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AN: Hello everyone! Here's a fun one shot I pulled from an old list of prompts I have. Given that it's October, I felt that a light horror-themed one shot might be a fun way to start off the month. Hopefully you all enjoy, and be sure to keep an eye out for the second mystery chapter in a few days.


Thunder rattled the windows of the Hogwarts Library. The summer storm had been raging since morning, keeping almost all of the students inside other than the brave few who ran out to dance in the rain in celebration of the end-of-year exams finally being finished. Water from the torrential downpour cascaded down each window, obscuring any views of the dark fields beyond.

It was twenty minutes to curfew, and Hermione Granger was already feeling the stress of having to close up for the night. It was only natural that the student who spent the most amount of time in the library would be asked to look over it when Madam Pince fell ill.

Hermione looked on the stacks of books wistfully from behind the front desk. In three days time, she, along with all of the other students, would be heading home for the summer holidays. Normally, she was quite happy for the break and the time to spend with her family, but given this was her last year at Hogwarts, she couldn’t help but wish that she could stay just that little bit longer.

The last two days of watching over the library had been magical. Hermione had roamed the entire library, letting her fingers trace the intricately-carved bookshelves so that she might burn them into her memory. She visited all of her favourite reading nooks, the tables she and her friends used to sit together at, and the familiar rows of books she returned to time and time again for the information they offered. Everything seemed so surreal, like she was in a dream-state as she explored the place that had meant so much to her over all these years.

Being left in charge of the library was like a dream come true. It was quiet and peaceful here now that everyone’s exams were over with; only a few of the more studious students had bothered to visit the library to get in some last minute reading. They tended to be well-behaved, so Hermione had quite the easy time overseeing things.

The only trouble came at closing time. Like she so often did, there were a few students that begged to be given a little more time to read. She could certainly sympathise with them, but rules were rules. She had escorted them back to the entrance with a smile, promising that their books would be waiting for them in the morning.

And now it was time to perform that duty again.

Hermione had done her best to count the students coming and going from the library as she manned the front desk, but between the occasional distraction, musings, and the intense thunder and lightning outside, she was sure that she’d missed a few. By her count, there were at least three students still inside the library. Now, it was just a matter of tracking them down and reminding them that the library was about to close.

So, after putting up a small ‘Closed’ sign on the front desk, she started down the aisles in search of the few remaining students.

Minutes ticked by as the candles started to burn out above her, slowly dimming the available light in the library. Hermione hurried along to the main area of tables.

“The library is closing in just a few minutes,” Hermione called out loudly as she came around an aisle to the cluster of tables. “You don’t want to be caught out in the halls after curfew!”

There were two lone female students there, both Ravenclaws, each sitting at their own tables. Their heads shot up simultaneously as they looked over at Hermione.

“Sorry, miss,” the younger girl, perhaps a first or second-year student, said nervously.

“It’s quite alright,” Hermione assured her with a warm smile. “But you’d best be on your way. The library will be back open at nine tomorrow morning. You can leave your books here on the tables if you’d like; I’ll get them back on the shelves soon enough.”

“Thanks,” the older girl replied as she closed her book and grabbed her bag. “Come on, Milly.”

The older girl led the younger one back towards the entrance. Hermione smiled at them as they went and then glanced down to see what they were reading. It was always fun to read the titles of the books other people were reading and to guess why they were reading those books specifically.

The younger one had a book called ‘Aquatic Wonders of Yorkshire: A Wizard’s Field Guide.’ Hermione supposed that the girl might have been from around that area or was maybe planning to visit it with her family that summer. That seemed right.

Hermione grimaced when she saw what the older one was reading: ‘Gadding with Ghouls’ by Gilderoy Lockhart.

Even now, she couldn’t believe how stupid she’d been to ever believe that this man had been a great wizard. Between trying to Obliviate Ron and Harry and taking the accomplishments of better witches and wizards for himself, Lockhart was truly a disgusting man. She supposed that there was some justice in him losing his own memories, but she couldn’t help but feel a little bad for him after seeing him in St Mungo’s. 

