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AN: All characters have been aged up, so Hogwarts starts at 17. This is a commission for an anonymous user!


“Why can’t Daphne go deliver the stupid plants to all of your friends?” Astoria whined as she set down her cutlery on the table.

“Because I asked you to go,” Anastasia replied evenly as she sliced off a piece of her eggy bread. “I’ve given Daphne things to do over the break as well.”

Astoria glowered petulantly at her mother. “Like what?”

“Preparing for a ball later this summer,” Anastasia answered. “She had plenty of dances to learn and dresses to try on and etiquette to remember.”

Harry grimaced as Astoria rolled her eyes. He could see how annoyed she was. After the training session they’d had yesterday, they’d spent the rest of the afternoon keeping the conjured snake occupied. Astoria had built a little cage to keep him in, which was now sitting on a small table beside the large window in her bedroom. Naturally, her bedroom had the same protections that Harry’s room had, barring him from entry. They’d planned to go out shopping for some necessities for taking care of the snake today, but it seemed as though their plans were on hold for now.

Across the table from him, Daphne was peacefully eating her bowl of diced fruit without a care. Ever the dutiful daughter, she looked even more the pure-blood princess here than she did at Hogwarts. Astoria had told him that her parents were particularly strict on Daphne…

“Fine,” Astoria huffed before she turned to Harry. “Sorry, we can go to Diagon Alley tomorrow I guess.”

“It’s okay,” Harry said with an easy smile. He didn’t want to rock the boat here. In fact, his goal was to make Anastasia and Cyrus like him. He wanted their approval, especially if he and Astoria were going to be together for a long time. 

“You had best be going soon,” Anastasia told Astoria. “You’ll need to do a lot of apparating around, and I’d hate for you to miss out on a delivery because you were too tired.”

“I’ll see you later,” Astoria said to Harry petulantly as she planted a kiss on his cheek, much to Anastasia’s disapproval, and hurried out of the dining room.

Harry felt a little awkward sitting there in the silence with the two women. Anastasia kept glancing at him out of the corners of her eyes when she thought he wouldn’t notice, and it was making him feel like he was being examined for something.

“So, Daphne, got any plans today?” Harry asked her, hoping to strike back up some of that camaraderie they’d grown to have when they studied for Defence together.

“No,” Daphne replied airily, not quite glancing up at him. “Perhaps I’ll—”

“Why don’t you show Harry the grounds, dear?” Anastasia suggested sweetly. “I don’t believe he’s had the chance to see them yet, and a nice walk through our beautiful gardens might give you two a chance to talk.”

There was a strange undertone to her voice that made Harry frown. It was almost conspiratorial at the end there, like she was giving him and Daphne a chance to escape for a romantic walk.

“Okay,” Daphne nodded dutifully. She set down her now empty bowl and stood up from the table, giving Harry a curious look. “Are you coming?”

Harry snatched the last rasher of bacon off of his plate and popped it in his mouth as he got to his feet too. “Yeah, let’s go.”

“Lunch will be at one o’clock, but feel free to take your time,” Anastasia called out after them. “Be sure to show him around the rose gardens!”

Daphne was quiet until they were out of earshot from her mother. “Sorry,” she told him quietly. “I know you’d probably rather be with Astoria doing this.”

“No,” Harry said quickly. “I mean, it’ll still be nice going with you.” Truthfully, he probably would prefer going with Astoria, but going with Daphne would be fun too. 

Things had been a little awkward between them ever since she made that fake seduction attempt in order to test his loyalty to Astoria, so he was willing to take any chance he could to try to rebuild their friendship. Studying defence with her had been fun and good for his grades too. Most importantly though, he wanted to make sure that Daphne and Astoria could stay on good terms with each other. If he had to be the glue that kept them together, then so be it. 

“I’m glad,” Daphne replied. “I know that I haven’t exactly been the most hospitable person lately.”

“It’s fine,” Harry said. He wondered if maybe she was a bit embarrassed about her seduction attempt. Maybe she had just grown up expecting men to be pigs who’d jump into bed with her at the first possible opportunity, but Harry wasn’t about to do that. “I get that all of this is a bit unusual.”

“More than you can possibly imagine,” Daphne replied as they exited the manor and started down the cobbled pathway that led behind the manor towards some of the gardens. “Astoria’s never had a boyfriend before, and sometimes it's a little surprising to see how fast the two of you fell for each other.”

