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AN: Here's part 2 of Payback! Sorry it took so long to get out. Initially, I tried writing a bit of a darker story for this second part, but it just didn't quite sit right with me. So, I scrapped that and decided to write a bit of a sweeter twist instead. It's more my style anyways, so I hope you all enjoy.


In a recreation of the Gryffindor Common Room, Harry sat with Luna at his side by the roaring fireplace. Across from them sat Daphne, looking prim and proper. Harry could tell that she was nervous, but she also seemed resolved to follow through on this conversation. It was brave of her to try to meet with him like this. Either she was looking to cut a deal with him to save her sister or she was going to try to blackmail him.

For her sake, Harry hoped it was the former.

“I want to apologise on my sister’s behalf,” Daphne began, looking directly at Luna. “You didn’t deserve to be targeted like that. No one has, really.”

Luna nodded in acceptance but didn’t say anything in reply. She never was particularly good with confrontation, so she usually left that up to Harry.

“Does your sister feel the same way?” Harry asked, almost in a goading tone. “She’s a part of the Inquisitorial Squad. Surely she knew what she was getting into with how Umbridge has been behaving all year.”

“She did know,” Daphne admitted. “But she didn’t join by her own choice. She was forced into it by our parents and Malfoy.”

Harry snorted. “Some excuse that is. She could have taken a stand and—”

“Been killed for it,” Daphne snapped. “She was locked into a bloody marriage contract with Malfoy, one that gave him all of the power in the relationship. If she didn’t do what he said, he could’ve beaten her or worse.”

Harry glanced over to Luna. She was the one who’d grown up in the wizarding world, and she’d have a lot more knowledge about the subject than he did. From the expression on her face, she didn’t seem surprised by what Daphne said.

“Didn’t your parents leave any ways for her to get out of the contract?” Luna asked.

Daphne hesitated before shaking her head. “Not in the way you’re thinking about. It was based on an archaic-style contract that some of the more extreme pure-blood families prefer. Astoria was basically sold off to Draco, and he could do just about anything he wanted with her. My parents were pressured into it by Malfoy’s father and some choice threats.” 

Undoubtedly, they were threats about what Voldemort and the Death Eaters might do to them.

Luna hummed. “Did I hear you right that you said your sister ‘was’ locked into a marriage contract? Is she not anymore?”

“No, she’s not,” Daphne answered, sounding very relieved at the fact. Her eyes flickered up at Harry for a brief second. “Someone attacked Malfoy and damaged his mind beyond repair. The terms of the contract deemed him ‘unfit’ to remain a party in it, so it’s been dissolved for now. Malfoy’s father is trying to write up a new one that’ll set Astoria back up with Draco, but she and I don’t want that to happen.”

“Do you want to invite her in now?” Luna asked Daphne. “Maybe we should hear what she has to say for herself.”

Again, Daphne’s nervousness came to the fore of her expression, but she didn’t dare refuse Luna’s suggestion.

“I’ll grab her,” Daphne said before she got to her feet and headed for the door.

As soon as she was gone, Harry quickly opened the Marauder’s Map and scanned the area around them. The only other person he saw close by was Astoria Greengrass, who was in an old, abandoned room nearby.

“Do you believe her about all of this?” Harry asked Luna as he closed back up the map.

“I do,” Luna answered without hesitation. “Daphne’s been truthful so far, but I feel like she’s hiding something from us.”

That was good enough for Harry. Luna had shown time and time again just how good of a judge of other people she was. It was almost like she could suss out when someone was telling the truth or not just by looking at them. Part of it was from their body language and the way they spoke, but there was something intangible about Luna’s analysis too. Neither of them exactly knew how to describe it, but Luna’s intuition had never steered either of them wrong yet.

It only took Daphne a minute to go collect Astoria from the room, and the two of them hurried back to the Room of Requirement.

As they stepped inside, Harry was struck by how similar and dissimilar the two sisters were. 

On one hand, their differences were immediately obvious: Daphne was taller while Astoria was short, Daphne had blond hair where Astoria had dark-brown hair, and Daphne was curvy whereas Astoria was more lithe. But when Harry looked at both of their faces, it felt like he was looking at twins. The only real difference there were their eyes: Daphne’s were a bright blue whereas Astoria’s were a deep brown.

Astoria was mirroring her sister’s serious but nervous expression as they walked back to the sofa Daphne had been sitting on. The two of them sat down, and Astoria instantly began wringing her robes in her hands.

“I’m sorry, Luna,” Astoria said softly, hesitantly meeting Luna’s gaze. “I… I didn’t want to do it.”

“I know,” Luna replied sympathetically. She reached across the small table in between them to offer Astoria her hand to take, and Astoria latched onto it for dear life.

Astoria let out a shuddering breath. “I tried to say no once,” she said. Then, she reached up with her free hand to her collar and pulled it down slightly. There was a purple scar running along her collarbone. It was long and thin, winding along back and forth over top of the bone at random. It stretched nearly from the centre of her neck to her shoulder. 

“We don’t know the curse that caused it,” Daphne told them. “So, we can’t even try to fix it.”

