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“Let’s go fucking mental!”

A cheer went up as Seamus held the bottle of Ogden’s Old Firewhiskey upside down and took a big gulp from it. And then another. And then another. 

Suddenly, Seamus spat out a mouth full of firewhiskey and retched, threatening to send all of the firewhiskey he’d just downed back up again. The crowd around him backed up, some making disgusted sounds, and waited to see if he’d manage to keep it down.

Honestly, Harry thought that Seamus did a wonderful job of saving face. He managed to settle his stomach in just a few seconds, and then he opened up his mouth to show that it was clean before he took another, albeit smaller, swig from the bottle.

The Gryffindor Common Room was abuzz with noise as the returning seventh years and new seventh years celebrated. The eighteen and nineteen-year olds were dancing to music blaring from a wizarding wireless, drinking, and having a great time with each other. Bottles of firewhiskey were spread strategically throughout the room, ensuring that no one was more than a few feet away from a bottle. Shot glasses littered every surface imaginable except for the long shelf-like table that was mounted against the wall opposite the fireplace. Students normally sat on the stools there and studied, but tonight the table was covered with bottles of butterbeer and several ales that Dean and Seamus had managed to smuggle in from Hogsmeade. 

A pair of hands pressed down on Harry’s shoulders as someone jumped onto his back.

“Can you believe it, mate?” Neville roared in Harry’s ear as he laughed like a madman. From the smell of his breath, he’d already indulged like Seamus had.

Harry chuckled and hooked his arms under Neville’s thighs to help him stabilise. “I can believe it; I was there.”

“Yeah you were!” Neville laughed again and kicked his legs out like a giddy child. “And you caught the snitch and won the Quidditch cup for us!”

Harry snorted at his friend’s exuberance. “You’re drunk.”

“And you’re not!” A feminine voice shouted.

Harry turned to the side to see Hermione approaching him with two butterbeers in hand. She was still wearing Harry’s Gryffindor scarf around her neck, which he’d loaned to her before the game, but she’d changed out of her robes into a more casual set of jeans and a light jumper. She looked beautiful as usual; Harry wasn’t quite sure when he started to notice her like this, but he didn’t mind the change in perspective in the slightest. She was walking in a steady, straight line, so at least she wasn’t sloshed like a few people already were despite the party starting.

“Oh, Hermione, you shouldn’t have you blessed angel,” Neville crooned sweetly as he reached for one of the bottles.

Hermione pulled it out of his reach, dangling it just above her head. “This one is mine, and the other is for Harry,” she told him sternly. “You’ve already had two, along with some firewhiskey.”

“I’ve got room for more,” Neville protested as he hopped off of Harry’s back. He nearly fell on his arse when he tripped over his own two feet, but Harry managed to catch him just in time.

Hermione pressed one of the butterbeers into Harry’s hand and then grabbed his other. “Come on, Lavender and the others want to play some drinking games.”

“And they have to involve me?” Harry asked teasingly.

“Yes,” Hermione said with a finality to it that told him that there was no room for argument.

“Can I come?” Neville asked hopefully.

“Fine,” Hermione sighed. “But if you’re gonna puke, go do it somewhere else, please.”

Neville grinned. “You won’t regret this.”

Hermione led Harry through a crowd of students who were all drinking together. Several of them patted Harry’s back as he passed by.

“Nice job, Potter!”

“Good on ya for catching the Snitch before Malfoy got it.”

“It’s gonna be brutal without you around next year.”

Normally, Harry would have been happy to take a minute to chat with them, but Hermione seemed particularly insistent tonight. She pulled Harry quickly, and Neville trailed behind them. She ended up bringing them over towards the fireplace, where several people were already sat down around an empty table.

“Harry!” Lavender squealed as she jumped to her feet.

Hermione stepped out of the way just in time as Lavender practically tackled him. He had to lift his drink high in the air to stop it from spilling over as Lavender hugged him tightly. It was impossible not to notice Lavender’s massive breasts squishing themselves against his chest, or her pretty face beaming up at him.

“You did so wonderful today!” Lavender gushed as she pulled Harry over to the sofa she’d been sitting on. She sat down on the end and stuck Harry right in between her and Parvati. “With the points from winning the Quidditch Cup, Gryffindor is a shoo-in for the House Cup!”

