to kick out from the hyper sensitivity but I soon learned she had entrapped my feet, so there was no escape. Not that I truly ever wanted to escape.

“Feel your cock stir, your toes curl. Feel how your entire lower body reacts to just my tongue alone,” Faith cooed, pushing a finger gently into my ring, slowly working me open for what was yet to come.

I wanted to respond to her. I wanted to show how grateful I was and to tell her how much I loved the feeling. But, no sound came out. Just a half grunt of approval.

“Hmm, you're loving it, aren't you?” Faith whispered, pumping me to the second knuckle now. “That is it, baby. Relax, and let Mommy take care of you.”

As Faith said that, I could feel myself relax even more. This was my lover, my girlfriend. We had done this before, after all. To heighten the pleasure, Faith then sunk her tongue into my balls again, fingering me as she hummingly and happily chewed and lapped away at me.

Soon she added a second finger, something she had never done before, thus she didn't seem to push in too far. And I had to admit, it did feel quite good to feel her tongue and fingers play with me like that. Sparks shot through me as she curled her fingers just right, and I could feel one giant pulse run through my shaft. It twitched violently as she made winking motions with her fingers inside of me. It felt like I was on the verge of cumming any second now, just from her fingers, but Faith used her finger expertly to just hold me right there on the edge.

“You are ready for me, little one,” Faith said, removing her fingers and tongue.

She stood up, but didn't make any movement to remove my gag or to free my legs. No, she remained between my spread thighs, her eyes focused on something down between us, seemingly trying to find a good position as she shifted a bit closer.

Unable to see, I was forced to wait in anticipation for whatever Faith was about to do to me. Then I suddenly felt something push against my hole, something big. Something way bigger than Faith's fingers. Faith didn't wait for me to catch up however, and with some pain I felt it slide into me. The pain was brief, though, and soon I felt what could only be described as a sensation of being filled to the brim. Stretched.

And being gagged, I had no way to ask, having my feet awkwardly chained up, I was unable to see. But I felt it. It went deeper and deeper, causing me some discomfort as I wasn't really used to this. But it didn't feel bad.

“Fuck yeah, it feels amazing to finally do this to you,” Faith said. “Do you have any idea how long I've been wanting this? To see those puppy eyes wince?”

Faith drew back and so did the thing she had stuffed inside of me, only to slam back in place, ramming that fat, big thing back inside. I flinched at the sudden thrust, letting out a small grunt through the gag. It was quite painful when she did it the first time, but by the third thrust the pain had begun to subside, replaced by something else.

It was as if every nerve in my body was reacting to the foreign object in me. As if they were all screaming at once, but it was a good kind of scream. I started to feel a sense of warmth spread out from my chest and through my body. My legs began to tremble as Faith continued her ministrations, making my toes curl again. It was weird to feel this, especially from this kind of angle, but it felt so good. 

I even felt myself drool around Faith's thong as she started to speed up. She was being less gentle now, but I think she understood that I was enjoying it. And as her hands gripped my hips tighter, Faith started to thrust harder and deeper, using the swing for added momentum. The only sound was her labored breathing and my own muffled moans and whimpers.

“You naughty little shit,” Faith cooed, slamming herself deep into me. “Take momma's cock.”

It was just then I stupidly realized she was fucking me with a strap-on. How had I not realized before? The foreign object inside me was of course a rubber dildo of sorts. It felt so huge,and in my sudden realization I suppose I should’ve felt humiliation getting submitted like this, but I couldn’t help but really enjoy it. And it being Faith who did this to me was just all the better.

“Fuck yeah!” Faith exclaimed, spanking my right cheek so hard my whole body jolted, gripping the tender flesh hard in her strong fingers. I was almost worried she’d rip it right off.

“God, that is so sexy,” Faith moaned. “I love seeing your hole stretched over my fat cock. Such a good boy for mommy, taking my dick like you do. Now, let me force some cum out of you. Once you've had yourself an anal orgasm you'll never want anything else.”

With a devilish smirk Faith took hold of my ankles, lifting them up so high, pushing herself straightforward to get the best angle. Then I felt the strap-on slam down against my prostate, hitting it dead on, making me jerk and groan loudly around the gag. Faith didn't stop there, however, and soon she was hammering into my prostate over and over again, causing me to lose my mind, all the while she laughed happily. I was totally delirious and it felt as if my consciousness was breaking.

