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AN: Thank you all for your patience with me this past month. My wrist has been healing nicely according to my doctor, but I still have around another 3-4 weeks before I can get my cast off. Writing has started to get a bit easier again though, so I'm making good progress with my upcoming works.

This is a bit of a shorter chapter, but it's a necessary one. This story is making good progress, and next month will have a chapter focused on a new woman for Harry to sleep with and then a chapter that begins the Maldives section of the story. 

I hope you enjoy, and thank you again for your continued support!


The ringing of the telephone broke the tranquillity of the mid-afternoon rest Harry was having. His early mornings spent fiddling away in the garden, trying to optimise the growth of every single plant he was overseeing, had finally started to take its toll. An afternoon nap had sounded like the perfect way to rest and recuperate.

“Harry? Can you get that?” Lily called out from upstairs.

With an almighty groan, Harry hoisted himself up off of the sofa and trudged down the hall to telephone.

He picked it up and brought the headset to his ear. “Hello?” Harry said into the receiver.

“Harry!” Emma’s excited voice came through clearly. “How have you been?”

“Good,” Harry answered, thinking back fondly on the afternoon at Malfoy Manor a few days ago. Then, his thoughts suddenly shifted back to wondering why Emma was calling him. She hadn’t called him once since Hermione had discovered that the two of them had been sleeping together. Surely that could only mean one thing. “Is Hermione there?” He asked hurriedly as soon as his mind made the connection.

“No,” Emma replied. “But she will be soon. I think it’s long past time the two of you have had a chat, but she doesn’t know where to even start. So, I’m going to help take care of that for her.”

Harry paused for a moment, repeating what Emma had just said to him in his mind. “So, just to be clear, she doesn’t know I’m coming over?”

“No,” came the far too innocent reply.

Harry suppressed a groan. “This is a terrible idea.”

“No it’s not!” Emma exclaimed indignantly.

“What do you think she’s going to say when she comes back home and sees me there?” Harry asked with an exasperated tone. “She’s going to be mad and yell or just leave again.”

“She would if she wasn’t so desperate to talk to you too,” Emma insisted. “Trust me, Harry, I know my daughter, and I know that she just wants her best friend back. I don’t want to give her the chance to let her nerves fail her; just come over and let’s talk this out together like adults.”

Harry couldn’t help but wonder if maybe Emma was right. He knew Hermione quite well too, and even though he knew that she’d be likely to yell at him over this whole situation, she was also notorious for avoiding facing her problems head-on. Could she really be avoiding him?

Well, even if surprising Hermione like this didn’t sound like the most brilliant idea in the world, Harry wanted to fix things with her. If this was the only way he was going to get her to sit down and talk with him…

“Okay,” Harry replied. “I’ll come over and we can all talk.”

“Brilliant!” Emma exclaimed happily. “I’ll see you soon then, yeah?”

“I’ll just be a few minutes,” Harry told her.

“Great, see you then!”

The line went dead, and Harry hung up the phone as a bubble of nervousness formed in his stomach. This past week was the longest he’d ever gone without seeing or talking to Hermione since they started Hogwarts together, and he so desperately wanted her back in his life.

Even if she wasn’t comfortable with any type of romantic relationship with him, he just wanted his best friend back.

So, Harry hurried upstairs to get changed into some fresh clothes, vanished away any dirt and grime from himself, and hurried back downstairs.

“I’m heading out for a bit,” Harry called out to his mum. 

“Okay,” Lily’s voice echoed back downstairs.

With a sudden twist of his body, Harry apparated directly into the Granger household. He landed right at the base of the stairs, which sat close to the front door. 

The house was quiet, as it often was. The quiet crack of his apparation rang out louder than it normally would have, and it prompted Emma to stroll down the corridor towards him.

“Harry!” Emma exclaimed happily, throwing her arms around him.

She was wearing a beautiful, green, linen sundress with white buttons running down the front. Two thin straps sat over her lightly tanned shoulders. Her shoulder-length, dark-brown hair bobbed as she pulled out of the hug, revealing a bright smile on her lips.

“I’m glad you’re here,” she told him sincerely. “Hermione’s going to be here any minute, and I want to get this whole mess put behind us.”

“So do I,” Harry agreed nervously. 

Putting this whole mess behind them would hopefully lead to him becoming friends with Hermione again. The only trouble was figuring out what it meant beyond that. Would Hermione be willing to give him a chance, even knowing that he’d already shagged her mum? And what about his relationship with Emma? If not for the trouble with Hermione, he was sure that he would still be shagging her right now. It was just two adults having fun, and he didn’t necessarily want to give it up.

