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AN: Hello everyone! This is the first Patreon-Exclusive story I will be posting! These stories will not appear publicly and are a special thank you to all of you for supporting me. I will not be posting these regularly and I do not have a planned cadence for them beyond posting 3-6 per year. I hope you enjoy this story!


Harry swore that he could see the wind as he dove into a steep dive towards the earth below. There was chaos all around him, but he paid it little mind; so long as he kept the important pieces in his periphery, he’d be fine.

As he picked up speed, his broom started to vibrate beneath him. It reminded him of the engine in his godfather’s motorbike whenever Sirius revved it up to impress a woman when they were out in the muggle parts of the country.

“Potter’s seen it!” A booming voice called out across the pitch.

Indeed he had. The Golden Snitch was trying to outrace him down to the dirt, but Harry was gaining on it. He straightened his body out along his broom, helping to close the gap between him and the Snitch even further.

“And Weasley’s on his tail!”

Harry didn’t need to look back to know that Ginny Weasley was right behind him. She’d been forced to take over the position of Seeker after Gryffindor’s normal Seeker had been struck by a bolt of lightning and was subsequently barred from competing for the next six months to prevent any accidental complications in his recovery. Without their star Chaser, Gryffindor had struggled in their recent matches, and today was no different. The Slytherin team was dominating them, and, despite Ginny’s best efforts, she couldn’t match Harry as a Seeker. That didn’t stop her from trying however.

The Snitch tried to veer right, but it was just a fake out. Harry stayed in the dive and grinned as the Snitch veered back into view. He reached out his hand, swiping for it. His fingers brushed across one of the wings.

Suddenly, he pulled hard to the right, spiralling into a corkscrew spin to avoid the incoming Bludger. He heard a gasp come up from the crowd as they wondered if he’d been hit, but Harry had luckily dodged it just in time.

As he shaved off his speed, Harry pulled up sharply on his broom. He was getting too close to the ground now, and he needed to get his eyes back on the Snitch. He levelled off quickly and spun his broom around to hunt for the Snitch.

It wasn’t a difficult search; Ginny was on it. She was pushing her broom to the limits as her feet kicked up the dew off of the grass of the pitch. A couple twigs snapped off the end of her broom as she went too low, but it didn’t throw her off of her pursuit.

Harry knew that even if he chased after her now, she’d get the Snitch before him. Luckily, he still had a few tricks up his sleeve.

Much to the surprise of the announcer, Harry flew away from Ginny and the Snitch. He rose nearly ten metres before he pulled into a loop. His legs released from his broom, but he continued to hold on with his hands. The muscles in his arms and back strained themselves as he dangled from his broom. It must have looked ridiculous to everyone in the crowd, but Harry didn’t care; all that mattered was that he won and Ginny lost.

When he saw the Bludger coming his way, Harry yanked down hard on the front of his broomstick. He brought it down like a bat and hit the Bludger with the tail of his broomstick. Without wasting a second, he hopped back onto his broom and took off after the Bludger.

There was a shout from another member on the Gryffindor team that warned Ginny of the incoming obstacle. Her eyes went wide but she was so close to snatching the Snitch out of the air. Harry saw her make the decision that he would have had to make if he were in her position.

Ginny leapt off of her broom. She threw her body forward in a last-ditch attempt to grab the Snitch. The Bludger soared over her broomstick, right where her torso had been. The Snitch smacked off of her palm as she went to grab it, and that was when Harry swooped by right in front of her and grabbed the Snitch before her fingers could close around it.


Even though the game had ended nearly half an hour ago, Harry could still hear the celebrations as he trudged off to the Slytherin locker room. With this victory, Slytherin had clinched the Quidditch Cup for the seventh year in a row and they were bound to be well in the lead for the House Cup as well. It was a wonderful legacy to leave behind: Harry was the youngest Seeker in over a century, he had been appointed the youngest captain ever as a third year, and he had won the Quidditch Cup every single year he’d played for the team now. They’d remember him for centuries here, and his tale would only grow when he took on the position of Starting Seeker for the Montrose Magpies once he graduated—and hopefully the English National Team, if the rumours were to be believed.

