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Harry bobbed beneath the surface of the water as he kicked his legs out to stabilise himself. His clothes weighed him down some, but it wasn’t too much of a burden. He flipped end over end until he saw sunlight above him and then cautiously swam upwards.

As his head breached the surface of the water, he saw Narcissa standing right above him. Her bikini bottoms were back on, but she still had a panicked look on her face. 

“Move,” she hissed under her breath as she crouched down and braced her hands against the edge of the pool. 

Harry kicked himself aside and hid his head against the side of the pool just as Narcissa slipped in silently beside him. She quickly turned to face the entrance into the clearing where Lucius was coming from. She crossed her arms on the pool’s edge, leaving one of her elbows above Harry’s head to stop him from accidentally sticking his head out into view.

The sound of footsteps striking the stones stopped nearby. “Was that giant crash from you jumping into the pool?” Lucius asked, amusement evident in his tone.

“Yes, it was,” Narcissa answered with a charming smile back at her husband.

“Honestly,” Lucius shook his head and walked over to Narcissa’s abandoned lounge chair. He sat down on the edge of it and looked over at her. “Here I am wasting my days dealing with buffoons at the Ministry and you’re having fun playing in the sun.”

“There aren’t many weeks of summer left,” Narcissa pointed out. “I need to get my time in where I can.”

“Right,” Lucius rolled his eyes. “Well, perhaps you’d like to tell me why Draco’s sent another owl to my office about you chastising him?”

“It’s because of the stupid plant we got,” Narcissa scowled.

Feeling a hint of protectiveness creep in, Harry pinched Narcissa’s arse cheek. “Your Shrivelfig plant is not stupid,” he whispered as loudly as he dared with Lucius close by.

To her credit, Narcissa didn’t so much as flinch at his touch, but she did kick him lightly with her foot. “Because he never told the house-elves to take care of it, the garden started dying,” Narcissa explained.

Lucius gestured around the clearing. “It all looks fine to me.”

“That’s only because I had someone come in and fix the mess,” Narcissa retorted. “If Draco had just done as he was told—”

“You know how he is with these sorts of things,” Lucius interrupted. “He has more important things to do than to tend to some silly little plants.”

“You’d be surprised as to how important an effective Herbologist can be,” Narcissa countered. 

“Is that so?” Harry murmured quietly. He let his hand roam over Narcissa’s arse, feeling the soft flesh in his hands.

“I dare say that if Draco wants to grow up to be a proper man, he could learn a thing or two from a good Herbologist,” Narcissa shivered, pushing her arse back against Harry’s hand.

Lucius scoffed. “Nonsense. What good could a Herbologist offer than a man like me couldn’t?”

So many things, Harry thought to himself. Maybe if Lucius was half as great of a man as he clearly thought himself to be, his wife wouldn’t go out looking for other men to keep her satisfied. The fact that he’d never been able to make Narcissa squirt or feel as good as Harry made her feel was telling. 

A part of him wanted to leap out of the water right now and boast right to Lucius’s face about what he’d done with Narcissa, but Harry didn’t want to ruin his future chances with Narcissa. Besides, he liked listening to her subtly defend him against her own husband.

“No man can be great at everything,” Narcissa smiled coyly at Lucius. 

“Precisely right,” Lucius agreed readily. “And that is why our son will focus on the important things in life.”

Pleasuring a woman clearly wasn’t on that list.

“You’re right, of course,” Narcissa replied subserviently. “Speaking of which, why don’t you go inside and have a drink to relax? You must have had quite the stressful day if you’re home so early.”

Lucius growled under his breath. “You’ve got that right. I couldn’t stand to be in another pointless meeting with Fudge for a single minute more. Merlin, how the public hasn’t wizened up and voted him out for a proper Minister yet is beyond me, but I suppose it suits our purposes better to have an easily-manipulatable fool in office.” Lucius sighed loudly. “A drink sounds nice right now, and…”

Lucius slowly got to his feet and leered down at his wife.

Narcissa cocked her head to the side like she didn’t know what he was thinking. “Yes?” She asked, urging him to finish his thought.

“Perhaps we could retire to our bedchamber,” Lucius suggested smoothly as he stared down at Narcissa’s cleavage. “It has been quite some time since we were last together, hasn’t it?”

“It has,” Narcissa agreed reluctantly.

“Then I’ll go have my drink first then,” Lucius grinned. “I’ll expect you to be in our room in half an hour.”

“Of course,” Narcissa said dutifully.

With that, Lucius strode off.

Harry stayed hidden until he was sure that Lucius was gone, and then he popped his head over the edge of the pool. “Your husband is a cunt.”

“That he is,” Narcissa sighed.