But the worst part of seeing his name again was remembering how big of a crush she had on him back in her second year. Just the thought of it made her cheeks as red as a tomato. 

Wanting to move on from that horrid thought, Hermione took out her wand and sent the books flying back to their proper places on the shelves in the library.

There was still at least one more student left to find, so Hermione set off to track them down.

She scoured the remaining tables nearby and found no trace of them. That almost assuredly meant that they were either cooped up in one of the many partially-hidden alcoves around the edge of the library or that they’d already left. Unfortunately, Hermione needed to check everywhere herself regardless just to be sure. 

So, knowing the library like the back of her hand, Hermione began systematically checking every nook and cranny the last student could be hiding in. She moved swiftly through the library, marking off every location in the mental map she had in her head as she went. 

Not long through her route, Hermione was beginning to convince herself that the last student must have already left. There was a loud gong-like sound as the clock struck nine o’clock, signalling that students should be back in their common rooms by now.

As Hermione completed her first circuit that covered half of the library, she returned back to the front desk. It was just as she’d left it, and she nearly continued on with her patrol had she not spotted something unusual.

The doors to the library were locked. 

Hermione frowned and tilted her head quizzically. Only someone with the key could lock or unlock the doors, and there were only a few available around the school. Normal spells like the Unlocking Charm wouldn’t work on this magically-resistant lock, though Hermione supposed that there might be some more esoteric spells that could work. However, these would be beyond the means of any student.

Well, she needed to unlock the door in order to let the last student out. She reached inside of her robes to grab her key, only for her fingers to not find anything in her pocket.

A burst of panic flared through Hermione as she quickly searched all of her pockets for the key. When none of them turned up anything, she started searching around the front desk. Again, the key was not there.

What if one of the girls had found the key on their way out and decided to play a prank on her? Or maybe someone else popped in at the last minute and locked the place up with her forgotten key. She supposed that there was always the odd chance that she’d lost her key elsewhere in the library and that Mister Filch or a professor happened by and locked up, but that seemed strange indeed.

Hermione sighed again. There was nothing she could do about it. All she could do was to look for that last student and hope that she found the key along the way. If she didn’t find the key, she’d be stuck spending the night in here unless a prefect patrol came through.

The rain seemed to be coming down even harder now as it clattered against the windows Hermione started walking alongside. A heavy boom of thunder nearly made her jump out of her shoes too. There were only a few remaining candles now, so most of the library was falling into darkness. Only the lightning outside provided brief flashes of illumination to show her the surrounding areas.

“Lumos,” Hermione murmured as she raised her wand above her head. The tip glowed, bathing the nearby area in white light. 

Hermione continued down slowly, taking extra care to examine each shelf she passed to see if she’d misplaced the key there. She never found anything, even by the time she ended up at the far side of the library and reached the restricted section. 

Hermione carefully lifted the latch on the gate to the restricted section and went to open the door when a low rumble made her freeze in place. It wasn’t the lightning that had made that sound.

Spinning on her heels, Hermione had her wand ready in attack position as her eyes scoured the surrounding area. All she saw were books and shadows lingering where they were supposed to be.

For a moment, she wondered if she had just imagined the sound, but then it rang out again. It came from her left, back towards the windows. 

Slowly, Hermione prowled towards where the sound had come from. The hairs on the back of her neck were raised, and her heart was pounding in her chest. Everything was too unusual tonight to just be a coincidence, and this was just the cherry on top. 

The low rumble rang out louder this time, but it was quickly masked by the roaring thunder outside.

Ahead, Hermione’s light showed two secluded alcoves ahead, right in between a pair of windows. A couple of statues obscured what was inside of them, but Hermione knew these spots well. There were small private tables behind the statues with barely enough space for two people to study in each alcove. 

The rumble definitely came from the left alcove, and Hermione was ready for whatever was inside.

Using her Gryffindor courage as fuel, Hermione leapt around the statue with her wand raised and—

An older Hufflepuff student let out another snore. 

Hermione let out a sigh of relief and laughed at her own silliness. The man was bundled up tightly in a thick robe with a book laying on his lap. He had a set of earmuffs on his ears, likely to block out the noise from outside. And, to top it all off, Hermione spotted her glittering key sitting atop the table.

