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AN: Hello everyone and welcome to an anonymously commissioned series entitled: My Fiancée Likes to Be Humiliated. The premise follows that Ginny, Harry's fiancée, gets off on being humiliated. So, Harry fucks other witches to fulfil this kink. The commissioner was specifically inspired by my other series, Watching His Girlfriend, and wanted a story like that where Harry and Ginny love and support each other.

The commissioner would also like it to be known that they will happily take on any suggestions in the comments. Some of the other women they are currently considering include: Hermione, Fleur, Andromeda, Astoria Greengrass, Romilda Vane, and eventually Ginny herself.

I hope you all enjoy!


“And Ginny Weasley takes possession of the Quaffle!” The Quidditch commentator shouted jubilantly into their horn, which was magically amplified to project their voice all around the stadium. “Demelza Robins and Valmai Morgan are both falling into the Hawkshead Attacking Formation as they drive down to the far side of the pitch!”

Cheers erupted throughout the stadium as the captain of the Holyhead Harpies, Gwenog Jones, struck an unsuspecting Puddlemere United chaser in the back with a Bludger.

“Ouch!” The commentator cringed. “And down goes Wilda Griffiths. One has to wonder if that shot is a sign that tensions between the former Harpy and her former captain have not died down even after the riot last year!”

As it was a home game for the Harpies, the crowd seemed pleased that Wilda went down like that. Many fans hadn’t forgiven her after she left the team a couple years ago to join Puddlemere instead after receiving a hefty 1,000 Galleon payment from her new team.

“As the Harpies masterfully play the Bludgers down the pitch, Weasley has a wide open shot on the three goalposts. The only one still standing in her way is the Puddlemere Keeper, Oliver Wood!”

The crowd roared as Ginny corkscrewed past a Bludger sent by a desperate Puddlemere Beater. She steadied herself on her broom, staring down the former captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team as she readied her throw.

Ginny pulled her arm back, Quaffle in hand, and threw a fake shot towards the right hoop. Wood didn’t so much as blink as he continued to hover around the central hoop, ready to block any real shot Ginny sent his way.

“Weasley seems unsure of what to do here; not many have been able to best Wood this season, but Weasley just might have a chance if she’s able to continue her success!”

Ginny started weaving from side to side as she continued to close the gap between herself and Wood. Wood’s steely-eyed look never wavered, even when Ginny was barely a few seconds away from crashing right into him.

Finally, Ginny hurled the Quaffle at the leftmost hoop. Wood dove for it, pushing him broom fast to reach it in time. He did, in fact, reach the hoop in time, but the Quaffle wasn’t going for the hoop.

Instead, the Quaffle bounced off of the post a good couple metres beneath the hoop and rebounded back to the front of the hoops. Ginny zoomed past the hoops, and Demelza showed up just in time to snatch the Quaffle out of the air and hurl it through the far right hoop before Wood could reach it.

“And that’s 10 points to the Harpies who are looking to cement their top spot in the league this season!”


The thunderous noise of the crowd was still ringing in Harry’s ears as he waited in the hotel room that’d been provided for him and Ginny. All of the players got rooms to stay in after a long game since they didn’t want to risk anyone accidentally splinching themselves due to exhaustion. It was a nice room in a five-story building right along the coast in Holyhead, right inside a small magical district that overlooked the muggle part of the city. 

The streets below were still packed with supporters, many of whom were off to spend the rest of their joyous evenings at one of the many pubs that lined the streets. They were chanting the Holyhead Harpies’s victory chant while several more rowdy revellers shot off fireworks into the sky.

Harry supposed that they had good reason to celebrate. Just a few years ago, the Harpies had been near the bottom of the league. They weren’t quite as bad as the Cannons, but they were nothing to write home about either. Quite a few commentators suggested that the all-female nature of the team would restrict them to a low placement in the league, but that only fuelled the Harpies’s drive to do better.

Ginny had been offered a contract as a starting Chaser right out of Hogwarts. The team’s Chasers had been in disarray for the last few years after better teams bought out their stars, so they desperately needed some new young blood to take a commanding position on the pitch. Ginny was the first to join up, and in her first year, the Harpies managed to end the season in the top half of the league for the first time in over a decade, due greatly in part to Ginny’s fast-paced play and excellent accuracy under pressure.