“It was hard not to,” Harry chuckled. “I still remember seeing her in the library at Hogwarts. She reminded me of a perfect porcelain doll: beautiful, elegant, but not boastful about her good looks or refined demeanour. It wasn’t until I really got to know her that I learnt how spunky and playful she is.”

“That’d be our parents doing,” Daphne told him with a curious undertone that Harry couldn’t quite place. It wasn’t quite sadness, but it wasn’t happy either. “They made sure that both of us would behave respectfully in public so as to not tarnish the family name. Astoria was never great at hiding her true feelings, so she isolated herself a bit. It’s easier for her to follow our parents’ wishes if she doesn’t have anyone close enough to her to see what she’s really like. You brought her true self back out of hiding.”

“I didn’t do that,” Harry insisted.

“You did,” Daphne argued. “At Hogwarts, she was always very quiet and a bit of a loner. It wasn’t until you came around that I saw the Astoria from before Hogwarts. The one who loved to tease me and wasn’t afraid to stand up for what she thought was right. It was always inside of her, I think, but you helped give her the courage to bring it back out, whether you intended to or not.”

“Well, if I did that, then she changed me for the better too,” Harry retorted.

Daphne nodded her head in agreement. “If nothing else, I doubt you’d ever have spoken to a Slytherin until you met Astoria. You also seem… I don’t know… different from how you were before.”

“Different?” Harry repeated questioningly.

Daphne hummed and glanced up at the blue sky above their heads. “It’s hard to put into words. You’re just different now, in a good way.”

Harry wasn’t quite sure what to make of that. 

Finally, they reached the gardens. Thick, green hedges lined a small plaza that held a large fountain with a mermaid centrepiece that poured water out of a jug she was holding, sending it down the tiered platforms until it finally splashed down in the pool below. Pockets of plants dotted the cobble pathways that weaved their way around the colourful displays. Flowers of all sorts of shapes and sizes stood out against the green backdrop. If it wasn’t for how meticulously organised they were, Harry would swear that Dumbledore visited this place to come up with all of the crazy and colourful combinations of robes he wore.

Daphne was watching him as he looked around the garden. “This is one of Astoria’s favourite places,” she told him. “When she was younger, she always dreamed about having a picnic with a cute boy in here.”

Harry smiled at the thought of a much younger Astoria confiding that bit of information to her sister. “Thank you; I’ll keep that in mind.”

“I didn’t do it for you,” Daphne said a little brusquely, only for her to relax a moment later. “I want Astoria to be happy, and you make her very happy.”

“So do you,” Harry told her.

Daphne looked a little surprised at that. “Me?”

“Yes, you,” Harry laughed. “She loves you a lot, you know. She told me that she misses how close the two of you used to be, and she really wants to be close with you again.”

Daphne opened and closed her mouth several times, unable to find the words she was looking for.

“Did I just make the Ice Queen speechless?” Harry teased her.

Daphne’s look quickly turned into a frosty glare. “Even if you are Astoria’s boyfriend, that doesn’t mean I won’t hex you when you get lippy with me.”

Harry laughed, and he saw just the slightest shift in Daphne’s gaze that told him that she was just as amused as he was even if she didn’t show it outwardly like him.

“My apologies,” Harry said with a deep bow.

“Lower,” Daphne told him.

Harry dipped his head even lower to the ground, only to suddenly find himself stumbling forward when Daphne hit him with a gentle tripping jinx.

“Oi!” Harry laughed as he caught himself on one of the nearby stone benches.

Daphne finally giggled. “You looked like an idiot.”

“How cute,” Harry cooed. “You and Astoria have the same pet name for me.”

“Figures,” Daphne rolled her eyes. “Us Greengrass women can tell a fool from a mile away.”

“And yet, I still managed to win Astoria over,” Harry winked.

“She might have just taken pity on you,” Daphne joked.

Harry grinned. “That’s good enough for me.”

Daphne shook her, hiding the smile on her lips, and continued walking forward through the gardens. She showed him around the various muggle and magical flowers, explaining what each one was from memory. It always surprised him to see just how knowledgeable she was about so many things. 

It didn’t take long for them to reach the rose garden. It was at the far end of the plaza in an enclosed space. Hedges taller than the rest created a perfect ring around the flowering rose plants, and a beautiful trellis archway acted as the entrance into this stunning place.