The locker room was empty as he entered, just as he’d expected. The rest of the team had rushed to get clean and changed quickly so that they could get to the party that was going on in the Common Room as soon as possible. Harry had planned to hang back to have his own special entrance into the party, but he also had an ulterior motive for waiting.

Whistling happily to himself, Harry shrugged off his sweaty Quidditch robes and stripped down until he was completely bare. He stuffed his clothes in the locker and started around towards the showers.

Harry entered into the L-shaped room that was lined with private stalls. The row in front of him all had their curtains drawn back. Harry bypassed all of them.

As he rounded the corner, Harry noticed that the last stall had its curtain drawn. Grinning to himself, he yanked it back suddenly, making the occupant yell in fright.

“Fuck you, Potter!” Ginny screamed as she struggled to cover all of her bits. She was as naked and covered in sweat as he was. She had her back against the corner of the square stall, her legs crossed, and her arms covering her small breasts. Her mane of flaming red hair had been released from the ponytail it had been in and now draped over her shoulder. Harry was pleased to see that she had shaved all of the hair below her head just as he’d requested.

“That’s the idea,” he replied snarkily.

He stepped into the stall and yanked the curtain closed behind him. The stalls were small. They could just fit four people inside them if they all squeezed against each other. Harry and Ginny were able to leave a gap between them, but it wasn’t much.

“Well, isn’t this nice,” Harry said casually, making no attempt to hide his nakedness or the way his gaze raked over Ginny’s lithe body. He’d always wondered what she looked like naked; suffice it to say, she didn’t disappoint. Her body was slim with just the lightest hint of muscle beneath her pale skin. She was gorgeous, and the angry fire in her eyes just made him all the more excited to see more of her.

“Yeah, it’s really nice,” Ginny barked sarcastically. “I’m standing here naked in the Slytherin locker room. Do you know how hard it was to sneak in here without anyone noticing?”

“Not that hard if you made it,” Harry joked.

Ginny glared at him. “Let’s just get this over with.”

“What’s the rush?” Harry asked with a teasing smile on his lips. “After all, this bet was your little idea, wasn’t it? I seem to remember you saying how you were going to keep me on my knees until you were satisfied and that my jaw was going to be too sore to use to speak for the next week.”

Ginny blushed a little. Her cheeks went the exact same shade of red as her hair but with a tinge of pink added to it. “Yeah, well . . .”

“I had to admit, it was fun watching you play Seeker for a change,” Harry said. “You nearly distracted me the first time I was chasing you. Your arse was in my face, and I was picturing how it’d look when you’d be riding my—”

“Alright,” Ginny said, throwing her hands up to get him to stop. “I get it!”

She only realised a couple seconds later that her arms weren’t covering her breasts anymore, but by the time she covered herself back up, Harry had gotten a good look at them. They were just as delightful as he had imagined. They were on the small side, but they’d fill the palms of his hands nicely. Her tiny, rosy-pink nipples were already hard from standing in the cool air of the shower room. He wondered what they’d feel like in his mouth.

Actually, he didn’t have to wonder. He could find out right now.

“I think it’s time we get started,” Harry told Ginny with an eager grin.

Ginny glanced down at herself nervously and then up to his stirring cock. For a second, Harry thought that she was going to try to renege on the bet she had proposed, but then he saw a determined look cross her face as she met his gaze. She gave him a nod and gulped.

“Excellent,” Harry said. “Now, I’d like you to lift your arms up above your head.”

There was only a moment’s hesitation before Ginny did exactly that. As she stretched her arms up, her ribcage pressed against her skin and her breasts pushed out a bit further from her chest. Her blush deepened under his gaze, and she was resolutely avoiding looking at him.

Harry’s mouth watered at the delectable treat in front of him. He took a step towards Ginny and bent down slightly so that his face was only a couple inches away from her breasts. He stared at the gooseflesh that rose on them. Merlin, they looked incredible.

As his warm breath misted across her skin, Ginny’s body trembled. “Get on with it already,” she told him, trying her best to sound annoyed.

“As you wish,” Harry replied before taking one of her nipples into his mouth.