From there, the team only improved year over year. And finally, after cycling through the third Chaser on the team year after year, it looked like they finally settled on Demelza Robins, one of Harry and Ginny’s old teammates on their Gryffindor team. 

After placing third last year, the Harpies finally looked poised to take home the top spot in the league if things continued on the way they were. They’d already accrued enough points to secure their place in the European Cup too, something Harry knew that Ginny was desperately excited for.

All in all, Harry was overjoyed that Ginny was living out her dreams on the big stage. She was thriving in her professional life, and their engagement had been nothing but smooth sailing for the last two years. They loved each other dearly, and even their busy schedules couldn’t keep them from having weekly date nights out around Britain.

In short, their lives were perfect with each other.

The door to the hotel room opened quietly. “Harry?” Ginny called out quietly, wondering if he was asleep.

Harry hopped off of the bed and walked around to the corridor entrance to see Ginny standing just inside of the room, freshly showered and clean from her long match. “Hey!” Harry exclaimed happily as he swept her up into his arms and kissed her deeply. “You were wonderful out there today.”

“Thank you,” Ginny smiled sweetly back at him as she went in for another kiss. “Just one more win on the road to the European Cup.”

Harry grabbed Ginny by the waist and lifted her up into the air. She hooked her legs around him as he pressed her back against the wall and started kissing her more passionately. Her lips parted when his tongue demanded entrance, and she let out the sweetest little moan when one of his hands came up to touch her breast.

A sudden “Eep!” sounded from the corridor, ruining the moment. 

Harry pulled back, leaving Ginny breathless and flushed as she too looked over to the open doorway. Her teammate, Demelza Robins, was standing there watching them with a horrified expression on her face.

“I’m so sorry!” She said as quickly as she could. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“It’s okay,” Ginny assured her. “I invited you over, didn’t I?”

In the years since they were once on the Gryffindor Quidditch team together, Demelza hadn’t changed much. She was still a strong, lean, pretty witch with auburn hair that veered more towards brown than it did red. She had a nice round face with kind brown eyes, a sweet smile, and rosy cheeks. Even though she had a very innocent, cute look, Harry knew that once she was comfortable, Demelza could banter with the best of them. The stories he’d heard from Ginny confirmed that she hadn’t changed in that regard either, but he figured it might take her a few minutes to loosen back up around him.

Demelza nodded, her cheeks growing a little bit more red as she awkwardly stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. Like Ginny, she was wearing some casual muggle-style clothes that had become popular after the war’s end: jeans and a tight-fitting t-shirt. 

Harry stepped out of the corridor and back into the room proper to give the two women some space. He could hear Ginny whispering something to Demelza. He wondered how much she had told her already, but he supposed that he’d find out soon enough.

When the two of them finally emerged, the blush on Demelza’s cheeks was worse than ever, and she couldn’t quite meet his gaze. Ginny was holding her hand as she led her into the room.

“I take it Ginny told you why she invited you over here?” Harry asked her, amusement evident in his tone.

“Mm hmm,” Demelza hummed.

Harry cocked his head to the side and looked at her. “You do want to be here, don’t you?”

“Yes,” Demelza gasped, looking up at him suddenly. “I mean… I…”

“It’s alright,” Ginny assured her soothingly. “I’ve told him everything already.”

“Everything?” Demelza repeated in a high-pitched, nervous tone.

“Of course,” Ginny nodded with a gentle smile. “Don’t worry; you’re not the only one who likes to masturbate to the thought of my fiancé.”

Demelza looked like she wanted to fall into a hole and disappear forever. It was one thing to fantasise about something like that, but it was another thing entirely for the subject of your fantasies to learn about it face to face. 

Harry smiled encouragingly at Demelza. “I know Ginny’s already explained the situation to you, and I’m sure that you’ve heard it from your teammates, but I just want to make it clear that you don’t need to be embarrassed about this. This is something that Ginny and I both enjoy doing, and we wouldn’t have invited you in if either of us weren’t interested.”

That perked her back up a bit. “Yeah, but still…” she trailed off awkwardly.

“If you don’t feel comfortable with this, you don’t have to do it,” Ginny assured her.

“No!” Demelza interrupted quickly. “I do want to do this. I just never expected it’d happen this way, you know?”

“I get it,” Ginny nodded sympathetically. “Trust me, when we did it with Gwenog, she thought we were having her on for a laugh, but everything worked out in the end. And she and I are still good friends and teammates after this, just like you and I will be.”