“Blimey, Harry, you really like to kick Slytherin when they’re down, huh?” Parvati winked at him. Her cheeks were flush, though Harry couldn’t tell if it was from the alcohol or the sheer thrill of the day’s events. When he’d flown past the Gryffindor stands in pursuit of the snitch, he’d heard Parvati’s voice screaming above everyone else's. “First Voldemort, now this. How will they ever recover?”

Everyone laughed at the joke, and a few more people trickled into the circle. Besides Harry, Lavender, Parvati, Neville, and Hermione, Ginny was also there with Demelza Robbins—one of their fellow members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Harry had hoped that Ron would be there too, but he seemed busy with Seamus and Dean on the far side of the room as they tried to see who could down the most butterbeers in a row.

Harry took a sip of his butterbeer, detecting a faint hint of ginger that Hermione undoubtedly added. “So, Hermione said that you guys wanted to play some drinking games.”

“Yes!” Parvati exclaimed excitedly. “And Lavender and I have just the game to play: truth or dare!”

There was a mixed reaction throughout the crowd at those words. Lavender and Parvati both looked so excited to play, as did Ginny. However, Hermione, Demelza, Neville, and Harry didn’t seem too keen.

“I thought we were gonna do shots,” Neville sighed sadly.

“Maybe someone will dare you to do some,” Ginny pointed out.

“Or maybe they’ll do something terrible,” Lavender suggested playfully.

Hermione bit her lip and glanced across at Harry. “I’m game if you are.”

Harry had never played the game before, but he’d grasped the basics seeing other people play it. It gave people a chance to do a bunch of dumb stuff without anyone getting really upset over it, and it seemed like a decent way to learn fun and interesting things about it each other.

It was exactly the type of game Harry would have avoided playing, especially with women involved. He’d long since decided that he was the type of guy to prefer more relaxed affairs to full-blown parties like this, but he couldn’t help but question that decision.

After years of trying to shy away from his fame and focus on fighting Voldemort, it felt like a massive weight had been lifted off of his shoulders now that Voldemort was finally gone. It was almost like he had a chance to rediscover himself and what he actually liked now that he didn’t have such a dreary future impacting his life. 

It was easier said than done though. Even when the party started up tonight, Harry had stuck to the sidelines, accepting praise and chatting with friends rather than joining the dancing crowd in the middle of the room. He was still being his old shy self, but he wanted to try to branch out some more, and he could only do that if he forced himself into it.

Harry smiled back at Hermione. “I’m happy to play too.”

Lavender squealed again and hugged him. “This is going to be amazing!”

“Who goes first?” Neville asked nervously.

“Since it’s my game, I’ll go first,” Lavender announced with a grin on her lips. Her eyes scanned the group who were all sitting nicely around each other, looking for her target. She settled on Harry for a moment, opened her mouth, and then closed it back again with a wink. “We’ll save you for later,” she said before her head snapped around. “Demelza! Truth or dare.”

The auburn-haired witch squeaked nervously. “Truth!” She answered quickly before she downed the rest of her butterbeer.

“Hmm,” Lavender hummed as she tapped her chin in thought. “I’ve heard some pretty wild rumours about what the ladies of the Gryffindor Quidditch team get up to. Tell me, have you and Ginny ever had a fling in the locker room?”

“What?!” Demelza exclaimed as her cheeks turned a dark shade of red. 

Ginny giggled in amusement and placed a hand on Demelza’s knee and slowly started sliding it up her thigh. “Go on, Dez, you can tell them,” she said with a sultry tone.

“Nothing’s ever happened!” Demelza protested.

Ginny let out a barking laugh and removed her hand from Demelza’s thigh. “Sorry, Lavender.”

Lavender pouted, but gestured to Demelza regardless. “Now it’s your turn to ask someone.”

Demelza bit her lips nervously. Harry knew that she wasn’t exactly familiar with anyone here besides Harry and Ginny, and she seemed too nervous to test the waters much. So, it wasn’t a surprise when she settled on Ginny.

“Ginny, truth or dare?” Demelza asked.

Ginny’s eyes flashed excitedly. “Dare.”

