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AN: Instead of The Most Beautiful Witch this month, the anonymous commissioner asked for a one shot instead based on a prompt from the November 2023 Patron-Voted Story Poll (it was the Harry/Hermione #1 prompt). The Most Beautiful Witch will be back next month, but for now, please enjoy this fun one shot!


Grey skies and a warehouse magically disguised to look abandoned were the only things of note along this old dirt road along a river in the east Midlands. The wind was barely stirring, and there was no one in sight.

“Have you seen anyone?” Hermione Granger, dressed in her dark Auror robes, asked beside him.

Harry Potter shook his head and crawled back and away from the crest of the grassy hill they were hiding behind. “The place looks abandoned. It might actually be too,” he said as he dusted off a bunch of dried grass off of his Auror robes.

Hermione sniffed, a telltale sign that she didn’t agree with him. “It might be,” she acquiesced, “or there might still be people inside.”

“We’ve been watching it for days now,” Harry pointed out.

“Three days,” Hermione specified. “And it’s not like it’s impossible to hide in a building for four days. Don’t you remember what it was like in the tent in the dead of winter?”

All too well. Those days when it’d just been the two of them had been coming to the fore of his mind more and more lately.

“Well, we can try waiting for a few more days, but Tonks is getting impatient as it is with us gone from the office for so long,” Harry reminded her. “I still say we should just storm the place. You said it yourself that the doors weren’t trapped.”

“I didn’t say about what might be inside though,” Hermione replied with a sigh. “It wouldn’t be the first time that old Death Eaters trapped their stashes of stolen artefacts.”

No, it wouldn’t. Everyone in the Auror Office still remembered the day that Neville came back from a raid missing both of his legs because his partner had missed a dark explosive curse that’d been set on a door handle inside an old manor. The partner had died on the scene, and Neville had chosen to leave the force the next day after St Mungo’s had performed a miracle in reattaching his legs. It was at least nice to know that Neville was thriving as the new Herbology professor at Hogwarts. 

“Then we take things slow,” Harry suggested. “You can take the lead looking for traps—you always were better at spotting them than me—and I’ll keep my wand at the ready in case anyone tries to jump us. We just need to find the cache of stolen artefacts and get out.”

It was clear that Hermione wasn’t thrilled with the plan—not that she was ever thrilled with Harry’s plans. He was too rash for her, and she was too cautious for him. The compromises they made in working with each other made them stronger together than they ever could be individually, and it was the reason they had the highest number of completed cases out of any pair in the Auror Department.

After a moment’s thought, Hermione finally nodded. “I’m leading, and you’re following behind me,” she reminded him.

“You won’t hear any complaints from me,” Harry replied as a cheeky grin came across his lips. “I’d never turn down to stare at your bum on a job.”

Hermione snorted at his attempt at humour and pushed him back down as he tried to get up. “Git,” she said with a quiet laugh before she got to her feet.

“You’d be bored if I wasn’t,” he argued playfully as he followed her to her feet.

“I’d be at peace if you weren’t,” Hermione replied as she walked over the crest of the hill and started carefully down the slope towards the warehouse.

“If you’re always at peace, then you’ll never appreciate it,” Harry countered. “It’s the annoying things that make the good things so nice.”

“Is that why I’ve kept you around for so long then?” Hermione bantered. “To make the good things in my life that much better?”

Harry nodded sincerely. “It’s a difficult service, but an important one. I take my work very seriously.”

“How about you take our current job seriously and save the annoying for later,” Hermione said as she crossed the road to the warehouse.

“Sounds good to me,” Harry smiled and pulled out his wand.

As they approached, the illusion placed on top of the warehouse remained. The glass windows were smashed in, and all there was to see inside was an empty concrete floor and some scattered leaves, but Harry knew better. The magic had been poorly cast, leaving the edges of everything slightly fuzzy. Once they stepped through the threshold to get inside, the illusion would drop completely.

“Alohomora,” Hermione murmured under her breath as she flicked her wand towards the large double doors that barred their entry.

There was a satisfying click, and then Hermione carefully swung open the doors. They creaked on their hinges, and Harry readied himself with any one of a dozen spells he could cast depending on the situation.