Ginny gasped as his tongue swirled around her nipple. Her legs trembled a bit, and she nearly sank down to the floor, but Harry grabbed onto her hips to steady her. She tasted of sweat, but Harry didn’t care. That little gasp and the way she was squirming under his touch was enough to please him.

“Delicious,” Harry said with a teasing smile.

“Bite me,” Ginny snapped.

“Don’t tempt me with a good time,” he winked back at her.

As much fun as it would be to play with Ginny’s breasts all afternoon, Harry had bigger plans in store. Besides, his cock was nearly at full mast, and he didn’t intend to leave it wanting for long.

“I think we should start simple,” Harry told Ginny. “Why don’t you start sucking my broomstick.”

“Please don’t call it that,” Ginny replied, rolling her eyes.

“I thought that you were all about the nicknames,” Harry teased back. “Weren’t you the one who said I’d be eating your honeypot?”

“Me and my big mouth,” Ginny grumbled.

“You’d better be happy it’s so big, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to fit my broomstick in it.”

Ginny shoved his chest hard so that he fell back against the wall. Without missing a beat, she dropped to her knees in front of him, her arse sitting back on her heels, and came face to face with his cock. She’d been so busy avoiding looking at him before that she hadn’t seen it at its full size, and Harry could see the surprise in her eyes when she saw what was before her.

A few of the Slytherins in his year knew about his well-endowed size; Daphne, Pansy, and Tracey all had first-hand experience in handling his cock, and they’d all struggled with it at first. One of them had spread a rumour about his size around Hogwarts, and Ginny had outright laughed when she’d first heard it. She’d taunted him by claiming that he’d made up the rumour himself and that he probably had a tiny cock that he was always trying to overcompensate for.

“Well, not as small as you thought, is it,” Harry taunted her, relishing in the satisfaction he felt when her eyes widened.

“It’s not that big,” Ginny mumbled under her breath.

“Not that big?” Harry grabbed his shaft and pushed his hips forward. Ginny yelped as he laid his cock across her face. It stretched all the way from her jaw to past her hairline. “Looks big enough to me. I guess if you think it’s small, then you’ll be able to handle it easily then, huh?”

“That’s right,” Ginny replied instantly, though she sounded less sure of herself. She was going cross-eyed looking at his cock.

“Alright then,” Harry shrugged. If she wanted to remain obstinate, he wouldn’t take it easy on her. He pulled his hips back and angled his cock so that the head was pressed up against her pouty lips. “Open up.”

Right as Ginny’s lips parted, Harry pushed forward. His cock forced its way into her hot, wet mouth. Her tongue jumped beneath his cock and her eyes went wide in shock as her lips stretched lewdly around his shaft, but he didn’t let up. He pushed forward until he heard her gag; only then did he pull back.

Ginny spluttered as Harry pulled his cock out of her mouth. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly, and she looked shocked at just what had happened.

“Still think it’s not that big?” Harry asked her with a raised eyebrow. “If you don’t think it is, then I guess you don’t mind me using your mouth however I want. But, if you think you’d rather take it at your own pace because of how big I am, we can do that too; you just have to say so.”

Ginny mumbled something unintelligible, and Harry tsked in reply.

“I didn’t quite catch that?”

“Yes!” Ginny exclaimed. “I want to go at my own pace.”

Harry smiled genially at her. “And why do you want that?”

Ginny avoided meeting his gaze. “Because you’re too big,” she murmured.

Harry ruffled the red hair on her head, much to her annoyance. “There, that wasn’t so hard, was it? By all means then, Ginny, go ahead and suck my cock at your own pace.”

Ginny mumbled something that sounded like “arsehole” but went through with it anyway. She grabbed his shaft in his fist and gave him a couple tentative strokes before she brought her mouth close to the head of his cock again.

This was a sight out of Harry’s dreams. Over the last couple years, he’d dreamed of putting Ginny in her place. She was so arrogant and cocky—just like he was—and she needed to know that she’d never best him in Quidditch. That little fantasy expanded into exploring what else he’d be better than her in, and his favourite late-night fantasy was about what they’d do if they ended up fucking. Unlike the other girls he’d been with, Ginny had a determined fire in her that rarely let her admit when she was wrong. Harry had always wondered if he could break her with his cock and make her beg for more. Hopefully he’d manage that today.