Lavender and Parvati both oohed and leaned in closer in anticipation.

“Err,” Demelza hesitated. “I dare you to…” 

Demelza craned her head and looked past Ginny to see the trio of Ron, Seamus, and Dean. “Go kiss Dean in front of Ron,” Demelza finished with a naughty giggle.

“Damn, asking a girl to kiss her ex in front of her brother is just cruel,” Lavender cackled. “I love it!”

But Ginny didn’t seem fazed in the slightest. “Alright,” she shrugged as she jumped to her feet. “Watch and learn how a pro does it.”

Everyone watched as Ginny sauntered over to the group. Dean, Seamus, and Ron were all devouring some meat pies someone had brought up from the kitchens when Ginny arrived. She slipped herself right in between Ron and Dean and batted her eyelashes at Dean before she leaned in close to whisper something into his ear.

Parvati giggled. “Poor man doesn’t know what’s about to hit him.”

Dean just looked confused and leaned back in towards Ginny again. She whispered into his ear for a bit longer this time, and then his eyes glanced towards the group of them. Lavender waved at him with a giddy smile on her lips, and Dean just rolled his eyes and nodded at Ginny.

Then, Ginny leapt into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist, and kissed him soundly on the lips as Dean dropped the pie he’d been holding in order to stop her from falling back.

“Oi!” Ron shouted so loudly that the group heard him over the music that was blasting. “That’s my sister!”

Lavender, Parvati, and Demelza all burst into fits of giggles. Even Harry, Neville, and Hermione couldn’t help but laugh at Ron’s reaction. He was trying to tear Ginny off of Dean, but she was too busy trying to suck Dean’s face off to let Ron stop her. It was only once she decided to end the kiss that it did.

Ginny dropped back down to her feet, leaving Dean looking absolutely gobsmacked at just how thoroughly she’d kissed him. Ron looked torn between yelling at Ginny or Dean first, so he settled on yelling at them at the same time.

“Why the hell would you two do that right in front of me?!” He shouted.

Ginny just rolled her eyes. “Get over yourself, Ronald. If I had to put up with you snogging Lavender in the common room for weeks, you can deal with this.”

She hurried back over to the group then, leaving Dean as the sole person in the path of Ron’s ire. 

“I can’t believe you did that,” Parvati laughed loudly. She grabbed another butterbeer and tossed it over to Ginny. “Dean looked like you blew his socks off.”

“Bet he was wishing you blew something else though, huh?” Lavender winked.

“This isn’t weird for you?” Hermione whispered across to Harry as Lavender, Parvati, and Ginny continued to banter back and forth.

“Not really,” Harry whispered back. “Ginny and I both agreed to stay friends once we realised we wouldn’t work as a couple anymore; I don’t mind if she kisses other guys in front of me.”

Hermione nodded in reply and leaned back in thought. 

“Alright, it’s my turn now,” Ginny announced. She looked around the group before she eventually settled on Neville. She gave him a sweet smile, but the nervousness on Neville’s face showed that he didn’t trust her in the slightest. “Truth or dare?”

“Truth,” Nevile replied quickly as he grabbed a shot glass full of firewhiskey. 

Ginny grinned and jumped right to it. “Which girl, out of the group that’s here around the table, do you think is the most fit?”

“Ginny,” Neville whined. “Don’t make me say this.”

“Hey, these are the rules of the game,” Ginny shrugged. “You either play or you don’t.”

Neville brought the shot glass up to his lips. “You,” he answered before he knocked the drink down in one. Before anyone could react, he turned to Parvati. “Truth or dare?”

Parvati giggled. “Dare.”

Neville nodded sagely. “I think our Quidditch star over here deserves a bit of fun tonight. I dare you to go spend seven minutes in heaven with him in the broom cupboard by the stairs.”

Lavender and Ginny both cheered at that. “Great choice!” Ginny exclaimed, patting Neville on the back.

“Well, Harry?” Parvati said with a nervous smile. “How about it?”

What the hell did he have to lose? Harry downed his butterbeer and set the empty bottle down on the table as he got to his feet and offered Parvati his hand. She accepted it, and Harry helped hoist her up to her feet.