“It flares up from time to time,” Astoria cringed and hurried to cover it back up. “Draco told me it’d be a reminder anytime I thought about disobeying him again. He told me he wouldn’t mark up my face, that he wanted to keep me pretty, but anywhere else was fair game.”

“Did he…?” Luna asked the unspoken question.

“No, he didn’t do it anywhere else yet,” Astoria answered. “After I went along with what he wanted, he stopped hurting me. He was even… nice, sometimes.”

“Nice would have been getting you out of the contract you didn’t want in the first place,” Daphne retorted sharply. “And that’s part of the reason we wanted to talk with both of you.”

Harry straightened in his seat and eyed Daphne curiously. She looked like she had a speech prepared in her head, and, oddly, Astoria almost seemed shy. It was… confusing to say the least, but he was willing to listen to what she had to say.

“My parents will give into Malfoy’s father’s wishes eventually,” Daphne told them bluntly. “Even with Draco’s mind being destroyed, leaving him unable to even speak, they’ll still give Astoria away to him, and who knows what’ll happen to her after that. But right now, she doesn’t have an active marriage contract. Since she’s an adult, she’s able to make her own one if she wants. I know that you’re the one who hurt Draco and all of those other Slytherins, and I know that the Dark Lord is coming after you, but you don’t strike me as the type of person to hurt people without reason.”

“He’s not,” Luna assured Daphne gently.

“I have a marriage contract ready to go right here,” Daphne said as she patted her robes. “We want you to take her on as your wife.”

A second passed, and then Harry burst out laughing. He was trying to be cruel or mean; this situation was just completely ridiculous. 

“You want me to marry the witch who attacked my girlfriend?” Harry laughed again. “Are you mad?”

“No,” Daphne replied seriously. “Look, Astoria didn’t want to do any of this, and this is her only chance to be safe again. If someone doesn’t marry her soon, then our parents will sign the marriage contract on her behalf and she’ll be married to Draco by the end of the year. Anyone she marries is going to be in danger from reprisals from the Malfoy family—”

“And you figure I can take the extra danger in my life?” Harry retorted.

“I doubt it’ll change how much danger you’re in,” Daphne countered sharply. “The Malfoy family loathes you, and they already support the Dark Lord. You’ll be in the same amount of danger regardless, but marrying Astoria will keep her safe. Everything I’ve ever heard and found out about you is that you’re an upstanding guy.”

“You’re still forgetting the fact that I already have a girlfriend,” Harry pointed out. “If there’s anyone who I’d want to marry one day, it’s her.”

“I didn’t forget that,” Daphne replied. “But it’s clear that you forgot that you’re the heir to two families.”

Two families? Harry frowned in confusion, and a wash of realisation crossed Daphne’s face.

“You didn’t know,” she murmured to herself before clearing her throat. “You’re the heir to the Potter family, obviously, but according to the Ministry and Gringotts, you’re also the heir to the Black family. Apparently, before he was shipped off to Azkaban, Sirius Black named you as his heir.”

He was Sirius’s heir all this time?

“You can marry Astoria and make her Lady Black while still leaving the Potter name for Luna or anyone else you so choose,” Daphne argued convincingly. “I wrote enough protections for both of you in the marriage contract to ensure that you can both live happy, safe lives together. All that’s needed is a bit of blood to sign the contract and the… ceremony of sorts to seal the deal.”

“Don’t tell me it’s the—” Luna began to ask.

Daphne nodded her head. “It is.”

Harry gave them both a questioning look, but it was Luna who spoke up.

“Most ancient marriage contracts didn’t actually come into effect during the marriage ceremony,” Luna explained. “They activated whenever the relationship was consummated, regardless if the couple had a wedding or not. Obviously, these types of contracts fell out of favour quickly with how many couples had sex before their wedding. It was a little embarrassing to have to admit to your family that you were technically already married.”

“It’s also the fastest way to get the contract to activate,” Daphne continued on. “There’s no need for any fancy ceremonies or anything like that. All you need to do is finish inside of the woman and you’ll be married.”

This was fucking insane. Astoria was blushing furiously and not quite meeting his gaze, Daphne was staring at him with pleading eyes, and Luna was just humming to herself in thought.

Did they seriously expect him to just up and marry this random witch he’d never spoken to before in his life? Sure, Astoria was gorgeous, but that wasn’t the main factor in who Harry wanted to marry. Besides, even if she’d been coerced into it, she’d still hurt Luna.

As though sensing his thoughts, Luna spoke up again.

“Can you give us a minute to talk?” She asked Daphne and Astoria politely.

Daphne nodded and took Astoria’s hand from Luna and guided her to the far side of the room where they were out of earshot. As soon as they were gone, Luna threw up a privacy charm around herself and Harry.


“Harry, listen,” Luna interrupted him. “I forgive Astoria, okay?”

A flare of anger hit Harry’s chest. “How can you just forgive her so easily?” Harry asked in a hushed tone. “She attacked you.”

“I can see that she didn’t want to do it,” Luna answered gently. “She was forced into doing something. Even if she could have sacrificed herself instead, it’s not an easy choice for anyone to make.”

“It is for me,” Harry argued back.