Suddenly, the illusion faded, and the warehouse was revealed to be filled with darkness. All of the windows had been covered up with old sheets of metal, magically frozen in place. The light that shone in from the open doors gave them a bit of vision, but all there was to see was hundreds of wooden trunks and crates.

Harry and Hermione scanned the area, seeing no signs of movement.

“Maybe it is abandoned,” Hermione said cautiously.

“Maybe,” Harry agreed. “But let’s keep watch for anything shifty, yeah?”

They proceeded inside cautiously, moving in a well-practised manner. Having been Auror partners since the months after the war a couple of years ago helped them work in unison like this, but their years of friendship was what really made them work so effectively. They knew how each other moved, the way they analysed any situation they were thrown in, and how they’d react to any complication that came their way. 

While the trunks weren’t stacked on top of each other, the wooden crates were. Most stacks only reached Harry’s chest height, but there were a handful of taller ones throughout the warehouse that concerned him. It would be all too easy for someone to hide behind one of them and ambush him and Hermione when they were in a vulnerable position.

They checked a handful of the crates, but most were empty or held mundane items like cloaks and trousers. The stolen artefacts they were searching for were nowhere in sight.

“Stop,” Hermione said in a hushed tone.

Harry reacted instantly, stopping in mid stride. As Hermione crouched down to examine something in front of her, Harry put his foot down and pivoted to scan the nearby area. Dust danced in the air, but there was no sign of any flickering shadows that would signify an attacker.

Hermione began muttering words under her breath. It was an old, Egyptian charm that Bill had taught them that worked as a means of identifying the properties of curses by analysing the underlying Arithmancy principles that went into the spell’s creation.

“Be careful,” Hermione murmured. “Parts of the floor are trapped with a curse that’ll liquefy your organs if you step on them.”

Harry’s stomach churned angrily at the thought.

“See here,” Hermione pointed out. “You can see little runes carved into the floor; just don’t touch them and you’ll be fine.”

After one last scan around to make sure no one was creeping up on them, Harry crouched down and took a look at the runes that Hermione had described. He’d never learnt what most runes meant, but even he recognised the eihwaz rune that was commonly used in traps like this.

“Thanks,” Harry replied as he stood up the rest of the way.

“Flagrate,” Hermione muttered as she drew an X with the tip of her wand just above the runes. Thick fiery lines hovered in the air just above the runes, marking them clearly. 

After carefully stepping over the trap, Harry spotted something glimmering in the distance. It was a mirror with a tall, golden frame resting against a stack of crates. It seemed innocuous at first glance, but something made him pause.

“Harry?” Hermione said questioningly, wondering why he’d stopped so suddenly.

“That mirror…” he trailed off as he noticed some writing engraved on the frame. He sucked in a deep breath. “It’s the Mirror of Erised!”

He’d told Hermione about the mirror years ago now. It showed anyone who looked in it their heart’s deepest desire. Back in his first year at Hogwarts, he’d spent countless nights going to look at his family in the mirror until Dumbledore had warned him to be careful. The mirror had given him the philosopher’s stone later during his fight with Professor Quirrell, but he never knew what had happened to the mirror afterwards.

Well, now it was clear that the Death Eaters had gotten their hands on it. And if it was there, then Harry was betting the rest of the stolen artefacts were right there with it.

“Over here,” Harry waved Hermione forward as he took the lead.

“Harry, wait for me,” Hermione hissed at him as she followed his steps.

Harry paid her no mind. He walked carefully, but his eyes and mind were focused on the mirror. He felt drawn to it, like it was important somehow. He knew the dangers of lingering in dreams like the mirror provided, but surely a look wouldn’t hurt.

As he grew closer to the mirror, he saw his reflected image walking towards him too. They both came to a stop simultaneously, and then Hermione stepped into the frame beside his reflection.

Harry glanced over his shoulder, expecting to see Hermione there, but she was still quite a way back as she moved through the stacks of crates. The image of her in the mirror wasn’t her reflection; her being there was a part of his deepest desire.

The mirror Hermione moulded herself against the mirror Harry’s side and placed a hand on his chest. She had a wedding ring on her finger, and it looked beautiful. She leaned up and kissed his cheek then, but the mirror Harry wasn’t satisfied with that. He turned his head and kissed her lips sweetly, dipping her backwards in a loving embrace.

