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AN: Sorry if the chapter is a little messy; this was the first chapter I wrote right after I broke my wrist and was still on some painkillers, so it didn't really hit all of the marks I wanted it to. Still, I hope you all enjoy it!


Honestly, Harry still wasn’t quite sure how he managed to get roped into this. Across from him in the library was Daphne and Tracey, casually reading their books as though there was nothing wrong with them sitting with him.

Though Harry had gotten quite used to the pointed stares from other students over the years, the ones he was getting today wasn’t because of who he was. People were staring at him because of the sheer oddity of seeing a Gryffindor willingly sit with a couple of Slytherins.

However, the worst part was the rumours.

After the fight with Draco, plenty of people speculated that the entire duel began as a contest to win Daphne’s heart. It was a ludicrous type of story that only drama-crazy students could come up with, but it spread like wildfire nonetheless. Now that he was sitting across from her, with her best friend at her side no less, the looks he’d received told him that this stupid rumour was just becoming more and more believable with each passing minute.

It wasn’t even as though he liked Daphne, or that she liked him. Sure, she was beautiful, but she was also stuck-up, annoying, and trying her best to get on his nerves any chance she had. Everything she did seemed to infuriate him, and they were no closer to being friends than they were before this mess all started.

Luckily, Daphne seemed to have the same opinion of him as he had of her. She was still acting like her normal, snarky self. She ignored the looks and whispered comments other people made as they walked by, but once they were gone, she almost always looked up and glared at Harry like this was somehow all his fault. 

If it wasn’t for Tracey, he was sure that he would have up and left by now. He felt a little bad for her. She’d come to apologise to him the day after he’d fought with Daphne about Draco’s punishment and insisted that he come join them in the library. She plied him with sweets as an added bonus to get him to come.

Maybe she still felt bad about what happened to Katie still, or maybe this was just her way of thanking Harry for helping to keep Daphne safe. Regardless, Harry could see that she was really trying to be friendly to him and to get him and Daphne to get along. It didn’t feel right to just shut her down when she was being so sincere.

He figured he’d go once or twice, but it was now the fifth straight day of joining them in the library after supper. He’d tried to beg off on the third day, but Tracey had given him those damned puppy-dog eyes of hers and he’d reluctantly stayed until the library was set to close.

He really hoped it wasn’t going to be another late night tonight. He wondered if he could come up with some type of excuse to get out of sticking around for much longer. It wasn’t like he was reading much anyways.

“That’s them,” came a hushed whisper from Harry’s left.

Harry casually glanced over and saw a couple of seventh-year girls peeking through the bookshelves at them. When they realised Harry had caught them, they both flushed red and giggled to themselves before ducking back into cover.

“Honestly, don’t they ever get sick of this?” Tracey spoke up as she shot the two girls a dark look as they retreated away.

“Wherever there’s a juicy story, the flies are sure to follow,” Daphne commented without looking up from her book. “I can’t see why keeping Potter around like a lost puppy is going to help matters, but I suppose I can’t see the big picture like you can.”

“She actually really wanted you here,” Tracey stage-whispered over to Harry. “You should have heard her going on about you this morning.”

There was a slight twitch in Daphne’s expression, but she still didn’t look up. “I was saying that you should stop inviting him.”

“And you blushed when I said you must really like him if he’s on your mind so much,” Tracey replied casually before giving Harry a wink.

Daphne’s grip on her book grew tighter until her knuckles turned white. Her left eyelid was starting to twitch uncontrollably now.

Honestly, Harry didn’t know what to make of Tracey’s comment. Almost everyday, she teased Daphne about having a crush on him, but he didn’t see it himself. He didn’t like her like that, and she didn’t like him. 


He looked at her again, and suddenly Daphne’s eyes snapped up to meet his gaze. Her icy-cold annoyance was plain to see, and the uncomfortableness of it made Harry look away.

“As if,” Daphne said derisively. “Who in their right mind would have a crush on Potter?”

“Plenty of girls would,” Harry replied indignantly before he could stop himself. He could handle her acting like a sullen brat, but he drew the line when she started insulting him like this. 