Luna beamed at him. “That’s because you’re special,” she said. “Astoria needs help, and you can give it to her. And I think we can help Daphne too.”

Harry frowned. “Why would Daphne need our help?”

“If Astoria marries you, who do you think her parents are going to look to to marry Draco next?” Luna asked him rhetorically. “She needs a way out too.”

“I can’t marry both of them,” Harry countered. “Not if you and I want to get married one day.”

“You don’t have to,” Luna told him. “If you marry Astoria, that allows you to legally have concubines. It’s an old, traditional law that was used to help prevent pure-blood families from dying out. Concubines aren’t your wives, but any children they have with you are considered legitimate. Concubines have their own sorts of contracts too, but they can only be made if the wizard is already married.”

Harry paused as he chewed the inside of his cheek. What Luna was saying seemed logical enough, but there was still a big issue present for him. 

“They’re fit, but I don’t love either of them,” Harry told Luna softly, “not the way I love you.”

“Your feelings might grow in time,” Luna suggested. “But I’ll still be with you, always.”

“I know you would,” Harry smiled kindly at her. She leaned over and kissed him, and Harry felt butterflies fluttering in his stomach just like the very first time they’d kissed years ago.

“Maybe they would, maybe they wouldn’t,” Harry countered. “But the truth is, I don’t want to be married to a witch I don’t love. Would a concubine contract be enough to protect Astoria from being entered into a marriage contract against her will?”

Luna’s brow furrowed in thought. “Yes, it would, but you’d need to be married to…”

She trailed off as her eyes widened in realisation.

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Luna gasped.

Harry smiled at her and nodded his head. “There’s no one else I’d rather be with, Luna. I’ve loved you for as long as I’ve known you. Everything from your love of magical creatures, your caring and compassionate soul, and your beautiful smile make me want to be with you. Even without Astoria and Daphne’s situation, I’d still want to be with you. To be honest, I was planning on waiting until we were both down our O.W.L.s—”

“We don’t need to wait another year,” Luna insisted passionately.

“No, we don’t,” Harry laughed lightly. “So, Luna, would you—”

“Yes!” She interrupted him again excitedly.

“You didn’t even let me finish the question,” Harry chuckled.

“The answer is still yes,” Luna exclaimed before she grabbed Harry’s head and pulled him into a deep kiss.

The feeling swirling in Harry’s chest was everything he’d imagined it would be: love, elation, lust, and, most of all, happiness. Pure and simple happiness filled him completely and made sure that he knew that he’d made the right call here. He and Luna could marry with a simple contract that would activate after they had sex—an easy enough task given it was one of their favourite activities to do together. He’d need to apologise to Xenophilius about the suddenness of it all, but given the man’s oddities, Harry had a feeling that he wouldn’t mind. 

Luna pulled away from the kiss, breathless. “We’ll need to get contracts put together,” she said giddily, but then her elation died down a bit. “That is if you want to go through with the concubine contracts for Daphne and Astoria.”

That was the real question, wasn’t it? Harry could certainly see the appeal: he loved Luna with all of his heart, but it was rare for her to ever keep up with his stamina in the bedroom. Daphne and Astoria could easily fill in those gaps and leave all of them satisfied. Plus, Luna always had expressed interest in being with another woman sexually, if only to give it a try. 

But while they were both clearly very attractive, Astoria had attacked Luna. He knew now that she’d been coerced into it and that Luna forgave her, but it was still so hard for Harry to get the memory out of his head. 

Luna took his hands in hers. “She’s a good person,” she insisted. “I can feel it.”

“I know,” he sighed. Luna had never been wrong about something like this before, and even he’d been able to see the genuine sorrow and regret in Astoria’s face.

“We’d be doing them a favour, and if you can’t get past it, you’d only need to have sex with her this one time,” Luna continued. “I won’t force you into anything you don’t want to do, but I’m just asking you to think about it.”

This was, perhaps, the only safe outcome for Astoria. If her father would marry her back to Draco, she’d be in danger all over again.

“I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get past the memory of her hurting you,” Harry told Luna, “but I’d like to try to. If they’re both amenable, then let’s do it.”

“Thank you, Harry,” Luna said dreamily as she kissed him again.

Once again, the feelings in his chest told him he was doing the right thing.

“You two can come back,” Luna called out to Astoria and Daphne after she dispelled the privacy charm.

Astoria looked like her nerves were shot as she awkwardly walked back over. Daphne was holding herself together a bit better, but it was clear that she was desperate to know what Harry and Luna had decided too. They wouldn’t have been able to hear Luna and Harry’s conversation, but they definitely would have seen Luna’s reaction to Harry’s proposal.

As they sat down, Luna put on a bright smile on her lips and began to speak.

“Harry and I talked, and I think we’ve come to an agreement,” she began as her eyes focused on Astoria. “Harry won’t be marrying you.”

A look of shock and dismay crossed Astoria’s face while one of rage hit Daphne’s, but before either sister could utter a word in reply, Luna continued speaking.

“What we are willing to do is offer you a concubine contract,” she told Astoria.

“He needs a wife to do that,” Daphne pointed out quickly.