Harry was frozen as he stared at the scene before him. But, just when he thought it couldn’t get any more scandalous, a flurry of young children rushed into frame. There had to be nearly a dozen in there. Some had Harry’s messy black hair, and others had Hermione’s bushy brown hair. He could see traces of both of them in all of the children.

It was… incredible.

Everyone in the mirror came together for a hug, and Harry could see the love they all had for each other. It was something he’d always dreamt of, but he’d never expected it to be with Hermione. 

“What are you looking at?” 

Harry jumped, and the image in the mirror blurred and faded as he looked away from it. Hermione stood there with a slightly annoyed look on her face because of his abandonment of her, but she seemed more curious about what he was seeing in the mirror.

He had to fight back the natural urge to blush as he thought about how he could possibly describe what he’d just seen in the mirror to her.

“My deepest desire,” he answered with an awkward shrug. It was technically the truth.

Hermione was looking at him strangely, but he quickly moved past her to look at some of the nearby crates. He cracked open one of the lids and peered inside to see a pile of glittering oddities. Just from looking at them alone, Harry could sense that the items were full of magic. He opened another crate and experienced the same sensation.

“Looks like we found the artefacts,” Harry announced as he turned around to look at Hermione.

Hermione wasn’t looking at him though. She was frozen in place with her fingers to her lips, trapped in a perpetual gasp as she stared into the mirror.

Instantly, Harry wanted to know what she was seeing. There was a flare of jealousy in his body at the thought that she might be seeing herself alongside another man other than him. 

Over the years that they’d been best friends, Harry knew that he loved Hermione dearly, but he thought that he only loved her as a friend. She was great and wonderful in so many ways, and while he wouldn’t deny that he thought that she was very beautiful, he didn’t really consider her an option for himself romantically speaking. 

He’d never really been confronted with a situation that could make him really jealous before though. Since the war’s end, she’d gone on one date with Ron—which ended terribly with neither of them speaking to each other for weeks because of how awkward it had been—and Harry knew of a few other dates she’d had, but none of them had ever blossomed into a real relationship. He’d chalked up any minor feelings of jealousy to be that of him being worried that she’d start to spend less time with him when she was in a relationship, not the idea that he wanted to be in a relationship with her instead.

But now that he’d seen a potential future he could have with Hermione in the mirror, it was like everything fell into place in his mind.

He loved Hermione as more than a friend.

And seeing her stare into the mirror like that, like she was about to cry tears of joy, was tearing him up inside.

“Hermione?” Harry spoke up a bit more brusquely than he’d have liked to.

She didn’t react. Her eyes were still glued to the scene in front of her.

Harry frowned and took a step closer to her.

“Hermione?” He called out again, but there was still no reaction.

He was just reaching out to touch her shoulder when he heard something. It was a near-silent pop only a few feet behind him.

Immediately, Harry shoved Hermione aside and ducked just in time as a killing curse soared right overhead. The masked figure several feet away hadn’t expected Harry to dodge so easily, so he was completely unprepared for Harry’s stunning spell that took him down.

Breathing heavily from the rush of adrenaline, Harry searched for any other targets, but the warehouse was empty.

“Abandoned my arse,” Hermione groaned as she got back up to her feet. 

Harry offered her a placating smile. “Okay, you were right; this place isn’t as abandoned as I thought.”

Hermione walked over and picked up the masked wizard’s discarded wand. “We’d better get everything together and get out before anyone else shows up.”

That sounded like the best idea he’d heard all day.


The Leaky Cauldron was booming tonight. Ever since Hannah started working for Tom here, the pub’s atmosphere had brightened up considerably. It really showed on nights like tonight where the pub was packed full of happy, excited, drunk people celebrating the end of the work week.

“What’s this? Your fifth finished case this month?” Seamus asked as he brought his glass of whiskey up to his lips. 

“That’s right,” Harry nodded with a satisfied smile.

“Fucker,” Seamus laughed. “The longer you two keep this up, the more Tonks is going to expect out of the rest of us.”

“She ought to expect nothing but the best,” Hermione countered.

Seamus put on his best sad, puppy-dog eyes. “Are you trying to say that Dean and I aren’t the best?”

“I think that’s exactly what she means, mate,” Dean said solemnly.

Seamus sniffled at that, and Hermione just kicked his leg playfully under the table. 