Ginny’s tongue flicked out and prodded Harry’s cock. She gave a couple more licks as she continued to stroke him, but her ambition wouldn’t let her take things slow like this. He had humiliated her by showing that she couldn’t handle his cock, and she wanted a second chance to prove herself.

Ginny sealed her lips around the head of Harry’s cock and slowly started pushing her head forward. That delicious, wet warmth surrounded him again, and Harry let out a satisfied purr. “That’s it,” he said as he ran his hands through her hair. “Suck my cock.”

Ginny glared up at him, but that didn’t stop her from pleasuring him. She took half of his cock into her mouth in a single go and immediately gagged, but she didn’t back off. She forced herself to adjust to his girth, even as it was pushing into her throat. After a few seconds, she managed to relax and start sucking.

Harry groaned happily. This was everything he had dreamed of: a hot redhead on her knees sucking his cock. She looked beautiful below him with her eyes narrowed in focus as she started to bob her head back and forth a little bit, never moving too far in either direction but still doing enough to gently stroke his cock with her lips. He could see her tight arse over her head, and he just wanted to reach down and grab those two pale globes of flesh in his hands and give them a good squeeze, but that could come later. For now, he just wanted to enjoy the sensation of Ginny’s mouth around his cock.

As Ginny grew accustomed to having Harry’s cock in her mouth, it was like a primal urge overcame her. She seemed desperate to prove herself by giving the best blowjob she could. Her tongue was writhing along the underside of his cock, trying to probe around to find any especially sensitive points that she could exploit. Her cheeks were hollowed out as she sucked hard, making her face look even lewder than it already was.

“You know,” Harry grinned as he brushed away some of Ginny’s red hair that had fallen in front of her face. “Why should I be the only one feeling good right now? Why don’t you start fingering yourself to get ready for me.”

Ginny huffed around his cock but her left hand still dropped down in between her thighs. Although he couldn’t see her fingers slipping in between her folds, he could faintly hear the wet squelching sounds coming from her pussy as she started to finger herself.

“And you can use your other hand to stroke me too while you’re at it,” Harry added.

Ginny grabbed the base of his shaft with her right hand; it looked so tiny in comparison, and she couldn’t even wrap her fingers all the way around his shaft. She started stroking him then in time with the movements of her mouth as she bobbed her head on his cock.

The sounds of Ginny’s wet pussy and her mouth as she slurped around his cock brought Harry no small amount of pleasure to listen to. It accentuated the wonderful feeling of Ginny’s desperate attempt to prove herself. Truthfully, she was quite good given that it was her first time with him—Daphne, Pansy, and Tracey had all done far worse, but they had grown to become quite skilled at it. Maybe she’d be able to get his entire cock down her throat if they did this again.

But why wait until then? If she wanted to prove herself, maybe she could do it today?

“I know you struggled your first time,” Harry said, getting Ginny’s attention again. “But you’ve proved to be such a good little cocksucker that I want to see how far down you can go on my cock.”

He saw the look in her eyes that promised retribution, but Harry ignored it. Instead, he put a hand on the back of her head and gently pushed her forward.

Getting the message, Ginny released his shaft with her hand and forced her body to relax as his cock pushed deeper into her throat. Saliva was dripping out of her mouth and down her chin as she moved ever closer to the base of his shaft. She started to gag again, and Harry stopped pushing her head, but to his surprise, Ginny took the initiative and pushed forward herself. She kept gagging around his cock all the way until her lips reached the base of his shaft. Then, she quickly pulled back and started coughing and gasping for air as she came off of him.

“Very good,” Harry grinned. He reached for the small handle set in the wall of the stall and turned it all the way up. Hot water shot out of the shower head that stuck out of the ceiling, drenching both of them instantly. “Now, I think you know what’s coming next.”

