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When I woke the next morning, Faith was nowhere to be seen. I hadn’t even noticed falling asleep. When the soft light of the morning sun found its way through the window, I groaned and sat up. I felt a piece of paper and looked down. Even her cursive handwriting was a sight to behold.

‘Didn't want to wake you. We’ll meet before the party right? - Faith’ 

I had forgotten everything about the party. I had been too tranquil, I think. Too satisfied and relaxed in the arms of Faith. With a broad grin on my face, I hurriedly showered and hurried down to corncakes and syrup on the kitchen table.

“Your friend told us you fell asleep,” Mom said as I came down.

“I guess I was more tired than I realized,” I said, sitting down. “Did she hang around?”

“Yes, in fact,” Mom said. “I’ll be really honest here, Logan. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about your Lady friend. She is nice, and boy is she one pretty lady, but as a mother, I can’t help but be suspicious.”

“Of what?” I asked.

“Exactly. Even when you fell asleep, she just sat down next to me and kept me company until Dad came home. I don’t know, she’s just… I feel oddly safe around her. Do you too?” Mom asked.

I knew exactly what she meant. And I think perhaps that was why I felt so drawn to Faith. Perhaps that is what I needed. ‘An older sister to protect me,’ I mused. I shrugged as I stuffed my face with corncakes. I needed my strength so that I would at least stand a tiny chance of getting Anna.

“So to conclude, I think that Faith can do you good,” Mom concluded, taking the dishes and starting cleaning up. “Is she by chance the girl you asked your Dad about?” Mom asked as softly as she could.

“No!” I exclaimed. “I mean, no… She’s just… nice,” I replied. Faith was just extremely friendly. 

Besides, a woman like her? She was simply on another level, unobtainable for someone like me, and utterly off-limits. She was too damn beautiful. I couldn’t dare fathom the idea of being with a girl so exquisite. An extremely beautiful girl, one you saw in your wildest dreams. Honestly, she was like one of the elves from Lord of the Rings. Or perhaps one of the Maiar, like Melian.

The day went by rather slowly as the party was tonight. I wasn’t sure what I looked forward to most, the promise of meeting Faith again, or actually going to the party and talking to Anna with everything Faith had taught me.

It wasn’t until I was sitting on the front yard with Barney when I heard a familiar rumble of a familiar sportscar crackle over gravel and asphalt towards me. The giant dog wagged its tail as I had just given it a bit of my porridge. I knew he wasn’t supposed to eat porridge, but he had such pleading eyes, and the poor thing loved it. One spoon was surely no harm?

“Ready to party?” Faith smiled from her car window, shutting off the engine.

“Yeah,” I muttered, giving the dog a smooch on the cheek, before letting him find his way back to Mr. Marsh, who was out sitting on his porch. I gave the old man a wave before heading inside.

“Wait,” Faith said, making her way over to me.

“What’s up?” I asked. There it was. She pulled me in for a quick hug. Yet, quick as it was, I still closed my eyes, savoring the embrace.

“Now, let's go inside,” she smiled, seeing me open my eyes again.

Mom this time around was ready to greet us. She was way warmer in her greeting this time around, and had no objection when Faith and I headed up to my room. It was still weird to me to have someone like Faith follow me up to my bedroom, where I had all my nerd stuff. It was the opposite of everything a girl would be impressed by.

She had dressed quite warmly today as well, but a bit more form fitting. She had quite muscular, lean arms I had to say, by how her white wool sweater clung to her arms. Her thighs looked pretty powerful too, even when wearing some sort of baggy yoga pants. Even loose as the material was, her wide thighs and hips were stretching the fabric. 

“So. How has your day been?” she asked, plumping down on the bed where I had fallen asleep in her arms.

“Erh. A bit boring. I’ve mostly been excited for the party and–” I barely managed to stop myself before spilling out too much. But Faith caught it.

“And what?” she asked daringly. I think she knew.

“And hang out with you,” I muttered, glancing towards her beautiful hazel-green eyes to see her reaction. Always smiling, that one.

“That’s nice,” she replied, holding a hand to her heart. “So you want to play chess, or do you want to do something else? I was thinking I could drive you to the party. Nothing cooler than hitching a ride to a party with your older sister, eh?”

I know she was trying to play it off as being sarcastic, but to me there was actually nothing cooler. I mean, I could only imagine people’s reaction when I showed up in a brand new GTR, smoking hot woman next to me.

“That sounds pretty neat,” I said. “I just hope I can remember everything you taught me.”

“You just need to relax,” Faith encouraged. She then patted the mattress next to her for me to sit. I eagerly hurried over. “Here, turn around,” she said.

I did, and sat with my back towards her. I’d much rather sit towards her so I could look at her pretty freckles and otherworldly kind eyes, but I was at her command. Suddenly, I felt her long, but strong fingers run across my shoulders. A shiver went through me, and even more so when her thumbs joined in too. Her fingers pressing down, her thumbs in. Kneading me. Then circular motions with her thumb in the nape of my neck followed by pressing said thumbs down along my spine. She kept pressing hard, as if trying to crack me, to stretch me. A small groan escaped my lips, completely involuntary, followed by a few moans, but Faith paid it no mind.

Oh, how her massage made me so aware of my own body. Of every touch. Every warmth. She had this incredible heat in her fingers, in her palms as she pressed them into me, into my aching spine. All the while, her scent, this wonderful scent of rose petals, filled the atmosphere around me. If I wasn't sitting, I'd be falling into some sort of hibernation. My mind seemed to be floating in a realm between her warm touch and her wonderful odor, with only a few coherent thoughts running through my mind.

“This okay?” she whispered, as if aware of the blissful serenity she was sending me in.

“Yeah,” I mumbled back.

“Feel more relaxed?” Faith whispered, her mouth so much closer now, almost tickling my ear.

“Mhmm,” I replied.

“Do you know how to kiss?” she asked, her voice very, very soft.

“No,” I admitted. I felt so naked admitting it, but it didn't seem to be a problem, at least Faith didn't let it become a problem.

“Have you ever dreamt about kissing someone?” she asked in her whispery voice.

“Yes,” I mumbled back. Of course, Anna. I often dreamt about it.

“Am I allowed to help you learn how to kiss?” Faith asked, moving her fingertips up under the hem of my t-shirt, pulling up under it, her fingertips against my naked shoulder blades. Her other hand moved up under my arm and along my chest.

