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The rain was pouring down harder now, yet Harry couldn’t seem to bring himself to go back inside the tent just yet. Hermione was in there, crying, and he didn’t want to disturb her after the massive fight he just had with Ron. She’d chosen to stay by his side after all, something that had made Ron furious. She was bound to be struggling with everything, and Harry didn’t know if he had the words he needed to fix things.

But there was another reason he was waiting outside in the pouring rain. He was wondering if Ron would come back.

Maybe it was the effects of the locket, or maybe it was the result of the many times Ron had turned his back on Harry in their friendship, but Harry didn’t care that Ron had left. Sure, it hurt to know that they were down a man in the quest to stop Voldemort, but Harry didn’t feel hurt the way he expected to. His heart didn’t feel like it was tearing itself apart, nor were his emotions running rampant over him. He didn’t even feel empty inside. He was just left with the desire to continue forward.

Still, things would be easier if Ron was still here. He’d fought with him before, and Ron always came back. It was just a matter of when, really. Maybe he’d be back tonight, or next week, or in a year, or maybe this was the straw that broke the camel’s back and he’d never return. Harry didn’t know.

So, he sat still on an old stump and waited.

Minutes passed by. His clothes were thoroughly soaked by now, but still, he didn’t move. Even when his body began to shiver and the Horcrux around his neck felt like ice against his chest, he didn’t move.

The rain faded, and Harry pulled out his wand and dried himself off. The moon was high in the sky. It’d be morning soon, and he knew that he needed sleep.

“Just a bit longer,” Harry murmured to himself. He wanted to know if Ron was truly well and gone.

The rain started half an hour later, and Harry was quickly soaked again.

The sun was just cresting over the tree line when Harry heard it. At first, he thought it was someone talking in the distance, their voice carried by the winds that raged alongside the rain. But when the voices grew louder and no one appeared in sight, he realised that it wasn’t someone else.

It was the Horcrux.

The whisper was sinister and alluring at the same time. Harry couldn’t make out any of the words, but they felt like honey in his ears. It reminded him of how snakes spoke with their slithery inflections.


At once, the whispers ceased. Harry’s head snapped around and he saw a bleary-eyed Hermione standing in her pyjamas at the entrance to the tent. She looked exhausted, but her gaze scanned around the camp like she was looking for something.

A bubble of jealousy formed in his belly. He knew it was the Horcrux’s doing. It was so good at twisting everyone’s emotions, bringing out the worst of themselves. He had no reason to be angry, not after she’d chosen to stay with him rather than go off with Ron.

She was beautiful even with the tear stains on her face. He’d tried to push his feelings down when she showed interest in Ron last year, but it was growing harder to ignore them after months alone. That realisation only made him more angry. With her, with Ron, with himself.

He knew he should say something nice to comfort her.

And yet, his response was callous and cruel anyway.

“He’s not here,” Harry snapped at her, feeling the locket pulse in pleasure at his burst of anger. “He never came back.”

Hermione visibly bristled at Harry’s tone. For a moment, it looked like she was going to burst into tears again, but then her visage hardened.

“You’re wearing the locket, aren’t you?” She asked him accusingly.

“Someone had to,” he replied coldly.

Hermione held out her hand. “Give it here,” she said. “I’ll wear it. You need a break.”

Harry wanted to reject her suggestion, wanted to tell her that he didn’t need her help or her pity, but something stopped him. He could lose Ron, but he didn’t want to lose her.

“Okay,” Harry replied in a voice that sounded so tired to his ears. He gingerly lifted the locket from around his neck and handed it over to Hermione. His body sagged in exhaustion instantly, and Hermione gave him a pitying look.

“Go sleep,” she told him kindly as she settled the locket around her neck. “I’ll keep watch for… any Snatchers and the like. I’ll wake you for lunch.”

Harry was too tired to call her out on her slight pause there. He pushed himself to his feet slowly, barely even registering Hermione’s drying charm that cleaned him from the second bout of rain, and trudged into the tent to sleep.


It had been a couple of weeks since Ron left, and Hermione could honestly say that she was finally feeling good again. There had been something between them during their sixth year, something that she hoped could have blossomed into something more, but it fizzled out over the summer. She hoped that maybe their time together during the Horcrux hunt could have brought the spark back, but it never did. Still, she had mourned for what could have been, and she was now ready to move on.

