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AN: Here is Part 8 of the Watching His Girlfriend series! This chapter was commissioned by wnelson001! I hope you all enjoy it!


Harry wiped the sweat off of his brow as he set his Firebolt back down onto the table in front of him. He was tired from an exhausting Quidditch practice, but he knew that he had to keep his broom in tip-top shape for any last-minute pickup games this year. He’d trimmed off some loose twigs, re-tightened the compass he had mounted on his broomstick, and cleaned and polished the handle so that it was ready for next time.

Even several years on, his broom was in prime condition, just the way he expected it to be. He couldn’t always be bothered to do his best at absolutely everything, but Quidditch deserved no less. He was quite grateful that Hermione understood that and didn’t get too upset whenever he begged off of something they’d planned so that he could play Quidditch.

As he picked up his broom and headed off of the pitch and back up to the castle, Harry realised that he should probably pick her something up on the way back to the common room. 

She’d brought up the idea about studying the history of interdepartmental relations within the British Ministry of Magic tonight—something that she assured him would be beneficial knowledge for both of them if he ended up taking a job in the Ministry. Truthfully, Harry thought it was one of those moments where she was going far past the requisite knowledge she needed—not that he would ever say that to her face. 

So, when Seamus had come round asking if he wanted to play a pickup Quidditch game with some of the other Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs, Harry had jumped on the opportunity. Hermione hadn’t seemed too disappointed when he told her that, and she said that she’d be in the library if he changed his mind.

On the way back to Hogwarts, Harry collected several flowers, mostly white mountain avens and Scottish bluebells, and bound them together in a rough bouquet with a conjured ribbon. He carried them up through the castle to the library.

As it usually was closer to exam season, the library was packed full of students from all four houses. Harry hid the flowers inside of his robes as he slipped past Madam Pince’s ever-watchful gaze, and then he set about searching for Hermione. He started at all of her familiar haunts but couldn’t find her there. Then, he went to some of her less familiar spots. Again, the result was the same.

“Where is she?” Harry muttered to himself as he scratched the back of his head. He did once more pass through the library, checking every table. Still, Hermione was nowhere to be found.

She said that she was going to be here, and Hermione never left the library early by choice. Frowning in confusion, Harry started back for the Gryffindor Common Room, hoping that maybe she popped back in for an early night’s rest.

The common room was abuzz with activity when Harry arrived. Someone had brought out a few cases of chilled butterbeer, and the study-exhausted students were happily bingeing on the sweet drink.

“Hey, mate!” Seamus grinned as Harry entered the room. “Catch!” 

Harry cursed and nearly dropped the flowers he had on instinct, but he managed to recover and hold tight on them as he slipped the handle of his Firebolt into the crook of his elbow and snatched the bottle of butterbeer out of the air with his newly freed hand. The bottle cap popped off, and a thick layer of foam began to spew out. Harry quickly sealed his lips around the mouth of the bottle and drank down the mouthful of foam and liquid that came out before he lowered the bottle.

“See!” Seamus exclaimed as he gestured jubilantly to the students around him. “Told you he’d nail it. Our seeker never misses.”

“He will if you accidentally hit him in the head when he’s not looking,” Harry grumbled in reply.

“Didn’t I just say that you’d never miss?” Seamus winked cheekily. “It’s like you’ve got a sixth sense for balls being thrown your way. Anything you want to tell us?”

There were a few laughs at that, but Harry just let out a sigh. “Just because you keep hoping I’ll be attracted to men so I can finally give in to your advances doesn’t mean it’ll happen.”

“Not with that attitude it won’t,” Seamus laughed along with Harry’s retort. “All we need is a few more of those in you and Hermione’s permission and we’d be all set.”

Harry rolled his eyes at Seamus’s antics. “Speaking of her, have any of you seen her tonight?” He asked the crowd.

Ginny was the one to speak up. She’d been at Quidditch practice with them, but she’d been one of the first ones back. “I saw her when I went up to shower when I got back.” There were a few wolf-whistles from some of the braver men around, but Ginny’s sickly-sweet grin back at them made them turn pale. Her Bat-Bogey Hex was intimately familiar to a couple of them, while the rest had undoubtedly seen it in action quite a few times now. “She’s up in her room with Lavender, Parvati, and Padma.”

“Padma’s here?” Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

Ginny nodded. “She visits her sister sometimes.”

“Well, could you tell Hermione I’m here?” Harry asked nicely.