“You?” I asked surprised, turning to look at her. That look was there again. Her eyes focused intently on me, like some wolf waiting to pounce her prey. “Kiss me?”

“Yes,” Faith replied. I knew she had this gorgeous smile, but her face was so devoid of one right then and there. Her hand on my chest moved up to my chin, and as I had turned to look at her I had somehow ended up being cradled in her arms. Then her thumb went across my lips, almost tenderly, as she pulled me to lie back into the softness of her warm body. Then, she guided my head up to her. “I’ll teach you how,” she whispered to me.

My lips had barely parted to take a deep breath when I felt hers brush mine. We were just touching, and I felt the softest giggle run through her as she brought her hand up behind my head and kissed me fully. Not a proper kiss like you see in the movies, but the caress of lips to lips. So unbelievably soft, this sensation was unlike anything else. For once, Faith's eyes were closed. And my eyelids slowly closed too. She ran her fingers into my hair, her fingernails slowly scraping along my scalp. Then again. Such pleasure. Such wondrous pleasure to have such a beauty be my first kiss, to press her softness and the fragrance of her body into my senses.

I eagerly wrapped my hand to hold around her, which she happily allowed. Her tongue soon teased my mouth, pushing and prodding. I felt so taken, and honestly so incredibly aroused. After a moment I parted my lips for her to take me however she wanted, but instead, she pulled back. 

This time with a smile and her warm eyes open.

“How was that for practice?” she asked, letting me sit up.

“I… I always hoped Anna would be my first kiss,” I began. “But I think that was a way better first kiss than I could have ever imagined. Like... Is this even real? Is this a dream? Am I gonna wake up soon, sad and lonely in the middle of the night or whatever?”

“It's real,” Faith said, taking my hands in her incredibly warm ones. “And your first real kiss can still be with Anna. We're just practicing.”

I wasn't sure I was that gullible, but I was more than happy to play along.

“So wanna go get some booze?” she asked, getting up. I guess it was time to leave. Once again I wasn’t sure if I wanted to. Couldn’t we just sit here and practice some more?

But I nodded. But it kinda reminded me of something else I had been wondering about. I mean, you're not supposed to ask a woman her age, but if she was gonna buy alcohol, she had to be at least 21 right?

“Faith,” I asked, getting up myself. “Can I ask how old you are?”

“Pff, Logan. I’m a woman. You’re not supposed to ask me that. I’m over 21, if that’s what you’re worried about. No shoplifting while I’m around,” she said, ruffling my hair. “It’s a beautiful night out,” she added, nodding to my window.

Indeed it was. The stars shone and the moon was out. It was barely March, so we could quite easily see the stars still. Maybe the universe was shining a spotlight down on Faith tonight? It felt like it to me.

She led me out down to the kitchen where both my parents sat by the table, watching TV. Mom took a small glance and then returned to watching TV. Dad read the newspaper, acting like he was old.

We wished them a good night, before heading out to Faith's car, where the woman herself opened up the passenger door for me.

“Is it weird I almost don’t wanna go?” I asked, looking at Faith as she jumped in on the drivers side.

“It’s just nerves. But I think you should just think of something that’ll calm you down. You got this. If Anna is what you say, she’ll see this version of you who can hold a conversation and be himself and things will go well from there,” Faith said, smiling at me, before turning into a playful whisper, “I’ll even practice with you a bit more, if you think it is required.”

“It is,” I blurted out without thinking.

“My my, someone’s eager,” Faith teased, turning the engine on. “Maybe I’ll end up stealing you from under Anna’s nose!”

I chuckled at that. Faith liked to tease like that. I really felt that she didn't intend to be cruel with her jokes, which was nice. But it didn't feel like she intended to lead me on. Faith was clearly so far above anyone I would ever find myself with. In every sense of the word. She was at least four or five inches taller than me, had these gorgeous freckled cheeks and soft pink lips, her eyes of course being striking green, like the envy of fair maidens, and her hair, like sandy blonde locks, or waves of molten gold. 

“I already stole your first kiss from her,” she teased. “I'm joking. It was just for practice. Right?”

“Right,” I replied, as the vehicle spun out of our cul-de-sac.

“You’re not too old getting smooches from your older sister?” she joked.

“Not like that,” I said, honestly. 

“I'll smooch all over you if you're not careful,” she warned, shoving playfully at my shoulder.

“I'll try to be less careful then,” I joked, making her chuckle. Yeah, I was definitely getting more comfortable.

Soon after, we arrived at Simmons'. I couldn't go inside that store anymore, but Faith simply asked me to wait and headed inside herself, minutes later coming out with a bottle of red wine in her hand, which she stuck in my lap as she drove me to the final destination of tonight: Anna's house. Just across the small forest that was between our cul-de-sacs. I had made plans for me to walk home, as it wasn't too far.

Still, when we pulled up, I saw several people gawk in admiration as the slick sports car pulled up on the curb next to the house. Faith grabbed my arm and gave it a squeeze.

“Go on, have fun. Slay some poontang,” she joked. I just grinned stupidly. “I’ll catch you later and ask you about all the details. All the details.”

“Sure. And thank you, Faith. For everything,” I said. Faith nodded curtly, and drove off.


“What the fuck? You came here in that?!” some random college kid asked. I smiled and nodded. “What the fuck?!” he asked, dexterous in how he minced his words.

“My sister,” I said, as if that explained anything.

“Didn’t know you had a sister,” I heard from behind. It was Robert. And to my surprise, so was Jen and some other pretty girl. “And certainly not a sister who drives a fucking GTR?!”

“I like your shirt,” the new pretty girl said. “I’m Linda.”

“Logan,” I replied. Finally a girl who wasn’t taller than me.

“You’re welcome,” Linda replied, chuckling at me.

“I said that out loud?” I asked, blushing.

“You sure did,” Linda laughed, before heading towards her friend Jen, Robert in tow.

Despite my newfound confidence, or… I guess confidence was not the right word. Acceptance. Acceptance of myself, I guess. So let’s try this again. 

Despite my newfound acceptance of myself, I was still not party lion, nor the social acolyte so many who went to parties were. I made my way inside and saw that the party was in its final form already. 