“Oh yes, you're going to cum from your ass alone,” Faith grunted. “Look at you, squirming like that. You're loving it, aren't you? Having this hard and thick cock shoved up into your tight hole. Such a naughty boy. I'm going to ruin you forever.”

The waves of ecstasy were flowing through me, and my entire body was shaking from how intense it felt. I couldn't think straight anymore as every single thrust took me deeper and deeper into madness. I wanted nothing more than to get it to happen, and with one more hard thrust to my sweet spot my eyes rolled back. I wasn't even sure how loud my muffled scream was as my dick began to spurt all over my body. My seed was just shooting out like a fire hose, painting me and covering my chest.

“That's it, just take it, just take my cock deep and hard,” Faith cried out in pleasure as she pumped away, continuing to ram straight into my prostate for an extra minute more.

I was beyond done. Beyond thought. She continued the fuck me like no tomorrow. When I couldn't produce another drop, my dick was soft and sticky, my mind a mess. My legs were quivering from all the intense and weird pleasure.

“Yes, yes, yes,” Faith cried, collapsing down on top of me. “Now I own you.”

I lay there, totally spent and ruined as Faith chuckled, shaking her head. She then dislodged her dildo from me, and came up to my face, removing my gag.

“You okay?” she asked, gently cupping my cheek as her face was just an inch or two away from mine. She looked so happy I could feel my body flutter, even after getting fucked senseless.

“Wow,” I mumbled weakly.

“Yeah,” Faith nodded with a huge smile, slowly shifting off of me. “We're gonna keep going in a minute, I just need to feed you a bit. Then feed me a bit.”

I nodded.

“So this is okay?” Faith said, standing up and making her way up to my head, revealing a much too large of a dildo hanging from a leather harness strapped to her hips, dripping with oil and lube it seemed.

“I kinda wished, guh, that you'd ask,” I moaned, still out of it.

“Pff,” she said. “Now you know why you needed a bit less hair,” She said, before kissing my stomach and kissing my neck. I felt a sharp familiar pain in my neck as she pinched my skin with her teeth. It felt oddly more gratifying to be more or less tied up when she fed on me. In some sense, she was draining me top to bottom.

“Though, I do think it's pretty hot when you force your will on me,” I said, clutching her head as she drank from my neck, tickling me with her tongue. It was still pretty weird how drinking blood seemed to replenish a vampire. And she seemed very grateful to drink from me, moaning into my skin. 

“I'll get you some bananas and some other helpful nutrients. Don't go anywhere,” Faith said, leaving a promise of more to come floating in the air.

Something that also was floating in the air was me. Still trapped in this swing. Not that I would've wanted to go anywhere, as Faith had just fucked my brains out. Literally. My brain was fried. I think I needed a few minutes to catch my breath and to figure out how my brain worked again.

“Still not back to earth?” Faith chuckled cheerfully as she came rolling with a tray with different snacks on. I made some affirmative noises. “I laced the beer with some drops of my blood, by the way, so we can do our little erection trick. It's still 3 AM so we have plenty of time to alter your guts.”

Faith took a sip from her own beer as she looked at me.

“You're fantastic, Logan, you know that? I think I told you this, but from the moment I started studying you I just knew we would be perfect,” Faith said, making me blush. She sat down on the floor so we were on eye level, instead of looking down on me.

“I'm glad I could live up to your expectations,” I said.

"Oh, you do and so much more than that," Faith said, stroking my forehead, hazel-green eyes trailing my face in appreciation. “I love you, and I want you to know that I'll never stop. I will protect you. Forever. As long as you want me to. And of course fuck you. And me being a vampire, I could do that forever too, as my legs will never go tired.”

“I, ugh, I appreciate it,” I muttered. “I never knew this would be in store for me, and perhaps I'd not be as open to it before. I never expected any of it. From you being so kind and beautiful, to being a vampire, the hottest girl on the block, to all of the things that have happened since we met. It's surreal, but I'm glad that it is in fact real. I don't think I have the vocabulary to describe how much I love this new life. And you, of course.”