It had been hard those first few days. She and Harry had been snippy with each other then, and it wasn’t until a quiet night in when they danced together that they had put aside their anger and started working together again. It was great to have her best friend back, even if the locket did occasionally make things difficult. Still, it wasn’t as bad as it had been when Ron was here.

His absence had also made her notice something else: Harry.

That night when they danced together had been magical. For years, she’d thought of Harry as nothing more than a dear friend. She’d never felt a hint of jealousy when he dated Cho or Ginny. But after that night, she saw what they must have seen in him. It was like a new side of Harry was finally revealed to her, and she liked what she saw.

Still, the tenuousness of their situation prevented her from doing anything. Hunting the remaining Horcruxes came first, and they needed to have their heads on straight to deal with that issue. Maybe after the war things could be different, but not now.

But even though that was what she had decided, that didn’t stop her feelings from existing. 

So, when Harry left in the morning to go collect firewood, Hermione knew that she’d have an hour or two alone. Privacy was surprisingly hard to come by, even with just the two of them here, so she was determined to make the most out of her gift.

She promptly hopped in bed and stripped down before hiding beneath her blankets just in case Harry happened to come back to the tent early. The only thing she still had on was the locket around her neck.

Hermione closed her eyes and let her mind drift back to that night she danced with Harry. The smile on his lips, the smell of smoke and pine on his clothes, the sharp line of his jaw, his pretty face.

Her fingers touched her core, collecting the thin film of moisture that was building up at her entrance, before she moved them back to her sensitive nub. It had been six days since she’d last touched herself like this, and she could tell that her body needed it. She let out a tremendous sigh of relief as her fingers brought her the tender pleasure she so desperately needed. 

As she gently toyed with herself, her other hand came up and squeezed her breast. She wondered if Harry would like them. A sinful thought crossed her mind of letting him accidentally catch a glimpse of her body the next time they went to go bathe in a river, but that might be too mean. Still, the wonder of how he’d react brought a smile to her lips. Would he be brave and approach her, or would he apologise and shy away. Either response would be cute, but she hoped that the former would be his choice.

A soft moan escaped her lips as she slipped a couple of fingers inside of her entrance. She knew just the right spot to touch, and it made her melt into her bed. She wondered if Harry would touch her like this with his calloused fingers. 

Hermione’s fantasy quickly grew in her mind as she imagined Harry coming back to the tent early, seeing her, and choosing to disrobe and join her in bed. She imagined the feeling of his body against hers, the ways in which he’d touch her, the feeling of his cock against her thigh as he got ready to—

“Ahh,” Hermione moaned. “Harry.”

She breathed out his name like a lover would, and suddenly she felt something strange happen on her chest. It was like a static shock struck her right in between her breasts.

Hermione glanced down and saw the locket right above the stinging sensation. Frowning in confusion, she took her hand off of her breast and went to move the locket, only to freeze in place when her fingers touched it.

A hissing sound filled her ears, interspersed with Harry’s name being repeated over and over again. It was hypnotic and intoxicating, like honey in her ears.

Then, there was an explosion between her thighs as she came.

Hermione cried out in pleasure as her knees snapped together. Her fingers had never once stopped moving around inside of her, and they kept going even as her entire body trembled as her orgasm tore through her. It was stronger than anything she’d ever felt before, and the Horcrux felt hot against her chest. 

When she finally came down from her high, she felt exhausted. Still, she managed to climb out of bed and redress herself before using a weak cleaning charm to wipe away the sweat and other fluids from the surface of her body.

Later, when Harry returned, Hermione felt her heart soar. There was something different now when she looked at him. It was almost just like all of those feelings of love and lust that had bubbled up inside of her the night that they danced were here right now. Even after they’d sat around and had lunch, those feelings had yet to fade. By the end of the meal, Hermione was subtly rubbing her thighs together under the table, hoping for the slightest bit of relief. 

It wasn’t hard to come up with an excuse to get him out of the tent for a while. She’d feigned a sickness and asked him to check their traps they’d set up to try to snag some food. It was normally her job, but Harry was eager to help her today.

There was only the slightest bit of guilt inside of her when she returned back to her bed and disrobed once more. It had been a week after all; maybe she just needed to have a bit more alone time before she’d be back to normal. 

Her mind was all too willing to conjure up the perfect image of a green-eyed man to help her along.