Searing bass, sweaty dancing people all over the place. I couldn’t even tell what song they were playing, nor who I was pushing past. I was sort of in the looks for a cup or something so I could get a buzz going. I knew wine was not something you gulped down to get drunk, but it was what I had. Though, I suppose I could drink it slowly and try to see if it was any good. Not that I was a huge wine expert.

“Hey there loser.” Amanda had suddenly appeared in front of me. “What the fuck you doing here?” her eyes trailed down to my chest. “Nice shirt. Did you buy it at the mall?”

“Yeah, my sister helped me out,” I muttered.

“Didn’t know you had a sister,” Amanda said. “But then again, I don’t know shit about you. You haven’t seen Zach on your way in?”

Thank fuck no. I shook my head. Amanda tilted her head slightly sideways, as if inspecting me. I wanted to move past her, but I couldn’t very well just shove her out of the way, right? But then Amanda smiled. It was the most unreadable smile I had ever seen.

And then she walked past me, bumping shoulders hard. But hey, not enough for me to spill the wine. If it was any other person, I’d chalk it up as an accident, but everyone knew Amanda was a cold bitch.

I kinda hoped to see Anna somewhere, but so far nothing yet. Until I saw Anna descending the stairs. Like an angel she flew down from above. Dressed in a short black party dress, showing both leg and cleavage a lot. I guess she had already danced a lot, because her hair looked quite disheveled. 

“Hey there Lohgahn,” Anna slurred, making her way over to me. God, I hoped I had caught her sober. Oh well. “Nice shirt.”

“Thanks,” I said. “How’s it going?”

“Pretty well. Having lots of fun. How about you?” she asked, slumping down on the couch next to me, seemingly tired. I had to really focus on her eyes now, as her cleavage was utterly spilling. She even surprised me by swinging her legs up into my lap, leaning back to relax.

“Pretty well as well,” I said. “Just got here.”

“And you’re still n-not shtuttering like an imbecile. Good for you,” Anna said, leaning up to shove my shoulder. As she leaned back, her hand landed on her thigh, and I couldn’t help but look. They looked so strong, and so girthy. 

Man. I had to force my gaze away so I wouldn’t grow too much. Not with her feet right there in my lap. But then she rubbed her feet a bit, causing friction. I looked at her face and saw her raise an expectant eyebrow.

“Someone’sh happy,” she said, sitting up to be closer to me.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to,” I said, feeling pretty embarrassed. I was honestly surprised I was not all over the place. With magnificent force I was able to remain a calm surface. Though inside of me it was another tale. My chest was beating hard already.

“It’s okay. I know you have a crush on me, and this dress don’t help,” Anna muttered.

“You know?” I asked a bit defeated. If she knew, and yet never had done anything…

“Hey. Don’t be sad. I still owe you a reward,” she whispered. I could hardly hear her under the music. “Want me to reward you, mr. Logan? Want to feel how grateful I can be?”

Now I faltered. I gulped heavily as my heart thudded hard against my chest like a sledgehammer. Was this really happening? Then, as if to make her point come across even more firmly, she leaned over and gave my lips a quick flick of her tongue. Soon after followed her lips as her lip-glossed lips pushed onto mine. Right in front of everybody. I could taste her bubblegum lip gloss on her full lips as she shoved into me, clutching my shirt. Her tongue soon shoved right into my mouth without hesitation, replacing her bubblegum taste with something much more vulgar, something salty and bitter. I guessed it was the cheap alcohol, but I wasn’t about to complain. Her tongue shoved into me several times before leaning back.

“Meet me out back in five minutes,” she said, looking groggily in my eyes with her blue drunken gaze. “There’s a small pool house.”

I could hardly nod, completely out of breath, and my eyes followed her dancing globes as she pushed her way around the crowd. Anna then stopped briefly to say something to Jeremy, but luckily she moved past him as well and out back. Jeremy eyed me a bit before disappearing into another direction himself. 

In the meantime, I downed the rest of my wine, found some bathroom to relieve some pressure, and hurried outside to see if I could find that poolhouse, more than eager to find out what Anna had in mind. I could hardly fathom how I had finally kissed Anna, even if it tasted weird and almost foul. Maybe it would be better without all the drinking.

It didn't take long to find, and it didn't seem too popular of a destination either. It stood by the other end of the pool, a bit secluded from the rest of the party. The forest loomed behind it. 

Soon enough I could feel my heart pounding faster and harder in anticipation and desire. But as I closed in on the poolhouse, I didn't see Anna right away. Perhaps I was a bit early. So I stood around for a bit, wondering how nice it would be to have a pool. It must cost a fortune to keep it warm during winter.

Then I heard it. Some low, wet rhythmic sounds. Slow but long and drawn-out sounds. What the fuck? It couldn't be someone splashing in the pool, as I saw no one around. No matter what it was, it could only be coming from the poolhouse. Behind the poolhouse.

Making a bit wider rotation than necessary, I braced for it being some dying animal flopping around back there. Perhaps it was two wildcats trying to fuck. Wouldn't that just be lovely.

But what I found was even worse than what I could have imagined. I could clearly recognize the top of her blonde head and short black party dress, which had ridden up her thighs, revealing a lot of scenery to the person she was kneeling in front of. But I couldn't believe my own eyes, even if I'd seen it so clearly. I blinked, rubbed my eyes, blinked a few more times and rubbed them again, just to see if I had fallen asleep or something.

Nope. There was no mistake. I was watching Anna on her knees in front of Jeremy. Obviously bobbing her head back and forth on him. I could hear the sounds even. The wet suction and smacking sounds.

My whole world came crashing down at that moment. Every hope I had ever had for the last few years came crashing down around me. All of the expectations and daydreams came to ruin. There were no doubts about it. Why had I been so stupid? No amount of self belief, courage, confidence, whatever, would ever make Anna even look at me in any similar ways as to how I looked at her. How had I not seen the warning signs? 

“Oh shit, I'm cumming,” Jeremy exclaimed, violently yanking me back to reality.

“Fuck yeah, drop it down my throat, big man,” Anna muttered, and soon I heard Jeremy grunt, clenching fists and hands alike as he drove himself with his hands into Anna's skull, making her swallow hard with a loud obscene squelch. He continued to push his hips forward and back, pumping into Anna, getting the most satisfaction out of his orgasm. After a bit he grunted some more, holding the blonde's head into his crotch.