When Ginny pulled her fingers out of her pussy, Harry could see them glistening with her juices. She went to wash them clean under the water, but Harry grabbed her wrist before she could. He leaned down and stuck her fingers in his mouth and licked them clean.

There was something in Ginny’s eyes then: lust, desire, and an eagerness for more. But then it was like she remembered herself and an annoyed look returned to her face. “Whatever,” she said to him as she started to stand. “Probably gonna be a miserable shag anyway.”

The steam was starting to fill the shower stall now; the walls were damp with moisture, and Harry could feel the wonderful heat across his skin. Now at her full height, Ginny turned her back to him and planted her arms against the corner of the stall. She bent over, pushing her arse back towards him until it hit his cock. Thanks to the spit on his cock, it slipped between her firm arsecheeks.

“Merlin, Ginny,” Harry groaned, grabbing onto her arse and squeezing her cheeks against his cock. “Your arse is incredible.”

“I know it is,” she snapped at him. “Now, are you going to worship it all day or are you going to get on with our bet?”

Harry grinned at her. Despite all of her harsh words, he knew that she wanted it as badly as he did. He’d seen the lust in her eyes and heard just how wet she was for him. Besides, this entire bet had been her idea to begin with; she wouldn’t have made the bet with him if she didn’t find him attractive. As much as she wanted to be the one to dominate him, that wasn’t Harry’s style. He was going to break her and make her beg for more.

“So eager,” Harry teased Ginny. He was eager too though, and he pulled his hips back and dragged the head of his cock down to her sopping wet entrance. As he pressed himself against her, her pink lips parted invitingly for him, and he pushed just a little bit inside of her.

The heat was incredible. Harry wasn’t sure if it was his imagination, the steam, or the fact that Ginny was a fiery person, but her pussy felt hot like an oven. It teetered on the line between pleasure and pain, but it decidedly came down on the side of the former as Harry pushed his way deeper inside her tight depths.

“Fuck,” Ginny panted quietly.

“What was that?” Harry asked, pausing his motions. “Does my cock really feel that good that you’re already making sounds when I’m not all the way in you yet.”

“No!” Ginny retorted defiantly. Her head snapped around so that she could glare at him. “I’m annoyed at how unsatisfying you feel inside of—ME!”

Harry chuckled at Ginny’s sudden high-pitched tone as he pushed more of his cock inside of her. Her pussy clamped down hard on his cock as it struggled to handle its girth stretching it out. “I’m unsatisfying?” Harry taunted her. He pushed forward again, and this time Ginny bit her lip to stop herself from making any sounds. “Are you sure about that?”

Ginny nodded her head viciously, so Harry just jolted his hips forward. They smacked off of her arse as his cock went as deep inside of her as it could go, though he still had a couple of inches that couldn’t fit in. There was a strangled-sounding moan that came from Ginny’s throat, but she kept her lips sealed shut.

Even though Ginny didn’t want to give away how good she was feeling, Harry placed no such restrictions on himself. He moaned loudly and squeezed Ginny’s arse.  “Your pussy feels so good,” he told her sincerely, “but, I suppose if it doesn’t for you, we can end things here.”

He started to pull out of her then, but it was hard to do with the way her pussy was squeezing him so tightly. Still, he managed.

Harry was just about halfway out of Ginny when one her hands shot out and grabbed his wrist. “No,” she muttered quietly.

“No?” Harry raised an eyebrow at her. “But I thought it didn’t feel good for you.”

“It doesn’t!” She protested fiercely even as a deep blush came across her face. “But you won the bet fair and square. You should get the reward you were promised.”

“Right,” Harry chuckled. He rammed his cock deep inside of her again and reached around to squeeze her breast just as she moaned loudly. He pulled her torso back to his so that they were both standing upright. Ginny’s back was arched as she pushed her breast into his hand, and her eyes were closed and mouth was slightly agape. “That certainly looks like the face of someone who isn’t feeling good.”

As soon as he saw her jaw start to move, he reeled his hips back quickly and slammed forward again. Ginny’s words turned into a moan before Harry could begin to figure out what she was trying to say. Her pussy clenched up hard around his cock, and she even seemed to be pressing her arse back against him.