Still, regret filled him almost instantly when he saw Daphne rear her head like she was going to breathe fire on him. He didn’t want to fight with her like this.

“Plenty of girls who think that throwing their knickers at you will lead to all the fame and fortune that they can drown themselves in before they leave you high and dry,” Daphne sneered. “Face it, you’re brash and foolhardy. And you’re spineless.”

“Spineless?” Harry exclaimed in astonishment.

“That’s right,” Daphne snapped. “First, you want to follow what Dumbledore says and give Malfoy a second chance. Then you suddenly flip around and think that maybe Azkaban is the right call for him, which it is.”

“I only changed my mind because I thought more about what you said,” Harry argued. “It’s not spineless to change your mind on something.”

“It is when you’re just following what other people tell you,” Daphne retorted angrily. “First it was Dumbledore, and then it was me.”

“Unlike you, I don’t pretend to be little miss perfect,” Harry said as he slammed his fist down on the table. “I don’t always know what I think is right and wrong, and that’s why I listen to other people’s opinions and then make a decision.”

“And if I hadn’t been there to point you in the right direction, you still would have tried to get Malfoy out of spending the rest of his life in Azkaban!” Daphne shouted as she jumped to her feet.

Suddenly, a dark force washed across the three of them as Madam Pince stalked up to their table.

“The three of you, out,” she hissed angrily at them.

“But—” Daphne went to protest, only to stop herself short when she saw the angry look on Madam Pince’s face.

“Perhaps once you’ve learnt that a library is a place for quiet study and not shouting like you’re at a Quidditch match, then I’ll allow you all to return,” Madam Pince glowered at them. “Until then, you will leave so that others can study in peace.”

There was no small amount of frustration between Harry and Daphne as they collected their things; Tracey was the only one who didn’t seem terribly bothered about getting kicked out. Daphne brushed past Harry as she headed for the exit first, and then Tracey grabbed his wrist and pulled him along quickly after her.

“Daphne, wait,” Tracey insisted as she tried to catch up.

Daphne just kept walking on and disappeared out of the library. Tracey and Harry tried to keep up, but by the time they exited, Daphne was out of sight.

Tracey let out a loud, exasperated groan and let go of Harry’s wrist. “I’m sorry about her,” she apologised.

Harry twitched his nose like he’d smelt something distasteful. “What the hell is her problem?” He asked.

Tracey grimaced and started meandering down the corridor. Harry followed her.

“Daphne has always been expected to be brilliant by her parents,” Tracey began to explain. “They love her, but they also know how easily people can try to take advantage of each other in the world of pure-blood politics. They’ve taught her to be clever and cunning. She doesn’t like second chances because she knows that they might come back to bite her. Trust me, her family… well, I guess it’s not exactly a big secret, but they have a blood curse in their line. It happened because one of her ancestor’s let a hag escape persecution from a town near their former manor. The hag brought a curse down on the town, and it affected all of the families living there, including the Greengrass family.”

“Okay,” Harry murmured, following along the story. “But what does that have to do with me?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Tracey raised an eyebrow in his direction. 

When Harry shook his head, she sighed again. 

“Men,” she muttered under her breath. “Daphne likes you!”

“No she doesn’t,” Harry replied almost immediately. “She hates me.”

“Probably a little bit,” Tracey acknowledged. “But that’s only because she finds you so frustrating to deal with.”

“I’m the frustrating one?” Harry exclaimed. “She was the one who came after me in the first place.”

“I know,” Tracey said. “But it’s what happened afterwards that upset her. She was trying to protect me, and you… you took a long time to assure her that you weren’t going to turn me in. You don’t know how many nights she stayed up worried that something bad was going to happen to me.”

Harry softened a little at that. It was clear how protective Daphne was over Tracey, but he didn’t realise that it extended that far.

“I think it hurt her because she understood where you were coming from,” Tracey continued. “Because if it was her in your shoes and I’d hurt one of her friends, she would have made sure I was shipped off to Azkaban so that I couldn’t make the same mistake twice. She thought that was what you were going to do, and she wanted to do anything in her power to stop it. And when you finally decided not to turn me in, it made her both happy and angry.”