“The time starts as soon as the door closes!” Lavender announced gleefully. “We’ll open the door when the time’s done, so don’t be caught out doing anything naughty now.” She winked at the end there, telling Harry that she sincerely hoped that something naughty would go on.

A few people nearby caught on to what was going on as they saw Parvati leading Harry over towards the broom cupboard. There were more cheers, celebrations, and drinks raised in his name as both his and Parvati’s cheeks went red. Parvati fumbled for the door handle before she managed to grasp it.

“In we go,” Parvati said nervously as she pulled open the door and stepped inside.

Harry followed her into the cramped broom cupboard and closed the door behind him, leaving them alone in the unlit room.

In the darkness, Harry had to rely on his other senses. He could hear his and Parvati’s heavy breathing filling the small cupboard. There was enough space for both of them to leave a gap in between their bodies, but it wasn’t big. There were a couple of brooms and a bucket with cleaning supplies near Harry’s right foot, and the walls around them were covered with Gryffindor banners and pennants.

The first few seconds were a little awkward. They could hear the sounds of the party through the door, but it was faint. Harry didn’t know if he was supposed to make the first move or not. He supposed he should, being the man in the situation.



The two of them spoke up at the same time and then stopped. Parvati was the one to break the silence next with a small laugh.

“We’re probably a minute down already,” she commented lightly. 

Harry’s mouth dried out a bit at the thought of what they could have spent that minute doing. “Yeah, you’re right.”

Suddenly, Harry felt Parvati’s fingertips run along his jawline. They moved up until she was cupping his face with the palms of her hands. 

“I’ve been dreaming about this for a long time,” Parvati murmured dreamily before she closed the gap between their faces.

It was like an explosion of passion as their lips met. Ever since he and Ginny split up at the start of the year, Harry hadn’t so much as kissed anyone else. Finally getting that burst of physical contact back again made him feel just like he had the first time he ever kissed a girl. 

His heart pounded in his chest, and it seemed like he could feel every rounded curve of Parvati’s plump lips against his. She leaned her body against him, and Harry could feel her breasts pressing up against his chest. They were smaller than Lavender’s, but they felt bigger than he remembered Ginny’s having been. He wondered what they’d look like.

A roar in his chest shouted at him to take her now. He was hardening in his trousers, and he could feel just how desperately his body wanted more. He couldn’t stop himself from pushing Parvati back against the wall, pinning her there as they continued to kiss.

His hips bucked instinctively, and he felt Parvati gasp into the kiss when she felt his cock press against her belly. For a moment, Harry was scared that he’d gone too far, but then Parvati just kissed him back even harder and slipped a hand underneath his shirt. She started feeling her way up his torso, letting her hands run over his lightly-muscled frame.

If she was touching him like that, then Harry felt like it was fair game to get a feel in for himself. He couldn’t believe that his younger self had been so foolish as to let a beautiful witch like this out of his sights back at the Yule Ball, but now that they were adults, Harry wasn’t going to make that same mistake again.

Harry started with his hands on Parvati’s hips, then he slipped his fingers underneath her shirt. He slowly moved up her smooth skin, feeling her ribcage beneath his fingertips, until he reached the base of her bra.

Parvati moaned into Harry’s mouth when his finger slipped underneath the wire that kept her breasts supported and he finally touched her. 

Parvati’s breasts were nice and full. They were bigger than Harry could fit in his hands, but not by much. Her skin was slightly moist from sweat, but Harry didn’t care in the slightest; his body was singing in joy that he was finally touching someone else for a change. Her nipples were already hardened, and Harry pinched them lightly.

“Ah,” Parvati moaned, breaking the kiss as she gasped for breath. “Oh, Harry. Yes, right there.”

Overcome with lust, Harry did exactly that. He kept touching her as her hands dropped to his waistband. She jammed her hand down into his trousers and grabbed onto his stiff cock, and Harry bucked his hips against her. She was being so delicate with him, but the palm of her hand felt so good against the head of his cock. 

Slowly, Parvati started stroking him in his trousers. Her hand wand nice and warm against his skin, but neither of them seemed to be satisfied with just that.