Ginny snorted loudly. “Not bloody likely. The last time I interrupted one of their ‘girl’s nights’, Lavender harassed me for two weeks about joining them next time. She only stopped once I threatened to hex her so badly that even Madam Pomfrey’s best healing spells wouldn’t bring her fingernails back.”

Harry shivered at the thought. Well, if Ginny wasn’t going to help him, he supposed that he was just going to have to go get Hermione himself.

After a quick goodbye, Harry hurried up to his dorm. Without changing out of his sweaty robes, he dropped off his firebolt and pulled out his invisibility cloak from his trunk and threw it over himself. Then, it was a short trip back down to the staircase that led up to the girl’s dormitory.

Harry cringed as he took the first step up. No matter how many times he climbed this staircase under the protection of the invisibility cloak, he never forgot the sights of countless boys stepping onto the stairs only to have them all suddenly shift into a slide and send the boys tumbling back down to the floor.

Harry climbed swiftly, unwilling to risk a potential accident, and reached the floor where Hermione’s dorm lay. Even in the corridor, he could hear bubbles of laughter coming from her room. He knew he couldn’t simply walk in by himself—the other women would wonder how the door opened by itself—so he settled on knocking, hoping that Hermione, being the prudent woman she was, would answer the door.

Luckily, his intuition was right.

Hermione opened the door with a small smile on her lips, which quickly turned into a confused frown when she didn’t see anyone there. She twisted her head, peering right through Harry.

“Hermione,” Harry whispered quietly.

To her credit, Hermione didn’t jump in surprise. Instead, a bright smile came across her lips. “One second,” she called back to the girls in the dorm before she stepped out into the corridor and closed the door behind her. Harry pulled enough of the cloak so that Hermione could see his face.

Harry pulled out the flowers from inside of his cloak and handed them to her. “I’m sorry I missed out on the study session.”

Hermione blushed and happily accepted the flowers. “Thanks, but that study session was a lie. I knew you wouldn’t want to come to something as boring as interdepartmental relations at the Ministry.

Hermione burst out into giggles as Harry’s mouth gaped like a fish out of water. “You lied to me?”

“Sorry,” Hermione continued to giggle. “But it was so I could set up a surprise for you.”

Was this the surprise she’d been going on about for over a week now? After that meeting with Kingsley at the Ministry, she’d been promising him something extra special.

“What is it?” Harry asked eagerly, quickly forgetting about Hermione’s white lie.

Hermione grinned at him. “Take off your cloak.”

After a quick glance to make sure no one else was around, Harry took it off and folded it up neatly. Hermione promptly grabbed him by the front of his robes and yanked him back towards her dorm.

As she opened the door to her room, she happily announced to everyone: “the wizard of the hour is here!”

Hermione slammed the door closed behind Harry and he took a second to glance across the room, only to freeze as soon as his eyes landed on Lavender’s massive, bare breasts.

“Hermione!” Harry shouted as he instinctively turned away. “You should’ve checked if they were decent first.”

The women in the room laughed at Harry’s reaction. Parvati giggled the loudest. “No one’s gonna be decent tonight!” She cheered.

What the hell was going on? Lavender, Parvati, and Padma were all completely naked and weren’t bothering to cover themselves up even knowing that he was right there in front of them. It was like a feast right before his eyes.

Lavender grinned up at Harry as he ogled her body. She had the biggest breasts out of all of the girls there, and they barely had any sag to them. Her big, pink nipples were pointed right at him and were practically begging to be sucked on. Her waist was surprisingly slim given how wide her hips flared out. Even though he couldn’t see her arse, he knew from countless “accidental” flashes as she walked up to the girl’s dorm that she had a fat arse that could suffocate a man.

Contrasting sharply with Lavender, both Parvati and Padma had more coy smiles on their lips. Being twins, their bodies were literally identical. They were both lithe and beautiful with small, perky tits and tiny brown nipples. However, unlike Lavender who appeared to be completely hairless below the neck, he spotted a bit of hair above their hidden pussies. Their smiles turned into smirks when they saw where he was looking, and Parvati boldly widened her legs so that he could see that she had shaved her pubes into a lightning bolt design.

Harry forced himself to drag his gaze away from the other women and back onto his girlfriend. “What’s going on?” He asked her.

Hermione laughed. “Isn’t it obvious? This is your surprise!”