Hermione raised her wand to the man’s face, and he quickly stirred awake.

“Whasit?” he blubbered out as he blinked away sleep from his eyes and haphazardly knocked the earmuffs off of his head.

“The library is closed,” Hermione told him kindly, fighting back the bubble of laughter in her belly that was threatening to spill out.

“Oh, right,” the man mumbled. “Found this key.”

“That’s mine, thank you,” Hermione replied as she picked up the key. “Where was it?”

“Just on the floor,” he replied as he started collecting his things.

Odd. She would have heard it clatter to the floor. Maybe she had kneeled down and it slipped out of her robes then?

“Yeah, was there just an hour ago or so,” he added as he got to his feet.

An hour ago? Hermione wasn’t in this section an hour ago. In fact, she hadn’t been here since just after lunch.

Hermione shook the thought from her head. She was tired after a long day, and she was starting to confuse herself. She could just chalk this up to a weird coincidence and leave it at that. She just wanted to close up for the night and then head off to bed.

She led the sleepy student back to the front of the library. Sure enough, her key unlocked the front door for him. 

With a muttered goodbye, the student left, and Hermione was all alone again.

This time, Hermione kept the key in her hand as she started packing up her things. She popped into the small backroom behind the front desk and checked everything off of the list Madam Pince had left for her to make sure that she ran the library appropriately. The library was finally cleared of everyone, and it was time to head back to bed. 

Once she had her bag slung over her shoulder with all of her books, parchment, and quills in it, Hermione left the back room and picked up her cloak from behind the front desk. Then, she walked back to the library door.

She grabbed the library door and tried to open it, only to realise it was locked again. 

Suddenly, Hermione gasped as a spell struck her from behind. The library key was wrenched from her hand and sent flying over the stacks of books.

Hermione whirled on her heel and raised her wand. “Who’s there?” She demanded loudly. 

There was no response, and the dark library revealed no one. 

Suddenly, a roar of thunder struck again, and half a second later, there was a flash of lightning.

Right down the centre walkway through the library was a cloaked figure with their wand pointed right at Hermione. The tip suddenly glowed red, and Hermione leapt into action.

Whatever spell was cast at her flew wide as she dodged to the left. 

“Stupefy!” Hermione cried out.

The figure brought up a shield—silently cast—and Hermione’s spell exploded into nothingness against it. Then, the figure disappeared, and the library went dark again.

In the moment that passed as the figure disappeared, Hermione felt like her legs were frozen in place. It was like there were eyes all around watching her while she couldn’t see any of them. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and her mind was screaming at her to do something.

There was a squeak on the floor to her left, and Hermione instinctively fired another spell towards it. It struck something solid, but she couldn’t make out what it was given the darkness.

“Lumos,” she muttered quickly, and then she saw the cart full of books she’d hit. It rocked gently against the floor again, and one of the wheels squeaked.

Hermione’s eyes widened and she tried to spin around in time, but she was too late. Another disarming charm hit her in the back, and her wand went flying from her hands. 

There, outlined against the rainy window, stood the dark figure. A flash of lightning came again, illuminating everything around the figure, but the cloak they had over their head was blocking Hermione from making them out.

Just as the light started to fade, the figure took a step towards Hermione.

Suppressing a scream, Hermione ran. She ran far and fast deeper into the library. Even though she couldn’t see, she had the library mapped out so perfectly in her mind that she was able to dodge every obstacle in her path. She sprinted like her life depended on it, hearing the faint footfalls chasing after her.

Hermione gasped for breath as she reached the back of the library. There were plenty of alcoves for her to hide in for a temporary reprieve, but which one would serve her best? Or, maybe, she should keep running and try to look for wherever her key landed. Or maybe she needed to fight off her attacker with her fists. She still remembered the satisfying strike against Malfoy back at the end of their third year. Maybe this mysterious figure would like a taste of her fist too.

But she needed to work up the courage to do that first. Whoever was after her was powerful. They’d blocked her spell without so much as a waver in their shield, and they were as fast as lightning with their reflexes. The only way she’d have a chance of fighting back now was if she got the jump on them when they were close to her.