“Yes, he does,” Luna beamed up at Harry.

“Oh,” Daphne murmured, suddenly catching on to what had happened in their absence. Truthfully, she still didn’t look particularly thrilled with the offer, which was understandable. A concubine would have far fewer rights compared to a wife. Sure, Astoria would remain safe under Harry’s protection, but it wouldn’t be a 50/50 partnership like Daphne had been angling for.

“I don’t want to marry anyone I don’t love,” Harry explained to them. “And the only one I love is Luna.”

Daphne opened her mouth to say something, but Astoria beat her to the punch.

“I’ll sign the contract,” she agreed. The initial shock had faded and was instead replaced by hope. “Anything to get away from Draco is worth it. Thank you, Harry.”

“Hold on,” Luna interjected. “There’s just one more catch.”

“Which is?” Daphne raised an eyebrow at her.

“You,” Luna replied simply.

There were a couple of seconds where nothing was said. Daphne seemed perfectly frozen, unblinking. Then, she finally let out a deep sigh.

“I don’t need anyone’s protection,” she said, giving Harry and Luna looks that told them that Daphne understood exactly why they wanted her. “I can manage my parents and put a stop to any contract they want to put forward.”

“Can you do it within a couple of days time?” Luna asked. “Because if your parents are the way I think they are, the second they realise Astoria isn’t available for the contract anymore, they’ll sign your name up for it instead. The Hogwarts Express won’t be here for a few more days, and there’s no way they’ll let you go home early with everything going on here.”

Daphne bit her lip in thought. Luna had some excellent points there, and even if it wasn’t a sure thing that what she said was true, the risk was great enough to cause her to worry.

“Don’t go,” Astoria told Daphne sincerely.

Daphne’s expression softened as she looked down at her sister. “Astoria—”

“If you go, then I go too,” Astoria argued. “We’re in this together. At least with Harry and Luna we’ll be safe. Besides, weren’t you the one who spent the last few days trying to convince me how fit Harry is?”

Daphne’s cheeks flushed a light pink at that, and she poked her sister’s giggling side. “Shut it,” she snapped.

“You see,” Luna laughed along with Astoria. “It’ll all work out great. Both of you can sign concubine contracts, which will come into effect after Harry and I consummate our marriage.”

The sisters seemed to have a silent conversation as they stared at each other, and then, as one, they nodded.

“We truly appreciate you doing this,” Daphne told them. “And we’ll follow our duties to the letter.”

“Duties?” Harry asked aloud.

“The concubine contracts usually have stipulations in them for the concubines,” Luna told him. “It’s things like how often they should sleep with you, what protections and money they get for being with you, and so on and so forth. They’re usually much simpler than a marriage contract, so it won’t take long to draft one ourselves.”

“You can take this marriage contract I planned on using for Astoria,” Daphne told Luna as she handed over the contract. “And I’ll help you write the concubine ones.”

It was a surprisingly simple process to write up the contracts, and they had the Room of Requirement to thank for that. All it took was a simple thought and the room provided all of the reference material they needed to write these contracts out. 

The concubine contracts were barely eight inches of parchment long. It detailed the two parties in the contract and the requirements within, and the terms were quite simple as well. To maintain the magic of the contract, Astoria and Daphne had to sleep with Harry once a fortnight, and in return he would grant them shelter from their family and Voldemort. At any time, Astoria and Daphne could buy themselves out of the contract for a single knut if they wanted. And, as was required, Harry and Luna could compel them to call him Master and Mistress if they wanted.

Daphne and Astoria didn’t hesitate in signing the contracts after they’d looked it over, and then Harry and Luna had turned to the marriage contract. 

The work that Daphne had put into it was remarkable, but much of it was unnecessary. The financial and physical protections were things that Luna knew she’d never need from Harry, so she struck them out. From there, it was a simple matter of signing their names too so that they were all ready for when they’d be activated by the magic of lovemaking.

Harry felt giddy as he set down the quill and stared at his name beside Luna’s. He’d dreamt of this day for so long, and while this wasn’t exactly how he imagined his wedding night would go, he couldn’t deny that it still felt right. They could have a proper ceremony another time; for now, all that mattered was that he showed Luna just how much he loved her.

Luna caught his gaze and giggled. “Maybe we should turn the room into a bedroom,” she suggested. “From the looks Harry’s giving me, he might just tear off my clothes if we don’t hurry up.”

Astoria and Daphne both blushed lightly and stood up as Harry and Luna did the same. 

All Harry offered was a simple thought, one of shifting the room into a perfect bedroom for the four of them. In an instant, everything blurred around them and reshaped into something completely new.

Harry had to blink before the room came back into focus. It looked like any other bedroom in the castle, except it was simply perfect. Massive windows overlooked the Black Lake, sitting on either side of a massive bed that looked big enough to fit eight people. There were several chairs and a couple of sofas off by a roaring fireplace, and there was a massive rug that stretched from the fireplace to the bed. Flowers and gently-glowing candles decorated the room, helping to lighten it up a bit.

Luna spun around to take it all in. “This is—”

She couldn’t finish her words because Harry captured her lips in a kiss. She melted into his embrace and kissed him back eagerly. 