“You’re not seriously going to go shag him, are you?” Harry asked.

Narcissa gave a slight shake of her head. “I’ll finish him off some other way. If I’m lucky, it’ll be with my hands. Else, it’ll be in my mouth. Although…” she trailed off and gave Harry a sultry look. “Wouldn’t it be quite a bit of fun to see if he’d even notice if another man had already cum inside of me today?”

Harry groaned as Narcissa grabbed his cock through his soaked trousers. “You’d really want to risk that?”

“He’d probably cum the second he put it in me anyway,” Narcissa replied. “He might not even notice.”

Harry chuckled and grinned at her. “You’re a wild thing, aren’t you?”

“I’ve been caged up for too long now, Harry,” Narcissa purred. “Now that I’ve got a hot stud all to myself, I’m ready to let loose.”

“Then we should hurry before he gets suspicious,” Harry replied.

“Gladly,” Narcissa said before she kissed him soundly.

The cold water felt doubly so against his sun-warmed skin, but feeling Narcissa’s front against his wiped away any trace of chill from his body. She was practically radiating heat and vigour into him as she pinned him back against the wall of the pool and tried to map out every inch of his mouth with her tongue.

The thrill of having Narcissa doing this to him reminded Harry of his first few times with Emma. She’d been so desperate to be fucked by him that she’d left him feeling like a god being worshipped. Narcissa was echoing those same feelings in him as she rubbed her body against his.

“Get out of the pool,” Narcissa told him breathlessly as she broke apart the kiss. 

Harry jumped to action, hoisting himself up and out of the pool. With his wand, he flicked his clothes off, making them magically float off nearby so that they could dry in the sunlight.

Narcissa clambered out after him, but she stayed on her knees as she crawled to his side. Once there, she gave him a sexy look as she untied her bikini bottoms and let them drop to the ground. Then, her hands went up to her top.

No matter how many breasts he’d seen, Harry never got tired of seeing some more. Narcissa was well fit, and she knew it. She untied her bikini top but kept the two triangles of fabric in place over her breasts.

Narcissa teasingly flicked her arse from side to side as she arched her back and presented her breasts to him. Only once she was sure that his eyes were locked onto her chest did she finally pull the fabric away.

“Beautiful,” Harry murmured, reaching down to touch her.

Unlike Emma and Pandora who both had smaller breasts, Narcissa’s were both quite large. They both jutted out proudly from her chest and, surprisingly, had virtually no sag to them at all. Her skin was clean and milky white, and her large, pink nipples stood out enticingly, just waiting to be sucked on.

Harry squeezed one in his hand, and Narcissa smiled seductively up at him. “They can be all for you, if you want,” she said as she licked her lips. “I won’t even let my husband touch them when I go back.”

“He doesn’t deserve a beauty as perfect as you,” Harry replied sincerely.

“No, he doesn’t,” Narcissa agreed. “But you do. You and your wonderful talents deserve to be matched with someone as great as you.”

“Well, I’ve shown you my skills,” Harry commented lustfully. “But I’ve yet to see you show me yours.”

Narcissa smiled toothily and scooted the last few inches forward so that her face was practically right up against the tip of his cock. “Then let’s not delay anymore, shall we?”

Narcissa pouted her lips and planted a chaste kiss on the tip of his cock. Harry groaned, and his cock jumped up and smacked Narcissa’s nose. She just laughed throatily at his reaction and gripped his shaft with her hand so that he couldn’t jump away from her mouth again.

“I’m going to need to get this thick cock of yours nice and wet if you’re going to stick it in my pussy,” Narcissa purred as she stroked him. She opened her lips wider this time and slowly slid them down the head of his cock, making sure to take her time so that her tongue could lather him up.

While Emma occasionally sucked his cock, usually she preferred Harry to get right to fucking her instead. She wasn’t necessarily bad at giving blowjobs, but Harry’s experience with Pandora sucking his cock had really opened his eyes as to just how mind-blowing blowjobs could be. 

And right now, Harry couldn’t help but wonder if Pandora was little more than an amateur compared to Narcissa.

Once she’d gotten the head all nice and wet with her tongue, Narcissa suddenly sank her head all the way down onto his cock. Every inch of him disappeared as she deepthroated him in one smooth motion. It was just like how Pandora had done it to him, but Narcissa’s tongue was really pushing him over the edge. She was wriggling it back and forth, teasing his cock perfectly while she applied just the right amount of suction to leave him gasping for breath.

“Bloody hell,” Harry gasped.

Narcissa’s eyes gleamed with amusement as she smooched the base of his shaft. Her plump lips were like two cushions that stroked him as she bobbed her head up and down. She was gurgling on his cock and letting the excessive saliva dribble out of her mouth and down onto his balls.