Parvati pulled Harry’s hands out from under her bra so that she could drop to her knees in front of him. She hurriedly pulled at his zipper and got his cock out.

“Merlin,” Parvati gasped. “You’re fucking massive.”

Harry’s cock throbbed at her awe-filled words, but before he could reply, Parvati stuck out her tongue and licked underneath the head of his cock. The sudden burst of pleasure forced Harry to plant his forearm on the wall in front of him for support as his knees trembled.

It didn’t take long for Harry to realise that Parvati didn’t have much experience giving blowjobs, or, at least, not on someone of his size. She opened her mouth wide and tried to take him deep into her warm mouth, but she struggled to go more than a few inches down on him. Still, even that felt incredible. The last time he’d had sex had been with Ginny on the day they’d decided to break up, and since then he’d spent countless nights pleasuring himself to the memory of that time. Now, he would have a new memory to fall back on.

Parvati tried to wrap her tongue around Harry’s cock, but it was nowhere near long enough to do so. So, she relegated herself to just sliding her tongue along every inch of his cock that she could get in her mouth. Her lips were sealed tightly around his shaft, and she was sucking hard on him.

Harry hoped that the party outside was loud enough to block the slurping noises Parvati was making. She seemed desperate to put on a better performance and get more of his cock into her mouth, so she kept trying to go further and further down onto him. 

Her hands came up and started stroking his shaft. She couldn’t get her fingers all the way around his cock, but it didn’t stop her from her ministrations.

With Parvati’s mouth on the head of his cock, her tongue teasing him, and her hands stroking him, Harry finally felt the bliss that he’d been missing for so long. 

Naturally, that was when there was a knock on the outside of the broom cupboard.

“Time’s up!” Hermione announced through the door.

Panic filled Harry and Parvati’s faces as the door handle jiggled. Harry grabbed onto it to stop it from moving as Parvati released his cock and jumped to her feet. She hurriedly shoved his damp cock back into his trousers and zipped him back up as she wiped her face clean of any saliva that had spilt out of her mouth.

Suddenly, the door was yanked open, and Harry came stumbling out right into Hermione’s arms. She looked torn between anger and fear as her eyes roamed Harry and Parvati’s faces. In the light, Harry could see that Parvati’s lips were swollen, and her shirt was definitely a bit crumpled. He imagined that he must look quite similar.

“Hey,” Harry said awkwardly as Hermione let him go. 

Her eyes scanned his face, and then dropped to the noticeable bulge in his trousers. Harry did his best to cover himself up quickly, hoping that the group of grinning faces by the fireplace hadn’t noticed anything yet.

“Come on,” Hermione muttered as she walked back over to the table, sounding annoyed.

Harry hurried after her, keeping himself covered. “You alright?” He asked.

“Never better,” Hermione replied through gritted teeth as she dropped into her seat and grabbed another butterbeer off of the table.

Harry slid into the seat beside Lavender, who looked like a kid on Christmas morning waiting to see what Santa brought her.

“So,” she dragged out the word. “How was it?”

“Err…” Harry wasn’t quite sure how to answer that, but thankfully Parvati came to his defence as she sat down on the opposite side of him.

“He’s a better kisser than I expected,” she laughed lightly.

Lavender nodded approvingly. “Well, you got back just in time, because we kept playing while you two were gone and it’s my turn now.”

“Ooh!” Parvati leaned forward with visible interest. “Did we miss anything juicy?”

“Not really,” Lavender sighed. “Neville and Ginny kissed, Ginny and Demelza kissed—”

“Wow, she really gets around,” Parvati winked playfully to Ginny, who replied with the two-fingered salute.

“Hermione admitted that she never slept with Ron,” Lavender continued.

“Or anyone for that matter,” Hermione clarified.

“And then she dared me to flash my tits,” Lavender finished. “Oh, right, you two missed that. Well, here you go.”

Harry barely had a chance to glance down before Lavender lifted up her robes and revealed her two massive, perky breasts. Her shirt was only up for a second before she dropped it back down again. He forced himself to look away from where they’d been and grabbed another bottle of butterbeer for himself.

“Nice,” Parvati laughed, acting like it was no big deal for Lavender to flash everyone. “So, who are you calling on next?”