“I just think it might feel a bit weird,” Demelza finally admitted. “I think you’re brilliant, Ginny, and I’d never want to say anything mean about you.”

“We’re just having fun,” Harry assured her, to which Ginny nodded in agreement. “Ginny was the one who suggested this in the first place because she gets off on it. You should have heard her that first night we picked up a woman from a muggle club,” he chuckled at the memory.

“So, you’re both definitely okay with it,” Demelza asked, wanting absolute confirmation.

“Yes,” Ginny confirmed. 

“Yes,” Harry added.

Demelza blew out a big breath. “Okay then, I think I’m up for it.”

Ginny squealed in delight and wrapped up Demelza in a big hug. “Thank you!” She exclaimed. “Trust me, you’ll love it.”

“I’m sure I will,” Demelza said with a nervous blush when she glanced Harry’s way.

“Come sit down with me,” Harry said as he sat down on the edge of the bed, patting the space beside him. “We’ll give Ginny a second to pull up a chair.”

Demelza demurely walked over and sat down beside him. Their knees were touching, but she kept her body a respectful distance away as Ginny pulled over one of the nearby armchairs. As she sat down in it, Harry leaned a little closer to Demelza.

“I want you to make the first move,” he told her.

“What?” Demelza exclaimed nervously, her gaze flickering over to Ginny’s watching eyes.

“Forget about her for a moment,” Harry said. “Pretend like she doesn’t exist and just touch me. Tell me, what did we get up to in your fantasies.”

Demelza’s cheeks were crimson as she babbled out her answer. “Well, sometimes we’d get in bed and kiss and then… you know.”

“Tell me,” Harry repeated.

“You’d tear off my clothes and kiss me… down there.”

“And then?”

“I’d help you undress, you’d pin me down on the bed, and… and… you’d fuck me.” Her voice came out as a whisper at the end there.

Harry’s eyes flashed with lust. “I’d be happy to do all those things with you,” he said. “But if you want it to happen, you have to kiss me first.”

Demelza’s breathing had deepened and her lips were parted slightly as she eyed up Harry. She was clearly starting to get aroused, and it was only a matter of seconds before she was leaning in towards him.

Harry smiled as their lips met. Demelza was a little tentative at first, but when she felt Harry kissing her back, she became bolder. Her lips opened slightly and her tongue danced out cautiously, meeting his right in between their lips. They wiggled against each other for a moment before Demelza pulled back with a goofy grin on her face.

“You can’t imagine how long I dreamt of doing that,” she told him.

“Did you ever imagine doing it in front of my fiancée?” Harry asked with a cheeky smile on his lips.

Suddenly, a guilty expression crossed Demelza’s face, and Harry knew he had her.

“You did, didn’t you?” His smile grew.

“Once,” Demelza admitted quietly. She gave Ginny another guilty look, but Ginny just smiled encouragingly back at her. “I guess I had a dream one time that I’d show you what it was like to be with a real witch. Not that you’re not a real witch, Ginny,” Demelza added quickly at the end.

“No, don’t be nice to her,” Harry told Demelza. “She’s nothing. She’s not a real witch like you are. Would you ever stand to watch your fiancé fuck other women right in front of you?”

“No,” Demelza responded slowly.

“Exactly,” Harry replied. “She’s just a pathetic little slut, but she’s not enough for me. Sex with her is boring. I need someone new, someone better. Are you going to be that witch for me?”

“Yes,” Demelza shivered with anticipation.

“Good girl,” Harry smiled before leaning in for another kiss.

Demelza melted into the embrace, touching his muscular arms and scooting over closer to him so that their hips were touching too. Harry thought it was cute how shy and nervous she’d been only for her to now be the one taking the lead. Her lips pressed forcefully against his as she desperately pushed her tongue into his mouth.

Harry cracked one eye open and glanced over at his fiancée. Ginny was watching them intently, a slight smile on her lips. He liked seeing her happy like this, but not right now.

Harry slowly pulled out of the kiss. “Ginny looks like she’s enjoying this too much,” he murmured to Demelza. “Give me a minute.”

Before Ginny realised what was happening, Harry’s wand was in his hand and he conjured thick ropes that wrapped around her body and tied her to her chair. Then, he vanished the clothes off of her body except for her damp panties, which he promptly pulled off of her and stuffed into her mouth so that she couldn’t speak anymore.