Before he had a chance to react, the three women jumped up off of their beds and rushed over to Harry’s side. Hermione just stood back with a big grin on her face as they surrounded him on all sides, feeling no shame in pressing their breasts against his torso.

“Hermione’s been planning this for so long,” Padma giggled as she took Harry’s left hand into her own.

“You must’ve been quite the good boy to convince her to let us do this to you,” Parvati added, taking Harry’s other hand.

Lavender came up from behind Harry, wrapped her arms around his midsection, and rested her head atop his shoulder. “She told us that you’re the best shag she’s ever had. It was so mean of her to keep you from us for so long, but at least now we’re going to get a piece of you.”

They were going to fuck him?! Harry looked over at Hermione’s amused face and she just nodded back at him.

He truly had the greatest girlfriend in the world.

One of the beds had been magically expanded so that it took up most of the free space in the room. It had an awkward, imperfect shape as it filled the space in between the other two beds, but it looked big and comfortable.  Parvati and Padma pulled Harry right over to it and spun him around once Lavender let him go before shoving back down onto it.

Harry could only watch as the three women pounced on top of him. Parvati and Padma landed beside his hips and laid down on top of his arms, keeping them pinned against the bed. Their grinning lips started planting kisses on either side of his face as Lavender settled in between his thighs.

“We’re gonna have so much fun with you,” Lavender said as she licked her lips. Her hands were fumbling with his belt as she rushed to take it off.

“Maybe it’d be easier to do this if he didn’t have any clothes on,” Padma suggested as she nibbled on Harry’s earlobe.

“That’s a brilliant idea, sister,” Parvati agreed. “Hermione?”

Harry felt a cool breeze as his clothes vanished from his body. He lifted his head slightly, peering in between the black curtains of Parvati and Padma’s hair, to see that Hermione was sitting on her bed right beside them watching everything unfold with a giddy expression on her face. Unlike the other women, she’d been in her normal uniform when he arrived, but she’d since taken off her tie and shed her outer robes, leaving her in only a white button-up and her black skirt and tights.

“That’s much better!” Lavender exclaimed giddily as she grabbed Harry’s half-hard cock in her hand. “Ooh, it’s really nice and thick just like you said ‘Mione.”

“Just wait till it’s in you,” Hermione replied dreamily. “No one else is as good as him at giving you the perfect fuck that you didn’t even know you needed.”

Hearing Hermione brag about him to her friends thrilled Harry. Even though he was deeply in love with Hermione, they hadn’t always been together. Over his years at Hogwarts, he’d had countless fantasies about fucking Lavender, Parvati, and Padma. Of course, those usually tended to be one-on-one encounters, but the dream of having them all on their knees in front of him had been one of his favourites to wank to. 

And now it was going to happen for real. At least, it would once he took control of the situation. But for now, he was happy to let these women get their excitement out and take the lead with whatever they’d planned for him.

Lavender’s mouth-watering expression made Harry brace for when she’d finally put her mouth on him. However, he didn’t anticipate what was coming next. You see, he’d become very familiar with Hermione’s process of sucking his cock. She always liked to start slow by teasing the tip before she took more of him into her mouth. It was a toe-curling, pleasure-filled experience that left him desperate for more of her touch.

Lavender didn’t have any such patience.

Harry watched in awe as Lavender practically unhinged her jaw to open her mouth as wide as possible. Her pretty brown eyes stared up at him as her warm mouth engulfed his cock. She snaked her tongue along the underside of his cock as she slowly sank down on him inch by inch. When his cock hit her throat, she didn’t so much as hesitate or slow down; she just kept taking him deeper inside of her until her lips reached the base of his shaft.

“Merlin; how the hell did you get that whole thing down in one go?” Padma asked in awe, pausing from kissing Harry’s cheek.

“Because she’s the best at sucking cock,” Parvati answered for Lavender due to her obvious inability to answer with a thick cock down her throat. “There’s no one better.”

Hermione cleared her throat from the sidelines.

“Yeah, yeah, we know that you’re the best for Harry,” Parvati waved her off. “But you can’t deny how insanely good Lavender is at deepthroating.”

No one could, least of all Harry. The feeling of Lavender’s tongue dancing around his shaft while her throat vibrated around the head of his cock was simply breathtaking. Even Hermione took a couple minutes to get to this point. 

Lavender’s eyes sparkled with amusement up at Harry’s impressed gaze. Even with this incredible feat, she wasn’t done though. She cupped his balls in her hand and gently started playing with them, heightening the pleasurable sensations he was feeling, and began to bob her head up and down. She kept most of his cock in her mouth and throat at all times, but that didn’t stop her from stroking his shaft with her tight lips.