“Enough with the waterworks,” she laughed. “You two do good work too.”

“Just not as good as you two,” Dean said without any malice. In fact, there was almost a note of awe in his tone. “I swear, you must have the best record out of any Auror pair ever.”

“We’re getting up there, I think,” Harry said as he sipped on his lager. “But we don’t really keep track of that stuff. All that matters is that we’re getting our jobs done, arresting the right people, and making Britain safer.”

“That’s all well and good, but you ought to take more pride in your work,” Seamus argued. “I mean, do you two even celebrate at the end of the month when you see how many cases you’ve closed and how many arrests you’ve made?”

Harry and Hermione both shook their heads in unison.

“Not really,” Hermione admitted. “Well, I guess we do come here.”

“Yeah, but you do that every week with us and everyone else,” Seamus said as he gestured around them. Half of the nearby tables were filled with Aurors too. “Isn’t there anything more special you do to treat yourselves?”

“Nope,” Harry shrugged.

Seamus blew out a mouth full of air. “If reaching the top record in the department means I have to be boring and single, I don’t think it’s worth it.”

Hermione’s cheeks flushed. “I’ll have you know that I went out on a date last week.”

Harry’s ears perked up. He hadn’t heard about this.

“How did it go?” Dean asked sincerely.

Hermione sagged down in her chair and took a deep drink from her beer. “Not well.”

Harry’s first thought was: good. And then he immediately chastised himself for it. Just because he suddenly realised what his true feelings for Hermione were didn’t mean that he should wish her ill in her dating life.

“At least we’ve got alcohol to keep us company,” Dean sighed.

“Speak for yourself,” Seamus grinned. “I’ve at least got Morag to keep my bed warm at night.”

“We know,” Dean groaned. “Honestly, you won’t shut up about how incredible she is.”

“That’s because the world needs to know,” Seamus exclaimed giddily. “Speaking of which, I need to be getting back home soon.”

“Weren’t you just telling me I needed to be less boring,” Hermione pointed out. “We’ve only had like three drinks.”

“Yeah, but Morag’s waiting up for me,” Seamus replied. “I told her I’d be back by half nine, and I’m not about to annoy the best thing in my life just so I could stick around drinking the night away.”

Hermione groaned and turned to Dean. “He really does rub it in your face, doesn’t he.”

“You don’t know the half of it,” he said sympathetically.

Seamus grabbed his heavy robes and dropped a couple of galleons on the table. “I’ll see you guys around next week. Dean, are we still on to go see Appleby play Kenmare tomorrow?”

“Absolutely,” Dean said, perking up a bit. He glanced down at the empty beer in his hand and sighed. “I’d better head home too before I end up with a bad hangover in the morning.”

Seamus and Dean said their goodbyes, and the two men headed for the fireplaces to floo back home.

Without those two around, Harry strangely felt very awkward around Hermione. Realistically, he knew that he shouldn’t, but seeing them together in the mirror today was messing with his head. Should he say something to her about it?

The alcohol in his body was telling him yes.

But just as he opened his mouth to speak, Hermione beat him to the punch.

“We did good today,” she smiled at him.

Harry bobbed his head up and down. “Yeah, we did. I’m glad that we finally managed to wrap the case up; I was getting sick and tired of staring at that building all day.”

Hermione laughed quietly at his displeasure. “And thanks for saving me from that guy in there. I was… a little preoccupied.”

“I noticed,” Harry said pointedly. He wondered if he could get her to tell him what she’d seen in there. “The mirror can be really captivating.”

“Yeah, it can.” Hermione’s cheeks turned a little pink.

Harry’s mind was trying to come up with a clever way to get her to tell him what she’d seen in the mirror, but all of his plans seemed so convoluted. He was never much good at sticking to plans anyway.

“What did you see in it?” Harry suddenly blurted out, deciding that his usual ‘run headfirst towards a problem and figure your way out from there’ strategy was better than stalling any longer.

Hermione looked taken aback at the question and delayed by taking another drink of her beer. When she sat the glass back down, she lightly bit her lower lip. It was one of her telltale signs that she was deep in thought.

Her pretty brown eyes flickered up to meet his. “What did you see in it?” She asked him.

Harry froze up, just like she had. A small twinge of hope filled his chest. If she was acting coy like this, did she see something about him?