Thunder rang out again, making the unlit chandeliers rattle above her head. The footfalls were getting closer now. The figure was making no effort to mask which direction they were coming from or how far away they were.

Creeping slowly, Hermione ducked behind a nearby shelf and slunk low to the ground as she headed towards a small octagonal alcove nearby. Two walls stuck out from the left and right walls, providing some small amount of cover she could hide behind. If the figure chose to investigate, she’d be able to strike them before they’d get a spell off.

The alcove was pitch black as Hermione stepped inside. She pressed her back against the right wall and readied her fist.

Hermione’s heart seemed to thump in double time with the figure’s footsteps. It felt so loud in her chest that she was terrified it would somehow give her away, regardless of how illogical that was. But listening close to her heartbeat made her realise just how loud her breathing was, so she placed her left hand over her mouth to stifle the sound.

The figure grew closer, confidently striding towards Hermione’s area. However, they didn’t seem to be coming directly for Hermione. The figure didn’t know where she was; they only knew the general location.

So, Hermione waited. And waited. And waited.

The footsteps grew closer now. She could hear the figure barely a dozen metres away, looking around at something. She could hear the swish of their cloak, their boots hitting the stone floor, their excited breathing.

A crack of thunder obscured the figure’s footsteps for a second. Then, lightning flashed, and Hermione saw the figure’s shadow against the wall in front of her.

With a yell, Hermione swung around the corner and hurled a punch right at the figure’s cloaked face. To her shock and dismay, the figure grabbed her wrist before the punch could connect.

Hermione struggled as the figure tried to grab hold of her. She kicked at them, but she only managed glancing blows. The figure wrapped an arm around her waist and pinned her back to their chest. She hit him with her free hand, but the blow did little to stop the figure from pushing her forward to one of the nearby tables.

As her hips hit the table, the figure pressed against her back. Hermione ended up bent over with her face pressed against the cool wooden table while the figure pinned her down.

“Hello, Hermione,” a familiar voice whispered in her ear.

“You prat,” Hermione murmured as a pleasant tingle ran down her spine. “You actually had me scared there for a second.”

“More than a second I think,” Harry Potter chuckled. “You were positively quivering.”

“I only did it to stroke your ego,” Hermione retorted challengingly. 

“I wish you would have stroked something else,” Harry said as he pressed his crotch against her arse. Hermione could feel his hardness through his trousers, and another thrill shot through her.

“I can’t believe you planned this out,” Hermione said, taking a deep breath to help calm her pounding heart.

“You always did tell me it was your biggest fantasy to get fucked in a library,” Harry chuckled. “Tonight seemed like the perfect time.”

“Right when it’s nice and creepy outside,” Hermione replied sarcastically.

“No,” Harry shook his head. “It’s because the thunder will drown out your moans. We’re all alone here, and I want to hear you screaming my name by the end of the night.”

Merlin, the heat between Hermione’s thighs was starting to get intense. She was getting wetter by the second, and Harry was pulling out all of the stops to turn her on.

“Then we’d better get to it,” she said. “Otherwise one of the patrols might come in here before we’re done.”

“I reworked the patrol schedule,” Harry explained. “I stole it from your robes just like I stole the key.”

“That was you?” Hermione gasped. “I nearly had a heart attack when I realised it was missing.”

“I would have given you mouth-to-mouth if you needed it,” Harry winked cheekily at her.

“You know, I don’t think that you’re supposed to give someone who had a heart attack mouth to mouth anymore. Chest compressions are enough,” Hermione replied, thinking back to a pamphlet she’d read last summer.

“Hermione, sweetie, this is supposed to be our sexy time, not informative lecture time,” Harry chuckled.

Hermione’s cheeks went red. “Right, sorry.”

“Don’t worry, I know how to get your mind back on proper things,” Harry said sultrily as he let go of her back.

Although Harry wasn’t pinning her down anymore, Hermione stayed bent over the table. She knew that he had something in mind, and she wanted to see what it was.