If it came down to it though, he would if it meant he could have Hermione back.

“Come in,” she waved him forward, leading him into the living room and sitting down on the sofa they’d sat down together on only a few days earlier. 

Harry sat next to her, wondering if he’d throw up from all of his nervous energy.

“Tea?” Emma offered.

Harry gave a slight shake of his head. “No thanks.”

Emma grimaced. “Too nervous?”

“Pretty much,” Harry admitted.

“Trust me, everything will work out fine,” Emma replied comfortingly. “Once we’ve had a chance to talk this out, I’m sure that we’ll be able to find a way forward that’s suitable for all of us. Just let me take the lead when Hermione gets home. I’ll get things started, and I’ll head off to let the two of you talk alone.”

That latter prospect didn’t fill Harry with much confidence. At least while Emma was around, he had another person to share in Hermione’s ire.

It only took a few minutes of waiting before Hermione arrived. Harry was too nervous to make small talk with Emma while they waited, but she was capable of talking enough for the both of them. She fell silent though when the front door was being opened.

“I’m home,” Hermione called out.

It felt so good to hear her voice again. Harry hadn’t realised just how much he’d missed it.

“We’re in here,” Emma called out.

Harry swallowed nervously as he heard Hermione’s footsteps come closer.

“Who’s we?” She asked curiously as she peeked her head round the corner to peer into the living room. As her eyes landed on Harry, Hermione’s entire body went rigid. Her reaction stung, but Harry knew that he couldn’t blame her for it. After all, he’d hidden his relationship with Emma from her.

“Oh no,” Emma said as she rushed to her feet. Evidently, she’d seen the sign that Hermione was about to run before Harry had, because Hermione didn’t make it more than a couple steps away when Emma grabbed her wrist. “It’s long past time that we talk this out.”

Hermione looked terribly uncomfortable as Emma brought her into the living room. Emma sat her down across a small coffee table in front of Harry, and then she walked back to sit on the sofa beside Harry. Hermione fidgeted uncomfortably in her seat, and she wasn’t quite meeting anyone’s gaze.

Harry looked to Emma to take the lead that she said she’d take, but she just seemed content there to wait as an awkward air filled the room. She briefly met his gaze and gave him a gentle smile, but then she turned her head back towards Hermione.

It was only when Hermione finally looked up at Emma and Harry that Emma made her move.

Suddenly, Emma grabbed Harry’s chin, turned his head, and planted a searing kiss on his lips.

“Mum!” Hermione exclaimed loudly, jumping up out of her seat.

Harry jerked back in surprise, only to find that Emma had an unconcerned look on her face. 

“What?” She shrugged at Hermione. “It was just a kiss.”

“Yeah, but…” Hermione bit her lip and glanced back at Harry.

“That’s what Harry and I have been doing, and more,” Emma pointed out blatantly. “You were upset that we were hiding it from you; well, here it is in plain view.”

“This isn’t what I wanted,” Hermione replied quietly.

Emma gave her a sympathetic look. “I know, but it’s what’s happened. I asked Harry if he’d like to have a bit of fun this summer, and he agreed. We aren’t dating; we’re just two adults who are enjoying each other’s company for a time. You can be angry with us for keeping this from you, but you can’t be angry at us for living our lives.”

Emma got up from her seat and walked across to Hermione. “You know that we both love and care for you,” she murmured as she hugged her daughter. “And neither of us wanted to hurt you by doing this. All that happened was the two of us having a bit of fun. What Harry and I have wasn’t meant to last.”

Gently, Emma guided Hermione back down into her chair. 

“I’m going to go make some tea for us all,” Emma announced. “You two can chat while I’m gone.”

As she walked by, Emma gave Harry a not-so-subtle look that told him that it was his turn to try to fix things with Hermione.

The awkward atmosphere returned the moment that Emma left the room. Hermione was sitting down again, but her posture seemed a bit guarded.

“I’m sorry, ‘Mione,” Harry said softly.

For a moment, it was like she didn’t even hear his reply. Then, she just slowly nodded her head.

“I didn’t want to tell you because I thought you’d be upset with me,” Harry admitted with a grimace. “And, well… it was a big mistake.”

“You should have told me,” Hermione replied just as quietly.

“I know,” Harry nodded. “And I’m sorry that I didn’t. If I could change things around, I would have told you right away about what was happening.”

“Was she telling the truth?” Hermione suddenly interjected, looking Harry right in the eyes.

“About what?” He asked.

“About it just being for fun,” Hermione said. “That the two of you aren’t actually together in a relationship or anything like that.”