“I… I saw me with my wife and kids,” Harry admitted.

“So did I,” Hermione said quickly after him. “My husband, that is. We had a big, happy family together.”

Their eyes met, and Harry saw his hope reflected in her eyes. 

He decided to take the plunge.

“You were my wife,” he said, trying to mask his nerves.

Hermione gasped, and her eyes filled with tears. “You were my husband,” she said as a few tears started to drop out of her eyes.

The last time he’d kissed a crying girl, it hadn’t gone well, but kissing Hermione right now felt like it was the right thing to do. 

Harry pushed himself up and leaned across the table and kissed Hermione soundly. The moment that their lips touched, Hermione melted into the kiss and returned it with just as much love and passion as Harry was putting into it. She wiped the tears off of her cheeks and didn’t stop kissing him for a second.

It wasn’t until Harry heard cheers that he broke off the kiss. He and Hermione turned to see a bunch of their colleagues clapping and cheering for them.

“Took you two long enough!” Someone shouted from the back.

Hermione blushed fiercely. “Do you want to go somewhere without so many prying eyes?” She asked him.

“Absolutely,” Harry agreed.

When he took her hand in his, the spark was there again. Harry dropped a handful of galleons on the table and quickly pulled Hermione over to the fireplace while the other Aurors in the room made crass jokes at their expense. They stopped after Hermione turned to glare at them, but it didn’t stop everyone from staring and giggling like school kids.

“Hermione’s Flat,” Hermione announced as she dropped a handful of floo powder into the fire.

The moment they landed in the familiar living room, Hermione pounced on him. Her lips were on his, and they both fell down onto her sofa.

It was as though years of passion and holding back from touching each other like this was suddenly unleashed all at once. Their hands roamed each other’s bodies without hesitation as they fought to make up for lost time.

Having Hermione on top of him like this felt right to Harry. He didn’t know how he hadn’t realised it sooner, but seeing her as his wife in the mirror gave him the wakeup call he needed. More than that though, he remembered all of the children he saw in the mirror, and his body screamed at him that this was the perfect time to start working towards that perfect family.

The bulge in his trousers was growing painful as Hermione squirmed on top of him. She was relentless, and it was driving him wild.

“Hermione, wait,” Harry gasped as he pulled his lips away from hers.

Hermione whined in protest but did as he asked. “Is everything alright?” She asked him.

“Everything’s perfect,” Harry smiled easily up at her. “I just want to make sure that we’re on the same page about what’s happening tonight.”

“I think it’s pretty obvious what’s going to happen,” Hermione replied, amused.

“I just didn’t want to assume—” Harry began, but Hermione cut him off.

“I want you, Harry,” she told him sincerely. “I want all of you. I want to make love to you and to feel you inside of me.”

Harry groaned as Hermione rubbed her thigh along his bulge. “Are you on the potion? Or the contraceptive charm?”

“No,” she admitted with a little nervous jitter in her voice. “But I don’t want to be. I think we both know that we’re ready for something more here, Harry. We’ve been best friends for years, and I know you’d make a wonderful husband and father.”

“It almost sounds like you're proposing to me,” Harry joked nervously.

“I’m still expecting you to do that,” Hermione retorted lightly, “but I know that there’s no one else I’d rather spend the rest of my life with. If I get pregnant tonight, I wouldn’t see it as a mistake. I’d see it as us making up for lost time.”

Harry’s mouth went dry. “Do you really mean that?” He asked hopefully.

“With all of my heart,” Hermione nodded.

A rush of emotions filled Harry’s chest. He’d wanted to have a real family for so long, and now was his chance to start one. “I love you, Hermione.”

Hermione’s beamed at him. “And I love you. I’ve always loved you, Harry.”

Harry wasn’t sure who made the next move first, but their lips were suddenly connected again. They writhed against each other as they showed each other their mutual love until the need for air broke them apart again.

“Sit up,” Hermione told him breathlessly as she pushed herself off of him.

Once he was sat up on the sofa, Hermione slid off of it and placed herself right in between his legs. She eagerly unzipped his trousers and pulled out his hard cock.

There was a moment of pause where Hermione just took in the sheer size of him. His cock looked nice and thick in her small hands, and it had the length to match. Her eyes devoured every inch of his shaft. 