“I'm happy I make you happy,” Faith smiled. “Some would say we're maybe moving fast, but I just can't help it. I know you see this confident woman who takes the lead, but I can also sometimes feel like a teenager again. Like when I wake up and wait those agonizing minutes for you to come crawling back down to my dungeon. When I'm on business trips. When I think of you. When I look at the stars, wondering if you're doing the same. You've been a great boyfriend. And I think we just took it to the next level, don't you think?”

“I do think. That. Yes,” I said, getting a rise out of Faith.

“You're adorable. Which is why I find it so satisfying to just fuck your brains out. I love that you love it, and you get so into it. Now, I hope you're ready for some more,” Faith said, standing up and fishing what looked to be a timer from the tray. She set it to 01:00. “I have quite the dildo collection, so if we ever want to experiment with other shapes and nasty appendages, we got plenty to choose from,” Faith said, gesturing at the shelves up against the walls. “In the meantime, we can practice with this one.”

I looked over and finally registered what I had been barely glancing at before. She indeed had quite the selection. Various shapes, colors, sizes. And next to them were whips and flogs, wooden paddles, belts. The more I looked, the more I found, and the more I found the more intrigued I got. My brain truly had changed, because now I felt this small desperation to try it all at once.

“In due time,” Faith said, moving down between my still propped up legs. “You once said, behind a great man is a great woman. Wanna make that more than a metaphor?”

“Erh… I actually like it when I can see your face. At least for now," I said. Faith's stunning beauty, kind smile and friendly eyes were a security for me, a reminder that everything was okay.

“Of course,” Faith said, looking down and soon after I felt that large object prod me again, slowly penetrating me with the first two inches. She then took the timer and started it. 

I first thought for a moment she had set it to a minute. That was until I saw when it went from 01:00 to 00:59 without going to 00:58 immediately after. I looked up at Faith worried, faced with a smile that told me she knew I had just puzzled it together. Oh fuck.

And so it began.

Slowly at first, but soon enough Faith got into a good rhythm. It didn't take long for her to have me begging, whimpering, panting like an idiot. Faith was a force of nature to be reckoned with, and I loved every second of her passionate fury. Her lust was fierce as she claimed my insides, using me like a plaything. And I loved every second of being treated like one. Within the first five minutes, it already felt like her giant dildo pushed the cum right out of me, spluttering my essence out without warning.

“This feels great,” Faith panted, pumping furiously. “Your ass is a work of art, Logan, do you hear me? A fucking work of art!”

It felt amazing for her too. Her face was so full of bliss I was stunned, having her way with me over and over. I understood soon enough there were some vibrations on her end each time she thrust, and she even had a remote control to increase the ferocity of those vibrations. That only served as a fuel for her churning hips as I saw her bite her lips, fangs out, shoving into me at an almost uncomfortable pace.

“Just… Take… This…” Faith mumbled, taking deep breaths between each thrust.

Suddenly her hips twitched, and I knew why soon after, as she groaned deeply with gritted teeth before collapsing down upon me, snuggling her head on my shoulder. Soon though, rubbing her hand on my thigh, she had me hard again. And as a vampire, her stamina was seemingly endless, so the thrusting began anew shortly after her first orgasm, forcing me to cum again, this time all over myself. The sticky white substance covered me from chest to pubic bone, and Faith was so kind to lick it up before retrieving a towel to cover me with, as there was still much more to cum. I mean come.

By the end of the hour I was utterly exhausted and spent. Sore all over, in a good way. Faith had even used the swing to amplify her thrusts at some point and that had sent me over the edge several times. I had been fucked in my ass by my vampire girlfriend. That's something not a lot of people could say.

“That was fun,” Faith smiled, helping me out of the swing.

“You're incredible,” I mumbled exhaustively, looking at her, unable to find better words.

“Here, I'll get you to bed, then I'll give you a nice massage as a reward for such an incredible evening,” Faith promised.

“Rewarded? I feel pretty rewarded already... but I won't say no to a massage,” I said.

“Don't you worry, little one,” Faith smiled, leaning down and giving me a warm kiss. 

“Could we… erh… do the stuff in bed sometime?” I asked suddenly.

“What, me fucking you with a big strap-on?” Faith teased, and I blushed a bit, still dealing with that fact.

“Yeah… I just like the intimacy also,” I said.

“Of course,” Faith promised. “But I think you've had enough rubber cock for tonight.”

“I think so too,” I said, chuckling a bit.