Daphne broke away from Harry as she hurried inside. Rose bushes formed rings within rings here in a maze-like pattern that forced you to walk all the way around the ring several times over to reach the very centre of it. Harry trailed after Daphne casually as she hurried inside. He could hear her whispering something as a gentle gust of wind shot through the garden, kicking up dozens of rose petals that littered the ground.

Finally, when Harry reached the centre, he froze up at the sight before him. Daphne was spinning in the centre of the garden, her long blond hair flying out around her, as well over a hundred rose petals swirled around her. With the sun shining down on her from above, she looked like something out of a fairytale.

“Isn’t it just so beautiful?” Daphne laughed as she snatched a pink petal from the air. She rubbed her thumb along its surface before she tossed it in the air once more and turned to Harry with the biggest smile he’d ever seen on her face.

He swallowed the saliva pooling in his mouth and nodded. “It is.”


Far beyond Greengrass Manor lay a lake. It wasn’t particularly big or deep, but it was private and had beautiful blue water that begged to be swam in. Surprisingly, it didn’t take much prodding from Astoria and Daphne to convince Anastasia that a trip out to it would be a perfect activity for them.

After walking through the gentle rolling hills behind Greengrass Manor for the better part of an hour, they finally reached the lake. It sat at the base of a couple larger hills, but the land around it was otherwise clear.

Harry was glad that he still had the swim shorts he’d worn during the second task in his trunk. He’d brought them alongside a fluffy towel and a big beach towel he’d gotten for the task as well. Anastasia had collected them from him along with swimwear and towels from the girls and had stuffed them all into a small bag with an extension charm placed inside of it.

To say that Harry and Astoria were excited for some time together was an understatement, but, as seemed to happen every day of their trip here, things didn’t quite turn out as planned.

“Oh dear,” Anastasia sighed in annoyance as she peered into a bag she had carried with her. She started riffling through it, pushing aside various things as she looked around. Finally, she turned back to Astoria. “I accidentally forgot your swimsuit.”

Astoria and Daphne had been dipping their toes into the cool water when Anastasia announced this slight problem.

Astoria turned around and called back to her mum. “I’ll just transfigure my clothes then.”

“No you won’t,” Anastasia chided her. “You know that transfiguring clothes wears them out. You’ll just have to go back to the manor to grab them.”

Astoria huffed and stormed back over to her mother. “I’ll summon them then.”

“You know the wards won’t let you summon anything from inside of the house,” Anastasia reminded her. “You’d best just hurry home. We’ll wait for you here.”

“I’ll go with you,” Harry suggested, quickly coming up alongside Astoria.

“No,” she sighed. “It’s fine, just enjoy yourself. I’ll be back in a bit.”

And with that, Astoria trudged dutifully along back down the path they’d taken to get here. As soon as she was just out of earshot, Anastasia clapped her hands together excitedly.

“Alright then,” she smiled. “I’ll set up the changing booth.”

With a flick of her wand, four opaque curtains flew out of the bag and arranged themselves in a square, creating a private room for anyone to get changed in.

“Here’s your outfit,” Anastasia told Daphne as she handed over her bag to her. “Go on and get changed now.”

As Daphne disappeared from sight, Harry glanced back at the path Astoria had taken. He knew she said to stay here, but he didn’t want her to feel left out. He knew that he should probably go after her.

“I’m—” he began to speak to tell Anastasia his intentions when she cut him off.

“Harry,” she smiled kindly at him. “Won’t you be a dear and come see me for a moment?”

“Sure,” Harry grimaced, not wanting to get on Anastasia’s bad side. He wanted to show her that he could be the perfect boyfriend for Astoria, and part of that meant showing her parents that he was a good and respectful man. 

Anastasia waved him over to her side. “I’ve been trying to convince Daphne that she looks absolutely gorgeous in her new bikini, but she isn’t so sure. So, I thought a male’s opinion might be just what she needs to be proved wrong.”

“Err,” Harry hesitated. This felt like a bit too much like being told to ogle Daphne’s body when his girlfriend wasn’t around.

“Come on,” Anastasia said as she walked up to the makeshift dressing room and pulled the curtain aside. “Just give her your honest opinion.”

Honestly, Daphne was beautiful. It was something that everyone knew just by looking at her. Everything about her from her perfect blond hair to her curvy body was wonderful, and all of that only seemed accentuated right now.

