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AN: This is a commission for an anonymous user.


As the sun began to set, a quiet crack rang out through a grassy field as Harry and Ginny landed smoothly on their feet. The sounds of insects and frogs croaking filled the background as they walked the short distance up to the tall, misshapen building in front of them.

“Harry!” Molly Weasley exclaimed happily as she opened the front door to the Burrow. A rush

She wrapped Harry up in a tight, bone-crushing hug, only to be interrupted as someone else cleared their throat.

“I’m here too, mum,” Ginny rolled her eyes.

Molly pulled away from Harry with a bright smile on her face. “Of course you are, Ginny. It’s lovely to see you too.”

Ginny snorted. “Right. Go show your favourite son-in-law to the drinks; I need to go see Bill.”

“I’m her only son-in-law,” Harry pointed out.

Ginny shot him an amused look as she stepped past Molly into the Burrow. “I know what I said,” Ginny retorted before ducking into the kitchen.

Already, she could smell the dozens of dishes being prepared simultaneously by her mum. Ginny didn’t know how she managed to do it—even having watched her mum for years, Ginny’s household charms were barely enough to handle making supper for just her, Harry, and Hermione.

Four pots were bubbling away on the stove, and one more was hanging above a gentle fire in the fireplace. The oven door was sealed shut, and Ginny knew that it was bound to be stuffed to the brim with dishes filled with delicious food. There was already a freshly-baked loaf of bread resting on the countertop under a stasis charm, and several small cakes were there as well. The kitchen sink was filled with dirty dishes, but a couple of enchanted brushes and sponges were working hard to get them all clean.

Ginny hurried past it all, knowing that any help she did try to offer was bound to interfere with her mum’s meticulous planning, and stepped into the living room where the rest of the Weasleys were sitting.

“Ginny!” Arthur grinned at her as he hoisted himself out of his chair and crossed the room to her in an instant. He swept her up in a great big hug before he dropped her back down onto her feet. “You were lovely in your last game.”

“Thanks, dad,” Ginny smiled at him.

“Your performance had better keep up,” George called out from his seat beside his wife, Angelina Johnson. “We can’t have you embarrassing the family.”

“You manage to have that under control, yeah?” Ginny quipped back. “I heard that someone managed to smuggle a Portable Swamp into the Minister’s summer party and that it made quite a mess.”

“You really think so little of me that you’d believe I’d tried to prank the Minister, his wife, foreign dignitaries, and all of those plonkers who work at the Ministry—no offence, Weatherby—on such an important occasion?” George asked with the most innocent look he could manage on his face.

“Yes!” Ginny and Percy exclaimed simultaneously.

George cracked a sly grin. “Glad to see you still know your brother.”

Percy shook his head and let out a terrible sigh of frustration. Luckily, his wife, Audrey, was there to help calm him down by gently patting the back of his hand.

“Papa was most impressed by your work,” a French-accented voice called out from the stairs.

“Finally, some respect!” George shouted to the heavens.

Ginny turned and watched as Fleur Weasley descended down the stairs and into the living room. Almost instantly, Ginny felt a pang of annoyance as she took in the beautiful Veela.

Although it had been years since she’d last had truly disliked Fleur—in great part due to the kisses she’d given Harry during the Triwizard Tournament—Ginny could still remember her former sentiments well. All of Fleur’s sensibilities and preferences for the finer things in life, formality, and grace were foreign to Ginny after having grown up in a household full of rough-playing boys.

Now that she’d grown up, Ginny didn’t feel that way anymore. She understood that Fleur had lived a different life than hers. Fleur’s preferences weren’t Ginny’s concern, and, honestly, it was even sometimes nice to go along with what Fleur wanted to do. But even though she didn’t actively dislike Fleur, it was hard to forget how she’d felt before.