“Why didn’t you tell me you had something like this?” She gasped.

Harry snorted. “I don’t think it’s exactly appropriate to go around telling your friends about the size of your cock.”

“You would have had dozens of women knocking at your door if you told them about this,” she said as she stroked his cock. “Even I…”

Hermione trailed off as she simply opened her mouth wide and engulfed his cock. The feeling of her warm mouth around the head of his cock sent Harry reeling. He’d never felt a pair of lips so perfect around his cock before.

Hermione brushed her hair behind her ears as she started to bob her head up and down. Her tongue was working smoothly to coat his shaft in saliva to make her motions easier, and it had the added effect of making Harry groan from how good it felt. With his work schedule being as hectic as it was, he rarely had time to go out on dates. The last time he’d had sex was nearly a year ago now, and the woman had just laid back and expected him to do all of the work. The way Hermione was eagerly sucking his cock now made him feel wanted and desired, and that was an exciting feeling to have from someone he loved so much.

Try as she might, Hermione quickly realised that there was a limit to how much of Harry’s cock she could take into her mouth. She managed to get a little past the halfway mark before his cock hit the back of her throat, and then she pushed herself to get a couple more inches in before she had to stop. Her throat wasn’t accustomed to having such a hot, thick member inside of it, and it was going to take more than a few attempts before she’d feel really comfortable with it.

So, Hermione changed her tactic. Rather than trying to take as much of Harry’s cock into her mouth as she could, she relegated her mouth to the top half of his cock. She was still able to bob her head up and down and swirl her tongue all around him, but she never felt like she was going to start choking on him. But this left the bottom half of Harry’s cock exposed to the air, and that was where her hands came into play.

Hermione found that she could comfortably put both of her hands on the base of Harry’s cock and stroke him without interfering with her mouth. It took a moment to get her hands and mouth in sync, but once she did, she was able to bob her head in time with her hands.

Barely a couple of minutes had gone by and already Harry felt a strong urge to cum. Hermione seemed to be doing everything she could to give him the time of his life, and it was working. She was applying just the right amount of suction to make his brain go fuzzy. Watching her suck his cock with so much loving devotion too was such an erotic sight that he wished he could have a portrait of it made. Maybe he could convince her to do it one day.

“Hermione, I’m getting close,” Harry warned her, but Hermione didn’t slow down in the slightest. In fact, Harry noticed her start to speed up. 

Hermione kept stroking his shaft and using her lips perfectly as she bobbed her head up and down. Her tongue swished back and forth along the underside of the tip of his cock, trying to coax him to cum.

It worked.

In just a few seconds, Harry groaned and instinctively grabbed Hermione’s head to hold her in place. He sprayed his hot, salty seed into her mouth. Hermione kept her lips sealed around the head of his cock as she stroked the rest of his cum into her mouth, and she didn’t stop until she had every last drop.

When Harry’s breathing finally evened out, Hermione released his cock from her mouth and sat back on her heels. She opened her mouth wide and showed off his cum swirling around in there before she closed her lips and gulped it down.

“Fuck,” Harry groaned. “That was so hot.”

“I’m glad you liked it,” Hermione giggled. “But I think there’s something you’ll like a lot more than cumming in my mouth.”

Hermione’s wand slipped into her hand, and with a simple wave, all of their clothes vanished off of their bodies.

Harry was immediately taken by how beautiful Hermione looked. He’d seen her in bikinis before when they'd gone off on summer vacations, so he knew the general shape of her body, but there was something so much more intimate about seeing her completely bare to him like this.

Hermione’s breasts were the most perfect that Harry had ever seen in his life. They were full and perky but not too large like Lavender Brown or Susan Bones’s were. Her beautiful nipples were a soft pink colour and looked absolutely divine. Her flat belly led down to her pussy, which was shaved completely bare.

Harry reached down and grabbed Hermione by her waist and hoisted her into the air. She laughed and kicked her feet playfully as Harry tossed her onto her back on the sofa and climbed on top of her. 

“One second,” she said before she waved her wand at her mouth and cast a cleaning and freshening charm on herself. Then, she tossed her wand aside and wrapped her arms around the back of Harry’s neck.

He leaned down and kissed her then, enjoying the minty taste of her breath. He pressed his chest down against her soft breasts, and his cock poked her belly. 