There was a rush of wind, and suddenly, Harry felt all of his clothes vanish from his body. He cracked open his eyes without stopping his kiss with Luna to look down and see that she was just as naked as he was. But as enticing as drinking in her form was, right now, feeling her lips against his was just too important.

The bed behind him creaked as Astoria and Daphne climbed on, but again, Harry just focused on the beautiful woman he was holding.

After a minute, Luna finally pulled away from him with a bright smile on her lips. “Are you ready to become my husband?” She asked him softly.

“I’ve been ready for months now,” Harry admitted.

“Then let’s not hold off any longer,” Luna said before she suddenly leapt out of his arms and onto the bed.

Harry chased after her, hurrying to the edge of the bed. He came to a stop there and looked down at the enticing sight.

There was nothing in the world as beautiful as Luna lying naked on a bed before Harry. The curves of her breasts were perfect, and her narrow hips looked like they were begging to be grabbed onto. Even with Astoria and Daphne naked on the bed too, Harry couldn’t tear his eyes away from his girlfriend—or should he say fiancée. 

Luna was perfectly proportioned in Harry’s mind. Her body was slim and covered in beautiful pale skin. Her hips weren’t especially wide, but she had a nice arse that she liked to show off to him by flipping up her skirt in the corridors. Her breasts were small but very perky, and they were just enough to hold nicely in his hands. Everything about her oozed sex to Harry, and she loved to show off like this for him.

Luna’s sex was radiating heat. Harry’s cock was rubbing up against her thigh right now, but he could practically feel how eager she was for him. She didn’t even seem interested in any foreplay, which wouldn’t be too much of an issue given how wet she looked.

“Come on, Harry,” Luna said softly as she tried to scoot herself closer to the edge of the bed towards him. “Don’t leave me waiting.”

“Sorry,” Harry shook his head and smiled. “You’re just too good to look at.”

“You can still look at me once you’re inside me,” she pointed out eagerly.

“Fair point,” Harry conceded with a chuckle.

He grabbed his cock and brought the tip right to her waiting pussy. Her lips were already damp with her juices, which Harry took advantage of by rubbing his cock all along her slit. Once he had enough lubrication, he angled himself perfectly against Luna’s entrance and pushed inside.

Somehow, the silky feeling of Luna’s pussy seemed better than ever. Perhaps it was having Astoria and Daphne watching them, or maybe it was just the fact that he knew that once he came inside of Luna, they’d be married. Regardless, Harry couldn’t deny just how good it felt pushing inside of her hot, wet pussy. 

Despite his girth, Luna had no trouble adjusting to his size. He was able to sink smoothly inside of her in one slow thrust. Her pussy was more than eager to eat him up, and once he was fully buried inside of her, Luna’s pussy suddenly tightened up around him.

Luna let out a giggle of delight. “You feel incredible inside me,” she sighed contently. “Just as good as the first time.”

“I think you’re even better now than you were then,” Harry countered as he leaned over her, grinding his pelvis against her clit. 

Luna’s body tensed up so deliciously, and then she unleashed the sweetest moan he’d ever heard. He grabbed onto her hips to prepare himself for what was to come, and Luna grabbed onto his arms for dear life. 

The second Luna seemed to relax again, Harry pulled his hips back and then pushed forward in a sweet, loving thrust. He drank in the way her body jiggled on the bed and her eyes gently closed blissfully as he thrust into her.

Though they loved having all different types of sex—fast or slow, rough or loving, vaginal or anal—Harry wanted this to be memorable, which meant he was going to take his time. 

Holding her hips, Harry gently sawed back and forth inside of her. He was moving at a slow but deliberate pace, letting her get used to his cock. Even though it was slow going, Harry had never felt more lovingly connected to Luna. Knowing that the moment he came inside of her she’d become his wife made his heart full of love, and he wanted to express that to her in the best way he knew how.

The next time he pushed all the way inside of her, Harry kicked off of the ground and got onto his knees on the bed. He quickly leaned over top of Luna and braced his elbows on either side of her head.

Her eyes fluttered open, and a brilliant smile lit up her face. “Hello, handsome,” she murmured.

Harry stared into her perfect eyes. “I love you so much, Luna.”

He kissed her again and went back to his slow thrusts. Luna wrapped her legs around his waist and helped pull him into her with each thrust while they continued to kiss. Neither of them paid any mind to Astoria or Daphne; this moment was for the two of them to revel in together.

There was no urgency in their lovemaking. As Harry continued his long, deep thrusts, he brought one of his hands down to where their bodies met. He applied gentle pressure to Luna’s clit with his thumb, making her gasp into his mouth. Her hands ran through his hair, ensuring that his lips stayed pressed right up against hers.

Just as sweat began to bead on Harry’s forehead, he felt his cock stir. It was like an electric tingle that passed from Luna’s pussy to the tip of his cock, and then it ran all the way down his shaft. It was quite pleasurable, and he was wondering what it meant when he felt something engulf him.

A warm, loving sensation filled and wrapped around him at the same time. It felt strange but somehow right, like he’d always meant to feel this way. It was only when he opened his eyes for a second that he realised that his and Luna’s bodies were glowing with golden light.