Finally, Jeremy relaxed his hips and Anna gulped and audibly swallowed as she drew herself up.

“Ready for little Gay Boy then?” Jeremy chuckled, buckling his belt.

“Oh yeah,” Anna said. Then Jeremy snapped his eyes to meet mine.

“Looks like our little game is up,” he muttered. He then waved his hand for me to come over. 

I didn't. I stood glued to the tiles beneath me, still in shock of what had just happened. My crush, the love of my life, had... I couldn't quite understand what had happened. And ‘little game?’ What did that mean?

As I didn’t walk up to Jeremy, Jeremy suddenly stood in front of me. I had to assume Anna was there as well, but I wasn't able to see her.

“You like watching?” Jeremy mumbled menacingly above me. 

I guess I should have been braver, to stand up for myself and look him in the eyes and tell him to fuck off. My world just hurts too much right now. Anna knew I had a crush on her, she just said so, and then she went straight out to blow someone who everyone knew was a bully? Why? Because he was big and had muscles? Because he was the quarterback? To give me the ultimate torment?

“You enjoyed seeing your little crush gulping on my big dick?” Jeremy chuckled, making a point of buckling his belt.

“No,” I muttered under my breath, looking up at the big hulking menace. “Fuck you, Jeremy!”

“The fuck did you just say– OOMPH–”

With everything I had, which wasn't a whole lot, I shoved Jeremy in his stomach as hard as I could. I guess I had him caught off-guard because he stumbled back, slipped, and splashed into the pool. By now a whole crowd had gathered, and a bunch of them were even laughing at Jeremy soaking wet quickly getting out of the pool. For once, Jeremy was the one being humiliated by the crowd. By his wet face, I could tell he was not happy about it. At all. And seeing him hurrying out of the water, however, was my cue to run.

Making a quick left turn, I quickly started towards the forest. I knew I wasn’t as fast as Jeremy, or agile, or as strong if he were to catch up to me, but I had a better headstart than last time he chased me through the forest. Maybe I could lose him, even.

I could hear the wild ox and some of his friends behind me and around me, so I zig-zagged my way through the trees and jumped over the stones. I hurried past a big rock that was covered with ivy and moss, snapping a twig across my face causing a small bleed, but there was no time to deal with that now. I jumped over logs and kept moving, trying to hurry on before they caught up with me.

Then I saw in the distance a familiar wrought iron fence. It had been my sanctuary before. I sprinted towards it, but as I neared it, I could hear heavy breathing behind me. So close. He was right on top of me. 

And then he was literally on top of me.

I landed face first in the moss, someone on my back. It wasn’t Jeremy, but probably Zach or some other schmuck joining in on the fun. But I heard Jeremy’s familiar curses near, and as it neared just enough, sharp pain stung in my ribs. Then my stomach. My thighs, my face. They kicked and hit me. Over and over. Stomped me down into the mud as I threw up whatever was in my stomach.

They taunted and cheered as well as they beat me to a pulp. I coughed up blood several times, but it didn't seem to stop them. Honestly, I don't know when it stopped, or if it ever did. To me, everything slowly faded, as if falling through the ground, into a cold darkness.

And in the darkness, the door to the strange house opened. It had never opened from the inside before,, and out from the strange house's depths came terrible terror in the form of a moonlight illuminated silhouetted figure so angry and so vengeful it threatened to move mountains with its rage. A terror so dangerous even the most pedestrian of survival instincts knew to flee. The boys didn't know exactly what it was, but as the door swung open and the cloaked figure stepped into the night, they knew one thing for certain. They had to run. And they did. They didn’t know it, they could sense it; that this creature did not belong amongst them, and lingering would mean the end of their lives.

Logan's broken, unconscious body fell with a splat into the cold mud, his nose running blood from his nostrils. Unconscious to the world as he was unaware of the presence that stood over him. It did not speak, nor make any noises for quite a bit. It merely stood there. Sensing him. Before suddenly swooping down and picking him up. And in an instance, it had carried him up the small steps and into the strange house.


I woke up with a splitting headache and a sick feeling in my stomach. How did I even get home? The last thing I remember… oh right. This headache and the nausea wasn’t from drinking too much. It was from getting my ass kicked by Jeremy, Zach, and whoever else had joined in on the fun. But that still didn’t explain how I had ended up… where was I? I felt warm and utterly comfortable, but I could tell this wasn’t my bed. Opening my eyes a little bit I could immediately confirm it. From my bed, I could see out the window to the left by the foot end. Here, I saw a double-sided door a few feet away straight ahead. And as I looked around me, this bed was much larger than my own. And instead of my blue and white star covers, this was red-ish and purple almost like a sci-fi constellation.

The walls were different too, as if I needed more confirmation that this was indeed not my room nor my bed, as the walls had light blue wooden panels. Except there were no windows. The only exits were the double door and a side door to my right which had a sign that read ‘Bathroom’ in neatly printed cursive.

Next to me, opposite to the bathroom, there was a large wardrobe. Not one of those creepy old ones, but a hyper modern one with all the storage room one might need. Other than that, the only other thing that filled this room was utter silence. It was a bit uncomfortable to be honest. To be in here, all alone seemingly, and to not know where I was. This was not like anywhere I had been before.

I lifted the thick duvet aside and discovered the coldness of the room I was in. ‘Jesus. How can anyone live in such conditions?’ I thought. I then trailed down my aching body. I had some strange pajama pants on. They weren’t strange in outlook, they just weren’t mine. As for my shirt, it was completely absent. There were some big bruises too, but nowhere near as severe as I’d initially thought. Even my lips weren’t busted, just swollen a bit.

With a few grunts and winces, I rolled over to the side of the big bed and was happy to see that the floor was at least carpeted. Light gray and fuzzy. And there were even slippers for me to stick my feet into. I looked around once more. The room was oddly inviting, even if I didn’t know where I was, and it held this nice aroma too. I didn’t think I was in any immediate danger, per se. Though the silence was starting to creep me out a bit, I had to admit.

“Hello?” I asked. No response.

With another grunt and a wince I stood up from the bed and shuffled over to the double door and carefully opened it. It made little noise, neatly oiled it seemed, and swung open. Behind it was what looked like some luxurious suite at a hotel. Except, again, no windows. In the middle there was a section with a few couches and a few recliners. Across the room, opposite from where I stood, I saw that there was an open door, leading to a room illuminated in what I knew as LED lights. As a nerd, that room immediately drew my attention. There were other doors here as well, but I wanted to see if whoever owned this fine apartment was a gamer or just liked LEDs.