“Why?” Harry asked.

“She was happy because I was safe,” Tracey explained. “But she was angry because you did the opposite of what she would have done. I think a lot of it comes down to her realising that some things aren’t always black and white like her family taught her. If I had to guess, you not turning me in led to a lot of self-reflection on her part, and that’s not exactly something easy to do.”

“I get that she’s struggling a bit with that,” Harry began. “But I still don’t know why she’s taking it out on me.”

“It’s because it’s so easy for you,” Tracey told him. “You listen to people and empathise with them. Look, Daphne genuinely believes that Malfoy belongs in Azkaban for what he did and tried to do, but she still wishes that she could see things the way you do. It’s because of that that she even argued your side to her dad the night that Malfoy attacked you two. She tried to make him see things your way, and he admonished her for forgetting what he and her mum taught her.”

Harry grimaced. “I didn’t know that things were so rough like that for her. I didn’t intend for her to get into trouble.”

“She’s not really in trouble,” Tracey shrugged. “Her parents love and treat her well, but they can be pretty rigid at times. I’d say that they’re more disappointed than anything, and that’s what has Daphne so upset. She tried to do things your way and they didn’t work out. It’s made her feelings towards you a lot more complicated.”

“You’ve mentioned that a few times,” Harry pointed out. “But I still don’t think she likes me the way you think she does.”

“Trust me, Harry, she does,” Tracey confirmed.

“How are you so sure?” He asked.

“Because I know my best friend,” Tracey explained, as though that explained everything. “She talks about you like she wants to tear your guts out.”

“And that’s a sign that she likes me?” Harry snorted.

“Yes,” Tracey nodded seriously.

“Okay, I’m lost,” Harry replied.

“It’s like this,” Tracey began as she gestured with her hands in front of her. “Everything that you do annoys her, right?”


“That shows that she cares about what you do,” Tracey pointed out. “If you were any random guy, she wouldn’t give a second thought to whatever you were doing. You infuriate her because you’re able to act the way that she wants to, and she really admires that about you. She’s annoyed that you didn’t see her way of thinking regarding Malfoy right away, but she’s even more annoyed that you made a good point about the effects of Azkaban and made her reconsider her belief. That’s why she likes you; you challenge her to be better.”

Tracey cleared her throat. “Plus, you’re pretty fit.”


“Don’t mention it.”

Harry wasn’t quite sure what to do or say now. If Tracey was right about all of this, it was clear that Daphne was very much stuck in between a rock and a hard place when it came to her beliefs. She thought that Draco should go to Azkaban, and so did Harry, but the effects of it were going to scar Draco for life. Harry didn’t think it was his place to say if it was right or wrong for Draco to suffer that fate, and maybe Daphne was questioning herself too now.

He needed to talk to her. At the very least, he wanted to tell her that he was sorry about all of this fighting they’d done, even if he knew that he wasn’t really responsible for most of it.

“Where—?” Harry began to ask.

“Down the stairs to the dungeons, take your first left, your second right, another left, and it’ll be the third door on the left,” Tracey winked at him. “Daphne always goes to that room when she needs to blow off some steam.”

Harry’s lips quirked upwards. “Thanks.”

“Anytime,” Tracey said, patting his back. “Just be sure to use protection.”


As Harry walked through the dungeons, his conversation with Tracey kept repeating through his mind. Specifically, it was the part about Daphne liking him that had him all hung up.

It still seemed so strange to imagine that she had feelings for him. Even if he understood what Tracey had told him, it was another thing entirely to try to look past their constant bickering and fights to see something that he wasn’t even sure was real.

Regardless of how many times he tried to think about it, he knew that he’d never prove it to himself. He needed Daphne to express it in a way he’d understand. Until then, he was just too uncertain about it all.

But what he could think about was his feelings towards Daphne.