“Are we boring you, Harry?” Parvati asked him playfully.

It was only then that Harry realised Parvati and Padma hadn’t gone back to touching him. He’d been so enraptured by Lavender that he hadn’t noticed. “Sorry,” he quickly replied.

“Don’t be,” Padma told him reassuringly. “We’re here for you, and I think I’d get just as distracted by Lavender if she could do that to me.”

“Just don’t forget about us entirely,” Parvati added before planting a kiss on his lips. She grabbed his hand. “Maybe these will help to keep your attention on us.”

The soft flesh of Parvati’s breast felt nice in the palm of his hand. Unlike Lavender’s massive breasts and Hermione’s decently-sized ones, Parvati and Padma were both on the smaller side, but they still made up a nice handful and were perfectly perky. Padma mirrored her sister’s actions, and soon Harry was happily groping both of them as they took turns making out with him.

As soon as Lavender realised that the Indian twins were taking up Harry’s attention, she redoubled her efforts on him. It almost turned into a competition where Lavender was determined to suck the life out of him to get his lustful gaze back onto her and Parvati and Padma tried to use their lips and breasts to keep Harry’s attention.

Having these three witches all fighting over his attention almost felt as good as Lavender’s mouth around his cock and the twins’s lips against his. It was now that Harry truly understood some of the thrills Hermione felt when men fought over her. 

“You know, Harry, you haven’t even seen Lavender’s greatest skill yet,” Hermione told him cryptically. 

He broke away from Parvati and Padma’s lips for a moment to see Hermione grinning at him. Lavender’s eyes were gleaming with mirth too, and the twins quickly backed off.

“Oh, I have to see this in action!” Padma squealed excitedly.

Parvati nodded emphatically. “I’ll guess we’ll see if she was all talk or not after all.”

“What are you lot on about?” Harry asked.

Lavender slurped noisily as she sucked off the excess saliva from Harry’s cock. She made her way back up to the tip and gave it a nice, lingering kiss before she sat up straight and looked at him. “I basically don’t have a gag reflex,” she explained. “So, I’ve let guys fuck my face before.”

Harry blinked in surprise. “Hermione can do that too,” he pointed out.

“Allegedly,” Hermione emphasised, “Lavender can take anything. You can be as rough as you want and she won’t even need a break.”

“Nope,” Lavender confirmed with a sultry smile. “Wanna try it out?”

Harry was on his feet before she finished her question.

“Someone’s eager,” Parvati laughed loudly as she flopped back on the bed. 

“You would be too if you had a cock,” Harry replied without taking his eyes off of Lavender. She scooted right up in front of him until his cock was pressed up against her face and she was able to grab onto his thighs.

“Feel free to go wild, Harry,” Lavender told him.

Harry looked over to Hermione. “I love you so much.”

Hermione giggled as she kicked her legs up. “I knew you’d enjoy this. After everything we’ve done together, it’s nice to be on the other side of this for once. It’s a lot hotter than I expected.”

Lavender was licking the underside of Harry’s shaft eagerly, giving him a tease of what was to come. Harry put his hands on the back of Lavender’s head and pulled her away from him as he angled his cock down towards her mouth. The second he pressed the tip against her pouty lips, he thrust forward.

True to her word, Lavender didn’t gag as Harry rammed his cock down her throat. She took it like a champion without a single complaint or sign of distress. Harry groaned loudly as his cock was engulfed by her hot, wet mouth and throat. He could feel her throat pulsing wildly around him, and it was absolutely delightful.

“Merlin, she’s such a slut,” Padma laughed as she got off the bed and knelt down beside Lavender to watch close up.

“Hey, she’s our slut,” Parvati countered as she took up her position on the other side of Lavender. She squeezed Lavender’s breasts in her hands. “If you talk bad about her, she won’t eat you out anymore.”

“I’m sure that Padma was just complimenting her,” Hermione interjected, and Padma nodded her head in agreement.

“Well, for tonight, she’s my slut,” Harry said. Lavender’s pretty brown eyes looked up at him happily as she gargled around his cock. As nice as being down her throat was, the offer was to fuck Lavender’s face, and Harry was going to do exactly that.