Harry eyed Hermione curiously from across the clearing. They’d been without Ron for three weeks now, and she’d been acting strange for the last week. At first, he feared that she was missing Ron, but she’d always claimed that she was just feeling a bit ill. When he’d enquired about going to see a doctor, she’d waved off his concern and assured him that she’d be better after some peace and rest in bed. Harry did his best to leave her alone, but some strange feeling inside of him kept drawing him back to her.

Hermione was kneeling down in the dirt, rebuilding their fire, but she kept squirming back and forth as she worked. It looked like she was wiggling her hips and driving her knees into the dirt. The look of concentration of her face as she tried and failed to create a neat stack of logs was worrying. 

Finally, Hermione gave up and tossed the sticks aside. She got up onto unsteady feet and started for the tent, only noticing belatedly that Harry was watching her walk away.

Hermione grimaced at him. “Just going for a quick kip,” she explained. “I’ll sort out the fire later.”

As she disappeared within the tent, Harry wanted to follow her. He couldn’t let her go on like this. It wasn’t normal to be sick for an entire week. He was worried about her, and if they needed to brave the muggle world to get her the help she needed, then that was just a risk they needed to take.

Harry quickly got to his feet and hurried to the tent. Right before he entered, he heard Hermione’s voice from inside. It sounded like she was saying his name.

Harry stepped through the threshold and froze in place as he saw Hermione completely naked in front of him. She was on her hands and knees in front of her bed, only one of her hands was currently busy playing with her pink pussy. Her eyes were wide and locked onto his, but she hadn’t stopped touching herself.

“Hermione?” Harry asked, simultaneously turned on by the sight and deeply concerned.

“Harry!” Hermione replied quickly. “I can explain. I—”

Her words were cut off by another moan.

“Damn it,” she cursed. “Fuck, I don’t know what to do. I’m just so horny all the time and nothing seems to satisfy me!”

Harry watched on as Hermione furiously pumped two of her fingers in and out of her pussy, making wet, squelching sounds. She almost seemed to forget that he was there as she closed her eyes and brought her other hand in to help. As she rested her head against the edge of her bed to maintain her balance, her other hand started to desperately rub her clit while she continued to finger herself.

It was impossible for Harry to not get hard watching her like this. He’d known that she was beautiful ever since back in their fourth year, but between their close friendship and how they were both attracted to other people during their years at Hogwarts, he always assumed that nothing would ever happen between them.

But seeing her on her knees in front of him like that made him reexamine that assumption. The last time, the only time, he’d had sex was with Ginny just before he’d left on his adventure with Ron and Hermione. He didn’t know if he’d ever see her again or if she’d move on too—they had agreed to break up after all in order to hopefully minimise the harassment she received from any Death Eaters at Hogwarts. His body was screaming at him to strip down and shove his cock in Hermione’s pussy and finally experience something good in his life again.

‘Do it.’

Harry nearly jumped in fright as the slithery, slimy voice rang out. He spun in place, searching for the source of the eerie whisper, and found nothing.

‘She’s yours now.’

The whisper was louder now, like a blurry image finally coming into view. He recognised the voice too. It was the same one that had whispered to him the night Ron left.

It was the Horcrux around his neck.

As soon as he made the connection, the Horcrux pulsed with magical energy, and suddenly Harry found himself somewhere else.

The room around him was dark and dank. Mildew crept along the dark-stone walls and droplets of musty water fell from the ceiling in this small room. There was a bed with a threadbare mattress on it and half eaten sheets, a wooden desk that had caved in and now sat in several large pieces on the floor, and a pile of splinters in the far side of the room. This place looked abandoned and untouched for years, and Harry knew exactly where it was.

“Yes, this is the Chamber of Secrets.”

Harry spun around to find an old, bald man with a triangular-shaped, white beard hanging from his chin. His was a face Harry recognised from several portraits around Hogwarts.

“Salazar Slytherin,” Harry breathed out as his wand snapped into his hand.

“Put that away,” Salazar sneered at him. Suddenly, he flew forward right at Harry and passed straight through his body. “I must say, for one of my descendants… ah, but you aren’t one of my descendants, are you? Some clever little twist of magic and… ah, yes, it all makes sense now.”

“What does?” Harry asked, still on edge and holding his wand in front of him. Salazar didn’t look like a ghost or any other undead creature he knew of, but that wouldn’t stop Harry from trying to defend himself if he proved to be a problem. 