Besides kissing Harry before her—something she still poked at Harry about—Fleur married her favourite brother: Bill. It had felt like Fleur was taking away all of the most important men in her life, but Ginny now understood that there was enough room in their hearts for both of them to coexist.

“Hey, Fleur,” Ginny waved with a genuine smile.

Naturally, Fleur couldn’t just return such a simple gesture normally. She came upon Ginny and gave her a delicate hug instead, which Ginny returned.

“It’s good to see you again, Ginny,” Fleur smiled back at her. With each passing year, her accent seemed to fade more and more. Ginny supposed that came with living in Britain though.

“Is Bill upstairs?” Ginny asked, having not seen him yet.

“Ah, yes, he’s up in his old room,” Fleur confirmed.

“Great; I need to go talk to him about something,” Ginny said before she shuffled past Fleur to reach the base of the stairs. “We’ll catch up later, yeah?”

“Of course,” Fleur nodded.

Ginny hurried upstairs, leaving Fleur in the back of her mind as she climbed all the way up to the third floor. It felt strange being back here on the upper floors, especially since she’d moved all of her stuff out years ago and usually only stayed on the main floor when she visited.

The door to Bill’s room was sealed shut, but that didn’t stop Ginny from barging in and leaping onto the bed where Bill was resting.

“Bloody hell, Ginny!” Bill exclaimed as she bounced on the bed beside him.

“You’re finally back from Egypt again and you didn’t come to see me?!” Ginny shouted excitedly in his ear as she gave him a massive hug. All of the air left Bill’s lungs, just as she’d intended, and despite how he tried to push her off, she wouldn’t let go of her grip on him.

“Fleur and I went to watch your last game the other day,” Bill explained. “Didn’t Harry tell you?”

No, he didn’t. That gave Ginny pause. Maybe Harry had forgotten, but that didn’t sound like him.

“Must’ve slipped his mind,” Ginny quickly said to Bill.

Bill snorted, and Ginny finally let him go. The two of them sat up on Bill’s bed. “He’s a busy guy, your Harry,” Bill chuckled. “I’m surprised he’s still got his head on straight with how the Ministry is running him ragged.”

“Work hasn’t been too bad for him lately,” Ginny replied. “He’s even managed to catch a few of my games.”

“Yeah, we saw him there,” Bill said. “Err… I guess if he didn’t mention us, he might have forgotten to mention my little favour?”

Ginny cocked her head to the side curiously. What type of favour could Bill want from her? If anything, she was always the one coming to him for things, whether it was practice with magic, asking him to make simple wards for her, or just for a sympathetic ear to listen to her vent. Throughout it all, Bill never asked for anything in return, despite her offering to help however she could.

“He didn’t mention it,” Ginny answered. “But I’m sure it’s fine. What did you want?”

“Well, I got called back to Egypt,” Bill cringed. “I know, I know, I’m supposed to be home for a while again, but we’ve got six workers trapped in a tomb. The response team wasn’t able to crack through some of the ancient wards that the excavation team accidentally triggered, and I’m one of the few people who might be able to break through them. I’ll only be gone for a few days, but in the meantime, I don't want Fleur to just hang around Shell Cottage by her lonesome. So, I asked Harry if it’d be okay if she could stay with you two until I’m back.”

“Oh, yeah, that’s fine,” Ginny nodded eagerly to Bill.

Putting up with Fleur for a few days wouldn’t be too bad; they’d done it once before, and that week hadn’t been too bad. Besides, she knew that Bill was off doing important work, and Ginny still wanted to repay him for being such a good brother to her over the years. Things would be fine with Fleur around, so long as she didn’t get too snippy.

“You’re the best,” Bill grinned. “Fleur told me how much she was looking forward to catching up with you and Harry. But I promise I’ll only be gone for a few days.”

“Take your time,” Ginny replied nicely. “Having her around will be a nice change of pace.”