Using her mouth like a toy, Harry jerked Lavender’s head back and forth on his cock. He bounced her head quickly, eking out every bit of pleasure he could from feeling her slide up and down his shaft.  It was perfect, but it got even better when he heard her gag.

The slight splutter that came from Lavender’s lips made the other girls widen their eyes. “Did she just gag?” Parvati asked.

“I think so,” Padma answered.

Lavender shot them both dark looks and gave the slightest shake of her head.

“Seems like she disagrees,” Harry chuckled. 

“She’s not the judge of this,” Parvati waved him off. “Go on, really give it to her and we’ll see if your cock is finally the one that can make her gag.”

Harry grinned at Parvati’s attempt to egg him on. Even Lavender had a slight glimmer of concern in her eyes now, but she wasn’t going to back down from this challenge. She just steadied herself on her knees and waited for him to start again.

“Hold her in place for me,” Harry directed Parvati and Padma. The two women braced themselves against Lavender’s shoulders, keeping her locked in place right in front of Harry.

Instead of moving her head along his cock this time, Harry held Lavender’s head in place and started thrusting into her throat. She hollowed out her cheeks and sucked hard on his cock as he fucked her mouth hard and fast. The fact that he was actually facefucking a woman he’d fantasised about for years now was incredible, and it spurred Harry to go faster and faster.

The sound of Harry’s balls smacking off of Lavender’s chin rang out through the room. Both Parvati and Padma had massive grins on their faces as they watched their friend be brutally facefucked, and Hermione was starting to finally undress. Harry didn’t miss the damp spot on the front of her panties as she slid them down her legs, leaving her just as naked as everyone else.

Although she’d managed to hold off from gagging for the first minute of Harry facefucking her, Lavender lost the game on one particularly vicious thrust. Harry rammed forward hard and mushed Lavender’s nose against his crotch as he stirred his cock around inside of her throat. Lavender let out a choking sound, making both Parvati and Padma perk up with excitement. Then, when he started to pull his hips back, he suddenly changed course and rammed his cock down her throat again. That set off Lavender’s gag reflex.

As Lavender gagged lewdly around Harry’s cock, the other three women let out a cheer. “Finally!” Padma shouted.

“The Queen has been dethroned,” Parvati giggled. She kissed Lavender’s cheek even as Harry was still fucking her mouth. “Better luck next time.”

Lavender couldn’t have even glared back if she wanted to. She had a dazed look on her face as Harry kept pounding away into her throat.

“Fuck,” Harry groaned. He was getting so close, and watching Lavender getting teased by everyone else was making him race to the finish line.

“Oh, he’s close,” Hermione exclaimed excitedly. She sat up in bed and leaned forward to watch.

“Go on, Harry!” Parvati exclaimed. “Dump your load down this slut’s throat!”

“Yeah! Do it!” Padma laughed. 

With a deep roar, Harry felt his cock pulse and then explode as he shot his seed straight into Lavender’s belly. She gagged around his cock as he spewed his cum inside of her throat, but that only made it feel like her throat was helping to stroke his shaft. Harry forced himself as deep as he could down her throat and held her head in place until every last drop of cum left him.

As his orgasm wore off, Harry pulled back and let Lavender go. Parvati and Padma helped to keep her steady as she coughed and gasped for breath.

“Bloody hell,” Lavender coughed. “You’ve got one incredible cock.”

“Isn’t it the best?” Hermione sighed dreamily.

The twins both looked at each other. “I get him next!” They declared in unison.

Hermione got to her feet and walked over to them. “He can handle both of you at the same time,” she assured them. “Just get on your backs in bed while I take care of Lavender.”

The two Indian girls fought to be the first ones on the bed. They both threw themselves on top of it, laying down on their backs and scooting their crotches right to the edge of the bed. Padma hooked her arm underneath her knees and lifted her legs high into the air, keeping her legs together and showing off her dripping wet slit. Parvati spread her legs wide open instead and chose to also spread open her pussy with her fingers, showing the pink flesh she had hidden away.

Hermione kissed Harry before she helped Lavender up to her feet. Lavender was still gasping for air, but she was looking at Harry almost with a newfound respect. “Go on,” Hermione told him. “Have fun breaking those two.”

Harry turned back to see Parvati and Padma glaring at each other. 

“I’m first,” Parvati insisted.

“No, I am!” Padma retorted heatedly. 

“He doesn’t want your used-up cunt,” Parvati snapped.