“You,” Salazar replied, his tone clearly indicating that he thought that Harry was a bit slow. “You managed to activate my locket without having my blood. I must say, it is quite the sequence of events that managed to produce this outcome, but I digress. What matters now is that you learn the extent of your control.”

His control? Control over what? Hermione?

“Yes, her,” Salazar sneered again. “The mudblood.”

“Don’t call her that,” Harry snapped.

Salazar shook his head. “I’ll call her what she is, and she is a mudblood.”

Harry’s blasting curse soared straight through Salazar’s body and struck the wall behind him. The jet of light immediately dissipated into nothingness, and Salazar didn’t look fazed in the slightest.

“She’s yours now,” Salazar continued on, ignoring Harry’s outburst. “While they are lesser to us pure-bloods, they still have their uses. Now, she has the chance to act out one of those uses by serving you; my locket has ensured that.”

“Serve me how?” Harry asked angrily, stowing away his wand now that it was clear that it wouldn’t help him. “It’s a Horcrux now; it needs to be destroyed.”

Salazar’s piercing gaze felt like it was staring right into Harry’s soul. “You might find that some Horcruxes are better left intact.”

“Not while Voldemort lives,” Harry retorted.

Salazar let out a tired sigh. “Regardless, the Horcrux is intact now and will serve you so long as it remains so. Your little mudblood friend of yours masturbated with the thought of you in mind, and that activated my locket. From this point forward, she’ll be sexually subservient to you so long as you continue to live and breathe. Her inhibitions will lower, and she’ll please you the best she can. I do hope you’ll understand the benefits of such a thing. You must keep a clear mind if you’re to achieve great things in your life, and there’s no easier way of achieving that than by being able to purge out your wildest desires.”

There was a flash of light then that exploded out of Salazar’s chest. It was so blinding that Harry was forced to close his eyes for several seconds until he could see through his sealed eyelids that the light had faded.

Suddenly, Harry was back inside the tent. Hermione was still on her knees in front of him, whining as she desperately tried to pleasure her pussy, and he was just as hard as earlier. The locket pulsed on his chest, and Hermione instantly stopped and turned to look at him.

“Harry!” She shouted his name excitedly like she’d forgotten that she’d seen him when he walked in. Her gaze quickly ran down his body and then almost seemed to lock onto his crotch. His erection was clearly visible, straining against the fabric of his trousers.

In a flash, Hermione was on her knees in front of him with her face pressed up against his thigh. She had wrapped herself around his left leg, clinging to him tightly as she stared at his crotch needfully.

“Harry, please,” she said desperately. “I need you to fuck me!”

“Hermione,” Harry replied with a strangled tone. Seeing his best friend on her knees like this was turning him on so much, but this didn’t feel right. “We can’t. You’re not in your right state of mind.”

It looked like Hermione’s world was shattered when he refused her. “But,” she stuttered out as her hand came up and gently ran down the length of his shaft. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

“No, Hermione,” Harry said, gritting his teeth and trying not to buck his hips against her hand. “It’s the locket doing this.”

A look of realisation crossed Hermione’s eyes, bringing about a sudden lucidity that hadn’t been there before. “The locket?” She repeated quietly.

“Yes,” Harry nodded. “Apparently, you, err… you masturbated to the thought of me and activated some ancient magic in the locket.”

Although his face was beet red at mentioning what Hermione had allegedly done, Hermione showed no sign of shame from it. In fact, she almost seemed a little happy that he knew.

“I did,” she beamed up at him.

“Right,” Harry nodded, still feeling a little confused and conflicted. She’d masturbated to the thought of him before she’d gotten like this. Honestly, that fact alone almost seemed to stump him. He’d never expected her to like him like that, not after the feelings he noticed between her and Ron last year. “And doing that activated the magic in the locket that turned you into…”

A slut? His sex slave? 

“Into this,” Harry finished weakly.

Hermione pondered over his words for a moment, still clinging to his leg. It was getting harder for Harry to ignore the way her bare breasts felt against his leg and the growing wet patch further down below.

“I did want you before this, you know,” Hermione admitted freely. “I think I have for a while now, but when Ron was here… well, my feelings are less complicated now. I want you, Harry, and even if this locket is making me like this, it isn’t making me do anything I didn’t want to before.”

“Then why did you never say anything before?” Harry asked.