“I want to see if Ginny can make the rounds with all of us, so Ginny, truth or dare?” Lavender asked with a grin.

“Truth,” Ginny replied as she took a drink from her butterbeer. Harry followed suit and brought his own bottle up to his lips.

There were a few playful boos sent her way, but then Lavender got a devilish gleam in her eyes.

“How big is Harry’s dick?”

Harry spat out his drink as Ginny’s cheeks flushed a bright red. 

“Lavender!” Hermione chastised her.

“What?” Lavender replied innocently with a sly grin on her lips. “We’ve all been wondering, and since you won’t tell us—”

“I told you that I’ve never seen it!” Hermione shouted.

Lavender carried on like she hadn’t heard her. “—I just want to finally know. Why are you getting so worked up about it? Did you want to keep Harry all to yourself now that he and Ginny aren’t a thing anymore?”

Hermione growled in frustration.

“This’ll help,” Neville whispered to her as he passed her a shot of firewhiskey.

Hermione downed it in one go and slammed the glass down on the table.

“So…” Lavender trailed off as she looked over at Ginny. She wiggled her eyebrows at her. “Spill the beans, Weasley.”

Ginny shot Harry a questioning look, and he just shrugged at her. He wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or not, but he didn’t really mind if she told anyone.

So, Ginny held her two hands out in front of her and estimated. It took a little careful manoeuvring for her to settle on the proper length, but once she did, Demelza let out a low whistle. Lavender and Hermione looked like their eyes were about to bug out of their heads.

“You’re not having us on, are you?” Lavender gasped.

“Nope,” Ginny grinned. “It’s all true.”

“Bloody hell,” Neville groaned. “There’s no way in hell anyone else is gonna measure up to that.”

Suddenly, Lavender turned to Parvati with a suspicious look in her eyes. “Why don’t you seem so surprised by this?”

The pink cheeks of Parvati told Lavender everything she needed to hear.

“You slag!” Lavender cackled. “You copped a feel of him in the broom cupboard?”

“It was a bit more than a feel,” Parvati admitted with a giggle.

A few people make a few suggestive remarks, but Harry tuned them all out. He was instead focused in on Hermione’s face as it darkened. 

Why would she be upset about this unless…

Suddenly, it all clicked for him. He’d noticed something off about her all night whenever he was involved with someone else, and there was only one explanation in his mind: she liked him.

“Hermione,” Ginny suddenly spoke up. “Truth or dare?”

“Dare,” Hermione replied sourly.

Ginny mulled it over for a moment before she grinned. “I dare you to invite your biggest crush in Gryffindor for a shag tonight.”

A few people gasped at that; clearly it was a dare that went far beyond the scope of the game they’d been playing, but Ginny had always been one to up the ante. 

“Gin,” Neville spoke up tentatively. “Maybe that’s a bit much.”

“No, I’ll do it,” Hermione said confidently. 

Everyone looked at her like she’d grown a second head. Out of everyone there, Hermione was the least likely one to do something so wild, so it was quite the surprise to hear her verbally agreeing to it so easily.

“Good,” Ginny replied. “You’d better get a move on, because it looks like the party’s already starting to wind down.”

True enough, as Harry glanced around, he saw that the common room was much emptier than it had been before he and Parvati had gone into the broom cupboard. Ron, Dean, and Seamus were already gone, as were several of the new seventh years. 

As everyone took in the atmosphere, it was clear that their game was done for the night. Everyone started to get up, maybe grabbing one last drink or collecting a snack from a nearby table before they started for the staircase towards the dorms.

Harry was one of the last to get up. He was waiting for Hermione, who was busy staring at her shoes. If she was going to make a move, it was going to have to be soon.

After pausing for a few seconds with no sign of activity from her, Harry started to walk away.

“Harry,” Hermione’s quiet voice squeaked out.

He turned to her. “Yeah?” He replied gently.

Hermione was wringing her hands together in her lap nervously. “I… would you…that is to say…” She growled in frustration and jumped to her feet. “I like you, alright? And I don’t want you to be with anyone else; I want you to be with me. Tonight.”