“Let's go, my sweet prince,” Faith said, scooping me up and carrying me bridal style out of the playroom.

It was like I weighed nothing, and she held me in her arms as if I were a newborn baby.


That night was one of vivid memories. Several were brutal, plenty of tenderness, but all wonderful. After taking me for an eternity in her room, Faith carried me to bed where she fed me her nipple while telling me soothing words of how much of a good boy I was. It was pretty odd, but by then I had gotten used to loving the odd. It was incredibly comforting to lay in her arms like that, or to just let go and fall in line with Faith’s pace.

Faith would then take me in bed too, making sweet tender love to me, letting me piston with abandon inside her until we were both spent. 

Waking up Sunday morning, I was incredibly sore and kinda limping. I had been limping from Faith before, so I knew how to shift my weight around to at least move somewhat normally. And by now, I was almost used to seeing her dead face when I woke up. It took me some time to get out of bed though, as Faith had fallen asleep with her leg across my hips, her arm resting across my chest, with her hand nestled into my hair.

Firstly, it was comforting to feel her warmth, despite her display, but secondly, I wasn’t sure if abrupt movements would wake her up. So with carefully selected movements, I managed to sneak myself out of her tight grasp. I found my clothes and found my way back home, dreading the week without her.

I had to wonder what was in store for me at school tomorrow, after Jeremy and Zach getting fucked up by a girl. By my girl. Of course, Faith was supernatural, but they didn’t know that. For all the public knew, they got their asses kicked by a regular, albeit fit, woman in her twenties.

Checking Instagram, I even saw some short snippets that both Jeremy and Zach had gotten tagged in. On video, it looked like Jeremy just couldn’t get out of her strong grip, despite being much larger than her. Zach looked even worse, as Faith didn’t even put her full weight into the punch. It looked like a lazily thrown closed-fist slap almost, yet he dropped the moment he got hit. At least Jeremy could say the angle of his arm made it awkward, not that it made it much better.

I could even spot me in the crowd, but I was barely visible in the clips, as all the focus was on the ruckus.

I always thought I was above stuff like petty revenge and laughing at violent behavior, but I took great pleasure in seeing the two of them get humiliated like that. How many times hadn’t that happened to me on their behalf? I snickered as I replayed it again, finding a new video clip to get yet another angle.

I could only speculate the reaction Jeremy and Zach had to all of this. Finally had someone put them in their place, and thoroughly so.

Monday morning, on the bus, I was first hand witness to the ramifications of Faith’s weekend actions. For the first time since he had a license, I found Zach on the school bus. He didn’t even look at me as I came on the bus, looking out the window with sunglasses on. Anna, who sat on the same row as Zach, though not next to him, looked over at me before quickly looking away. Her expression was hard to read.

I had to wonder how Jeremy got to school then, as he always hitched a ride with Zach. He lived in the wrong direction compared to our bus. Courtington was quite widespread in that regard.

But as I walked up to the school, I saw that Jeremy didn’t take any bus. Jeremy came rolling in a big black SUV with tinted windows, though it wasn’t him that drove. It was one big fat, ugly bastard that once had no doubt been a hulking man, but now he was the remnants of nuclear waste. It was Jeremy’s dad, Jonathan Burns, or Johnny Burns as he was often called.

A menacing figure to say the least. He looked quite sour faced as Jeremy jumped out and joined Zach.

The two bullies finally cast me a glance, then moved on inside as if I wasn’t there. Twice before this had happened. Where they had overstepped and withdrew. Only now it was them who had gotten a justifiably beatdown. Jeremy’s shoulder was in a sling, Zach wore sunglasses. The snickers from a few bystanders was enough to tell both them and me that everyone had seen.

The two bullies turned pink like I had never seen before, making their way towards their own lockers as people looked at them. They looked like they were fuming, but what could they do? As far as anyone knew, a girl beat them up. They knew it, and everyone else did. For most of the day, they both seemed quite timid and out of their element.

Maybe in an alternate universe I’d feel bad for them, but honestly fuck ‘em.

“I heard Zach’s dad sold his car, and that Jerome got grounded for the first time in his life,” Robert explained later in the day. “By the way, I’m not telling anyone, but pff, that girl of yours is badass.”

“I know,” I said. Faith was the baddest girl on the planet.