“I was shy and nervous,” Hermione answered, sounding anything but shy and nervous. “I didn’t want to make things awkward if you didn’t feel the same way. But after that night we danced in the tent, I just can’t get you out of my head. The locket only amplified what was already there.”

“But it’s trying to make you do things that you normally wouldn’t,” Harry argued.

“Things I’d be too shy to suggest openly maybe,” Hermione retorted. “But not things I wouldn’t want to do. You know that I read a lot. Haven’t you ever wondered about the muggle books I never let you and Ron see?”

Harry paused in thought. Hermione did read a lot, and he knew that she had a massive stash of books in the bottom of her trunk that were rotated out every break they had. She kept those books away from Harry and Ron, not that either of them were particularly curious about them given how much she read in general. He faintly remembered Ginny making an offhand joke about them one time. It was something to do with what Hermione was looking for in a partner, but Hermione shut Ginny down quickly before she could expound much.

“I guess,” Harry shrugged. 

“Well,” Hermione began as her thighs tightened around his leg. “Most of them are romance novels, but some are a little more extreme than that. My favourite ones are where a woman finds a man to take care of her. She gets so aroused by him that she lets him do whatever he wants to her, and she does everything she can to prove her worth to him.”

Harry’s mouth grew dry as Hermione spoke. She was the last person he’d ever expect to be into something like this, and the implication she was making was clear. She wants to be like the women in those novels she reads, and she wants him to be the man.

“You want that?” Harry asked, needing to hear her confirm verbally.

“With all my heart, body, and soul,” Hermione confirmed sincerely. “I’d let you do anything to me.” 

At his disbelieving look, she raised an eyebrow back at him. 

“Anything,” she repeated. “If you want to fuck me in the arse, I’ll do it. If you want to keep me so close to the edge that I’m crying and begging you for release, I’ll do it. If you want me to stay naked all day and let you bend me over and take me whenever you want, I’ll do it. Anything that you can think of, I’ll do it with you, Harry.”

Merlin, there were so many things he wanted to do with her. She was looking up at him with her big doe eyes, desperately waiting for him to say something. 

Even if it was this damned locket that had brought them to this point, he now knew that their desires were genuine. With Ron out of the way, there was nothing stopping them from doing this. 

“Beg me,” Harry said, holding his breath in anticipation. “Beg me to fuck you.”

Hermione’s eyes lit up in desperate need as she stared up at him. “Please, master,” she moaned before biting her lower lip. “There’s nothing more that I want in this world than your cock inside my pussy.” She finally let go of his leg and fell back onto her arse. She spread her legs wide apart, using her fingers to spread apart her lower lips in order to show off her glistening pink pussy. “Can’t you see how wet I am for you?”

She was practically dripping. Merlin, Harry imagined he could just give one smooth thrust into her and be satisfied knowing that he’d just fucked the most perfect pussy in the world.

Hermione flipped back over onto her hands and knees and crawled over to him. She nuzzled her face against his crotch. “I can feel how hard you are, master. Let me take care of it for you.”

“Get up on the bed,” Harry told her. She was going to take care of him alright. 

Hermione scrambled to obey his command. She jumped up onto her bed and immediately laid flat on her back on it. Her fingers instinctively went right back to her pussy as she started to pleasure herself again.

“Stop that,” Harry told her.

“But I’m so horny,” Hermione whined. Still, she followed his orders and instead hooked her arms underneath her knees to help keep her legs up in the air. 

“I’ll take care of that,” Harry replied as he pulled out his wand. He vanished his clothes off of him, leaving him wearing nothing more than Slytherin’s locket. As he set his wand down on the bedside table, he lifted the locket from around his neck too. As he deposited it down, he looked to see if there was any change in Hermione, but she seemed just as eager for him as before.

Harry’s cock bobbed in the air as he walked back to Hermione, who was watching it excitedly. He grabbed her legs and yanked her arse right to the edge of the bed, then, for good measure, he gave her a hard spank.

Hermione moaned at just his touch and looked up at him with the most lust-filled eyes he’d ever seen on someone.

“I’m going to fuck you now,” he told her shakily, feeling his excitement starting to boil over inside of him. “And after I’ve fucked you to my heart’s content, I want you to suck my cock clean. Can you do that for me?”

“Yes, I—” Hermione screamed as Harry suddenly pushed his cock inside of her pussy. He slid into her tight hole just as easily as he imagined thanks to how wet she was.