Padma snorted. “He’ll like my experience. Besides, I’m sure that you’re so loose by now that even his cock wouldn’t be able to get much from your pussy.”

“I’m sure you’re both wonderful,” Harry said placatingly as he stepped in between them.

“I’m better!” They both shouted at the same time.

“A little help here, Hermione?” Harry called out with an awkward smile.

Without so much as looking up, Hermione settled the dispute quickly. “Parvati was the last one to have sex, so start with Padma.”

“That’s not fair!” Parvati protested.

“Deal with it,” Padma said as she blew a raspberry at her sister. “I get Harry first!”

Parvati grumbled and crossed her arms beneath her breasts as Harry stepped over to her sister.

“Are you ready?” Harry asked Padma as he placed the tip of his still-hard cock against her wet lower lips.

“For you, always,” Padma grinned.

Harry pushed forward, and Padma let out an over-the-top moan, likely to tease her sister some more, as he sank inside of her. Harry groaned, struggling to deal with the unbelievable tightness of Padma’s pussy. He didn’t know if she was always this tight or if it was because she had her legs together, but it was incredible nonetheless.

“Oh, fuck, Harry!” Padma moaned. “You’re so big.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Parvati grumbled.

“Don’t be a spoilsport, or Harry won’t fuck you,” Hermione admonished her.

Harry glanced over to Hermione to see that she and Lavender were laying back on the bed beside each other. They had pillows behind their backs to prop them up so that they could watch the fun, and both of them had their legs spread and their hands around their pussies. Hermione winked at Harry as she sank one finger inside of herself.

“Eyes over here, Harry,” Padma giggled. “You can ogle your girlfriend anytime, but for right now, you’re mine.”

“And mine!” Parvati added.

“I’ll be with you soon enough,” Harry chuckled.

Padma pouted up at him, looking very cute as her breasts jiggled as he settled deep inside of her pussy. “Hopefully not too soon.”

“Don’t worry,” Hermione giggled. “He’ll turn you into a drooling mess before he finishes.”

“Good,” Padma grinned. “I’ve been looking forward to this.”

Feeling Padma’s snug pussy squeezing his cock so perfectly made Harry not want to move from inside of her, but he knew that pounding into her had to feel just as good. The excitement of sinking into something so hot and tight felt even better than staying inside of it for too long.

Harry grabbed hold of Padma’s hips to keep her steady as he started to thrust in and out of her. His cock felt so sensitive as it slid back and forth inside of her pussy because of how tight she was. It was like he could feel every bumpy ridge inside of her as he passed by.

It took a minute for Harry to work up a steady pace. Once he got used to the sensation of his cock sliding along Padma’s inner walls, he was able to pick up speed. His thrusts grew harder and faster, and Padma seemed to be loving every second of it.

Parvati was glaring jealously at her twin sister as Padma moaned loudly whenever Harry thrust himself inside of her. Unlike the exaggerated moans at the start, these ones were real. She was a bit quieter than before, but everyone could hear the sincere pleasure escaping her lips. Padma’s eyes fluttered closed as her jaw hung open. “Yes,” Padma moaned. “Merlin, this feels good.”

Harry groaned in agreement. With Padma holding up her legs, he had a perfect angle right into her pussy. He could thrust nearly his entire length inside of her, and her lips clung tightly to him every time he pulled back. It was truly wonderful, but he found himself almost wishing that it was Hermione beneath him. Unlike Padma, she could take his entire length into her pussy without an issue, and even though Padma was a bit tighter in this position, her pussy didn’t hug his cock in the same way that made him want to cum the moment he stuck himself inside of her. Still, having this different pussy to fuck was exciting enough on its own that he was able to ignore these differences.

“Oh fuck!” Padma squealed as Harry rammed into her hard. “I’m so close!”

“Finally,” Parvati sighed. “That means it’s almost my turn.”

Padma’s breathless moans grew louder each time Harry thrust into her. Her pussy was squeezing him in an unpredictable pattern as she spiralled closer to the edge.

“Harry!” Padma screamed as she orgasmed around his cock. Her body spasmed, and she pulled her knees right up to her breasts as her pussy squeezed Harry’s cock so tightly. Harry grimaced and curled his toes as he tried to not cum too.

All of the tightness in Padma’s body suddenly released itself as she sagged onto the bed. She let go of her legs and let them flop down on either side of Harry’s hips. 

“You’re in for a treat,” she told her sister breathlessly.