Daphne stepped out of the dressing room in a white, floral-print bikini. The triangle top had halter neck straps. It was modest enough to cover everything important, but it still showed off Daphne’s enormous cleavage. Her skin was flawless all over, and even though she had plenty of curves, her belly still remained perfectly flat. The bottoms were similarly modest with two ties on either side of her hips holding the fabric in place. 

With the golden rays of the sun beating down on her, Daphne looked nothing short of a model come to life. Harry did his best not to let his gaze linger, but it was challenging, especially with Anastasia looking at him with a predatory grin on her lips.

“Well? What do you think?” She asked eagerly.

Daphne was just standing there like a mannequin on display for him to inspect, but something in her casual expression told him that she was just as interested in his answer as her mother was.

“It looks very good on you,” Harry finally said, doing his best to avoid saying anything that would seem disrespectful to his relationship with Astoria.

“I told you, dear,” Anastasia told Daphne. “You’re stunning in it. Go on, give us a twirl.”

Harry kept his gaze steady with Daphne’s head as she twirled around once. 

“Absolutely perfect,” Anastasia said, clapping her hands together. “Now, why don’t you two go have some fun in the water. I’ll be here doing a bit of reading.”

Cooling off in the lake sounded like just the perfect thing Harry needed right now.


“Harry? Are you in there?”

The gentle knocking at the door roused Harry up from bed. He went over and opened the door to his room to find Astoria standing there in a nightgown with a terribly sad look on her face.

“Are you alright?” Harry asked concernedly as he quickly stepped out of his room since the wards prevented Astoria from entering.

Astoria gave him a jerky nod before she sucked in a deep breath. “No, actually, I’m not,” she admitted. “I’m just… just…”

Harry pulled her into his arms. She felt so cold against his skin, so he squeezed her even tighter to try to transfer over some of his body heat. Astoria clung to him just as tightly as her stammers faded into deep breaths.

“Sorry,” she murmured sadly as she pulled back from the hug. “Being back home hasn’t been as good as I hoped it’d be.”

Harry grimaced. “I know it’s been a bit rough, but maybe we’ll have some more time to ourselves soon. We still have our trip to Diagon Alley.”

“Somehow, I don’t think my mum will give me the time to spare,” Astoria replied bitterly. “Maybe Daphne was right that mum’s really mad about how we looked coming off of the train. She seems to be doing everything she can to keep us away from each other.”

“You could always try saying no,” Harry suggested gently. “Worst case scenario, I’ve got enough gold to get us a room in the Leaky Cauldron for the rest of the break.”

“If only it was that easy,” Astoria sighed. “Saying no to my parents is hard for me. I… for all my life, I tried to get my parent’s attention, but they only seemed to care about Daphne and making sure that she’d grow up to be the perfect pure-blood bride. I’d always go along with whatever they asked of me because it was the only time they’d pay much attention to me. I know what’s happening now isn’t fair, but saying no just feels wrong. I know it doesn’t make a lot of sense…”

“No, it does,” Harry said. “You want your parents to care about you, and you hope that by going along with what they want, they’ll show you the same attention they showed Daphne, right?”

Astoria blinked as she looked up into Harry’s eyes. “How did you…?”

Harry grimaced again. “My relatives, the Dursleys, were neglectful too. Even though I knew how they treated me wasn’t fair, that didn’t stop me from hoping that they’d show me the same love and care they did my cousin.” A thought flashed through Harry’s mind of him being Dudley’s size, acting a spoilt brat as he tossed away birthday presents he wasn’t happy with. “Maybe not exactly like my cousin,” he corrected himself, shaking the thought out of his mind, “but something closer to it. I wanted them to be happy with me for who I was.”

Finally, Astoria’s sad demeanour brightened as a wide smile came across her lips. “At least we have each other.”

Harry kissed her sweetly on the lips. “Even if your parents never give you the attention you deserve, I will. You’re a brilliant woman, Astoria, and you deserve anything your heart wants.”

Astoria pulled him in for another kiss before letting out a frustrated groan. “If it wasn’t for the bloody wards on our rooms, I’d bring you inside and shag you rotten for being such a perfect boyfriend.”

“There are other rooms,” Harry suggested eagerly.

“Which have their own sets of wards and surveillance charms on them,” Astoria sighed. “It’ll just have to wait for now.”