“Your home is magnificent, ‘arry,” Fleur purred as they stepped through the threshold. She was holding onto his arm with her breasts pressed right up against him, and Ginny was just standing behind them and watching her flirt with her fiancé with unbridled annoyance.

What was worse was that Harry was fuelling her by playing right into her obvious tricks.

“It took a lot of work, but I’m glad it’s back to a living condition again,” Harry beamed.

Fleur twirled a strand of her silvery-blond hair in her fingers and batted her eyes up at him. “It would make for a beautiful home. It’s a shame I’m already married,” she sighed dramatically. “Unless, perhaps, you’d be interested in stealing me away?”

“Perhaps,” Harry flirted back with her. “But only if you’d be interested in being stolen away.”

Fleur let out a throaty laugh. “Calling me on my bluff, hmm? Well, if you give me a good show tonight, perhaps I might be open to such an offer.”

“I’ll give you a show you’ll never forget,” Harry assured her. “The only question is if you’ll be able to keep up with me.”

Lust flashed through Fleur’s eyes. She leaned in closer to Harry’s face. “Promises, promises,” she said as she licked her lips. “Just remember: it is supposed to be impossible to wear out a Veela.”

“Maybe you haven’t had the right man try yet,” Harry suggested, looking just as lusty as Fleur was.

Suddenly, Fleur pounced on Harry. She made a big show of planting her lips right on his and pressing him back against the wall as she took whatever pleasure she could. Harry’s eyes closed and he let Fleur take control as he kissed her back with just as much passion as she was offering him.

Fleur’s hands started to roam up and down Harry’s body as though she were trying to memorise his skin underneath her fingertips. She felt his muscled chest, his broad shoulders, and even down to the bulge forming in his trousers.

Finally, Ginny let out a quiet sigh. Fleur kept kissing Harry for just another second before she pulled away with a self-satisfied smirk on her lips.

“Oh, are you still here?” Fleur asked with a fake surprise tone to her voice. “I’m sorry. It thought you’d already gone upstairs.”

“Right,” Ginny mumbled under her breath.

“Why don’t you go upstairs anyways,” Fleur suggested as she ran her fingers down Harry’s front. “We’ll be up shortly. Harry and I have a few matters to… discuss first.”

Ginny looked to Harry, but he only had eyes for Fleur.

And her cleavage.

“Yeah, go on,” Harry waved her off.

“Yes sir,” Ginny replied quietly.

Before she even made it to the stairs, she heard Fleur mockingly whisper “sir” to Harry before she let out a giggle. A second later and she was moaning again as Harry returned to kissing her.

The first flickers of heat began to form in between Ginny’s thighs, and it embarrassed her as she made her way upstairs and to her and Harry’s bedroom. No matter how many times Harry had been with another woman in front of her, there was always some small amount of embarrassment that hit her when she realised just how horny she got when she watched Harry and anyone else. Even though she dearly loved her time with him, just seeing how much pleasure he could bring other women was something special.

Once she reached her bedroom, Ginny wasted no time in disrobing completely. She threw her clothes messily into the closet and set her wand down on her bedside table before she grabbed one of the large armchairs by the fireplace and moved it close to the edge of the bed so that she could watch the show that was bound to unfold. She climbed into her seat and waited as she let her mind wander.

As the minutes passed by, Ginny started to feel anxious waiting for them. What were they doing downstairs? Obviously they weren’t just talking, but she wanted to know what that blasted Veela was doing to her fiancé.

Of course, that let the subtle worry enter her mind that Fleur was doing something to Harry better than Ginny herself could do.

For years, all anyone had ever talked about was how beautiful Fleur was and how no other witch could compare to her. It stung hearing that given the fact that Fleur was a part of their family now, but Ginny assured herself that she had Harry and Fleur had Bill; there was no way that Fleur was going to be able to steal Harry away from her.

And then came Fleur’s last visit.