“Fuck, that’s it,” Harry groaned. He was squeezing Ginny’s breasts so roughly that he was sure it was going to leave a mark, but he didn’t care and Ginny didn’t seem to either. “I’m going to shag you so hard, you won’t be able to ride a broom for the next week.”

“I’d like to see you try,” Ginny countered, but she immediately realised her mistake when she saw the glimmer in Harry’s eyes.

“As you wish,” he grinned. He released her breast and gently pushed on her back to make her bend over again. “Give me your hands,” he ordered her.

Glancing at him with mild concern, Ginny stuck her arms out behind her and offered her hands to Harry. Instead of grabbing onto them directly, Harry grabbed her wrists. He purposefully held onto her with a lot of slack as he readied himself.

“Get ready,” he warned her as he started to pull his hips back. Her pussy tried to suck him back inside of her, but he forced his hips back regardless until just the tip of his cock was still in between her soft, pink lips.

Harry thrust forward then and simultaneously pulled back on Ginny’s wrists. Her entire body jerked backwards as he rammed his hips forwards, spearing his cock as deep as it could go inside of Ginny.

“Harry!” Ginny screamed in pleasure, but Harry wasn’t done yet.

Harry didn’t give Ginny a single second to collect herself. Instead, he started pounding away inside of her pussy, making her arse jiggle, and yanking her arms back every time he thrust forward. It left Ginny bouncing around like a rag doll. The power of his thrusts left Ginny breathless and gasping for air.

Between the hot steam filling the cubicle and sensations of lust and power coursing through him, Harry almost felt drunk as he fucked Ginny into a moaning mess. All of her bravado had turned into sounds of immeasurable pleasure. It was exactly what he wanted to hear from her, and it turned him on so much.

Harry’s cock throbbed inside of Ginny as her walls started to contract around him. She was already incredibly tight, but this was reaching a whole other level. He wanted to fill her up with his cum so badly, but he knew that he couldn’t be the one to cum first. He wanted her to lose herself around him and know once and for all that he was the perfect man.

So, Harry picked up his pace so that he was fucking her as hard as he could. His thrusts made her arsecheeks ripple from the force and her pussy kept clenching down harder and harder on him. He knew it was only a matter of time before—

“Fuck!” Ginny screamed. Her legs trembled. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

“How does it feel being my bitch?” Harry taunted her as her knees buckled. She would have fallen then if not for Harry holding her wrists. “How does it feel cumming all over my cock?”

Ginny lost all composure then. “It feels incredible!”

She was so close to cumming, and as much as Harry would have loved to have made her cum then, he was the one in control of this encounter and not her.

So, he pulled out of her pussy and let her wrists go.

Ginny stumbled forward, only catching herself against the wall at the last second as she whined painfully. “What—?” She tried to speak, but then her knees buckled again and she dropped to the floor. “You bastard! Why’d you stop?”

Harry grabbed his cock and stroked it; it was slick with Ginny’s juices. “I want you to tell me that you want me to cum inside of you.”

A lewd look of lust crossed Ginny’s face. She opened her mouth to immediately reply in the affirmative, but she just barely managed to bite her tongue before she could say it. “Why should I?”

“Because I won’t finish you off otherwise,” Harry replied. “I want you to be mine completely. I want you to beg for my cock.”

“Fuck you,” Ginny spat. One of her hands subtly dipped down in between her thighs, but Harry knocked it aside with his foot. She growled at him angrily.

“Admit it,” Harry told him. “You loved being fucked by me, and you want more of this.”

Ginny’s chest heaved as she took in a deep breath. She was still glaring at him, but Harry could see that the war in her head over whether or not she wanted to be utterly dominated by Harry was over now.

“I want you,” Ginny admitted in a quiet voice.

“Louder,” Harry replied sternly, not wanting to delay this any longer.

“I want you to fuck my slutty pussy and cum inside me!” Ginny shouted. “Are you happy now? Now, get over here and fuck me!”

That was all he needed.

Harry instantly crouched down in front of Ginny and hooked his arms under her thighs. He lifted her up against the wall as he stood up and positioned himself properly. Ginny’s hands desperately went for his cock. They tried to wrap around his massive girth but still failed to stretch all the way around it. Regardless, she angled the head of his cock against her soaking wet entrance.