Everything else faded away for Harry in that moment. Even though he’d begun to notice Hermione’s beauty much more in recent months, he’d never quite realised the extent of the crush he had on her. Hearing her confess to him like this made his heart pound in his chest, his blood rush through his veins, and his head go all fuzzy.

It was exactly what he’d always wanted to hear without knowing that he needed to hear it.

Harry licked his dry lips. “Hermione, I… I want to be with you too.”

A smile erupted on Hermione’s lips. “Really?”

“On second thought…” Harry joked lightly.

“Too late,” Hermione grinned as she grabbed his hand. “Let’s go.”

In a rush, Hermione pulled Harry upstairs. Even though there were cheers coming from his friends, Harry didn’t hear a second of it; his entire being was focused on the beautiful witch that was leading him up to her room. Luckily, as Head Boy, the staircase allowed him safe passage up.

Lavender and Parvati were already in their shared dorm room when Harry and Hermione arrived. They were both giggling and talking to each other, but then their eyes went wide when they saw the two new arrivals.

“You didn’t!” Lavender squealed excitedly.

“You’d better go gentle with her, Harry,” Parvati giggled. “You can do some real damage with that beater’s bat in between your legs.”

“He’ll shag me the way I want to be shagged,” Hermione insisted, only for her cheeks to turn red when she realised what she’d just said. 

“Yes, ma’am,” Harry joked. “But first—”

He spun her around back into his embrace and then wrapped an arm around her. Hermione gasped, and their eyes met. It was like a scene out of film as Harry watched her eyes slowly close and her lips part. He mirrored her actions and then suddenly…

An explosion rocked Harry’s mind as his lips connected with Hermione’s. He knew now that his kisses with Parvati and Ginny were nothing compared to what he was experiencing now. It was like a rush of pleasure coursed all throughout his body, touching every nook and cranny and leaving him feeling like he was about to ascend with her. 

And then it was over as Hermione pulled away with a hungry look in her eyes. “Bed. Now.” She told him.

The two of them climbed onto Hermione’s bed then. Harry went to pull the curtains closed, only for Lavender to quickly call him out.

“Don’t get shy now, Harry,” she giggled as she started tugging at her skirt. “It’s not fair if you hide the two of you away like that. We want to watch!”

“Yeah!” Parvati agreed. She tore out of her robes and quickly unhooked her bra, letting her perky brown breasts fall into view. Just looking at them now left Harry with the memory of feeling them in his hands earlier. Her panties went next, leaving her completely bare and open to the room. She spread her legs wide, showing off her pink pussy, which she spread open with her fingers before she sank one of them inside of her.

Harry forced himself to look away to see what Hermione was thinking. Surprisingly, she didn’t seem to care.

“I just want you,” Hermione told him sincerely. “I don’t care who watches.”

Fuck, he loved her for saying that.

With the desperate need to connect with each other filling them up, Harry and Hermione both rushed to remove every single article of clothing from themselves. He barely had time to admire her flawless arse, gorgeous breasts, and perfect pink slit before he was pushing her down onto her back and climbing on top of her.

“Here we go,” Lavender exclaimed excitedly. Harry glanced over his shoulder to see that she too had managed to get all of her clothes off and was watching Harry and Hermione just as eagerly as Parvati was. Her shaved pussy was already sopping wet, but her fingers were more focused on touching her clit rather than sliding inside of herself quite yet.

Hermione’s hands touching his cock brought him back to focusing on her. She was staring up at him with an expression that was simultaneously shy and yet supremely confident. She wanted him, and there was nothing that was going to stop her from getting him to fuck her.

She angled his cock down towards her pussy and rubbed the head up and down her slit, coating him with her juices. “I need this,” she told him breathlessly. “I don’t want anyone else besides you, Harry. So please, give me this one good night with you.”

Harry had to bite back a chuckle; he didn’t want her to get the wrong impression. “I want more than just one good night with you, Hermione,” he replied as he leaned down to kiss her. “I want as many amazing nights as we can have.”

“Oh, Harry,” Hermione squealed as he slowly thrust into her. 

The incredibly wet and warm sensation of Hermione’s pussy squeezing him as he sank inside of her was just heavenly. It was physical pleasure incarnate, but it also left him with this sensation of satisfaction in his mind. This felt right, even more so than it had with Ginny.