“We’ll have plenty of time back at Hogwarts,” Harry said with a wink. “I’ll need some reason to stay motivated to study for the final task.”

“And I’ll need some motivation to help you study for it,” Astoria winked back at him. “A little tit for tat seems fair.”

“Absolutely,” Harry agreed wholeheartedly.

“Wonderful,” Astoria beamed at him. “I should probably head off to bed now. I have some thoughts in my head of a very handsome, green-eyed man that I need to work out somehow.”

Harry groaned at the mental image he had of Astoria heading back to her room, slipping under the covers, and touching herself to the thought of them. “You’re such a tease.”

“I know,” Astoria giggled cheerily. She leaned in and planted another kiss on Harry’s lips before she danced out of reach before he could grab her and press her body against his. “Sweet dreams!” She called out as she ran down the hall, giggling the whole way.

Harry shook his head and smiled at his girlfriend’s retreating form. 

He slipped back into bed and eventually dosed off with dreams of him and Astoria together filling his mind.


When the morning came, Harry got up bright and early and got ready for the day. As much as he wanted Anastasia’s approval, he was going to risk it all to confront her over this. 

He wasn’t blind to the way she kept putting him with Daphne while sending Astoria away for whatever reason she could come up with. Ever since he’d confirmed that he was a parselmouth, she’d been far kinder and more receptive to him than before. He knew that she was looking to find a proper suitor for Daphne, and he couldn’t help but think that maybe Anastasia was trying to set him up to be that suitor.

It was ridiculous really. How on earth did she think that he’d just move on from Astoria so easily? Even if he really did get along with Daphne and see just how beautiful she was, he’d never throw away Astoria for her. He loved his girlfriend, and she was more important to him than anything else in this world.

So, after Harry showered and dressed in a nice set of robes, he hurried out of his room. He was familiar enough with the layout of the manor by now to easily travel down to the main level. He wasn’t quite sure where Anastasia was, but it wouldn’t be hard to find her.

“Hobsy,” Harry called out.

There was a quiet popping sound as the house-elf appeared just a few feet away from him. “Yes, sir?” Hobsy said with a bow.

Harry smiled at Hobsy kindly. “Could you please tell me where Anastasia is?”

“Certainly,” Hobsy replied eagerly. “Mistress is in the eastern parlour. Should I show you the way?”


Hobsy cheerily led Harry through the maze-like corridors of the manor until they reached the eastern section. Then, it was easy to walk down the long corridor that ran parallel with the eastern wall until they came upon a set of finely-crafted doors that led into the parlour. 

“Here we are, sir,” Hobsy announced. “If you need anything, please call on me.”

“Of course,” Harry replied. “Thank you, Hobsy.”

With another pop, Hobsy was gone. 

Harry took a deep breath and braced himself for the confrontation that was about to happen. But when he took a step towards the doors, he hesitated. The doors weren’t closed like they’d appeared to be; one was left slightly ajar, and Harry could hear voices coming from within. 

Harry stepped closer to the door and peered inside. 

“You need to stop this,” Daphne said in a stern tone. She was standing in front of a small coffee table, and Anastasia was sitting on a sofa on the other side of it. 

Despite Daphne’s tone, Anastasia looked very casual as she sipped on her cup of coffee. “Stop what?” She asked innocently.

“You know what,” Daphne replied, slipping into that ever-so-familiar ice-queen persona that made her famous at Hogwarts. It was a marked change from the more demure attitude Harry had seen her use around her parents.

Anastasia raised an eyebrow at Daphne’s tone. “I can assure you that I have no—”

“You’re trying to set me up with Harry,” Daphne interrupted accusingly.

Harry watched and waited, wondering if Anastasia was going to deny it. To his surprise, she didn’t.

“He’s the heir to the Potter family line,” Anastasia began to speak, only for Daphne to interrupt her again.

“That doesn’t matter,” she snapped. “He loves Astoria, and she loves him.”

“I’m sure that she’ll find another who’s more suited to her,” Anastasia replied easily. “Harry Potter has wealth, influence, and power. He’s a capable man but not clever enough to usurp you in a relationship. He’s an ideal match.”

“I don’t care if you think he’s an ideal match for me or not,” Daphne told her mother coldly. “I’ve seen how he and Astoria act around each other. They’re in love! They would never give up on each other so easily, even if I actually tried to pursue him romantically.”