“Harry,” Luna moaned, arching her back and pressing her breasts up against his chest. “I’m so close.”

He realised that he was too. The sensation had crept up on him, but now that he noticed it, he couldn’t take his mind off of it. Everything in him screamed at him to finish inside of his fiancée.

On the next thrust, Luna’s pussy fluttered around his cock. On the one after that, her entire body shuddered. And on the third and final one, she screamed his name, and he screamed hers.

It was a rush of euphoria unlike anything he’d ever experienced. All of the joy he’d ever felt in his life paled in comparison to the surging happiness and love that blossomed in his chest and exploded outward. All he could see was Luna’s face caught in a state of pure bliss as he filled her pussy full of cum.

And then, the golden light flared.

A rush of wind passed through the room, and then Harry felt his body sag. He had given Luna everything he had, and now they were married.

He kissed her for what seemed like the hundredth time today, but it felt better than all of the rest combined.

“My husband,” Luna said softly against his lips.

“My wife,” Harry said back to her with a smile.

They stayed there like that for minutes, just staring into each other’s eyes. There was a new connection between them, something so remarkable that Harry could barely put it into words in his mind. He felt like there was a bond between them now, a real one made of magic.

A sudden creak in the bed reminded the two of them that they weren’t alone here. Luna glanced up and looked at the Greengrass sisters, who were staring at them in awe.

“You still have a job to do,” Luna reminded him.

Truthfully, Harry would have been happy spending the rest of the night in Luna’s arms, but he supposed that she was right.

With his eyes finally off of Luna, he took the chance to look at the two Greengrass sisters.

Daphne looked even better naked than he’d expected. She had curves everywhere, and her cute pink nipples were pointing perfectly right at him. She was completely shaved below her neck, but he could only just make out the top of her pink slit since she had her legs together.

Astoria resembled Luna in many ways. Her breasts were a bit bigger, her hips a bit smaller, but they had very similar body types. He supposed one of the main differences was that Astoria seemed far more shy and reserved whereas Luna was happy to show herself off.

Harry wasn’t sure who he should pick next, but thankfully, Luna made the choice for him.

“Come over here, Astoria,” she called back over her shoulder.

The younger woman crawled across the bed before sitting down on her arse beside Luna, inadvertently squeezing her perky breasts in between her arms as she leaned forward. “Yes, mistress?” Astoria asked Luna.

“You’re going to lick us clean,” she ordered her gently.

Astoria’s gaze dropped to where Harry and Luna’s bodies were still connected. Harry’s cock was halfway out of Luna’s swollen pussy, and it was covered in her juices. Astoria’s gaze shot up to Harry’s face briefly, and she blushed again before nodding.

“Of course,” Astoria said before she lowered herself down onto her belly and opened her mouth wide for Harry.

Harry slowly pulled his cock the rest of the way out of Luna’s pussy, enjoying every last sensation, before he suddenly turned and pushed his cock into Astoria’s mouth. Despite being a virgin, she took his cock surprisingly well. Her lips sealed nicely around his shaft, and her tongue worked furiously to lick him clean. It felt good, but not quite as good as Luna’s mouth.

Harry was going to let Astoria lick him completely clean, but when he saw his cum starting to leak out of Luna’s pussy, he pulled his cock out of Astoria’s mouth and directed her towards Luna. Astoria didn’t need to be ordered again, and she simply dove in between Luna’s thighs and started licking up Harry’s cum.

Daphne was laying down on her side watching everything take place as she had been throughout the entire encounter. From the expression on her face, one would assume that she was completely neutral to what was going on in front of her, but Harry could see signs of wetness on her thighs. 

“Spread your legs,” Harry ordered Daphne.

Her cheeks turned a little pink, but she did as she was ordered. As she lifted her one leg up, a thick strand of her juices stretched from her pussy to her thigh. Barely a second later, her pussy literally started to drool as it let out several drops of liquid. 

“You were rubbing your thighs together, weren’t you?” Harry asked.

Daphne's head started to turn like she was about to deny it, but she thought better of it and answered him correctly instead. “Yes.”

Daphne Greengrass was turned on because of him and Luna. It was something half of the men at this school had likely fantasised about over the last week alone. She was a gorgeous witch, and she always seemed so unattainable that she made for the perfect fantasy material. But now she was his and Luna’s. 

There was really only one position he wanted her in: one where he could watch her gorgeous body move on full display.

So, Harry lay down on the bed beside her and patted his thighs.

Daphne sat up, making her full breasts jiggle beautifully, before she swung one leg over his and straddled him. As she sat down, her burning-hot pussy pressed itself against his hard shaft, and Harry couldn’t help but groan at the intense heat. 

“You want this concubine contract sealed, right?” Harry asked her.

“I do,” Daphne answered without hesitation.

“Then earn it.”

Daphne’s serious look on her face turned Harry on far more than he expected. She squatted back on her heels and raised her hips up before she reached down and grabbed his cock. She wasted no time in lining him up with her wet opening and then letting gravity do the work.

