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March 2024 Exclusive Patron-Voted Story Poll

  • Harry/Aurora Sinistra 11
  • Harry/Mrs Zabini 14
  • Harry/Bellatrix/Amelia Bones 10
  • Harry/Fleur 18
  • Harry/Delphini 17
  • Harry/Myrtle/Olive Hornby 2
  • 2024-03-02
  • —2024-03-05
  • 72 votes
{'title': 'March 2024 Exclusive Patron-Voted Story Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Harry/Aurora Sinistra', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Harry/Mrs Zabini', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Harry/Bellatrix/Amelia Bones', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Harry/Fleur', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'Harry/Delphini', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'Harry/Myrtle/Olive Hornby', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 5, 16, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 2, 21, 36, 7, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 72}


This story is exclusive for anyone at the Prompter Tier or above. As such, all voting will be done exclusively by all of you!

Be sure to vote on the story you would like to see written for this month! You have until 9 am PST on the 5th to vote!

To maintain consistency, Prompter's votes will count as 3 votes while Big Supporter's and Commissioner's votes will count as 10 votes.

Here are the prompts:

Harry/Aurora Sinistra: Professor Sinistra loves two things: astronomy and being naked. She doesn't remember when it started but she grew a habit of being naked whenever she studied the heavenly bodies; she swears she feels more connected magicks of the stars and the moon and the planets when she's au natural. But teaching naked would get her in trouble, right? Well, she knows a strong and spell that confundus Charm that she cast in the Astronomy Tower that Tricks everyone into believing she's wearing professional (but a little sexy) clothes and robes. And for all the years that she's been teach, no one has even shown a hint of realizing that she's been teaching starkers.  Now he comes Harry Potter, the Boy who can throw of the Imperius Curse. In his first Astronomy lesson, he falls pray to the Confundus curse but slowly fights it off, being the first to see his dark skinned beautiful professor walking about in the buff and no one else saying anything about it.   After class he boldly confronts his professor about her "attire" and Sinistra is in full on panic mode. She comes clean and now has to find a way to keep Harry Potter from reporting her to the Headmaster

Harry/Mrs Zabini: Mrs Zabini is contracted by remnant Death Eaters to seduce and assassinate Harry Potter after marrying him and getting pregnant with his child to secure control of his wealth and the Potter estate.  She achieves the marriage and impregnation part of her contract, but came to genuinely fall in love with Harry and instead flips on the Death Eaters and ensures their capture in a sting operation.

Harry/Bellatrix/Amelia Bones: Time Travel AU. Harry travelled back into the past to kill Voldemort, and after completing the job, he's stuck there. So, he decided to take up a job as an Auror. He's in charge of testing potential new recruits and determining who's fit for Auror service and who isn't.

There's one spot left for the year, and two witches show up to take it: Bellatrix and Amelia. These two recent graduates from Hogwarts have long been rivals in all things: academics, magic, and love. The competition for the last spot heats up between them, and they both prove to Harry that they're willing to do anything to beat each other.

Harry/Fleur:  Set a couple of years after the war (not sure how many). Bill gets caught cheating (big surprise). Fleur, not knowing who to go to, goes to the only person in Britain who would be able to help. Harry and Fleur have been good friends since the second task of the Triwizard, exchanging penpals and talking as much as they could. It wasn’t until Fleur moved to Britain and started dating Bill that they met in person again, but they hit it off like nothing had ever changed. Fleur makes it to Harry’s place and asks for a place to stay. She doesn’t tell Harry right away what happened, but eventually breaks down and tells him. Harry, wanting revenge for one of his best friends, gets an idea. Take Fleur out on a date, show her what it really means to be appreciated and wanted in a relationship. And well… that date leads to Harry realizing what Fleur realized back when they were penpals. Harry is in love with her. But now he feels that there is no way to tell her and doesn’t know how she’ll react. So he takes her on more dates, and they become more and more real every time

Harry/Delphini: After defeating Voldemort, Harry decides to go back to Hogwarts to complete the final year that was stolen by the war. Things are going well until he notices a face he hasn't seen in all his time at Hogwarts - a certain Delphini Rowle. As time passes he realizes that this new chick is obsessed with him, to the point where he thinks she might be stalking him.    Delphini on the other hand is from the future, discontent and disillusioned with the fall of her father, Voldemort, and led to think that he was a good, honorable man who would've brought positive change to the wizarding world. She intends to go back in time before her father's fall to prevent his death and to kill Harry Potter, but her miscalculations bring her a few weeks after Harry finishes Voldemort. She changes her plan and seeks to avenge her father instead, but the more she spends time following Harry and learning about him and his complicated past, she begins to unveil the truth of her father and the many atrocities he commited.    Harry eventually learns the truth of Delphini's true parentage and reason for arrival, and ultimately confronts her and tells her the truth: that the man she called father was despicably evil and only sought to bring death and destruction to the wizarding community. Harry, still reeling from the events of the war, and Delphini, miserable from the recent truth that has been broken to her after a childhood of being lead to believe that her father was an honorable man, find consolation in one another and forge a loving relationship amongst themselves that blossoms into something that given their backgrounds and parentage, would never have imagined.

Harry/Myrtle/Olive Hornby: On the way to the Forbidden Forest to confront Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry, in a brainwave, summons Kreacher, gives him some Basilisk fangs that he took from Ron and Hermione when they went to the CoS, and tells him to banish them towards Voldemort and the snake when he's struck down by the Dark Lord. Kreacher reluctantly complies, and tells Harry that he was wrong and that Harry is like Regulus. When Voldemort casts the AK, Harry summons Fiendfyre, taking the Death Eaters with him. As the AK strikes him, Kreacher banishes two fangs towards Nagini and three towards Voldemort, effectively ending the Battle of Hogwarts with Harry, Tom and the Death Eaters deaths.

In limbo, Harry meets Death, who commends him for ending the war and as a boon, sends him to a time so he can take out Voldemort even before he becomes so, aka take out Tom Riddle. Harry gets re-incarnated as the youngest Potter child, Hadrian, the son of Henry Potter and younger brother to Fleamont and Charlus Potter (Charlus can be optional). Harry attends school a year after Tom(or before, either is fine), gets sorted in Ravenclaw and decides to take his studies seriously, knowing that Riddle was considered a brilliant student, effectively becoming rivals with him. He befriends Myrtle and helps her out with her bully problem, especially Olive. During the chamber incident, Harry actually saves Myrtle from the Basilisk, resulting in a duel between Harry and Tom. The teachers are drawn to the scene and Myrtle vouches for Harry. The basilisk is taken care of, Tom is expelled and taken away. Harry and Myrtle grow closer and eventually they fall in love and get married. One day they meet Olive Hornby who despite being attractive doesn't hold a candle to Myrtle, who had blossomed into a beautiful woman in her fifth year (she died when she was 14, so 3rd or 4th year). Olive asks for forgiveness and Myrtle is reluctant, but then gets an idea and decides to make Olive her sex slave/pet. Harry just shrugs and says why not? After all, no Dark Lords are after him and he's perfectly content in life. Can end with smut of course. Involve some Dom/sub, strap-on for Myrtle to bang Olive and pet play as well. Oh and Harry keeps his parseltongue and becomes a healer since parselmagic is good for healing. Maybe make Myrtle an auror (would be fun) and she catches Olive in a crime.


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