As Anastasia opened her mouth to speak, Harry heard footsteps coming down the corridor behind him. He pulled back from the doorway guilty and tried to look as nonchalant as possible as he turned around to face whoever was coming down the corridor.

“There you are!” Astoria called out as she skipped over to his side. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Hobsy said that she showed you over here.”

When Astoria leaned in to kiss him, he saw her gaze shift towards the doorway. She saw Daphne in there, arguing with their mother.

“Astoria,” Harry tried to say kindly as he took her hands into his.

As perceptive as ever, she instantly realised that something was up. “What’s going on?” She asked Harry carefully with a serious look that told him he’d better answer her honestly.

Even though the situation was delicate, he wasn’t going to hide anything like this from her. It wasn’t as though she didn’t already have an inkling about what her mum was trying to do, but he knew that it’d hurt a lot to hear it first hand.

“Just stay quiet and listen,” Harry whispered to her as he turned back to the doorway. 

Daphne was glaring down at her mother. “I will not try to damage their relationship,” she said firmly. “Harry is with Astoria.”

“But you like him too, right?” Anastasia countered.

Daphne nearly froze in place, as did Harry and Astoria. Anastasia smirked like she’d just figured out a way to win her game.

“I’ve seen the way you look at him,” she continued. “And the way you act around him. None of the other suitors we’ve met have sparked such a reaction in you. Even if you say you don’t want to be with him, that’s not really the truth, now is it?”

Harry was shocked when Daphne didn’t deny it outright. Instead, she just shifted uncomfortably under her mother’s knowing gaze. Even more surprising though was the lack of a reaction on Astoria’s part. The look on her face told him that this wasn’t exactly news to her, or, at least, she had already suspected that Daphne had some genuine feelings for Harry.

“Think about it,” Anastasia told Daphne as she leaned forward. “We’ve finally found someone who meets mine and your father’s criteria, and he obviously meets yours as well. We’ll find another match for Astoria, someone who makes her happy too. And if she kicks up a fuss, your father and I will handle it. You’ve always said that you wanted us to match you with someone who makes you happy. Well, Harry is the perfect candidate.”

Harry could sense Astoria growing more and more angry as her mother spoke about how easily she was going to separate her from Harry. He gently took her hand into his to try to reassure her that he wasn’t going anywhere, but Astoria didn’t seem to even notice.

Daphne was shifting her weight between her feet as Anastasia smirked in victory. In that moment, it was clear to Harry that a part of Daphne wanted to say yes. Behind her icy-cold eyes was a yearning for something more in her life. It was the same look she’d had when she watched Harry and Astoria having sex together. But, even though her desire was strong, her resolve was even stronger.

“I love Astoria,” Daphne said quietly. “More than you and dad ever did. I would never take away her happiness, even if doing so would make me just as happy. I care too much about her to ever do something as cruel as taking Harry away from her.”

Anastasia’s smirk twisted into anger as she got to her feet. “You will do as your father and I say you will.”

Daphne shook her head after a moment’s hesitation. “Not this time.”

“You insolent—”

Astoria burst into the room with all the fury that’d been building up inside of her. Daphne and Anastasia both looked surprised to see her coming towards them and Harry standing just past the threshold of the doorway. 

“You absolute bitch!” Astoria raged at her mother. “Are you really so damn selfish that you’d try to hurt me like this?”

Anastasia bristled at the accusation. “Don’t speak to me with that tone,” she snapped. “I’m trying to do what’s best for this family.”

“No, you’re trying to tear this family apart!” Astoria shouted. “More than you and dad already have.”

The two of them were so focused on their argument that neither of them noticed Daphne slowly slipping away, but Harry did. Daphne wouldn’t quite meet his gaze as she retreated to the opposite side of the room where another set of doors allowed her to make a quick escape.

As Astoria and Anastasia continued to argue with each other, Harry couldn’t help but wonder about what he heard.

Daphne liked him?

He couldn’t deny the slight attraction he felt to her too, but he didn’t love her like he loved Astoria. No matter what, he was going to stay loyal to his girlfriend.

He only hoped that this admission from Daphne didn’t drive an even bigger wedge between her and Astoria.


Lordofnite 18

I’m really hoping Harry ends up with both greengrass sisters


Have the sisters offer up their mom