Harry groaned as he felt just how hot Hermione’s pussy was around his cock. Her walls were pulsing around him as he sank all the way inside of her, pleasuring him and making him feel better than he had in months. Sex with Ginny had been great, but this seemed otherworldly. 

Hermione’s eyes were shut tightly as she squirmed on the bed. She looked like she was being tormented by the pleasure she was feeling, but the look of pure happiness in her smile reassured Harry that she was feeling more than alright. As he rocked his hips against hers, he roughly groped one of her breasts.

“You’re beautiful,” he gushed. “And you’re mine.”

“Yes,” Hermione replied breathily. Her walls clenched around his cock.

“No one else will ever be able to satisfy you, right?”

“Absolutely no one,” Hermione replied with such conviction that Harry knew it had to be the truth.

“Look at me,” Harry ordered her.

Hermione’s lust-filled eyes opened and met his gaze.

“I want you to watch me as I turn you into a screaming mess,” Harry said as he slowly pulled his hips back. His cock teased its way out of her pussy until just the tip remained. Hermione’s eyes were glimmering with anticipation. “Do you want that too?”

“Yes,” Hermione moaned, wiggling her hips forward to try to sink down onto more of Harry’s cock. “There’s nothing more in the world that I want than that.”

“Good answer,” Harry chuckled as he slammed forward.

“Harry!” Hermione screamed at the top of her lungs as he rammed his cock as deep inside of her pussy as it could go. 

Harry groaned over just how good Hermione’s body felt. He couldn’t hold back anymore and just started fucking her as fast as he could. Her pussy squelched as his cock plunged into it over and over again. Her juices were dripping out of her and running down the curve of her arse until they soaked into her bedsheets, but neither of them cared enough to do anything about it.

All of this aggressive pleasure was making Harry feel like he was drunk. He plowed into Hermione’s pussy, making her moan and scream and thrash about on the bed as she finally got the relief she so desperately needed. Instead of the frustrated expression she had on her face earlier when she was trying to masturbate, her face now only showed the most sincere ecstasy. Seeing Hermione like this, how he made he feel so satisfied, rejuvenated Harry and made him want to keep fucking her forever so that they could both feel this good.

“Fuck me, master!” Hermione cried out, looking down at where their bodies were connected. “This is everything I’ve ever wanted. I’ll always be yours!”

Harry groaned as Hermione’s words made fucking her feel even better somehow. She was so tight around him, and it felt like her walls were massaging his cock each time he thrust into her. It felt so good that—

“Fuck!” Harry shouted as he exploded inside of Hermione’s pussy. It felt like his balls were being drained as he fired thick ropes of cum inside of her pussy. He kept thrusting against her, making tiny movements that helped propel his cum as deep as it could go inside of her.

When he finally finished, Harry felt like a weight on his shoulders that he hadn’t even realised had been there was suddenly lifted off of him. All of the stress and tension in his body melted away, and he felt better than he had in months.

And it was this terribly addicting sensation that made him want more.

He pulled out of Hermione, much to her disappointment, but quickly resolved the issue when he picked her up off of the bed and flipped her over.

Hermione yelped in surprise when he pinned her front down onto the bed, but she still pushed her arse up to him so that he could stick his cock right back inside of her. Her pussy was a mess with his cum and her juices leaking out of it freely, but that wasn’t the hole Harry was planning on using anymore.

With his wand in hand, Harry cast the cleaning charm Seamus had shared with everyone back in their room at Hogwarts last year. Apparently, it did everything you needed to to get a witch ready for your cock in her arse. Ever since he’d heard about this spell and seen the animated photograph that went along with it, showing off a real example of the spell in action, Harry had dreamed of using it on someone. He never had a chance to bring up with Ginny, but Hermione was here now, and she had said that she’d do anything that he wanted.

Hermione shivered as the charm’s cold sensation washed over her. “What was that?” She asked, her voice a little horse from screaming so much.

“It’s a cleaning charm,” Harry explained as he tossed his wand aside, not caring where it landed when he had this perfectly-fuckable witch in front of him. “It made your arse ready for me.”

Hermione’s mouth opened slightly, and he could see her mind quickly imagining what this was about to be like. 

Well, he wasn’t going to leave her waiting.

Harry pressed the tip of his cock against her arsehole. It winked at him as he started to press forward, using the juices on his cock as the only lubricant. Even before he could get past the tight ring of muscle that blocked his entrance, Harry could feel the intense heat coming out of her arse. It made him desperate to get inside of her to feel just what that was like.