“Look at how hard her nipples are,” Harry pointed out. Straining between two ropes, her breasts were on full display for them, and Ginny’s rosy-pink nipples stood firm at attention. “She loves touching herself when I fuck other women, but I don’t think she’s earned it yet tonight.”

“So you just make her watch?” Demelza asked curiously.

“No, she makes herself watch,” Harry corrected her gently. “She can’t look away. She wishes she was in your place right now because she knows just how good my touch is. I only wish hers was anywhere near as good. I put on these displays, hoping that one day she’ll learn how to suck a cock properly or take a good pounding without squirting all over and ruining the fun, but she never does. So, her punishment is that she was to watch me fuck you until your hoarse from screaming my name in pleasure, and she can’t even touch herself.”

Demelza trembled. “I always knew she seemed too good to be true. She had to be bad at something. I just never figured it’d be in the bedroom; she talks a big game, you know?”

“Oh, I do,” Harry laughed, happy that Demelza was finally starting to play along with this. He stood up and walked over to Ginny and grabbed one of her breasts roughly in his hand. He pinched her nipple hard and pulled it towards him, making her yelp in pain as she struggled against the bonds. “She’s pathetic,” he spat. “And I have to waste my time finding witches who can actually satisfy me.”

“Like I’m going to satisfy you?” Demelza asked sultrily.

“I certainly hope so,” Harry winked back at her. 

He left Ginny then and walked back to the bed. “I think we’re both a little too dressed,” he told Demelza an instant before he vanished both of their clothes. 

Harry tossed his wand onto a nearby table and looked up and down Demelza’s body. Like Ginny, Demelza had a very slim frame. Her skin was a bit more tan than Ginny’s was, and her breasts and hips were both noticeably bigger. Her nipples were bigger too, like the size of a galleon, and were brown instead of pink. She had a thin strip of hair above her pink slit, which was already leaking beads of moisture out.

“This is what I’ve been missing,” Harry grinned as he leaned forward to kiss Demelza again. “You have a real woman’s body. You’re gorgeous, and you have just the right amount of curves everywhere they should be.”

Demelza’s hands were touching his hard cock. They felt so small against him, just like Ginny’s did, and she was slowly stroking him. 

“You’re really big,” Demelza giggled nervously. “Merlin.”

“You’ll get a taste of it soon enough,” Harry assured her.

“I don’t know if I can wait,” Demelza murmured, biting her lower lip.

“Let me just get you started then,” Harry compromised. “Believe me, it’ll feel better than any other tongue you’ve ever experienced.”

Harry dropped to his knees on the floor and nestled his head in between Demelza’s thighs. Her delicate flower was on full display for him, showing off her wet centre that was just begging to be licked. Her clit was already engorged and poking out from beneath its hood too, telling Harry just how ready she was for him.

Harry kissed her clit. He was soft at first, just pressing his upper lip against the delicate nub. Demelza mewled so sweetly when he did it, but he could tell that she needed more. He applied a little bit more pressure then backed off when her thighs clamped down on either side of his face. He had found the perfect sweet spot of pleasure. Now, he just had to make sure he kept it up.

“Oh, Harry,” Demelza moaned as he lapped up the moisture beading around her nether lips. His lips kept returning to her clit, planting kisses on it just the way she loved the most. “Please, put your fingers inside me.”

Harry let his hand graze up Demelza’s thighs, making her tremble under his touch, before he reached her core. He was gentle in pulling her lips apart, watching excitedly as thin strands of her juices tried to keep them together. He wiped them up with two of his fingers and then ever so gently pushed them inside of her snug, hot pussy.

“That’s it,” Demelza moaned again, grabbing onto his hair with her hands.

“You taste so good,” Harry breathed. He switched from using his lips to his tongue on her clit.

“Do you ever do this with Ginny?” Demelza asked.

“No,” Harry replied quickly. “She begs me for it, but she’s just going to cum on my cock anyways, so why would I waste the effort? Besides, it’s not like she’s able to get me off anymore.”

Demelza giggled. “Is she really that bad?”

“Why do you think I’m here with you right now?” Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. “If she could satisfy me like a proper witch should, I wouldn’t have to go looking around for better women to fuck.”

“Merlin, she’s so pathetic,” Demelza said, shaking her head.