“There,” Ginny moaned. “Come on, fuck me!”

Harry couldn’t bear to tease her any longer, not with his cock throbbing so badly with need. He rammed forward and took Ginny’s breath away as he filled her tight pussy completely. The entire delay was worth it just to see the look of pure pleasure cross her face.

With her lips parted, Harry took the opportunity to kiss her. She immediately started kissing him back, but she was struggling to do that and moan at the same time as Harry continued to pound her slutty pussy.

Ginny wrapped her arms and thighs around him, clinging to him tightly as he fucked her without restraint. Her body felt so good against him. His fingers dug into her arsecheeks as he made sure to keep her steady against the wall so that he could fuck her as hard and fast as before.

It barely took a minute before Ginny’s body was starting to tremble again. “Yes, yes,” she moaned into Harry’s mouth. “So close.”

The next time her pussy clenched down hard on him, Harry knew that she was at the breaking point. So, he let himself go too, relishing in the sensation of this perfect magical pussy making him feel so damn good.

Ginny’s climax struck and she bucked against him. They had to break off their kiss as Ginny just started screaming as the pleasure from her orgasm overrode her entire body and mind. Her pussy spasmed like crazy around his cock, and that was the last push he needed to finally explode inside of her.

The edges of Harry’s vision darkened as he came inside of Ginny’s pussy. The physical sensation of cumming together with her was so damn intense, and the mental stimulation of watching tremors wrack her body as she came on his cock was enough to easily make this the greatest orgasm of Harry’s life. He had to fight to stay in place, holding up Ginny and spewing a seemingly endless amount of cum inside of her.

After what seemed an eternity, Harry’s vision returned to normal. He felt so light and satisfied after his orgasm.

Ginny was still twitching a little, and she hadn’t released her tight grip on Harry, but her brown eyes were opened and locked onto Harry’s face. She was panting heavily, and he was too.

Slowly, Harry started to pull back. Ginny got the message and let go of him. As she gently landed on her unsteady feet, Harry pulled out of her, and a thick glob of his cum fell out and splattered on the floor. The swirling water from the shower head whisked it away down the drain.

Harry gestured at the shower head, inviting Ginny under it with him. Their bodies were constantly touching each other as they washed off all of the accumulated sweat from their vigorous session, and Harry wasn’t shy about helping Ginny to wash her body clean. He lathered her all over with soap, making sure to reach every nook and cranny before he helped wipe it away beneath the water.

When they finished several minutes later and Harry turned off the shower, Ginny hesitated by the exit to their private stall. Harry watched her curiously as she worked up the courage to say what she wanted to say.

Ginny rounded on him quickly, showing that familiar fire once again as she jabbed her finger at him. “You may have won today, Potter, but you’re going to lose to Hufflepuff next week.”

Harry snorted. Lost to Hufflepuff? The team had been in shambles for years now; it was going to be a slaughter. “Really?” He replied with amusement in his voice.

Ginny almost broke composure there, but she managed to keep a serious look on her face as she stared him down. “Really,” she insisted. “In fact, I’ll bet that you’ll lose.”

A small smile formed on Harry’s lips. “A bet you say?”

Ginny nodded. “Same terms as before,” she told him, her cheeks starting to redden. “And when you lose, I’ll expect you to be waiting on your knees in my locker room where everyone can watch you beg to eat me out.”

Harry’s hand shot out and grabbed Ginny’s wrist. He yanked her back against him and kissed her deeply while he groped her arse. Then, once she was good and breathless, Harry shoved her away from him. She was left gasping with swollen lips, looking at him like she wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her life with him in this private stall of theirs.

“I’ll take your bet,” Harry winked at her.

It was going to be a good day when Hufflepuff lost.


Kevin Thunder

Ha, awesome! This deserves a sequel. We could use more Ginny. :) I also wouldnt mind seeing an AU of this where Ginny wins the bet.

Kevin Thunder

Hah, still good. This would be a helluva story to tell the kids.