With a roar, Harry pushed his hips forward and felt his cock pop inside of Hermione’s arsehole. He rammed forward hard, stretching out her walls, as he used his full body weight to keep her pinned down on the bed. Hermione cried out and thrashed around at the new sensation, but her signs of discomfort turned to pleasure like the flick of a switch as soon as he was fully buried inside of her.

“Merlin, you’re big,” Hermione moaned. “But you feel so good.”

Harry groaned in agreement. Hermione’s arse felt so tight around his cock; it was like it was trying to crush him from every direction. He smacked her arsecheek hard, knowing fully well that it’d leave a handprint he could admire later. 

“Are you ready for me to fuck your arse now?” Harry asked her.

“You don’t need to ask my opinion, master,” Hermione smiled as she glanced over her shoulder at him. “Yours is the only one that matters here.”

“You really are a slut,” Harry replied, smiling as well.

“Your slut, master,” Hermione gently corrected.

“Well then, I’d better use you for what you were made for.”

Harry got onto his knees and grabbed Hermione’s arsecheeks in his hands as he looked down at where his cock disappeared inside of her body. He smacked her arse again, eliciting a squeal of delight from Hermione, and started fucking her.

Harry was merciless in his pace. The sound of his hips smacking off of her arse filled the room as he pounded into her again and again. Her arsehole was tighter than her pussy and felt just about as good to fuck.

Hermione turned into a drooling mess as he fucked her. She had her face planted firmly in the blankets and was gripping onto the edge of the bed for dear life as Harry had his way with her body. She was bouncing back and forth from each thrust, nearly spilling over the edge of the bed each time.

This reality was so far from anything Harry ever dreamed would happen to him, but it was better than he could have ever expected. The darkness that the locket continually emanated was finally being channelled into something positive rather than bickering between friends. Fucking Hermione’s arse was pleasurable beyond belief, and now that they’d finally cemented their roles as master and slut, he was going to make sure that the good times kept on going.

The pleasure of fucking Hermione’s arsehole seemed to grow exponentially. He made sure to always pull back just to the point that only the tip of his cock was inside of her before ramming himself back inside. Hermione’s constant moaning was driving him onward too; he wanted to fuck her until she couldn’t walk around on steady legs.

“I’m close,” Hermione managed to mumble out in between moans. 

“Speak up,” Harry commanded her with another spank. Her arsecheek was really starting to get red now.

“I’m close, master!” Hermione cried out as her arsehole clenched hard around Harry’s cock. “Fuck, I’m—”

“I know,” Harry groaned. He grabbed her hips and fucked her with everything he had. He pounded her arsehole ruthlessly, feeling his own orgasm start to bubble up inside of him too. The thought of looking at both of her holes dripping with his cum gave him that extra burst of speed to really give it to her.

“I’m cumming!” Hermione screeched as her body thrashed on the bed. Her words became incoherent as she cried out of pure delight over the intense pleasure she was experiencing. 

As Hermione’s arsehole spasmed around his cock, Harry managed only four more thrusts before he was cumming inside of her. He rammed himself forward and pinned Hermione back down onto the bed as he spewed his seed inside of her arsehole. 

“Mine,” Harry grunted in the midst of his orgasm as he reached underneath Hermione and grabbed one of her breasts in his hand.

“Yes!” She cried out in response. “I’m yours!”

They stayed together like that until they had both come down off of their highs. Hermione, having been exhausted from the constant torment of not being satisfied without Harry, fell asleep minutes after they finished.

When Harry pulled his cock out of her arse, he made sure to get a good look at his seed dripping out of both of her holes. It was a sight he was always going to remember, and one that he was going to strive towards the next time he fucked her.

But, before then, he needed to rest too. 

Harry carefully moved Hermione beneath the covers and climbed into bed beside her. He wrapped his arm around her waist and held her close to him before he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Harry woke up to the sensation of Hermione’s lips wrapped around his cock. He moaned in approval and reached beneath the blankets to pet her head. 

Maybe he could hang on to the locket for a little while longer. After all, it wasn’t like it needed to be destroyed today.


Ali G

😍 …maaaaaybe get this a chapter 2


really good, I can see it expanded a little more, a few more chapters. Maybe with Salazar help Harry can exorcise the horocrux and keep the locket, who know what others powers or knowledge can have.