She got the answer just a few seconds later when she felt Harry tugging off her robes. She stuck her arms out behind her back to let him pull them off of her. Then, he tossed them aside and flipped up her skirt.

Hermione felt terribly vulnerable bent over the table like this with her knickers on display, but she trusted Harry enough to let him continue on.

Her trust was rewarded moments later when he pulled her knickers down too and positioned his mouth right against her sex. She could feel his warm breath misting across her labia. Then, a warm tongue licked its way from top to bottom.

Hermione’s thighs tensed as Harry teased her with his tongue. After getting all worked up, she was more sensitive than normal. It was almost like a ticklish sensation whenever Harry touched her when she was like this; she wanted to squirm away because of how sensitive she was, but it felt too good to stop. 

Harry’s tongue licked up and down Hermione’s slit, cleaning up all of the overflowing juices that were spilling out of her. Hermione quickly realised that he was purposefully avoiding her clit. All of this teasing was just making her more eager for him to touch just the right spot and get her going, but Harry seemed to be really taking his time with this.

She hoped that there’d finally be some relief when she felt two of Harry’s fingers touch her, but all that they did was spread apart her lips so that he could lick deeper inside of her. She squirmed back a little, desperate for just a glancing touch to her clit.

“Needy, are we?” Harry teased her. “Fine, here you go.”

A wave of pleasure crashed over Hermione as Harry gently pressed the tip of his tongue against her clit. The sensation left her feeling lightheaded, like she was floating on a cloud above a sunny day, and a tingling sensation flowed throughout her body. Even better though was the heat forming in her belly. That was the sign that she was getting closer to her desperately needed orgasm, but it would take a while yet to build up to that point.

Hermione moaned as Harry’s tongue danced teasingly around her clit and his fingers started to probe her tight, wet tunnel. He knew her sensitive points well, and his fingers wasted no time in finding them. All it took was a little pressure from his fingers and the softest touch of his tongue against her clit and her toes were curling and she was gasping for breath. 

Everything Harry did felt as good as ever, but doing it in the darkness in the library just made the situation so much more erotic in Hermione’s mind. The thrill of the chase and her attempts at hiding from him had her heart racing, and it left her pussy feeling like it was on fire with need.

But even as good as it was having her lover lick and touch her like this, there was something more that she wanted from him.

“Harry?” Hermione squeaked out.

“Yes, love?” He replied quickly before returning to touching her.

“Can we—ugh,” Hermione had to bite down on her arm to stop herself from crying out in pleasure at his ministrations. “I want you inside of me.”

“I already am,” came Harry’s chuckling reply.

“Please,” Hermione whined.

“Alright, I won’t leave you in suspense any longer,” Harry chuckled again.

His fingers slid out of her pussy, and Hermione heard him licking them all clean. Then, a sharp sting to her arse made her jump. 

“Get your sweet little butt up on the table,” Harry told her.

Hermione’s knees buckled a little as she got back up to her full height, but she managed to turn around to face Harry and lift herself up onto the table. In the darkness, she couldn’t even make out more than Harry’s vague shape, but then a rumble of thunder and a bolt of lightning outside illuminated his handsome face for just a second.

Suddenly, Harry’s lips were on hers, and Hermione melted into the embrace. She could taste herself on his lips, not that she minded of course. Harry was always so gentle and caring for her needs that this wasn’t the first time that she’d tasted her juices on him. 

The heat pooling in her core was stoked when she felt Harry’s cock press against her thigh. It was still trapped within his trousers, but she could feel the heat radiating from it. She wanted it inside of her so desperately. The feeling of his hot shaft stretching her out and making her feel so wonderfully full was a sensation unlike any other. It felt right having him inside of her, and she knew that he felt the same.

As they kissed, Harry’s hands started fiddling with her shirt. He unbuttoned it slowly before sliding it down her shoulders. Her bra was gone next as Harry’s practised hands unlatched it from behind her back. One of his hands cupped one of her breasts while his other hand gently pushed her down flat against the table.

Harry’s lips followed her the entire way, showing just how much he loved her. His tender kisses were one of her favourite parts of this. He pressed his crotch up against hers, and she grinded her bare pussy against the front of his trousers, making it damp with her arousal.