I shuffled over, and creaked open the door. Again, no noise. At this point it would’ve been welcomed. But what was welcomed was the very impressive battle station that was revealed behind it. And like with any gamer with any respect for themselves, the room was pretty crammed, only enough room for a fridge, the said battle station, and of course the chair. A red and black DXRacer. I looked at the monitors. Apparently, the person liked esports, as they were watching some CSGO tournament.

I also remembered there was a bookcase back in the living room. I had to know what they were reading. And I had to see if the books were– I turned and marched right into some tall cloaked figure right behind me.

“You’re awake!” Faith said, putting her hands outside mine, and holding me out to inspect me. “Sorry, I was outside, I had to hu– I had to go fetch something.”

“This is your place?” I asked dumbfounded. But honestly, if there was one person I was happy to see right now, it was Faith.

“Yeah. I found you and… I’m guessing the party didn’t go so well?” she asked kindly, though I could hear a certain something in her tone. I could again not discern what it was. It was different from the other times. There was a hint of… anger? I hoped it wasn’t directed towards me.

But as she asked about the party, all the events of last night came crashing through my brain like a hammer against an anvil. Only the anvil was my head, and the hammer was Anna sucking off Jeremy. I closed my eyes as the scenes of last night played in my mind, pummeling the insides of my retina. It all flashed so vividly in front of me, burning at my insides as I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment and humiliation. 

“Come, let's sit,” she said, guiding me towards one of the sofas, tossing her expensive-looking coat right on the floor.

As the sofas were all made out of leather, a small shiver ran through me when my bare skin connected with the cold sofa. Faith was still in her wool sweater and baggy yoga pants from before, so I had to wonder how she didn’t freeze too. But she noticed I did, and quickly produced a blanket that she threw over me as I sat, before sitting down next to me.

“Tell me. I dropped you off at the party, then what happened?” Faith asked, facing me. But I wasn’t able to look at her, even as comforting as she was to look at. The pain was still too strong. I hadn’t even had time to process all of it. I started feeling the lump in my throat once again.

I tried to fight the urge to let the tears flow. Not in front of the best ‘sister’ ever. My only friend. The most beautiful and smartest woman ever. Way better than Anna, that’s for certain.

I then looked at her. There was no easy way to tell it.

“Anna… Anna and I kissed. It was fantastic, I have to admit. But then she... well, she invited me outside, and there I found her... On her knees with Jeremy…” I trailed off.

Faith closed her eyes for a moment, before leaning closer and looking into my own with her beautiful, confident stare.

“I can’t imagine the pain, Logan,” she said, cupping my cheek with her warm hand. “So what did you do?” Faith asked.

“I shoved Jeremy into the pool,” I said, recollecting the memory vividly. 

“See!” Faith exclaimed, leaning back to triumphantly shove at my shoulder. “My little badass.”

“I guess that was the only positive thing about last night.”

“The only positive thing?” Faith said, nudging at me, biting her lip playfully.

“Oh. Yeah of course. That was pretty awesome,” I said, remembering back to when we had ‘practiced’ kissing. Despite the pain, I couldn’t help but smile as I thought back to that. I was now very happy that Faith had been my first kiss rather than Anna. To compare the two different kisses would be like comparing one of my drawings as a kid to Bob Ross or something.

“Something tells me you indeed liked it,” Faith said with a knowing smile.

“I just wish I was big and strong… And maybe then Anna would like me. Or if I had acted out earlier…” I said, feeling regret well within me. Why did I ever have to be such a pussy?

“Have you ever thought of just accepting your insecurities? Not try to be this confident wannabe alpha, but rather be confident in your inconfidence? It’s what I’ve been trying to tell you,” Faith asked. There was comfort in her voice, but I could sense some sort of eagerness. For once she broke to look away as if to find the right words. “I mean… Why even bother with that girl? You’re way better than she deserves.”

“I don’t know… I’ve always had a crush on her so…” I mumbled, trailing off a bit. Faith then moved a bit closer, her knees touching my curled up feet. Even through the blanket I could feel her presence.

“Have you ever considered someone else?” Faith asked in a low voice, looking at me intently.

“What? Not really. I don’t think there is anyone else,” I said a bit unsure, looking over at her. I was a bit out of my depths here. Where was this going?

“What about me?” Faith asked, scooting a bit closer. Now she was almost leaning on me.

“You?” I asked.

“Yes, me,” Faith said in almost a whisper. 

“But you’re… older… and… too pretty,” I mumbled, looking from one hazel-green eye to the other.

In reply, she gently leaned on me. Our eyes locked once more and her warmth seeped into my skin like lava and fire. The more time I spent looking at Faith, the better she was to look at, until it was impossible to look away. Like if my gaze left her I'd break the spell and reality would come crashing in.

Soon enough, her hand softly cupped my cheek, pulling me closer. I watched with every second how the distance shrunk between us until my eyes focused on nothing else but her freckles and beautiful hazel-green eyes. My mouth hung open in desire and awe, watching her moist, slightly parted lips. Then we finally reached contact and the warmth of her lips overwhelmed my senses. A kiss had never felt so soft and tender before, and the one I had had with Anna before paled in comparison, melting like snow in the presence of fire.

Slowly, but firmly her tongue caressed my lips and soon shoved them apart and she entered her tongue right into my mouth, dancing between us as we sucked on each other. Suddenly a hand grabbed me firmly by the chest and soon I found myself on my back, pinned beneath Faith's greater weight as we continued making out.

“Call me too pretty again,” Faith challenged, with a certain amount of hunger in her voice. I could easily get lost in her eyes.

“Sorry,” I breathed in between kisses.

“No need to be sorry. I can’t get enough of how you say it. Like I’m the most precious girl to walk this earth. Do you know how long I have waited for you?” Faith purred, rubbing herself against me, her one hand supporting herself, the other running up along my torso to feel my chest. “Since I got my first glimpse of your cute face. And like a wise woman once said, you can get far with a good set of cheeks.”

“Really?” I asked. I was at a loss for words. Nobody had ever talked to me with such… desire.