Her beauty was undeniable. Everyone in Hogwarts knew that Daphne Greengrass was one of, if not the most, beautiful witches here. Even with all their constant fighting, Harry would be lying if he said that he hadn’t checked her out before. There was also that time he’d hidden her under his invisibility cloak just before they’d snuck into the Room of Requirement to confront Draco. Their fronts had been pressed against each other, their lips barely inches apart…

Was he seriously imagining kissing Daphne right now?

Harry shook the thought from his head. There was more that he needed to consider beyond her body. 

For instance, her mind was one of the most impressive things about her. Based on her test scores, she was as brilliant as Hermione was. Their verbal sparring showed how clever and witty she could be, and cold and callous as well. Still, even though their fights infuriated him, there was something about them that pulled him back in. Their playful banter was fun; it was only when things heated up that he disliked fighting.

He also quite liked the fact that she was willing to get physical when necessary. Unlike most witches and wizards who only used their wands, Daphne had given Draco a proper tackle before she’d pummelled his face in. It seemed so disparate compared to her normal cold demeanour that it made Harry wonder what else she was hiding underneath the public persona that she maintained.

All in all, it was hard to deny that he was interested in her at the very least. It was like she had a gravitational pull that sucked him in. 

Maybe that was why he cared so much about her petty insults. He found it easy to ignore the random strangers at Hogwarts who muttered about him in the corridors, but it was different with Daphne. He cared about her opinion, and it frustrated him that she seemed so hard on him.

But if what Tracey said was true, she was just lashing out because she could see his side of things.

Maybe they could find some common ground there?

Harry found the room that Tracey had indicated to him. The corridor was completely abandoned, and he couldn’t hear any sounds coming from inside of the room. 

He tried the door knob. It didn’t budge.

One silently-cast unlocking charm later and the knob gave a satisfying click. Harry turned the knob and carefully swung the door inward and stepped inside.

As the door swung closed behind Harry, his eyes adjusted to the dim lighting. He was in a large, octagonal room. There were various desks and chairs littering around the small alcoves that lined the edge of the room, but the centre was cleared away except for some carefully placed mats that shimmered lightly like they had cushioning charms placed on them.

Two figures were standing atop the mats: Daphne Greengrass and a leather training dummy.

Daphne brushed several strands of loose hair away from her face with a huff. She’d clearly been working up a sweat in here taking out her frustrations on the training dummy across the room from her. It was littered with cuts that had been carefully stitched back together with magic, but magic wasn’t perfect. The scars that were left behind were plainly visible, and Harry lost count of them after he reached thirty. Harry was surprised that she still had enough energy to keep practising her cutting curses.

“Let me guess, Tracey?” Daphne muttered.

“Yep,” Harry said with a half-smile.

“Traitor,” Daphne said under her breath. She hurled another cutting curse at the training dummy. It struck the centre point of its chest, splitting open the leather exterior and sending a spray of sand down onto the floor. 

“I think he’s dead,” Harry joked lightly when Daphne readied herself for another strike.

She glared at him from across the room and then fired another cutting curse. This one hit the dummy right in between the legs.

“Ouch,” Harry chuckled. “Remind me not to get into a fight with you.”

“What’s your problem?” Daphne exclaimed as she rounded on him. Despite standing a couple inches shorter than him, that didn’t stop her from marching right up to him and glaring at him furiously. “Why do you insist on hanging around me like a lost puppy?”

Harry held back the urge to bite back with a cutting remark of his own. “I’ll remind you that Tracey invited me to spend time with both of you,” he pointed out. “And as for right now, well, I wanted to talk with you.”

For a moment, Daphne looked like she was seriously considering hitting him. But then she let out a deep breath and took a few steps back from him. She looked tired.

“Go on then,” she waved him on.

“I don’t want to fight with you,” Harry told her kindly. “And I’m sorry for anything that I’ve said or done that has led to that.”

Daphne sighed. “It’s not really your fault,” she replied quietly. With a flick of her wand, she set about returning the sand back to the training dummy and then repairing the torn leather. 

“Not all of it,” Harry conceded. “But some of it is.”

Daphne chewed on the inside of her cheek. “Malfoy is going to be sent to Azkaban. My dad’s fairly sure he’ll be sentenced to ten years, maybe a couple less.”