Eventually, Harry growled and pulled away from her lips. “Merlin, when you move against me like that, I just want to tear off my clothes and fuck you like an animal.”

“How do you think it feels when I feel you pressing up against my thigh?” Hermione retorted lightly. She reached down and touched his cock through his trousers. “Now are you going to do what you want to me or am I going to have to take control?”

Harry rushed to pull his trousers and pants down then. He dropped them to his ankles and kicked them aside before shedding his shirt as well.

Then, he returned in between her thighs. His cock was pointed right at her pussy as he stepped up to her, but he raised himself high enough that his cock just glided up her lower lips rather than push inside of her.

Despite Hermione’s whine of complaint, Harry just leaned over her and planted one last kiss on her lips. “I love you,” he murmured.

Hermione grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in for another passionate kiss. “And I love you.”

Hermione wrapped her legs around Harry’s waist as he stood back up to his full height and placed the tip of his cock against her entrance. He rubbed it up and down, coating it in her wetness, before he gave just the slightest push forward.

They both let out happy sighs as the head of Harry’s cock pushed inside of her. A rush of warmth ran through Hermione’s body as her walls stretched to accommodate his size. Harry pushed in further and further, moving an inch every couple of seconds to really relish the sensation of sliding into her tight, hot, wet pussy.

Hermione was left feeling like she’d died and gone to heaven when Harry’s cock filled her completely. The sensation of him inside of her never got any less intense, regardless of how many times they’d had sex. It was always so electric, so perfect, so deliciously hedonistic that she knew that he was the only man for her.

When Harry started to pull out of her, Hermione’s pussy instinctively clamped down on his cock to try to keep it inside of her for just a little longer. Harry let out a little hiss of pleasure, and Hermione couldn’t help but feel pride over how good her pussy could make him feel.

Steadily, Harry worked up to a steady pace of sliding his cock in and out of her pussy. He was going quite slowly at first, but both of them needed a little more, so his pace became faster. He was holding onto her hips to keep her in place, which quickly became needed once he really started to fuck her like they usually did.

No matter how much willpower she tried to put in, Hermione couldn’t keep her voice from coming out when Harry was fucking her. Every thrust into her pussy sent another wave of pleasure through her body, and she just needed to vocalise just how incredible she was feeling. The knowledge that they were in the library kept her trying her best to remain quiet even though they were all alone in here, but it took less than a minute before she lost the battle completely.

“Oh, Harry,” Hermione moaned loudly. Her back arched off of the desk as she pushed her breasts up to the ceiling. Another flash of lightning illuminated her, and she saw that Harry was entranced in the vision of her body. Then, darkness returned.

“You’re so incredibly sexy,” Harry groaned, removing one of his hands from her hips to squeeze her breasts again. “My perfect witch.”

“Yes,” Hermione gasped, feeling his cock stimulate her g-spot. “I’m yours.”

Desperation filled the two of them as they raced towards their orgasms. Hermione’s walls kept clenching tightly around Harry’s thick cock, and he kept pounding into her faster and faster.

Hermione placed her hand on top of Harry’s, which was on her breast, and squeezed with him.

“Yes, Harry, yes!” She cried out, feeling that burning pool of heat in her pussy starting to rumble. 

Lightning flashed again, and Hermione saw his pleasure-filled face, and he saw hers. They were both so close now, all it would take is just one little push and—

As darkness fell, so too did Harry. His hand slid off of her breast, only to be replaced by his muscled chest when he bent over her. He kissed her hard, and Hermione screamed into Harry’s mouth when the most incredible tremor wracked her body.

Indescribable bliss overwhelmed her mind and body as she came around his cock. It felt like every nerve in her body was singing in joy as her pussy clenched around Harry’s cock and milked his seed deep inside of her. Harry groaned into her mouth as his cock jumped inside of her and his hot, sticky cum shot out into her pussy. 

“I love you,” Hermione moaned into his mouth.

Harry’s words were more garbled, but she knew the sentiment was the same.

Then, as they clung to each other, the library fell silent once more save for the storm rattling outside its windows.



Awesome work, extremely hot!