Harry swirled his tongue around Demelza’s clit, only applying a decent amount of pressure every few seconds while he worked his fingers inside of her pussy. It took a moment for him to feel around for just the right spot inside of her, but he knew the second he touched it because Demelza squealed in delight.

“Yes, right there!” She moaned. “Fuck, I’m getting so wet.”

She really was. Everything Harry was doing to her was getting her nice and ready for his cock after. He was already pulsing with need, and he didn’t know how much longer he’d be able to wait before he fucked her.

Thankfully, Demelza seemed as desperate as he was to get his cock in her pussy.

“Harry,” she said, tugging gently on his head. “I can’t wait anymore.”

Harry pulled back with some of her juices still glistening on his lips. “Neither can I. How do you want me to fuck you?”

Demelza looked down at his thick cock with nothing but lust in her eyes. “I want you on top of me, pinning my hands above my head as you fuck me.”

“I can definitely do that,” Harry grinned.

As he climbed back up onto the bed, he grabbed Demelza’s hips and adjusted her in place so that she was perpendicular to Ginny. That way, Ginny would have the perfect view not only of his cock sliding into Demelza’s pussy, but she’d also be able to see the pleasure across her teammate’s face.

After he pinned Demelza’s hands above her head just as she requested, Harry placed the tip of his cock against her wet entrance and rubbed it up and down, making sure to touch her clit each time he went up. “Are you ready for me?” He asked her.

“Yes,” Demelza breathed out.

Demelza let out a loud moan as Harry’s cock sank inside of her. He knew just how big he was, so he took his time to let her body adjust to his girth, but Demelza seemed eager for more.

“Merlin,” she gasped. “You feel like you’re gonna split me in two, but it feels so good.”

“You feel pretty incredible yourself,” Harry groaned. Feeling his cock surrounded by Demelza’s snug pussy truly was a wonderful experience, but he knew that it’d feel even better once he was really fucking her.

He waited until he felt Demelza rock her hips against his, a sign that she was ready for more. Harry pulled his hips back steadily until just the tip of his cock was still inside of her. Then, he slowly sank back inside of her hot depths, making Demelza sigh in bliss.

“This is even better than I dreamed,” she giggled.

“Trust me, we haven’t even gotten to the good part yet,” Harry winked.

Harry steadily worked up his pace as he rocked his hips back and forth. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see Ginny enthralled with the sight of his cock sliding smoothly in and out of Demelza’s wet pussy. Her eyes followed his every motion, undoubtedly imagining that it was her in Demelza’s position.

Demelza’s moans quickly grew in frequency as Harry made her body jiggle on the bed. Her breasts started to bounce up and down on her chest as his thrusts became harder and faster than before. She was squirming in delight beneath him, even trying to pull her hands out of his grasp, but Harry didn’t let her go even for a second. She wanted him in control like this, and he was going to give her the experience that she’d been dreaming of.

In seconds, Harry’s fast rhythm had Demelza crying out in pleasure as he plunged his cock in and out of her pussy again and again. Each thrust left her breathless, and Harry was feeling just as good with her tight cunt gripping his cock so firmly. 

“Fuck, you’re so tight,” Harry groaned as he pumped his cock into Demelza. He pressed a hard kiss to her lips, literally taking her breath away as he continued to pound into her pussy.

Demelza’s legs wrapped around his waist and started pulling him into her with every thrust. She was taking his cock better than most of Ginny’s teammates had. Some had been so overwhelmed by the pleasure of him fucking them that they’d cum so quickly and become too sensitive to continue. 

“Harry,” Demelza moaned his name when their lips parted.

“Say my name again,” Harry growled in her ear as he rammed his cock as deep as it could go inside of her.

“Harry!” She screamed as his cock filled her completely.

Fuck, he’d nearly cum inside of her just then, but he knew that he had to hold on for a bit longer. So, he just rocked his hips against hers for a moment as he let his body reset. Then, when he was finally ready to continue, he decided to change their position.

Harry pulled out of Demelza, much to her disappointment, but grabbed onto her hips and pulled her to the edge of the bed as he stood up.

Demelza giggled as he lifted her into the air, only for it to end abruptly as she moaned when he impaled her back on his cock. His hands grabbed her arse, and Demelze wrapped her limbs around him to hold on tight.

It only took a moment for Harry to adjust to the weight of her against his chest. Once he did, he pulled her arse far back enough that he could thrust into her pussy quickly. But before he could do that, Harry carried Demelza over to right in front of Ginny. 