Fleur had found out about Harry and Ginny’s lifestyle accidentally. A night of drinking had led to Ginny accidentally referencing Harry fucking Hermione the night before. Rather than be surprised or disgusted, Fleur had looked intrigued at the prospect and asked all about it. At the time, Ginny hadn’t realised that by explaining things to Fleur, she’d been laying seeds to grow in her mind.

The next night at supper, Fleur had dropped right into Harry’s lap rather than take her own seat. Seeing her so dominantly stake a claim on her man had made Ginny angry, but then Harry ordered her to sit back down. She’d spent the entire supper watching as Harry fed Fleur off of his plate, and Fleur responded by grinding her arse against him until the meal was done. Then, they’d gone upstairs and fucked right in front of Ginny.

And Ginny had experienced one of the best orgasms of her life when she’d finally been allowed to touch herself.

The humiliation that had come from that night had turned into one of Ginny’s favourite memories to masturbate too when her and Harry’s schedules kept them apart. She hoped that tonight would be another night to remember, but there were still some small seeds of doubt that wondered if Fleur was tempting enough for Harry to ever leave her for. He always assured her that he wouldn’t trade her for anyone, but Fleur was something truly special.

It was that fear mixed in with the humiliation of watching Harry fuck Fleur that turned Ginny on so badly.

“Fuck” Ginny groaned as she started to rub her thighs together. She looked down at herself and could see a little bit of wetness creeping onto her thighs from her pussy. It wouldn’t be long before her juices stained the seat, and she couldn’t even imagine how bad it’d be once Fleur let her allure loose.

Ginny bit her lip and glanced back at the open doorway, desperate to hear anything. She considered getting up out of her chair and sneaking out to the stairs to try to listen in, but she knew that if she did that Harry would punish her for it.

So, she waited. And waited. And waited.

It was only a few minutes, but it felt like an eternity to Ginny. Thankfully, her pain was broken when she heard Fleur’s giggly tone coming up the stairs.

“Do you think she’s already cum yet?” Fleur asked Harry. Her voice was quiet but just loud enough for Ginny to overhear.

“No,” Harry said quietly back to her. “She knows that she has to wait.”

Ginny’s cheeks flushed with pride at Harry recognising her obedience. She was his good girl, and she wasn’t going to do anything to ruin that.

Finally, Fleur and Harry stepped into the room. Harry’s cock was already out and clearly wet from spit, and Fleur’s hair was messier than Ginny remembered it being.

Fleur smirked at Ginny as she strode right past her to the side of the bed. She had her back to Harry and Ginny, and she gave a seductive glance over her shoulder as she tugged open her robes.

“Harry tells me that you’ve been watching him fuck many pretty witches lately,” Fleur said directly to Ginny. She dropped her robes down to around her waist, revealing her perfect, toned back. Her skin was creamy and flawless, every curve perfectly defined. The sides of her ample breasts stuck out on either side of her chest, giving a tantalising tease of what Harry and Ginny would get to see if she just turned around. “Well, let me tell you something.”

Fleur bent forward and let her robes fall to the floor completely, revealing a lacy, black thong she had on underneath. Her thumbs hooked through the waistband of them, and then she slowly started pulling them down.

“No other witch will ever be as beautiful as me,” Fleur continued just as her arsehole appeared. Her plump arsecheeks were spread apart enough that Ginny got a good look at the winking hole, but there was something else there too: lubricant.

Fleur pulled her thong the rest of the way down, showing off several strands of her juices that stretched from her perfectly pink pussy to her thong. Then, she straightened her back and stepped out of her thong.

Ginny had been so entranced by Fleur’s little show that she hadn’t even realised that Harry had disrobed until he stepped into view. He walked behind Fleur and nestled his hard cock in between her arsecheeks and kissed her neck.

“Ah,” Fleur moaned. “You see; your fiancé won’t even look at you while I’m in the room with him. He knows just how perfect I am, how much he desires me, and how much better I am than you. In fact, I’m going to give him something that even you won’t give him: my arse.”