Harry nodded. Everyone had seen the story pass through the Daily Prophet this morning. An inside source had detailed the closed trial that had been taking place the last few days. Apparently, the Malfoy’s solicitor had managed to delay the proceedings a bit, but time had run out and the case was going to come to a close within the week.

“My family is different, Potter,” Daphne explained. “We have good reason to be cold towards those who hurt us.”

“I know,” Harry grimaced. “Tracey told me.”

“Of course she did,” Daphne shook her head as a small smile crept onto her lips. “She likes to meddle like that. What else did she say to you?”

“She called me fit,” Harry grinned.

“And naturally that’d be the part you found most important,” Daphne snorted.

“Naturally,” Harry agreed. “But she also told me about how you don’t want to see things so black and white, how you wish you could afford to be more compassionate.”

Daphne paced slowly around the edge of the room as she listened.

Harry swallowed the saliva that was pooling in his mouth. “She also said that you liked me.”

There was a slight hitch in Daphne’s step before she continued on walking, not quite making eye contact with him.

“Is that all?” Daphne asked.

“More or less,” Harry shrugged.

Daphne reminded him of Hermione here. As she walked, he could practically see the gears turning in her mind as she worked to decide on what she wanted to say to him. It lasted a couple of minutes of her patrolling the edge of the room, walking in big circles around him.

When she spoke next, she was behind him. “I’m sorry for being rude to you earlier. I didn’t really mean it when I called you spineless.”

Harry glanced over his shoulder at her. She was watching him now, but her route around the room remained the same.

“Thanks,” he replied.

Suddenly, Daphne stopped and walked up to him. “I’ve always been expected to act and think a certain way, and it worked well for me. And then when you showed up and started talking about what your godfather went through… I guess I realised that my family’s way of thinking is less easy than I thought.” She looked up and met his gaze. “I still think Malfoy deserves to be in Azkaban.”

“I know,” Harry said with a weak smile. “And I don’t blame you for it. I keep flipping back and forth how I feel about it myself, but I don’t know if there’s a perfect type of justice I’d be happy with.”

Daphne nodded understandingly. “I don’t know either anymore, but I just know that I’m glad that we’re both safe.”

Was Daphne just admitting to caring about his safety? Coming from the girl who had spent several days berating him, this was quite the turnaround. 

Apparently, something on his face gave away what he was thinking.

“Don’t look so surprised,” Daphne rolled her eyes. 

“I suppose I shouldn’t be since you like me after all,” Harry replied teasingly.

He knew that he was testing the waters here. For several days now, Daphne had been pointedly ignoring Tracey whenever she insinuated that Daphne had a crush on him, and when he had just brought it up to her face, she’d ignored it again.

Honestly, he just wanted to know if she actually did like him. The more he talked with her, the more he felt that pull in his chest that told him that he had feelings for her.

“I don’t think I’m the only one with a crush here,” Daphne retorted.

He hadn’t expected her to turn the tables around on him like this, even though he should have. It was a very Daphne thing to do.

“Don’t pretend like you haven’t been checking me out,” Daphne said as she jabbed a finger towards him before she turned her finger back towards her chest. “Hell, you were looking down my shirt earlier in the library—and you just did it now!”

Harry’s cheeks flushed lightly at getting caught out like that. “Well, don’t bring attention like that to yourself then,” he said defensively.

“All I did was point at my chest,” Daphne retorted.

“Yeah, well,” Harry glanced away. “It’s hard not to look, alright.”

Daphne cocked her head to the side as a slight grin came across her lips. “Are you blushing?”

“No,” Harry protested, knowing fully well that he was. It was hard not to when Daphne was so obviously flirting with him like this. Honestly, a few days ago, he never would have imagined that Daphne would flirt with him at all. But now that they’d finally broken down the barriers in between them, it was like she was opening up to him and being more honest with how she felt and what she wanted.

Daphne walked up to him and leaned forward ever so slightly to give him a better look down her shirt. 