“Oh yeah. I just thought you wanted Anna more, but fuck that bitch,” Faith muttered into me, giving me another kiss for emphasis. She then slumped down on me with a sigh, her arms cradling around me. God, she was so warm. Even with the place being so chilly, I didn't freeze at all.

“I had no idea,” I said, truly unable to find anything worthy to say. Faith had just professed that she liked me all along.

“Well you’re not so observant,” Faith chided. “I mean, I gave some pretty hard indicators.”

“I guess you're right,” I said. “I was clueless. I thought you were being kind.”

“Oh, I can be very kind,” Faith purred into me, rubbing her nose along my chest, even flicking a tongue across my flesh. It felt incredible, and I felt myself grow pretty erect beneath her. Luckily, her legs were splayed so she wouldn't notice. That would surely ruin the moment. “I’ll rip you to pieces if we’re not careful,” she said in an oddly warm fashion, kissing my belly. I had no doubts in my mind that she could literally kill someone in the bed with that sweet body of hers.

She chuckled, and that sound gave my heart a whole new set of beats, as if a different song played out in the rhythm of my life. Why hadn't I seen it sooner? Previously I'd always thought she was so far from anything I could hope for.

“I like you too,” I said awkwardly. Shit. Well, I felt I had to say something.

“I know,” Faith muttered. “Just took you a bit to realize.”

After several minutes of merely letting her rest on me and me stroking her back, I finally spoke up. I mean, besides her professing her desire for me, which perhaps hadn't fully landed yet, there was the obvious question of where we were.

“So this is your place?” I asked, throwing a look around at the place I was in before looking down at her resting sandy blonde locks.

“Yup. I never let anyone down here so,” Faith said looking up at me, before adding in a whisper, “you’re on a special VIP list,” before giving me an excessive wink.

“But how did I get ‘down here’? I remember running through the forest, then they caught up with me next to the strange house next to Mr. Marsh’s house.”

For the first time ever, I saw Faith freeze up for a moment, her eyes widening a little bit. She immediately caught herself, and broke her stare at me, to look over at one of the doors I had ignored. It seemed like she was processing something, but I didn’t know what.

“So…” Faith started, but she closed her eyes, catching her own stutter for a moment. “You will soon have to leave because I know your parents are worried sick and you have been away all night, but I can’t… I can’t walk you home.”

“What do you mean?” I asked. Was she throwing me out? “Did I do something wrong?”

“No. In fact, in the ideal world, we’d stay down here forever and not bother with the outside ever again. But… I mean, I can’t walk out into the sun and follow you home. That is why there are no windows down here. And when you’re leaving you’ll notice… that you are, in fact, under ‘the strange house’, as you call it.” Faith had sat up at this point. Still sitting closely, she had this odd look of apology on her face.

A bit of silence followed. I didn’t understand. Why couldn’t she go in the sun? Did she have one of those crazy diseases where you’re allergic to electricity? That couldn’t be, she had a computer. And what did she mean by ‘under the strange house’? Was this a basement of some sort? Was there something I was missing here? Again?

“I’m a vampire, Logan,” Faith said. A small silence filled the small space between us. As the words escaped her lips, it was like a switch went off and I understood.

Thinking back, I had never seen her in daylight. And she was unbelievably strong, and she barely seemed to freeze ever. It explained how she was so fast, too. I mean, she’d appear in front of me in thin air sometimes, by the seams of it. Then there was the time where I first met her. When I looked for her reflection. Was that due to her disappearing fast or the old myth about vampires not casting a reflection? There were probably more hints… but… vampires only eat blood, don’t they?

“Didn’t you drink coco at the mall?” I asked. Some sort of relief seemed to fall from Faith’s shoulders as that was the question I came up with.

“I can digest food and regular beverages… Or, I should say, I can consume it, but not really taste it as you do. It gives me a bit of a tummy ache afterwards, is all. Except alcohol. I don’t know the exact science behind it, but blood thinners and alcohol can have… an effect on me.”

“And you let me buy you hot chocolate?” I asked, perplexed, worried I had poisoned her.

“Yeah. You wanted to so badly, I couldn’t say no,” she answered, giving my cheek a stroke of her finger. “It’s easier with lighter beverages, but a whole meal, phew, I’m out for days.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. And is that why you have it so cold? I’m guessing you’re not freezing?”

“You’re correct,” Faith replied. “And I love that your first concerns are related to my wellbeing. You haven’t even grown pale or scared. That is why I like you so much. You’re just a little cute puppy I just want to smush!”

“But… I don’t want to be cute,” I muttered. “Wait, is that why you had me invite you? And were you sitting outside my window?” There were so many questions.

“Yes and yes. I have been stalking you for a bit now,” she confessed. “The pajama pants and slippers you’re wearing, I bought them in hopes that I’d one day lure you down here. I don’t really sleep in beds, but I got one just for you. In fact, I did a whole bunch of redecorating in preparation for when you’d get down here.”

“That’s pretty cool,” I said. “I mean, feeling wanted like that. Not that you got those things, but it’s oddly flattering. It’s honestly something I’ve never experienced.” I then stopped myself as I just thought of something. “But wait. Pete. What’s the deal with him then? He lives upstairs doesn’t he?”

“He’s the last remaining of my kin. Forging documents for the properties has always been a hassle, but with this digital world, well, I need someone’s name so I’ve used Pete for a while,” she explained.

“Then why is he homeless?” I asked.

“I think he likes it that way. He was sort of the black sheep of the family, and now he is all that’s left. Except me of course.”

“Wait, then how old are you? I mean, if you’re a vampire. I’m not sure if I fully believe it yet. I mean, where are your fangs?”

To satiate my curiosity, Faith opened her mouth where I indeed saw no fangs. Then, with a small jerk of her jaw her canines quickly lengthened into pointy tips. My eyes widened in disbelief. She was a vampire. Holy shit!

“You’re not afraid even when I’ve confessed to being something that is so dangerous to your wellbeing,” Faith noted, moving closer as if to prove a point.

I stared up at her dangerously beautiful eyes. I guess I’d be more scared if I had never met her before. But Faith was such… she was just so amazing. “I think it’s kinda cool, actually. I mean, I think you could’ve killed me a long time ago if you wanted to.”