Ginny whimpered and tried to meet Harry’s gaze, but he still wasn’t paying any attention to her. His focus was solely on Fleur, and Ginny was left to simply watch as Fleur climbed onto her hands and knees on the bed.

Although he’d fucked Ginny’s arse before, it was a rare occurrence. The main issue was that his cock was so big that it left her arse too sore when she had to spend the next day riding a broom in practice. Both of them were more than satisfied with Harry fucking Ginny’s pussy, but she liked to give him her arse as a special treat a few times a year.

Now, he was going to fuck Fleur’s arse.

Even watching from over on the chair, Ginny could see that she couldn’t match Fleur. Fleur’s arse was perfectly plump without being fat. Her cheeks were perfectly shaped, enough for Harry to grab onto, and had the perfect jiggle to them. Ginny was too lithe to have an arse like that, even if she did think that hers was quite nice.

Fleur seemed to be a natural as she lowered her head to the bed and kept her arse up in the air. Even in such a submissive pose, she looked like a goddess ready to be taken, and the expression on her face taunted Ginny.

How could she be so perfect in every way? Ginny wondered. It was unfair. It was cruel. And now, she was going to be taken by her fiancé.

Harry spat a thick glob of saliva onto Fleur’s arsehole as he climbed up onto the bed behind her. He squatted down and leaned forward, planting his feet near Fleur’s waist so that he could really pound into her arse. He grabbed the base of his cock and angled it down until the thick, bulbous head was pressed up against Fleur’s tight hole.

“Are you ready?” Harry asked Fleur.

“Of course, lover,” she cooed the word to him. She reached back and grabbed her arsecheeks and spread them apart as much as she could to give Ginny the perfect view of what Harry was about to do to her. “Fuck me.”

The sigh of satisfaction that left Harry’s lips as he sank his cock into Fleur’s tight, steaming-hot arse was something that would fill Ginny’s fantasies for years to come. Hearing her fiancé make such an erotic sound like that made Ginny moan herself and have her pussy throb in need.

Instinctively, Ginny’s hand started to move towards her core, but Fleur suddenly snapped at her.

“No!” She said snidely to Ginny. “You’ll wait until after to touch yourself.”

Harry gave her a disappointed look. “You know better, Ginny,” he said sternly.

“Fucking slut can’t keep herself under control,” Fleur shook her head. “You know, you could have me all to yourself, Harry.”

“I know,” Harry groaned. His cock was finally fully buried in her arse, other than the couple inches that were still exposed because Fleur’s arsecheeks were too big to let him go in any further. “Merlin, if I got to fuck an arse this perfect everyday, I might actually consider it.”

“You can have anything you want from me, lover,” Fleur stretched out her pet name for him again. “Just name it.”

Harry grinned down at her. “Right now, I want to hear you scream my name as I fuck your arse.”

Fleur gave an amused chuckle. “You’ll have to earn that by showing me just how well you can handle yourself.”

“This is a losing game for you, you know,” Harry pointed out. “Don’t you remember the last time?”

“Screaming your name and begging for more,” Fleur sighed happily. “I dream of it every night.”

“Well, let’s freshen up your memory then,” Harry said before he pulled his hips back.

Fleur screamed in ecstasy as Harry pounded her arse. Ginny felt jealous as she watched Fleur experience the pleasure that should be hers, and it was only elevated by the clear disrespect Fleur and Harry had shown her tonight. She wanted to leap out of her chair, tackle Fleur out of of the way, and let Harry fuck her instead, but rather than do any of that, Ginny just stayed seated, feeling her pussy start to drip with need.

It was hard not to be hypnotised by the sight in front of her. Fleur’s arse rippled with each powerful, downward slam Harry made into her arse. His thick cock was stretching her tight hole wide, and the lubrication was allowing him to fuck her as hard and fast as he wanted to. He was giving Fleur a rough pounding that might have hurt another woman, but the Veela was handling it excellently.