The feeling of suddenly being engulfed by Daphne’s pussy made Harry gasp and clench the bedsheets. She felt so different to Luna, but not in a bad way. Luna was tight, really tight, but Daphne was more snug. It was like every single inch of her pussy was perfectly moulded to the shape of his cock. Her walls clung to him, but they didn’t squeeze him in the same way. Rather than Luna’s pulses of tightness, Daphne’s felt more like a wave. When she clenched around him, it was like it started near her cervix and worked its way down to her opening in less than half a second, but the shift was still noticeable. 

Daphne smirked at him as she wiggled her hips against his. “Have I earned it yet?” She asked, almost taunting him.

Harry didn’t know if he wanted to wipe that smirk off of her lips or just kiss her. “You can call me Master,” he growled.

“Have I earned it yet, Master?” Daphne purred as she tightened up around him again. She squeezed her perky breasts in between her arms and arched her back to push them towards him.

“Not yet,” Harry replied through gritted teeth. “Not until I cum in your pussy.”

Daphne smiled, showing off her white teeth. “I don’t think that’ll take long.”

She was arrogant, but she wasn’t wrong. This was the first time Harry had ever fucked someone besides Luna, and the thrill of a new pussy around his cock was making his mind run wild. The fact that it was Daphne Greengrass’s pussy—the woman so many at Hogwarts lusted after—only made the thrill that much more intense.

Daphne came out of the gate strong by simply bouncing on his cock. With her hands braced against his chest, she was able to move her hips just enough to be able to ride all the way up his shaft before she slammed back down. Her pussy squelched with each bounce, a testament to how wet she was, and Harry found it harder and harder to stop himself from cumming inside of her right away.

Their sex had turned into competition, and Harry wasn’t going to let her win. The only thing he could do was take control of the situation and make her cum first.

So, Harry grabbed Daphne’s firm arse in his hands and helped her bounce on his cock. The first time he slammed her down, Daphne’s eyes looked like they were about to jump out of their sockets. Her mouth opened and a guttural moan escaped her lips, but she quickly recovered. 

With narrowed eyes, Daphne slammed down on him harder next time, and Harry had to bite the inside of his cheek to maintain control. They traded blows back and forth like this, each trying to make the other cum first as they both spiralled towards their own orgasms.

Harry couldn’t say which of them came first. It might have been him, but then again, Daphne’s pussy did become incredibly tight a split second before he came. Regardless, on one particularly hard slam down on Harry’s cock, both of them cried out in pleasure.

Harry flooded her pussy with his cum, and a golden glow enveloped the both of them as the concubine contract took hold. It continued to glow for as long as Daphne’s pussy milked Harry’s cock.

The second it stopped, Harry let out an incredible sigh of relief. His cock was still hard inside of Daphne’s twitching pussy, and he could feel that he was still ready for more.

Daphne’s orgasm still had her shaking so bad that she literally rolled off of Harry’s cock and fell down onto the bed beside her. She curled up in a ball and her fingers went right back to her pussy, and she started rubbing her clit furiously to get every last bit of pleasure she could out of it.

Although he’d just cum inside of Daphne, Harry’s cock hadn’t flagged in the slightest. He was so ready for more that it felt like he’d taken a stamina potion.

At some point, Astoria had finished cleaning up Luna’s pussy, and now the two of them were curled up against each other in a passionate embrace. Their limbs were tangled together, and their lips joined in a heated kiss. Harry pushed himself up, and Luna and Astoria immediately broke off their kissing to watch him.

It was obvious what he wanted, and, as usual, Luna caught on instantly.

“Go to him,” she told Astoria softly. “And enjoy.”

Shyly, Astoria pushed herself up and crawled over to him. As Harry looked at her, all of the malice he’d felt before today was gone.

“How do you want me?” She asked Harry shyly.

Harry had seen the way Luna and Astoria had been together just now, and he had an idea.

“On your hands and knees,” he told her.

Astoria hurried to comply. As she flipped herself around, Harry looked to Luna, who was watching the two of them with a ravenous expression on her face.

“Do you want her to lick you again?” He suggested.

Luna’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Is that even a question?” She joked.

As Harry settled behind Astoria, Luna laid down on her back in front of her. Astoria repositioned herself, keeping her perky arse up in the air for Harry while she lowered her torso down onto the bed and placed her head back in between Luna’s thighs.

Astoria’s pussy looked so tiny compared to Harry’s cock as he lined up with her. He dragged the tip down and spread her lips lewdly before just barely pushing the head of his cock inside of her. Even with just that little bit, Astoria still moaned into Luna’s pussy. 

Like Luna, Astoria was very tight as he sank into her. She only seemed to get tighter the deeper he went inside of her, but the combined juices accumulated on his cock helped to smooth out the process. By the time his cock was fully settled inside of her pussy, it felt like she had a vice grip around the head of his cock.

“So big,” Astoria whimpered as she tried to lick Luna’s pussy. It was clear that Harry’s cock was distracting her however, as she struggled to keep on pleasuring Luna with any consistency.

“Yes, he is,” Luna sighed dreamily.