The heat of her mouth and throat felt unbelievable. It was like she was wrapping his cock in a hot embrace that made him feel so damn good that he could cum in a moment’s notice if he wasn’t careful. 

Narcissa bobbed her head up and down faster and faster, practically fucking her face on his cock. She was slurping and sucking hard, and she kissed the base of his shaft each time she reached it. Her tongue worked overtime to slither and swirl around his cock, always in search of his weak points that’d make him moan.

“How the hell can you do this?” Harry asked, astounded. “I didn’t think you’d get much practice with Lucius.”

“I don’t,” Narcissa answered as she came up off of his cock. Both of her hands came up to stroke his slobber-covered shaft while she beamed up at him. “Lucius is nowhere near your size, but he’s not the only partner I’ve had since I got married to him.”

Harry grinned at her. “You mean to say you’re fucking other men behind his back?”

“I haven’t done it in quite a few years now,” Narcissa admitted. “You don’t know how hard it is to find the right man who can fuck your brains out.”

“And that’s why you chose me? Because I can fuck your brains out?”

Narcissa gave him a sly smirk. “That remains to be seen.”

Suddenly, Harry grabbed her beautiful blond locks in his hand. “Get up,” he told her lustfully as he hoisted her to her feet.

Narcissa moaned at his domineering shift and did as he commanded. Harry slapped her arse and pushed her over towards her lounge chair as he followed close behind.

Hungry for more of what her body could offer him, Harry shoved Narcissa down onto the lounge chair. She landed on her hands and knees, dripping with water and looking at him over her shoulder with a smouldering look in her eyes. She wiggled her arse enticingly at him, showing off her dripping-wet, pink pussy that was ready to be fucked.

“I can’t imagine ever taking a woman like you for granted,” Harry said as he climbed into position behind Narcissa. His cock was hard, lubricated, and ready to fuck her pussy to his heart’s content. As he placed the tip against her entrance, he could feel her incredible warmth radiating out onto him. “Your husband’s a fool for letting you out of his sights.”

“Enough about him,” Narcissa whinged as she pushed her hips back. The tip of Harry’s cock spread her pink lips wide around his shaft. Just the head of his cock slipped inside of her tight, wet love tunnel, but it already felt amazing. “I want this to just be about us. Now, fuck me!”

With a satisfied groan, Harry sank deeper into her depths. Her pussy swallowed his cock up greedily. It was clinging to his shaft beautifully, and it practically felt like her walls were trying to massage the cum out of his balls from the way they squeezed his shaft rhythmically. 

Narcissa let out the cutest moan imaginable as Harry bottomed out in her needy pussy. Her eyes were closed and her head was thrown back in ecstasy as she revelled in the pleasure of having a thick cock inside of her.

“You don’t know how much I needed that,” Narcissa said, sounding like she was lost in a dream.

“We’re not even close to being done,” Harry groaned. As much as he wanted to grab onto Narcissa’s fat arse, he needed his hands on her hips for what he was about to do to her. “I believe you said that you wanted to have your brains fucked out?”

“Merlin, yes,” Narcissa gasped. “Give it to me, Harry. Make me feel like a woman again.”

The lounge chair creaked as Harry pulled back sharply and then slammed back into Narcissa’s pussy. Her eyes bugged out wide and she screamed in delight as Harry started to pound her pussy as rough as he dared go. He didn’t even treat Emma this rough, but Narcissa had been begging for it.

As good as Narcissa felt around him, there was an extra cherry on top to this. Harry could only imagine what Draco’s face would look like if he walked in on Harry fucking his mother like a bitch in heat. All those times he’d acted like an arse at Hogwarts or tried to bully him and his friends had left Harry with a desire for revenge against that pathetic ponce, and although he was fucking Narcissa for his own reasons, it didn’t hurt that Harry knew it’d piss Draco off worse than anything else he could do to him.

So, Harry used that sentiment to fuel the thrusting of his hips. Narcissa’s arse was constantly rippling as Harry fucked her over and over again, and it was a beautiful sight to look down on.

“Yes, Harry! Come on, give it to me!” Narcissa cried out as her hands struggled to hold onto the sides of the lounge chair. His breasts were bouncing wildly beneath her, and her head was bobbing all over the place as Harry took her hard and rough.

Narcissa’s pussy barely gave any resistance to the onslaught of Harry’s cock. She was still fairly tight, but her pussy was so wet that Harry had no trouble slamming his cock in and out of her as fast as he could.

Suddenly, Narcissa’s arms gave out, and she collapsed face-down onto the lounge chair. She was still on her knees, keeping her arse perfectly positioned so that Harry could keep fucking her exactly how he was, but now her face and breasts were mashed up against the chair.