With Demelza’s back to Ginny, Harry pulled his hips back until his cock slipped out of her pussy. “I think a little extra lubrication would be just what we need right now,” he said before looking at Ginny. “Open your mouth, slut.”

Ginny did as she was told, and Harry brutally rammed his cock into her throat. She gagged around him as she tasted her teammate’s juices off of her fiancé's cock, but Harry just kept swirling his cock around inside of her to get as much saliva on himself as he could. 

“Harry,” Demelza whined against his shoulder. “I need you inside me.”

“Just a second,” Harry grunted as he pushed his cock as deep as it could go in Ginny’s throat. His balls smacked off of her chin before he sharply pulled back, leaving Ginny gasping for air. Then, he pulled his hips back and speared himself back into Demelza’s tight pussy.

“Harry!” She cried out in pleasure as he started fucking her.

“How good does it feel?” Harry grunted.

“So good,” Demelza gushed. “Fuck, it feels like you’re gonna tear me in two again.”

“Fuck,” Harry groaned. “Your pussy is so much better than Ginny’s. I might just have to keep you around on the side to take care of me instead of Ginny.”

“I’d do it,” Demelza promised him. “Anytime, day or night, I’ll be there.”

Harry turned around while he pounded into Demelza’s pussy so that she could see Ginny over his shoulder. Even though he couldn’t see what was going on, he could imagine the horny look on his fiancée’s face as she watched him fuck her teammate.

“I can’t believe you can’t satisfy Harry,” Demelza said snidely to Ginny. Her words were interspersed with moans and the sound of Harry’s cock plunging in and out of her pussy. “If I was his fiancée, I’d do anything I could to make him happy.”

Ginny just whimpered against her gag in reply.

Demelza laughed. “You look so pathetic right now. How does it feel to watch your man have more fun with another witch?”

Ginny tried to say something again, but the words just wouldn’t come out around the gag.

“He’s going to cum in me, you know,” Demelza boasted. “I can already feel how close he is from the way his cock is pulsing inside of me every time he fills my tight little pussy up.”

Harry groaned and fucked Demelza even harder. With her arse in his hands, he could slam her pussy down on his cock, filling her in an instant. It felt so good to fuck her standing up like this, especially with the way his balls kept smacking off of her arse. 

“Oh, fuck,” Demelza panted. “Harry, your cock is gonna make me cum. Fuck me harder!”

Harry was already near the breaking point, but he did his best to make each thrust count. As he pulled Demelza’s pussy towards him, he rammed his hips forward, making their bodies collide together in an incredible sensation of bliss.

“Yes!” Demelza screamed. “Fuck me! Fucking cum in me Harry! I’m about to—”

Demelza lost all composure then as she came around Harry’s cock. Her pussy tightened up like a vice around him and tried to milk him for everything he had. He didn’t last more than a few more thrusts before he let out a roar of his own and came inside of her.

Demelza’s pussy squeezed in time with Harry’s cock as he fired spurt after spurt of his sticky, white cum deep inside of her pussy. He filled her completely, spewing his seed right against her cervix as he collapsed forward onto the bed. He pinned Demelza down under his body weight and made tiny thrusts against her as he let out every last drop of cum he had to offer.

When they both came down from their highs, they were both panting from their exertion. As much as Harry would happily stay buried in Demelza’s pussy for a while longer, there was something else he needed to do.

Demelza let out a sound of loss as Harry pulled out of her. She tried to grab his arms to keep her close to him.

“I’ll just be a minute,” Harry assured her before he walked over to Ginny. He snatched his wand off of the table and vanished the ropes that were binding her body. Instantly, Ginny’s fingers rushed to touch her needy pussy, but Harry grabbed her wrists before she could get far. “First, you’ll clean Demelza up.”

Harry pulled the wet panties out of Ginny’s mouth and hoisted her up to her feet before leading her over to the bed. He then shoved her face right down towards Demelza’s swollen pussy, which was just now starting to drip with his cum.

“You know what to do,” Harry told her snidely.

Demelza watched with a big grin on her face as Ginny lapped at her pussy. Harry’s seed and Demelza’s juices coated her tongue quickly, and Ginny didn’t stop licking until every last drop was gone.

“At least she can do one thing right,” Demelza giggled.


Kevin Thunder

Pansy Parkinson and Luna Lovegood.