“Too bad,” she sighed. “For a moment there, I thought that you liked me back.”

“I—” Harry went to speak, to confirm that he did like her back, but then he saw the sly smirk forming on her lips. “Is every conversation something that you feel the need to win?”

“Maybe,” she teased him. “But that doesn’t answer my question.”

“Technically, you didn’t ask me one,” Harry retorted playfully.

If anything, the smirk on Daphne’s lips only grew larger. “You see, you’re getting it already,” she laughed. “So?”

“I like you too, at least when you’re not trying to be mean,” Harry snorted.

“I think I can compromise on that,” Daphne replied. She closed the rest of the gap between them until she was just within his reach. One of her hands reached out and touched his arm gently. “So, we like each other. Where do you want to go from here?”

The look in her eyes told Harry exactly where Daphne wanted it to go. His mouth started drying out as he stared back at her.

Daphne nearly chuckled at his reaction. “Did I leave you speechless?”

“I just wasn’t expecting it to go this fast,” Harry admitted with a nervous chuckle. “Though, I guess Tracey did say—”

“To use protection?” Daphne guessed. “Sounds like her. She knows I’m on the potion though.”

Harry shook his head. “Merlin, I still can’t believe we went from fighting to this.”

“We can still fight if you want to,” she said teasingly before she lunged at him.

Harry barely had time to react as Daphne pounced on him. Her arms wrapped around his body while her leg swept his feet off of the ground. Harry struggled to stay standing or to grab onto her, but to no avail.

In the tangle of limbs that formed as they both tumbled down to the floor, Daphne somehow managed to get on top of him. Harry landed flat on his back, and Daphne was laying down on him with her forearm pressing down on his collarbone and her knee in between his thighs. Their faces were barely inches apart, and Harry could feel her warm breath across his lips.

“Gonna punch me like you did Draco?” He winked at her.

Daphne shook her head and hid a smile. “Do you always have something silly to say?”

Harry shrugged. “Some people think I have a talent for it.”

Daphne’s lips quirked upwards. “Maybe it’s because you spend too much time talking.”

“That is what mouths are for,” Harry replied cheekily.

“I think we can find a better use for your mouth,” Daphne said right before she kissed him.

The taste of strawberries danced across Harry’s tongue as he tasted Daphne’s lips on his. It was sweet and felt ever so right. As their lips opened slightly and their tongues came in contact with each other, Harry swore that he felt a spark pass between them.

Daphne must have felt the same, because she moaned into his mouth. Her kiss was desperate, ravenous. She seemed intent on mapping out every inch of his mouth with her tongue while she rubbed her body against his.

Already, Harry could feel his cock starting to stiffen. As it brushed across Daphne’s thigh, she leaned forward and pressed herself against his crotch. She rubbed her thigh all over his cock, teasing it as it grew harder and harder.

“Daphne,” Harry groaned.

Daphne smirked as she pulled back from the kiss. “Yes, Potter?”

“You’re killing me here.”

Daphne chuckled. “Good.”

She kissed him again, but her hand slipped inside of his robes. She felt her way down his chest to his trousers, and then her fingers worked their way past his waistband and into his underwear.

The moment that Daphne touched him, Harry bucked into her hand. Her long, thin fingers wrapped around his shaft beautifully. She teased him a little, letting her fingers glide ever so softly along his skin before she took a firmer grip and stroked him. 

“Don’t you see how much better things can be when we aren’t using our mouths to fight with each other?” She joked as she kept stroking him.

Harry could only nod dumbly as this angel of a woman touched him. He felt like he was fully at her mercy with her on top of him like this, but he didn’t want to change any of it. She looked like she wanted to devour him, and he was ready for it.

“I’ve been so worked up the past few days,” Daphne murmured into his ear. “There’s a lot of stress I need to work out, and I think you do too.”

Harry whined as Daphne’s hand slipped out of his trousers, but she shushed him by kissing him again. He was so lost in the touch of her lips that he didn’t even notice her casting a spell on the two of them until he felt all of their clothes vanish.