Harry gave her a few seconds to get used to his size before he tried moving. Surprisingly, Astoria seemed to adapt quite quickly to his girth. He was able to glide back and forth inside of her without much issue—besides how tight she was—and started to build up a steady rhythm. 

Harry took Astoria’s arse into his hands as he fucked her. Her cheeks felt nice and warm under his hands, and he wondered if Luna had helped to warm them up for him. 

“She likes it faster, you know,” Luna said suddenly, glancing up at Harry with a sly smile on her lips. “I can see that she wants you to really fuck her, but she’s trying not to seem too eager.”

“Really?” Harry snorted with amusement.

Astoria’s cheeks flushed, but her mouth was too busy with Luna’s pussy to respond.

“Really,” Luna nodded.

“Well then,” Harry hummed. 

He continued with his slower pace for another few thrusts before he suddenly rammed forward harder than ever before. 

“Aaaah!” Astoria cried out as her face was mashed up against Luna’s pussy.

Harry didn’t give her a chance to recover though; he gave Astoria a thrust that was just as hard as the last. His balls smacked off of her clit as he bottomed out inside of her, and Astoria cried out in pleasure again.

“That’s it,” Luna cooed. “Really give it to her.”

It surprised Harry to see Luna loving this just as much as he was. He couldn’t help but wonder if she would have asked him to take on a concubine even if this situation hadn’t come up. She seemed thrilled watching Harry make another woman moan as loud as he made her moan.

Harry rammed into Astoria’s pussy harder, speeding up with each thrust. At this point, Astoria just had her tongue stuck out and was using the momentum from Harry’s thrusts to make her lick up and down Luna’s pussy. However, she wasn’t quite hitting the right spot, so Luna gently tilted Astoria’s chin up so that her tongue would hit her clit.

“She’s going cross-eyed,” Luna giggled with glee. She looked up at Harry with fiery passion in her eyes. “Once you’re done with her, I want you to fuck me the exact same way.”

Harry groaned. “If you put that image in my head, I’m going to cum soon.”

“Good. That’s what I want,” Luna replied. “Don’t you want to be back inside of my pussy? Or is your wife too boring for you now that you’ve got a couple of concubines to keep you company?”

“Never,” Harry protested. “You’re better than both of them combined.”

“Hmm, I’m not so sure,” Luna teased him. “I think you’ll need to show me.”

Merlin, Luna was going to be the death of him. He was already fucking Astoria as hard and fast as he could, and she was turning into a moaning mess underneath him. 

“Daphne, help him out,” Luna suddenly ordered.

Harry felt the bed shift behind him, and then Daphne pressed herself against his back. Her pillowy breasts felt heavenly, but then she whispered in his ear, and a shiver ran down his spine.

“You need to be good and cum now,” Daphne said as she roamed her hands up and down his body. “The sooner you cum in Astoria, the sooner you can be back inside of your wife. Don’t you want to feel her around you again?”

“I do,” Harry groaned, slamming hard into Astoria’s pussy. 

“Then cum,” Daphne practically commanded. “Fill Astoria’s tight little pussy up and then do your duty and fuck your wife.”

“Come on, Harry,” Luna said as she reached down and spread apart her lower lips. “I need you.”

Harry bit back a moan as Daphne kissed his neck. Astoria’s pussy was pulsing around his cock now, and it felt so damn good.

“Cum for us, Harry,” Daphne moaned in his ear.

“Cum for me,” Luna moaned too. “Cum for your wife.”

Astoria added her own moans to the mix too, but there were no words from her. She was too overwhelmed by the pleasure of Harry’s cock to say anything, but Harry supposed she didn’t need to because her body did the talking for her.

Astoria cried out as her orgasm struck, and that was the last push Harry needed to let go. He roared loudly and slammed his cock as deep as it could into Astoria’s pussy before he exploded inside of her. His seed sprayed out, coating her inner walls white.

It was a blissful experience as the golden light enveloped Harry one final time. But the second it dissipated, he pulled out of Astoria and pounced on top of Luna. Daphne managed to pull Astoria’s head out of the way just in time as Harry rammed himself into Luna’s tight pussy and started to fuck her again.

The night went on like a cycle. Each time Harry finished with one woman, another would pull him over towards them. Eventually, Luna had to call for a house-elf to bring some stamina potions, which they were surprisingly happy to oblige. But, eventually, they were all too tired to go on.

Harry laid down in the centre of the bed with Luna curled up against him. Astoria was spooning Luna’s back, and Daphne was curled up against his other side, keeping his arm in between her breasts.

“Maybe your quests for vengeance aren’t such a bad idea after all,” Luna murmured sleepily into Harry’s ear. “Not if they get us more nights like this.”

Harry chuckled quietly. “You actually want more concubines, don’t you?”

“Why not?” Luna smiled. “The more the merrier.”

“I don’t think I could handle more than you three,” Harry replied.

“That’s fine too, I guess,” Luna pouted.

Harry kissed her, and she nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck as they drifted off to sleep.



Fun, fluffy, and extremely hot. I'm glad it wasn't significantly darker, it's hard to go from depressing and sad to horny unless that's something that actively turns you on. Great work!


I think you went the right way with this, instead of doing a darker tone. This was an enjoyable read.