Parvati instantly grabbed one of Harry’s hands with a greedy look in her eyes and yanked him over to her. “Get inside me,” she practically begged as she spread her legs open even wider, spreading apart her labia.

As Harry readied himself, a moan from the sidelines distracted him. He glanced over to see that Lavender was on her knees again, only this time she was in front of Hermione. Hermione was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding Lavender’s head in place between her thighs. Her head was lolling around in circles as moans escaped her lips, and he could faintly hear some wet sounds as Lavender pleasured Hermione.

“Harry,” Parvati whinged, drawing his attention back to her.

“So impatient,” Harry tsk-tsked her playfully. He pressed the head of his cock against her entrance and held it there. Parvati squirmed forward on the bed, trying to get him to slip inside of her, but Harry maintained his distance. “You must be desperate.”

“She is,” Padma said. She looked thoroughly exhausted as she rolled onto her side to watch Harry and Parvati. “It’s like she can’t go a week without having a cock inside her, and yours is more than good enough to make her even more needy than she usually is.”

“Please,” Parvati whined. “Just fuck me already. I need your cock!”

Although he loved hearing Parvati beg for him to fuck her, he was feeling too horny to delay anymore. He slammed forward hard inside of her, burying himself almost completely inside of her tight depths.

“You feel just like your sister,” Harry chuckled as he felt Parvati’s tight pussy clench around his cock.

Parvati was too busy moaning in satisfaction to reply. As soon as his cock was inside of her, it was like everything became right in the world. She wrapped her legs around his waist and cupped her breasts in her hands. “Merlin, I feel so full,” she declared happily. “Hermione should have shared you with us long ago.”

“She really should have,” Padma nodded in agreement. 

Even Lavender let out her own sound of approval, but it was muffled against Hermione’s pussy.

“Hey, knowing how sex-crazed all of you are, if I let you all have a taste of him, I’d never get a chance to fuck my boyfriend again,” Hermione argued.

None of the women bothered to deny it.

Well, if that was the case, then Harry was going to have to make sure that he left Parvati satisfied enough that he could have some time with Hermione.

Given how desperate she was to have him inside of her, Harry decided that Parvati didn’t need any warm-up time. He started fucking her at full speed as Padma watched on with an amused smile. Parvati was moaning like crazy and holding her jiggling breasts in her hands.

“Fuck yes! Give it to me, Harry!” Parvati screamed. “Show my pussy who’s boss!”

Harry chuckled at Parvati’s enthusiasm. He was pounding her pussy hard, and she was even helping by digging her heels into his arse to pull him into her whenever he started to thrust forward. Her tight walls were so covered in her juices that he was able to easily slide back and forth inside of her without any trouble.

“She’s gonna be so sore tomorrow,” Hermione chuckled to herself as she ran her fingers through Lavender’s hair. She was looking at Harry lustfully as he fucked Parvati. He could see the delight in her eyes as he made Parvati moan, and the desire to be the one moaning beneath him instead.

“As much as she complains, we all know that she loves the soreness,” Padma giggled along with her.

Harry groaned as he rammed his cock hard into Parvati’s pussy. Her moans were quickly turning into screams of pleasure as he had his way with her. His hips were guiding the rest of his body through the motions.

“You feel so good,” Harry moaned.

Parvati’s reply was just another scream as his cock plunged inside of her.

“Don’t be nice to her,” Padma told Harry. She was teasing her clit with her fingers as she watched. “She likes being degraded like the whore she is.”

“Is that so?” Harry chuckled. Parvati met his gaze for a moment, and he saw the lust inside of her as she waited to see what he was going to do. “I always figured Lavender would be the real slut out of all of you.”

“She is,” Hermione replied before she moaned as Lavender licked her clit. “But Parvati’s a close second.”

“So, she can’t even be the best slut,” Harry laughed and slammed into Parvati’s pussy hard. “How pathetic.”

Parvati whimpered. Her pussy was practically gushing liquid at this point, and she was turning into a quivering mess as he kept pounding her tight pussy.

The next time Parvati looked up at him, Harry spat on her face. The thick glob of saliva hit her right in between her eyes and dripped down the curve of her nose onto her cheek. Parvati’s mouth opened wide in shock, but her pussy clenched down hard on him, revealing her true feelings on the matter.

“Yeah, that’s it,” Padma moaned. “She’s loving it.”