Suddenly, the warmth of Daphne’s body against his made his eyes snap wide open. He glanced down and saw Daphne’s pale skin pressed right up against his frame. He could see the curve of her hips and her breasts being squished against his chest and sticking out a little on either side of her. Her long, smooth legs were squirming gently against his. But the thing that really drew his attention was the feeling on his cock trapped against her belly. 

As Daphne shifted on him, Harry let out a low groan. Her skin felt incredible rubbing against his cock like that.

“I’m glad that you approve of this,” Daphne said as she started to sit up. Her beautiful breasts came into view: full, perky, and topped with perfect pink nipples. Her stomach was flat and ran down to her hairless slit, which he could barely see a glimpse of. 

“How could I not?” Harry joked lightly. “You’re beautiful, and now that we’re getting along a bit better—”

“Much better, I’d say,” Daphne interjected.

Harry snorted and smiled at her. “You just love to argue, don’t you?”

“What can I say, it’s one of my favourite hobbies,” she winked at him. “And I love winning just as much.”

Harry took the hint. “Alright, yes, we’re getting along much better.”

Daphne giggled. “Good boy,” she cooed as she adjusted herself in his lap. She raised her hips as her hand reached down and grabbed hold of his cock. She moved it into position right below her and then braced herself as she started to lower her hips back down.

Daphne groaned loudly as she sank down onto his cock. Harry would have as well if he wasn’t so completely lost in the intense heat that was now surrounding him. The feeling of her walls writhing around him was incredible. They clung to his shaft tightly, only moving along it thanks to gravity and how wet she was. Daphne went all the way down until her pink lips were seated right at the base of his shaft.

Harry’s cock jumped eagerly inside of Daphne’s pussy. He’d never felt anything as incredible as this before. The tight, wet heat was amazing on its own, but looking up and seeing Daphne sitting on his lap with her beautiful breasts staring right at him just made it all the sweeter. The best part was the look of pure bliss on her face though. After so many days of seeing her cold and angry looks, Harry was astounded to witness the joy that she was exuding.

Daphne looked down at where their bodies met and chuckled quietly as she moved her hips in a small circle. It felt like she was stirring Harry’s cock around inside of her pussy.

“You feel so big,” she murmured in awe. One of her hands rested a few inches above where their bodies met, and she pushed down lightly. Harry could faintly feel the pressure from inside of her. “It feels good.”

“It feels much better than good,” Harry chuckled, throwing her own argument back at her.

Daphne giggled and rolled her eyes but granted him this victory. “You’re right; it’s much better than good.”

“Apparently all it took for us to get along was to shag,” Harry snorted. 

“Not the worst way to find compromise, I’ll admit,” Daphne smiled. She rolled her hips, lightly stroking his cock with her pussy. The sensation made Harry gasp, and his hands instinctively shot out and grabbed her hips. “I think we’ll have lots of fun together, don’t you?”

Harry could only nod breathlessly as Daphne started to ride his cock. Her motions weren’t especially smooth or practised at the start, but she found a rhythm fairly quickly. With her hands planted on his chest and her knees on either side of his hips, she had enough stability to ride up and down his length without much trouble.

“Fuck,” Harry groaned. Daphne was really making him feel good, and it was blowing his mind.

Daphne bounced off of his lap the next time she dropped onto him. Her arse smacked loudly off of his thighs as she glided all the way back up his shaft, and then she dropped back down again. 

The feeling of her moving all the way up and down his length was incredible, and the soft moans that were leaving her lips felt like the perfect song for this beautiful time.

As time ticked onward, Daphne’s pussy started to flutter around Harry’s cock. At first he wasn’t quite sure what was going on, but then she really started to tighten and relax over and over again around him, and her thighs started to quiver each time she sank back down onto his cock.

Harry slid his hands down Daphne’s waist and grabbed onto her heart-shaped arse. Her soft, pillowy cheeks felt perfect in his hands, and he held on tight to them as he helped Daphne ride his cock. She beamed at him with her brilliant smile in thanks before she let out a long moan and slammed down onto his length.