“Amanda even dumped Zach, but they are off and on all the time, so who the fuck knows,” Robert said.

I did notice Anna also had taken a distance to Jerome. Instead of hanging on his arm, she had made her way over to some dude on the basketball team. I didn’t know if she had fully moved on or not, and I honestly didn’t care. ‘Bullet dodged,’ I thought to myself. ‘Struck by an arrow instead.’

The same evening, I was surprised to see Faith pop by. She mostly insisted on keep me focused on school and stuff for the week, but once the evening came rolling over, the doorbell rang and there she was.

“I was just thinking I should keep an eye out, is all,” Faith smiled, holding up a Switch, a console I had always wanted. “Wanna get fucked up in Mario Kart?”

We escaped up to my room soon after. And while we did make out quite a lot, we didn’t do anything beyond that, other than play Nintendo games using my PC monitor. It was pretty cool to hang out with Faith and for us to do more than just bang all the time. It was taking us back to the time where she was taking the role of my best friend. I guess she still was, but I wasn’t sure if that was the right terminology when I was also dating her.

Tuesday we played chess in the kitchen, and Mom even joined in for a game or two against Faith. Faith mopped the floor with Mom almost as easy as she did with me, though. The two then talked about grown woman stuff that I had no interest in. I just borrowed Faith’s Switch and tried to play Zelda.

The week crawled by like that. Faith would come by to hang out in the evening, and we just spent some quality time together, just doing whatever. It felt nice, and we even managed to watch some movies, play some games, talk, cuddle, you name it.

For the weekend, we once again went to a restaurant, before a trip to the movies, wrapping it up with a cozy stroll through the forest toward her house. It was nuts how I'd be scared to wander among these giant oaks and pines if I had never met Faith. Now Faith and I held hands, dressed in pristine attire diligently chosen by Faith, and we didn't even have any flashlights.

Truly, what could I fear when I was dating the most dangerous being, probably in all of the Midwest, if not more.

“You said there were hundreds, perhaps thousands,” I said. We had just talked about turnips and the Netherlands, so when Faith looked a bit confused it was highly justified. “Vampires, I meant.”

“Oh. Yeah, cuz, there's way more tulips than a few thousands,” Faith laughed, looking up at the clear sky. The moon shone so beautifully in her eyes, and even as sun-kissed as she was, she looked quite the pale vampire you'd think illuminated by the moon. “And yeah. We’re not as organized as we were before, and a bunch of us can be quite the lone wolves.”

“Are there?” I asked. “Werewolves, I mean.”

“Not as far as I know,” Faith said with a half smile. “Sadly, I’m not an expert of fable lore. Not all of us cared for that sort of stuff, mythology, unison, and all. Some of us just wanted to exist, and not have to deal with politicking, scheming, whatever. Like humans, we have stuff that interests us and not.”

“You don’t consider yourself human?” I asked.

“Not really. I have my humanity, but I don’t work in any capacity like a human. Some vampires even look at humans as nothing but prey, but that is pretty medieval if you ask me,” Faith said.

“I don’t mind being your prey,” I said, getting a shove from a smiling Faith. “What did you do before? Before you were a vampire, I mean.”

“Oh,” Faith begun. “It has been a while since I’ve even thought about ‘before’. I grew up on a farm. That’s how I got this tan, and this amazing physique.”

“I thought you said you worked out?” I said.

“I did. Strength training wasn’t invented by Arnold Schwarzenegger, y’know. It was a bit uncommon, especially for girls, but we had some stuff I guess could qualify as workout equipment. At least the way we used them,” Faith chuckled. I guess she probably was right. I wasn’t there. I just never imagined a bunch of old-timey folk deadlifting around.

“By the way, I got myself a phone. It’s in Pete’s name, but I think you’ll be able to tell who’s on the other end,” Faith explained.

“Really?” I said eagerly. Faith produced a phone indeed, but it was one of those grandma phones with huge dials. “Erh…”

“What, I’m not paying a thousand bucks for a fucking phone,” Faith said.

“I thought you waded in money,” I joked.

“If you’re going to start acting like a gold digger, I’m going to have to pimp you out on the streets,” Faith said, getting a laugh out of me. “But I got it because, well, I’ll travel next week. They are trying to build windmills on some of my property, and I have to remind them that solar power is much superior. Kinda ironic, don’t you think?”