Harry’s cock ached. He wanted to cum so badly, but he didn’t want this fun to end. He wanted to finish off Parvati first. So, the next time he bottomed out inside of her, he reached down and grabbed one of her nipples roughly. Parvati squealed as he tugged on it sharply. Harry let her go, thinking he’d taken it too far, but the grin on her lips corrected him.

“More,” Parvati moaned. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum on your cock soon.”

Harry grabbed both of her nipples and pulled hard on them. Parvati screeched again as she twisted around and squirmed on the bed. Her pussy tightened up so much around him, and then it started to spasm.

“Fuck!” Parvati screamed. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!”

Her back arched off of the bed as her orgasm hit her. She was screaming and crying at the same time as her pleasure overwhelmed her. Harry nearly came right then, but he held off just long enough to direct Padma first.

“Put your face beside your sister’s,” he groaned as he pulled out of Parvati.

Padma hurriedly moved right into position. She wrapped her arms around Parvati and held her squirming body close to her as she pressed her cheek right up against her sister’s. Harry jumped up onto the bed and started stroking his wet cock as fast as he could. He’d already been right on the brink of his orgasm, and watching these two naked twins get ready to receive his cum helped push him over the edge.

“Ugh!” Harry grunted as he came.

A thick strand of cum shot out of his cock and sprayed across Padma and Parvati’s face. Harry kept stroking himself as rope after rope of cum shot out of him, painting the twin sisters’s faces white. He heard Hermione cry out too at whatever Lavender was doing to her, but he was too focused on aiming right to bother to look over.

When the last bit of cum had left his cock and landed on the girls’s faces, Harry collapsed back onto the bed behind them. His chest was heaving as he fought to catch his breath, but he still managed to tilt his head up so that he could watch Padma and Parvati licking his cum off of each other’s faces.

Suddenly, he felt another weight land on the bed beside him, and then another. 

Hermione swung her legs over him and straddled his lap. “So, how’s your present been so far?” She asked with a grin on her lips.

“Bloody brilliant,” Harry panted, wiping the accumulated sweat from his brow.

“I’m glad,” Hermione replied as she leaned down and kissed him. “But we’re not done yet.”

“I don’t know how much more I’ve got to give right now,” Harry replied. He still hadn’t caught his breath yet, and his muscles were starting to get sore, but his cock had yet to flag at all.

“Don’t you worry about that,” Hermione assured him. “We’ll take care of everything. Just lie back down on Lavender.”

Harry sat up and looked behind him to see that Lavender was laying back against the pillows at the head of the bed. She was patting her breasts. “Just lay your head down here.”

Hermione got off of Harry so that he could crawl up the bed. He laid down on his back and rested his head in between Lavender’s two pillowy breasts. Hermione crawled back on top of him and grabbed his cock in her hand just as Parvati and Padma crawled over. They had finished licking all of his cum off of their faces, and they took up positions on either side of him. They squished themselves right up against his side and put his arms in between their breasts.

“Perfect,” Hermione smiled as she sank down onto Harry’s cock.

Even though he’d just fucked both Parvati and Padma, both of them paled in comparison to being with Hermione again. She sank all the way down his length, taking every inch of him inside of her snug pussy, and settled in place. He was so familiar with the feeling of her around him, but the novelty of her body in particular had yet to wear off on him. It was like she was perfectly made for him, and he knew that she felt the same way about him.

Hermione rode Harry slowly as he basked in the warmth of the women around him. It had truly been an incredible experience being on the other side of the sharing system they had. Hermione seemed to have enjoyed watching him just as much as he enjoyed watching her fuck other men.

The bed rocked gently as Hermione impaled herself on Harry’s cock again and again. There was a look of genuine delight on her face every time he filled her up, and her happiness was translated into her inner walls practically massaging his cock. Their bodies were working in tandem to create something that neither of them could reach with anyone else, and that was what really made this whole night truly special.

Harry felt Hermione’s orgasm coming on even before she announced it. The countless minutes of riding him had built up an energy between them that coalesced into a burning heat where their bodies met. His cock was pulsing inside of her pulsing pussy, and when the first spasm from her orgasm wracked her body, Harry felt his own pleasure rise up suddenly inside of him.

The feeling of their simultaneous orgasm was impossible for Harry to describe. Having someone who was truly the perfect match for you in every way sharing in the most blissful experience imaginable was almost otherworldly. It was a bit like magic in a sense. 

And that spark of magic that passed between them then reaffirmed one thing for Harry: Hermione was the greatest girlfriend in the world.


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