“I’m getting really close,” she admitted with this nervous giddiness that made Harry just as excited. All of her sweet sounds were because of him; it almost felt like they were fighting again, only this time it was for their mutual benefit. He got the same thrill he felt whenever he and Daphne playfully argued, and it made his cock throb inside of her.

“Let it all out,” Harry told her as he helped lift her arse up before he let it drop down. Her pussy tightened up around him and she let out a squeal, but she hadn’t cum quite yet.

“Almost,” she moaned, throwing her hair back and squishing her breasts in between her arms. She was moving her hips faster than before as she kept fucking herself on Harry’s cock. “I’m—oh, fuck!”

Daphne cried out and slammed her pussy all the way down on Harry’s cock as her orgasm hit her. Her entire body started to shake as her pussy became like a vice-grip around Harry’s cock, making the already tight fit feel that much more intense. Harry had to clench his thighs to stop the pleasure from overwhelming his mind too. He wanted Daphne to have her moment of bliss before they kept going.

By the time Daphne’s orgasm was starting to wear off, it was clear that she didn’t have the energy to ride Harry’s cock anymore. She looked tired, but the thrill of fucking was still visibly apparent in her eyes. She started rocking her hips against his, moving his cock around inside of her.

“You haven’t cum yet,” she pointed out.

“I haven’t,” Harry agreed.

Daphne bit her lip, glanced down at where their bodies met, and then back up at Harry. “How do you want me?” She asked with a sultry tone.

Suddenly, it was like an animal took over Harry’s mind. Here was this beautiful witch asking him how he wanted her, and the beast inside of his chest took over.

Before he realised what he was doing, he had lifted Daphne off of his cock and pushed her off of him before he pounced on her just as she had pounced on him before.

Just as Daphne landed on her back, Harry drove his cock back inside of her pussy. All of the air was knocked from her lungs as he filled her in one single stroke, and then the moans started back up when Harry started thrusting into her.

Having just orgasmed, Daphne’s walls felt so much tighter around him than they had before. It was like they didn’t want to let him go as he thrust in and out of her. They latched on and tried to suck him back in, but Harry only let them once just the tip of his cock was still inside of her.

“Harry,” Daphne moaned as she arched her back off of the cushioned mat.

Harry grabbed onto her enticing breasts and kept fucking her hard. It was intense and primal and selfish, but Daphne seemed to be loving it nonetheless. Her cute voice kept escaping her lips as she moaned his name, and each repeated word drove Harry to keep making her feel as good as he was.

“Kiss me,” Daphne practically begged him.

Their lips crashed against each other as Harry planted his forearm on the mat above Daphne’s head. They kissed passionately as Daphne wrapped her legs around Harry’s waist and he kept pounding into her.

Each thrust brought Harry closer to the edge. His balls kept smacking off of her arse, bringing sharp bursts of pleasure to elevate what he was already feeling from her tight pussy trying to milk his cock. 

Harry felt his vision get fuzzy as the need for oxygen crept up inside of him, but he didn’t stop what he was doing. Daphne’s lips were too sweet and her pussy too pleasurable to stop.

Suddenly, Harry felt it. His balls tensed and his cock throbbed inside of her a moment before his orgasm hit.

He came just as he thrust into Daphne again. A thick stream of cum fired out of his cock as he pushed as deep inside of her as he could go. The sensation was intense, and he just kept cumming as Daphne’s walls squeezed and tensed around his cock.

When the sensation began to fade, Harry’s lips broke away from Daphne’s and he sucked in a deep breath. It felt like a dire thirst being quenched, and it made all of his senses heighten for a moment.

That was when, as he looked down at Daphne, that Harry realised how he truly felt about her.

Sure, she was a pain in the arse sometimes, but he couldn’t deny what his heart was screaming at him.

He loved her.

And the look in her eyes and the smile on her lips told him that she loved him just as much.



Any chance you’d make this longer if enough of us ask? It’s too good to stop.


Perhaps if there was enough interest. Maybe one or two more chapters at the most; something a bit more light-hearted maybe. I'll consider it, but more wouldn't come until December or January at the earliest.


This was messy, but it was still a fun read.