“Yes!” Narcissa’s muffled scream leaked out through the fabric of the chair. “Fuck yes!”

As Narcissa turned her head and nuzzled her face against the smooth fabric, Harry could see that her mouth was hung wide open as she panted and moaned. She looked like she was barely hanging onto any sense of sanity, but she seemed to be loving every second of teetering on the edge like this.

Watching her turn into his bitch like that was turning Harry on more than he had expected. His cock was fuelling a constant sense of pleasure as he continued to pound her pussy like he owned it, and the visual stimulus was only heightening the experience for him.

And yet, Harry still wanted more. He wanted to be staring into her eyes as he made her scream his name when she inevitably came. He wanted to see her breasts bouncing as he fucked her into insanity. And most of all, he wanted to see the expression on her face when he filled her up with his thick load.

So, Harry pulled out of Narcissa’s pussy. It took her nearly a second to realise that he wasn’t fucking her anymore, and that was when she whined.

“No, don’t stop now,” she begged him. “I’m so close, please.”

“Get on your back,” Harry told her roughly as he grabbed her thighs. He literally yanked her legs out from under her and helped her to flip onto her back. Her breasts bounced perfectly on her chest as she settled on her back, and then they bounced again when Harry slammed balls deep inside of her pussy in a single thrust.

All of the air left Narcissa’s lungs, and he didn’t give her a chance to recover. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and went right back to pounding into her pussy as hard as he could. Narcissa instinctively wrapped her arms and legs around him and let out an endless stream of moans from the pleasure she was feeling.

“You’re mine now,” Harry grunted in Narcissa’s ear as he rammed his cock into her.

“Yes,” she gasped for air. “All yours.”

Narcissa’s pussy suddenly became impossibly tight around his cock. For a moment, Harry forgot to breathe as the most incredible pleasure filled him as his cock was massaged by Narcissa’s pussy. Then, she loosened back up and he was able to thrust inside of her again.

A second passed, and then she tightened up around him again. Narcissa sucked in a deep breath.

“Oh fuck,” she cried. “I’m—”

Her voice devolved into spluttering as her orgasm struck her body. 

Harry felt Narcissa start to tremble underneath him. She was pressing her massive breasts up against his chest, and her pussy was fluttering like mad around his cock. She was going from so tight that he could barely move inside of her to brief moments of calm where he went right back to fucking her. The sudden starting and stopping was electrifying, and it just made him want to pound into her all the more.

“Harry!” Narcissa cried out once she was able to form words again. She kept repeating his name over and over again like a prayer as her pussy tried to milk his cock. Her hands worked up his back until they grabbed onto his hair on the back of his head, desperate to keep him right where he was.

As the waves of orgasmic pleasure started to die down in Narcissa, her pussy loosened back up enough that he was able to go back to constantly fucking her. He was so damn close, and it was those little bursts of extra tightness that came from her orgasm that sent him over the edge.

Harry groaned loudly as he came inside of Narcissa. Her walls squeezed the cum out of his cock as he fired spurt after spurt inside of her. His toes curled in delight from the wave of euphoria that coursed through him, and the deep sense of satisfaction of finally draining his balls left Harry with a giddy grin on his lips.

The moment that Harry finished, pushed himself off of Narcissa and pulled his cock out of her to watch his handiwork.

Narcissa’s chest heaved as she gasped for air. She was staring down at her pussy, where Harry’s cum was leaking out of it, like she couldn’t believe what she’d just experienced.

Suddenly, her eyes snapped up and met Harry’s. “I’ve never had anyone fuck me like that before,” she said with amazement. “Merlin, I didn’t know sex could feel that good.”

Harry grinned. “Well, now you know. And believe me, I’m more than happy for a repeat performance any time.”

Narcissa let out a giggle. “If it were up to me, we’d have another go right now. Unfortunately, I need to go get Lucius drunk enough that he won’t remember the fact that I’m going to finish him off with my hand tonight. He doesn’t deserve to be inside of me after what you just did to me.”

Her fingers trailed along her swollen pussy and scooped up Harry’s escaping seed before she brought them up to her mouth. She sucked her fingers clean, moaning like his cum was the greatest thing she’d ever tasted.

“I think I’ll need weekly checkups on my garden at this rate, if not daily,” Narcissa moaned.

“I’d be happy to oblige,” Harry replied. “Although, I’ll be out of the country in a week’s time.”

“Oh?” Narcissa said. “Family trip?”

Harry nodded. “My mum and I are going to the Maldives with some friends.”

“The Maldives you say,” Narcissa hummed in thought. A sly grin came across her lips as she seemed to settle on something in her mind. “I hear they’re quite lovely this time of year.”


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