“I could,” Faith said, moving a bit closer on top of me, with her mouth slightly ajar, still her fangs protruding. “That is actually why I wasn’t here when you woke… When I found you outside, you were almost dead. I was so angry when I found you. If you weren’t in such a critical condition, I’d hunt down those assholes and rip their heads off. But I could feel your pulse waning so I carried you inside here, and I had to heal you. Which means, giving you my blood. I normally never give it to anyone, and much less without their consent. But you needed a lot, so I was weak and needed to feed… with you right there bleeding, I forced myself away to go out hunting.”

“That’s kind of alarming,” I admitted. “What, you found someone you bit?”

“Oh don’t worry. I have plenty of self-control,” Faith said. “And no. I don’t feed on humans. It’s too… intimate. Animal blood is not as nutritious, but it works. Pete sometimes goes to the blood bank for me, or the doctors, but not too often. It’s kinda suspicious.”

“I have so many questions,” I confessed.

“I want to answer all of them, but you actually have to get going soon. Your parents must be worried sick. I actually don’t have a phone so I haven’t been able to call them,” she said, pain in her eyes. I felt it too. I wanted to talk and talk, inquire every detail of her. Faith had always been fascinating, but now that was tenfold. Thousandfold. “But… can I ask you one favor and one question though?”

“Of course,” I said, making her smile.

“The favor should be simple. Please, don’t tell anyone about me being a vampire, and also, please don’t tell anyone where I live. I’m extremely vulnerable during the day, and it is actually a huge leap of trust to even let you down here.”

“I promise,” I said. Faith putting so much trust in me was not something I wanted to forsake.

“And, the last thing, before you leave… I know you’re a bit dubious when it comes to hints and all that sort of thing, so I’ll be very forward in this one. Do you want to date me?” Faith asked, sitting so close I’d feel her breath, though I suspected she didn’t have one. “I will give the cliff notes of what that means. I’m extremely possessive and protective, but in return, I’m very kinky and it may mean that I’ll dominate you pretty severely. You’ll discover in time. I never get sick, I obviously will never die, but I’ll never enjoy the sun with you. So, do you want to? I can give you time to think, if you want.”

“Date a vampire? And an awesome one like you? Of course!” I said. Faith leaned forward and gave me a light kiss on the cheek.

“Is that why you’re so warm? And do you breathe and have a heartbeat?” I asked.

“I breathe, but not like you. And same with a heartbeat. I guess it could be classified as slower. I’m no physician or medical doctor, so I have no idea how to explain it in any tangible way. But yes, I am warmer. Do you like having a warm-blooded vampire who’ll dom the shit out of you?” Faith leaned in and whispered at the end, sending a shiver right through me. “Now you can run off to that little bitch Anna, tell her to fuck off, and that you’ve found someone way better.”

“They’ll never believe I got someone so cool and pretty as you,” I muttered.

“It doesn’t matter what they believe or not, as long as you know it’s true. Believe in who you are, not what people tell you to be,” Faith encouraged. “I’ll still be your friend and your sensei. Though now with the added benefit that you get the softest pillows to rest your beautiful head on. Already next Saturday, I will promise you that I will show you how to have a good time. And without some pesky fucking teenage party. But Logan…”

I knew what came next. I had to leave. Mom and Dad was probably worried sick when I didn’t come home last night. With good reason too, as by the sounds of it, I had been beaten almost to death. Faith stood, and dragged me to my feet.

“Before you go. One final last thing. If you decide to visit me during the day, for any reason, there are two things you need to remember. One, I may look a bit… dead. And second, the most important one, do not wake me up. I have extreme self-control when I’m wide awake, but waking a sleeping vampire can be very unpredictable, and potentially dangerous. So. See you next Saturday? I’m out of town for the week.”

I nodded eagerly. Both eager to let Mom and Dad I was okay, but also to rush into hibernation so next Saturday would come easier. Her warning about waking her up was an easy enough instruction to follow.

“I’ll make sure to not wake you. And not tell anyone,” I said back to her. She nodded back. “Oh. I saw your battle station and your books–”

“Next time,” Faith chuckled. “I need to rest. And you go. Don’t let the sleeping hobo upstairs frighten you.”


During the small walk up to my house I was starting to realize that my world view had changed forever. As I came up from the basement, even my view of the strange house had changed. It was no longer creepy. When I came from the latch under the stairs, after a long corridor, I felt I knew all its secrets. Though there was so much I still wondered. 

I hoped Faith could provide the answers I yearned for. I also wondered what kind of plans she had for Saturday. One part knew not to get my hopes up, but Faith was much more determined it seemed. She knew what she wanted and took it. Like me. I had a strong crush on Anna, but Faith had worked me regardless, and showed me so much more intimacy than I’d probably ever get from Anna.

“Where have you been?!” Mom exclaimed as she came running down the driveway, dressed in a thick bathrobe. “I’ve been worried sick! George is gonna be livid, he’s out searching for you!”

“Sorry…” I muttered, fully aware how scared my parents had been. I had never disappeared like that. Mom hurried over, and wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me towards the house.

“I’m calling Dad and letting him know. Then you’ve got some explaining to do, mister!” Mom said, sitting me down at the couch, making me wince a bit. “You okay?”

“I think I broke a few ribs,” I muttered. “But it’s okay. I think it’s fixed.”

Mom rolled her eyes in annoyance, pulling out her phone and finding my dad at speed dial. “Yeah, he’s here. I’m talking to him now. Good. Talk to you later,” she said into the phone before hanging up. She then slumped down on the couch right next to me. Almost reminiscent of how Faith had sat, though more upright of course.

So I explained it all to my mom, except Faith’s secrets of course. I pretty much had to. From how I had a crush on Anna for years, to how I found out she wasn’t worth my time. It hurt still as the wound was still fresh and the humiliation was overwhelming, and I didn’t have it in me to go into details. I had never told my parents about Anna directly, but they had of course always suspected I had someone who caught my eye, especially when I pretty much confirmed it when I sought Dad’s advice.

“But how did that lead to you coming home this late? I can understand wanting to walk it off, but at least send us a text message for christ sake,” Mom said with more sympathy than anger.

“Yeah, Jer– those guys at school chased me through the forest and beat me up… So I wasn’t able to get home, quite literally. They left me out in the woods,” I said. Mom didn’t say anything. She closed her eyes and drew in sharply. When she opened her eyes, I saw them well up. From pity, from sympathy, from anger. From frustration of not being able to do anything about my bullying situation.