“Ironic indeed,” I said, a bit lower than I hoped for. I didn’t want to come off as clingy.

“I’d take you with me, but it’s not exactly a plus one affair,” Faith reminded me. “And I need a bunch of adjoining flights, as I’m sure you’re well aware.”


While the admission decision stuff was extremely exciting for some of my fellow highschoolers, I wasn’t too up about it. I mean, I applied to a few here and there out of the state with little ambition. Faith had of course offered me to use her apartments and whatnot, but that was way after the college application deadline. The easiest options were of course the local college, or community college, but I kinda wanted out of this place. I had actually gotten admitted to a few decent places, but the tuition was pretty intimidating. I had of course heard all the horror stories about student loans and such.

Something that did bring me some joy about this, however, was the fact that both Zach and Jeremy had applied to out-of-state colleges. It came as a big surprise to everyone when both didn't get the colleges they wanted. Due to a tear in Jeremy's back, and him having to reconstruct his shoulder joints or whatever, he lost his scholarship, and Zach just didn't have the same prowess. 

I almost felt bad for them, except both had good ventures to fall back on. Zach had the wherewithal to apply locally and got accepted there, sadly the same as me, and Jeremy still had his dad's business thingy that he could join in on.

And on that note, I had to wonder how that business had been going. None of them showed any sign of 'weakness' except how they both arrived at school. And had their credit cards revoked by their dads. So maybe they 'suffered' a bit. They didn’t even rob me for my lunch money, so all was good in the hood for me.

What surprised me that Monday the most, was Pete. I had decided to walk home that day as spring was fully upon us, and while there may come a period in my life where I couldn’t enjoy the sun, it wasn’t just yet. And as I was walking, Pete suddenly was shuffling towards me.

“Hey there, Pete!” I said, waving at him. He gave a barking chuckle in reply. “How’s life?”

“Just peachy. A mutual acquaintance of ours wanted me to see that you’re doing well,” the old homeless man said. Like a bodyguard? I shrugged, it was nice to have company on my walk home. I’d just listen to an audio book anyway. “I’m not sure what she wants me to do, but here I am. Mind if I join you on your stroll?”

“Sure,” I said.

“I see you got yourself a Conan backpack,” Pete said in his tired rough voice.

“Yeah, I tend to get teased for it, but Conan is one of my favorites,” I replied. 

“Sad to say, but I don’t really know much more than the Schwarzenegger movie,” Pete said apologetically, though it didn’t seem like he had the urgency to expand his knowledge of Conan.

We walked a bit in silence after that. Pete in his own world, seemingly, while I tried to think if there were any questions I could perhaps ask of Pete. If anyone knew Faith, it was surely him? And besides, their relationship was kinda odd. He was her last remaining kin, but Faith didn’t really talk all that fondly of him. He was the black sheep of the family, perhaps that had anything to do with that.

“You know Faith quite well, right?” I asked.

“I guess,” Pete rumbled.

“How’d you meet?” I asked. It wasn’t the first and foremost question I needed to satiate my curiosity with, but it was something I was curious about regardless.

“It’s a while ago. My older brother had just passed away. I was at the funeral, and then I kinda sorta just lingered around the cemetery mewling stuff. Suddenly I made this hundred-and-eighty turn, and walked right into her. I even apologized, but we both know I didn’t move her an inch. I guess I was always quite open minded, I believed her right away about the… y’know-stuff,” Pete said, looking around him. “Can’t be too careful,” he explained when I looked at him curiously.

“So was Faith nice?” I asked. “I mean, is she like she is with other people too?”

“I guess,” Pete said. “If I dear say so, you’re a special case… but you know she’s really elegant and stuff, so that cold politeness really shines through. But I don’t mind it. I deserve it.”

“How so?” I asked, knowing it was a pretty sensitive topic if I was gauging it right.

“Erh. You’re too young for that,” Pete said. “But to answer your concerns, you’ll never be safer than in her good graces. While she doesn’t like me that much, justifiably so, she has bailed me out a few times when she didn’t need to. If that is to use my name for my front, or to be nice, I can’t answer, but I’m thinking those aren’t mutually exclusive.”

“You’re quite well-spoken,” I blurted out.

“I avoided Vietnam,” Pete said, as if that explained anything.