“Look at how much he’s stretching her out,” Lavender moaned.

Harry glanced down to where his and Hermione’s bodies met. He could just barely see her pussy lips being stretched out by his thick cock as he pushed deeper and deeper inside of her. Eventually, he felt her lips kiss the base of his shaft as he was fully buried inside of her.

“You’re so big,” Hermione half murmured and half moaned. Her hands clawed at his back as she grabbed onto him for dear life. Her walls were squirming around his cock as she adjusted to his girth, and it felt like they were massaging his cock.

Harry kissed Hermione then, feeling another spark shoot off between them. 

Slowly, Harry started to fuck Hermione. He rocked his hips slowly, letting his balls come to a rest on her arse for a moment before he pulled his hips back until just the tip of his cock was inside of her. From behind him, he could hear the wet sounds of Lavender and Parvati fingering their pussies as they watched him fuck their dormmate. 

“Yeah, give it to her,” Parvati moaned.

Her slutty words made Harry’s next thrust into Hermione be a little bit harder than intended. She let out a pretty moan, and her perfect breasts jiggled ever so enticingly on her chest.

“Mmhmm,” Hermione moaned, biting her lip. “More,” she told him.

So, Harry moved a bit faster. His cock slid back and forth inside of her tight, wet, pink pussy. Her soft, breathy moans made his cock throb needfully and spurred him to move faster inside of her.

Within a couple of minutes, Harry was fucking Hermione at a solid pace. The sound of their flesh slapping together rang out loudly in the room, and both of them were moaning freely. Lavender and Parvati were moaning openly now too, and as much as Harry would have enjoyed looking back at them and seeing exactly how they were pleasuring themselves, his eyes were solely focused on the goddess beneath him right now.

Hermione’s beauty only seemed to reach new heights with her on her back and his cock in her pussy. She stretched out her arms above her head beautifully, letting her breasts bounce without any restrictions. Her pussy clamped down hard on his cock, but that didn’t stop him from fucking her just the way she wanted him to.

They were both sweaty from the exercise and the alcohol, but it only seemed to heighten the experience between them. They were both giving this their all, and they were revelling in the experience of being connected in this way.

“Fuck, Harry,” Hermione cried out. Her walls fluttered around his cock, nearing an orgasm.

The beast in Harry’s chest roared in triumph at the knowledge that he was making her feel like this. He wondered if she was feeling the same way as he was. Her pussy felt simply divine around his cock. Each little squeeze she gave him made her pussy feel even tighter than it already was. Her body was a feast for his eyes too, and it was spurring him towards his own orgasm.

Harry wanted to give Hermione everything, to make her feel even a fraction of the pleasure she was making him feel. So, he pounded into her pussy with his hard, thick cock, and did his best to hit every perfect little spot inside of her that made her eyes want to roll to the back of her head.

Hermione’s moans grew louder and louder, and her pussy started to spasm faster and faster until—

“Harry!” Hermione screamed.

It looked like waves of pleasure were flowing through Hermione’s body as she seized on the bed. Her back arched, pushing her breasts towards Harry’s face, and her pussy clamped down hard on his cock. He swore that he could feel her heartbeat in the pattern that her pussy tightened up and relaxed around him.

It was that sudden extra tightness and the sight of his beautiful best friend cumming beneath him that sent Harry over the edge. With a cry of his own, he slammed himself balls deep inside of pussy and unleashed a torrent of cum that painted her inner walls white. 

Behind him, he heard Lavender cry out as she came too. Parvati was furiously pumping her fingers in and out of her pussy, desperate to finish herself off as well.

As Harry’s last spurt of cum fired out of his cock, Hermione seized his head in her hands and kissed him soundly. It was that extra little visual stimulus that sent Parvati crying over the edge too.

Harry and Hermione snogged the entire time that Parvati was babbling in pleasure. The feeling of her warm body beneath his was something that he knew he’d never get tired of experiencing.

When their lips finally parted, Hermione beamed up at him. “Thank you, Harry.”

Harry laughed lightly and kissed her again. “I should be saying that to you.”

“Why don’t you tell me in the morning,” Hermione replied with a cheeky wink. “After I’ve ridden you until you cum in me again.”


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