“So then I met Faith,” I said, trying to gauge how to tell this part of the story. “She helped me. Found me, really. She’s a… saint.” I quickly was able to correct myself.

“Oh,” Mom said, taking my hand. Suddenly the whole picture of my night was clear to her as to where I had been, and her anger changed to relief. “I guess we’re lucky you ran into her.”

“Yeah, you bet,” I agreed.

Mom seemed to think a bit before following up. “So… are you two seeing each other?” Mom asked.

“Oh… ugh,” I started. We had made it official by doing it the high-school way by one asking the other wheter they wanted to date. Though, in this instance, Faith had been the one to ask. “I guess. Yeah.”

Mom clutched her cheek for a moment. I guess her son dating a girl who looked to be in her twenties was odd, but then again, so much had happened lately. And Faith had been nothing but good so far.

“Well, I won’t make any objections… for now. And, I’ll talk to Dad again. I won’t force you to go through all that again… And next time you see her, Faith I mean, please let her know she has our gratitude. I… I didn’t know you had it this way,” Mom said. “Maybe you’re more of a thoughtful young man than I’ve been able to recognize.”

“It’s okay,” I said. Honestly, it was. A weight lifted from my chest. In the grand scheme of things, I was happy that my mom now knew, and happy I no longer was carrying it with me. The only pain I felt was still the memories from the party.

Mom embraced me, though carefully. I felt the love. But it couldn't compare with how Faith had touched me. Perhaps it was wrong to compare. It was just different, is all.

“You go to bed now, darling,” Mom said as she released me. “It’s still very early.”

When Dad came home that afternoon, after I had rested a bit, he hugged me too. I don’t think I had ever gotten one from him, not after I had ‘grown up’ at least. I guess they had been really worried. I mean, it was highly justified after all. Dad looked me over as he had crushed my bones, disbelief and relief in his tired eyes. He didn’t tear up like my mom had, but I could tell he had been worried sick.

“Dad, I’m okay. Just a bit bruised up,” I said.

“I know. I just thought… Thank God for that Faith-woman. You let her know, she’s part of the family now, Logan. If she saved you… when I couldn’t,” Dad broke off, not even able to bear how scary that sentiment was. 

It wasn’t like he was anywhere near to crying, it was just hard for a man like him to deal with. Dad, the man of the house, had failed as a parent in his eyes. I didn’t feel it that way, but I wasn’t the one who had given the okay for me to go to a party for then to sit up all night, calling your work buddies at the force to help look for me, and not know a clue of what was going on. That was my parents' night. It didn’t feel great that they had been tormented so much by my disappearance. But at least they seemed to like Faith a whole lot.

“I’ll thank her myself,” he said, with a sharp sniffle, looking out the window as if he expected to see her right then.

“She’s stopping by Saturday, she said,” I told him. Dad smiled, still with a bunch of worry in his eyes.

“Good. I won’t hold you up any longer. Go on get,” he said, ruffling my hair before letting me go. “And this time I mean it, no more parties with those shitbags. You’re staying safe.”

“You got it,” I said, knowing that with Faith I’d never be in danger. I wasn’t sure how powerful she was, as I still had so much I wanted to ask her. How much of the fiction was real? Has Dracula existed? Were vampires stronger than regular folk? Could I never wear silver? How many were there? So much I could ask.

When Monday finally came around, Mom called me in sick. I honestly was. Apparently, Faith’s blood had some tremendous healing power for my flesh wounds it seemed, but I had some bruised ribs and limbs still. So I spent the day reading Silmarillion for the 15th time. Yes, it takes a whole day to read that book. Heavy, small letters, and honestly quite hard to digest. I wasn’t the smartest of kids so I had to read some things a few times before I understood where it was going.

Tuesday I was back at school. Dad even let me hitch a ride in his police car. And at school, Jeremy and Zach looked honestly shocked to see me. Perhaps they actually thought they killed me and was surprised to see me limping to my closet? Just as well, the crew left me alone. The only one who didn’t was Anna. She came over, looking all apologetic. I wasn’t buying it. Not this time. I had seen her true colors.

“Hey Logan,” she started. She hesitated, trying to see if I melted under her words. I didn’t say anything. I just took my geography book out of my backpack and shoved into the locker, replacing it with math. 

When I didn’t say or do anything to acknowledge her, she continued. “I’m sorry how it went down at the party. I saw you ran off, and I hope it didn’t go too far with you. If you want, can I make it up to you later?” she tried.

I just ignored her.

“Logan?” she asked.

“Yeah?” I finally relented.

“I’m sorry, but I’m kinda together with Jeremy… So that is why I did what I did. It was wrong for me to–”

“Oh it’s okay. Jeremy has a thing for sluts anyway,” I said, pushing past her. I felt quite triumphant at that. It was the first time I had stood up for myself, aside from when I shoved Jeremy into the pool. I knew the comment would earn me a beating later, but it was honestly worth it.

But the beating never came. Jeremy eyed me angrily, but I think perhaps even he knew he had gone too far. While some would say only vengeance would suffice for the years he had given me, I was more happy to let it go. If we could peacefully coexist without liking each other, that was for the better. I didn’t have the energy nor the will.

The week trickled by slowly. As much as it was peaceful to not get bullied around, it was a torment to wait for Saturday. I wondered what Faith did during the week. It was rare I had seen her during the week before too. Maybe she worked? I knew she did something with real estate, owning properties and whatnot, but I wasn’t sure exactly what. It was just then I realized that she was probably filthy rich. It didn’t really matter to me, but it was a ‘huh, look at that’ moment for me. If she had owned stuff for ages, then even just by accumulating wealth she’d be well off. 

But like I said, the week went slowly by. I spent recess at the library, and my days at home I mostly helped out the neighbors like I always did. At night, I sat in my bed and looked into the night, wondering where Faith was and what she was doing, who she was, imagining how things would change from here. I’d sit in the night and day dream about her for hours until I succumbed to sleep. Thinking of how lucky I had become to date a vampire.



Kinda figured she was a vampire or some other supernatural being. Reading The Silmarillion in one day? As you wrote, it's not exactly easy reading. I'm almost tempted to call bullshit. It's at least 450 pages of esoteric text. Maybe if you have read through it before or your name is Evelyn Wood lol. I too am a nerd. I wonder if anyone will know that reference without Google.