Even though she was crying out in pleasure, lost in the feeling of being fucked by Harry, that didn’t stop Fleur from boasting in front of Ginny. Fleur wasn’t using her words though, it was just that cocky grin on her lips and the look in her eyes that screamed victory that expressed her sentiments perfectly.

Ginny whimpered again, watching as Harry lost himself to his pleasure. His head was thrown back in a silent roar as he fucked Fleur’s arse again and again. Ginny’s vivid memories filled her mind of exactly what it felt like to have her arse fucked by Harry’s cock.

She wasn’t going to last long like this! She needed to be able to have Harry fuck her or at least be allowed to touch herself, but Fleur was watching her too closely for that.

“How does my arse feel, Harry?” Fleur cried out when she noticed that Ginny was watching her.

“Heavenly,” Harry groaned. He sank his cock all the way into her arse and rutted against her for a moment before he pulled back and then rammed forward into her again. “Fuck, nothing else can compare.”

Ginny felt petrified at that moment. Her nipples were hard and the heat within her pussy reached a peak she didn’t know was possible without having Harry’s cock inside of her. Hearing her fiancé declare Fleur’s arse to be superior to hers was humiliating and so fucking exciting at the same time, and Fleur’s prideful look only added to the pleasure.

“That’s right,” Fleur moaned. “And it’s all yours. I want you to fill my arse up with your cum. I want to feel your manhood throbbing inside of me as I scream your name. Go on, Harry, cum in me!”

Harry lost all control. He started fucking Fleur as fast as his body would allow, plowing her down into the bed with each powerful thrust.

Suddenly, Fleur screamed. “Harry!”

That single word was enough to make Harry slam balls deep into Fleur’s arse and unleash everything into her. He moaned so loudly as Fleur’s tight arse squeezed all of the cum out of his cock with each spurt he made into her. Fleur was practically glowing as she basked in the feeling of Harry filling her arse up.

When he finished, Harry pulled out of Fleur, and then she sat up on her heels. Ginny watched as Harry’s thick cum dripped out of her arse and down onto their bed.

“If you want to touch yourself,” Fleur said to Ginny as she pointed down to the cum dripping out of her arse, “you’re going to have to lick up every last drop first.”

Ginny was so desperate to cum herself that she was willing to do it without hesitation. The second Fleur stood up, Ginny pounced onto the bed and started lapping up her fiancé's cum without any hint of shame or embarrassment.

“Come on, lover,” Fleur purred as she grabbed Harry’s hand. “Let’s go take a bath together and leave this slut to her work. I’m sure that we can find plenty of interesting ways to pass the time before she’s done.”

Fleur’s arse swayed from side to side as she led Harry to the bathroom, but Ginny wasn’t looking at her anymore. She greedily licked up every drop of cum off of the bed and then buried her fingers into her needy pussy.

It only took half a minute before she was thrashing about on the bed and moaning like a slut who’d been deprived for far too long.

When Ginny’s orgasm finally faded, she heard Fleur’s laughter coming from the bathroom.


Joe Uchiha

Great chapters till now. I think some of the chapters should have Harry fucking Ginny as well. Some tender intimate scenes to show the love and support between the two, like how in Watching his girlfriend Harry and Hermione fuck sometimes. Or girls like Luna or Daphne want to see Harry fuck Ginny into unconsciousness/oblivion after which Ginny can only hear the other girl moan while Harry fucks them. Maybe have Harry and Tonks DP Ginny with Tonks' metamorph abilities. Maybe have Harry reward Ginny for being a good girl by having either some muggle men or the Holyhead Harpies team bang her with strapons


As this is a commissioned series, it's up to the commissioner to decide pairings and major story beats, but I'll pass on your suggestions. This story is only going to have a few more chapters, but I do definitely know that Harry will be with Ginny in at least one of them.