“It’s true,” Harry confirmed, leaning forward. “All it started as was a way for both of us to blow off some steam and have fun. I mean, neither of us went into this thinking that our relationship was going to last very long. I’d be back at Hogwarts in September, and there was no way we were going to do long distance or anything like that. Besides, what Emma and I did was more physical than romantic.”

Harry wasn’t sure if his words made Hermione feel better or worse. She seemed torn, like her mind wanted to pull in different directions, each with their own way of confronting the situation.

“Does anyone else know about this?” Hermione asked.

“Just you, Luna, and Pandora I think,” Harry answered. “I haven’t really talked with anyone about this.”

“And are you sleeping with anyone else? Besides Pandora I mean?” Hermione asked.

Harry hesitated for a moment. When he’d fucked Narcissa, he hadn’t even considered how Hermione would feel about it. Would she be angry that he was fucking the mum of the man who had tormented her so much at Hogwarts? 

“Narcissa Malfoy,” Harry said. “It only happened the once, but—”

Hermione’s mouth hung open. “Draco’s mum?” She asked him.

Harry nodded carefully.

Suddenly, Hermione let out a loud snort. “Please tell me that you told that poncey prick that you’ve fucked his mum.”

“Not yet,” Harry replied, cracking a small smile. 

“Can I be there when you do?” Hermione asked, suddenly filled with excitement and interest.

“Definitely,” Harry grinned.

Hermione chuckled quietly to herself. “Wonder if I can get Colin to snap a photo of the moment.” Then, she shook her head, and the amusement on her face vanished again. “Why are you suddenly shagging so many women? You were never like this back at Hogwarts.”

“I mean… who doesn’t want sex?” Harry shrugged awkwardly. “I had a bunch of women hitting on me and telling me that they want me to sleep with them. It’s kind of hard to say no to that, especially when it’s just for fun and not anything serious.”

“So you’d just fuck anyone if they asked?” Hermione asked him with a raised eyebrow and a disapproving look in her eyes.

“Only if I thought they were fit and I liked them,” Harry replied quickly, trying to stop himself from accidentally angering Hermione.

“Oh, so you think my mum’s fit then?” Hermione continued, her disapproval only growing.

“Yes, I mean—” Harry bit his tongue to stop himself from continuing. He wasn’t quite sure what it was that she wanted him to say here, but then he saw a glimmer in her eyes. It wasn’t tears, no, it was amusement. Harry cocked his head to the side and met Hermione’s gaze. “Are you having me on?”

The corner’s of Hermione’s lips twitched upwards. “Maybe just a bit.”

Harry shook his head and chuckled, and that was the sign that Hermione needed to finally let out a bit of laughter herself.

“I really am sorry for not telling you at the start,” Harry told Hermione again.

“It’s fine,” she replied with a wave. “I mean, it’s still really awkward… but I suppose that it’s not the worst thing in the world. Until I talked with my mum and learnt that what was going on between the two of you was just casual, I was terrified that I was going to have a new dad,” she joked.

Harry laughed awkwardly. “Yeah, well, that’s definitely not going to be me. So, are we still friends?”

Hermione nodded. “Yeah, we’re still friends.”

Harry let out an exaggerated sigh of relief. “Thank Merlin. Can you imagine how awkward the trip to the Maldives would be if we hadn’t talked this out.”

“It still will be awkward if you spend the entire trip ogling my mum in her bikinis,” Hermione pointed out. “So keep yourself in control around her, alright?”

Harry snorted. “Can do. Err, just so you know, she and I haven’t gotten together since you found out, and I don’t know if we will anymore.”

“Oh no, are you breaking up with me?” Emma exclaimed sorrowfully as she burst into the room, carrying a silver platter with several cups of steaming tea and some biscuits.

“Not the time for your jokes, mum,” Hermione glowered at her.

“Sorry,” Emma replied, not sounding sorry in the slightest. “I was just wanting to know if I had to go find myself another hot boyfriend now.”

Both women turned to look at Harry, one with a cheeky grin and the other with a serious, questioning look.

Did Hermione want him to stop sleeping with her mother altogether? He supposed that he never exactly clarified that point with her. 

Harry held his hands up in surrender and opened his mouth to speak. “Err…”

“Smooth,” Emma snorted. She set down the tray and plopped down on the sofa beside him. “Don’t worry, Hermione. Harry and I won’t get up to anything else until the two of you have had more of a chance to chat.”

Hermione bristled at her mother. “I don’t have any idea what you mean by that.”

Emma just hummed with a knowing smile on her lips. “You’ll have plenty of chances to figure it out when we’re in the Maldives in a few days.”


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