“I need you inside of me,” Hermione whined as her hands came down to grasp his shaft.

Despite the fact that he’d just cum, Harry was still hard as could be. When Hermione’s hands found him, she quickly guided the tip of his cock to her wet entrance. She’d barely brushed him up against the right spot before Harry’s baser instincts took over and he pushed inside of her pussy.

Harry couldn’t tear his eyes away from Hermione’s face as he penetrated her. The look of pure bliss as she closed her eyes, the way her lips parted, and the little sigh escaped her mouth were all simply sublime. In all of his life, he couldn’t think of anything more beautiful than Hermione’s face at that instant.

Harry kept pushing forward until there was nowhere left to go; his cock was almost completely sheathed inside of her, but he was a bit too big to fit entirely. Still, the sensation of Hermione’s hot, tight pussy squeezing hit cock was too delightful for him to have a single complaint about it. He could feel how wet she was for him, and the knowledge that he made her like this filled Harry with a tremendous amount of pride.

He wanted her to feel as good as she’d made him feel when she’d gone down on him, and that was exactly what he was about to do.

Once he was certain that she was adjusted to his size, Harry slowly pulled his hips back. Her walls clung to him, trying to suck him back into her pussy, but he resisted the urge until he was almost all the way out of her. With just the tip of his cock left inside of her, Harry made a single, smooth thrust back inside of her.

Stars exploded in Harry’s mind as a burst of pleasure filled him. Hermione’s pussy felt like it was made for him, and the gasp she made told him that she must have felt the exact same.

With Hermione’s lips parted, Harry took the initiative and kissed her again. She kissed him back as he started rocking his hips in a consistent motion, driving his cock in and out of her pussy.

Hermione wrapped her legs around him and drove her heels into his backside, urging him on. Harry picked up the pace and bit and slammed into her. 

It seemed like that extra bit of force was exactly what she wanted, because she grunted loudly into his mouth. 

“Yes, right there,” she moaned sweetly. “Don’t stop. Don’t you ever fucking stop.”

Harry wasn’t about to disappoint her now. He repeated the exact same thrust, and Hermione cried out his name. His nails raked down his back, but he didn’t care. All that mattered was that he was giving her exactly what she wanted.

The excitement and lust between them was palpable. Each thrust brought them closer to their ultimate goal, and both of them were relishing in the pleasure each other’s bodies were bringing the other. In between her grunts and moans, Hermione’s pussy was beginning to pulse around Harry’s cock as she grew closer and closer to her orgasm.

“Fill me up,” Hermione practically begged him. “Please, Harry! I… fuck—”

Hermione screamed as she orgasmed.

The moment she climaxed and her walls clamped down on his cock, Harry knew that he was about to cum too. He rammed himself as deep as he could go inside of her and then let loose, filling her up with his sticky, hot cum. Her walls pulsed around him, helping to ensure that his cum fired as deep into her as it could.

Harry was lost in the feeling of cumming inside of Hermione. It felt so perfect, so right, and so much better than anything he’d ever experienced before. He had no idea how long the sensation lasted, but even when he finished, he saw that Hermione was still caught up in the throes of her orgasm. So, he stayed buried inside of her and watched as incredible expressions of pleasure ran across her face.

“You’re beautiful,” he said as he leaned down and kissed her neck. 

She mumbled something in reply, but her words were all jumbled from her orgasm.

Moments later, when Hermione’s breathing was finally back under control, Harry figured that he should get off of her. He pushed himself up and started to pull his hips back, only for Hermione to pull him back down on top of her.

“No,” Hermione suddenly protested, tightening her grip on him. “Stay inside me.”

“Alright,” Harry smiled down at her. He braced himself on his elbows so that he wasn’t putting too much of his weight on her, but he kept his cock fully buried inside of her pussy.

“Just a little longer,” she sighed contently.

Harry kissed her sweetly. “I’m not going anywhere.”



This is a beautiful combination of a bit of adventure, fluff, and delightful smut. Extremely hot, would love to see more of this!

Joe Uchiha

Like Erinnyes above me said, this had a beautiful combo. It felt...right. Sweet and sexy. Can't wait to see what you bring up next. Btw, what are your thoughts on time travel fiction? By that I mean Harry going back to before his time (his parents' time, the WW2 time, etc)