“How come you’re not made a vampire?” I asked.

“Ask her. I wouldn’t want to, but I never got the question. I’d refuse, so I’m not hurt for not getting the offer,” Pete explained. “Also, we’re directly related. I’m not sure how that stuff makes sense, but from what I’ve gathered, that’s not a good thing.”

I was wrecking my brain for new questions. Pete was like an untouched fountain of information. I knew Faith would answer it all, but Pete was here, so he had to endure. He didn’t seem to mind. If anything, he seemed to enjoy the company.

As we continued down the street, we got closer to my driveway. I mean, our driveway. Pete was living in the strange house, after all.

“How come you sleep on the couch?” I asked. “Aren't you like the owner of successful businesses?” I tried to joke, getting a chuckle from Pete.

“In name, mind you. No, I prefer not to forget who I am,” Pete said, smiling at me. We were approaching home now. “This is me.”

“Do you know, erh, about my situation?” I asked.

“No clue,” Pete said, slapping the outside of my shoulder before heading through the gate and up the tiny, overgrown driveway.

Later the same evening, I got my first ever phone call from Faith. She was a bit loud initially, but I was able to coach her on how to speak into a phone-microphone. 

“How do you ever get business done without a phone?” I chuckled.

“Emails and meetings,” Faith explained. “Did you make a list of colleges?” 

“Sure did. I’ll send it to you on Discord,” I replied.

“I got a few properties around that I rent out, so if you decide on one you like, I can give it a check if I don’t have a cozy little shack somewhere we can cozy up and beat the shit out of you,” Faith purred.

“Are you asking if I want to move in together again?” I joked.

“You tease,” Faith replied. “Anyway. I know all my business stuff is probably extremely boring, but there is this event coming up during Spring break. And it is plus one. Wanna be my date?”

Woah. Now that was really making it official. Not that we weren’t ‘official’, but a business gathering was so… adult. Like, it was sort of settling on me that this was more than a regular highschool thingy. It made sense though, that it wasn’t. This was Faith, after all. And she was asking me on a date, essentially.

“I’ll of course ask your parents, as I might steal you away for a few days,” Faith continued, trying to entice me with a few hidden promises. But I didn’t need to be asked twice.

“I’d love to. Where is it?” I asked. “And what is it?”

“Oh just a galla with a few new contractors I need to woo. Clients, suppliers, and some boring stuff. All you have to do is eat good food, and be your pretty little self,” Faith said.

“Won’t it look weird? Having me as your plus one? I’m way shorter than you and… eighteen,” I said, trying to think of the equivalent I knew from movies. “Wouldn't we be a bit out of place?”

“That depends. We belong together, don't we?” Faith asked.

“Of course,” I replied immediately.

“Then you're not out of place. If you believe you should be there, as my better half, then you should be there. Be confident in your role as my mate, and it'll be fine. You've come such a long way from the modest, meek boy I met months ago. I believe in you, Logan, and so will everyone else that matters when they see you next to me.”

“I guess you're right,” I said, feeling my cheeks grow warm.

“Good, cause I already have a suit tailored for you,” Faith said.

“Really? A suit?” I asked. I had never worn a suit before.

“Yeah, I'm sure you'll look dashing. We just have to make sure we get you a bit of a haircut,” Faith chuckled. “And a shave.”

“When did you get my measurements?” I asked.

“A woman has her ways,” Faith chuckled. “We also need to teach you to dance properly. Like, classic waltz.”

“Oh fuck me,” I groaned. I was bad at dancing.

“Oh, I will. But also try teach you how to lead properly,” Faith said.

“I just meant that I'm bad at dancing,” I said, getting a laugh from Faith.

“Of course you are. You're still a young man. You'll love it though, I just know it. A sweet, tender embrace, moving in sync with the music, swaying your bodies to the rhythm. It's the most elegant form of intimacy. A romantic like yourself will love it, I don't doubt it for a second, once you get the hang on it,” Faith explained.

“I'm romantic?” I asked.

“Of course you are, Logan. You like the rough and kinky stuff, but we both know that you love cuddling, closeness, and the emotional sides of our relationship. And it's not a sneak-diss as you say. It's a compliment,” Faith said. “But it's getting late for you. I have to ask you to hang up, as I'm not sure how to do it yet.”


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