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AN: I hope you all enjoyed this series while it lasted. It was a lot of fun to write a more light-hearted story for a change.



Harry’s eyes blinked open as he saw Hermione standing at the foot of his bed, staring at him with a mixture of surprise and amusement. She had Luna next to her, who was happily ogling Narcissa and Anastasia’s nude bodies.

“Mmm,” Emma hummed in reply as she snuggled up closer to Harry’s chest. “Yes, dear?”

“I…” Hermione paused, just shaking her head with amusement. “You lot might want to get dressed. Lily’s on her way.”

Harry suddenly bolted upright in bed, much to Narcissa and Emma’s annoyance, as they were the two who were resting against him. His bed was an absolute mess and showed the results of their extended copulation last night. All of the blankets had been torn off, and only a thin bed sheet covered most of everyone’s lower halves.

“Do we have time for a quickie?” Anastasia asked, still half asleep.

“I doubt it,” Hermione giggled. “Though, I applaud your efforts for trying.”

Still, someone’s hand ended up grasping Harry’s flaccid cock. He had to bat it away before he grew aroused.

“Come on,” Harry told them all. “It’s time to get up and get dressed.”

“How about a quick shower first?” Pandora asked with a yawn. She had no shame about her body and simply slipped out of bed and stretched her arms well above her head, showing off just how limber she was. “We reek of sweat and sex.”

That they did. “Fine,” Harry grimaced. “But we’ve gotta be quick.”

It took some cajoling, but he managed to get the four women into his bathroom to get cleaned up beneath the warm water from his shower. Harry didn’t dare join them in the shower itself lest they try to have sex with him again, but that didn’t stop him from admiring their bodies as they got all nice and soaped up. Having sex with Emma in the shower had been one of his favourite things to do at the start of the summer, and seeing her in the shower again reminded him of those fond times.

He couldn’t believe just how far he’d come and how much had changed over the course of the summer. He’d met so many witches and experienced countless pleasures with them. He met Anastasia Greengrass of all people, and now he had her as an excellent contact for after he graduated. But most importantly, his best friend was now his gorgeous girlfriend, and he couldn’t be happier.

Once the four women finished showering, it was their turn to ogle Harry as he showered quickly. Hermione and Luna joined them, whistling and joking around as he scrubbed his body clean.

By the time he finished up, Emma, Pandora, Narcissa, and Anastasia had all gotten dressed back up in the bikinis that they’d showed up to his villa in yesterday. Harry magically dried himself off and got dressed in some shorts and a t-shirt just in time too, because moments later, the door to his villa opened up.

“Harry?” Lily called out. “Are you awake yet? It’s our last day her, and I—”

She rounded the corner to see the six women standing around Harry in his bedroom. Her eyes widened in surprise, and then they focused on the bed that was stained with the fluids from last night.

A second later, Sirius, Remus, and Tonks appeared behind Lily. Remus promptly buried his head in his hands while Sirius and Tonks matched sporting grins.

“Harry, there are few things that you could ever do to make me as proud as I am now,” Sirius began gleefully. “How many of them did you sleep with? No, don’t answer that. I’ll just imagine that it was all of them.”

“Hermione was in my room with me all night,” Luna chimed in helpfully.

“So, just the cougars, huh?” Sirius laughed. “I take it that since Hermione isn’t beating you into a bloody pulp right now that she knew of or approved this type of stuff, right?”

Harry and Hermione’s silences were enough to answer that question. Both of them were red-cheeked, unable to quite meet Lily’s astounded gaze. Her mouth kept opening and closing without any sound coming out.

“Look, mum,” Harry began slowly. “Can we, err, just pretend like you never walked in on this?”

“Just pretend?” Lily muttered under her breath.

“Lily, Harry’s an adult now,” Emma said, trying to help him out. “He’s allowed to make his own choices, and—”

“You decided to fuck him?” Lily finished for her. “Were you doing that at my house every time you visited? Or when we went on vacations together?”

“It only started this summer,” Harry quickly said, ensuring that Lily didn’t mistake their tryst for something more nefarious. “It just happened, alright, and I was more than a willing participant.”

“A very energetic one, I’d say,” Pandora smirked.

Lily turned her gaze on Narcissa, who didn’t look ashamed in the slightest at being caught out like this. “And you? When you asked for Harry to come help you out, was that just a lie so that you could sleep with him too?”

“Not at first,” Narcissa answered casually. “But have you seen him? Merlin, Harry’s quite the catch. And the things he can do—”

“Enough!” Lily snapped, not wanting to hear any intimate details.

“This isn’t anything serious, mum,” Harry told her. “I just… we just… had a bit of fun. Hermione’s on board with it too.”

He realised his mistake the second that Hermione glared at him. Of course she wouldn’t want his mum to think that she was exploratory in this way.

“I… I don’t know what to say,” Lily shook her head.

Neither did Harry, if he was being honest. This felt like Hermione discovering what he’d been up to this summer all over again. The shame of hiding this from someone close to him was awkward enough without that person being his own mum; he didn’t exactly want to go into any explicit details with her.

A million different excuses popped into his mind, but none felt genuine. He’d already told her the truth: all he did was have a bit of fun this summer.

“Harry,” Lily said slowly. “You’re a real marauder, aren’t you?”

“Huh?” Harry frowned.

Suddenly, Lily burst out into a fit of quiet giggles that grew into full-blown laughter. It was awkward at first until Sirius joined in, and then Remus and Tonks followed. Everyone else was left looking like they were a bit lost on the joke.

Lily wiped away a stray tear from her eye as she looked back at her son. “Your father was the exact same way. We had quite the exploratory phase too when we got married. We were always bringing over witches to our house to… you know.”

“Fuck?” Luna asked.

“Thank you, Luna,” Remus chuckled.

“Sirius and Remus are the same way too,” Tonks informed Harry. “Have been for years. Why do you think we were gone every night visiting the other islands while we’ve been vacationing here? We were looking for women to join us too.”

Suddenly, Harry felt like this had been turned around on him and he was learning far more about his parents’ love life than he ever wanted to know.

“Honestly, I’ve been wondering why you haven’t taken on as many herbology projects this summer,” Lily huffed as her eyes scanned across the women standing around Harry. “All of you could’ve at least helped keep him more active.”

“I think he was plenty active,” Anastasia sighed dreamily.

Lily rolled her eyes as a small smile graced her lips.

Harry couldn’t believe that this was happening. “So, you’re okay with this?” He asked Lily tentatively.

“Of course,” Lily answered honestly. “Just so long as it doesn’t take over your life completely; I still want you to finish Hogwarts and become a wonderful herbologist. Though, I suspect you won't have any trouble with that, especially with Anastasia Greengrass of all people completely head over heels for you.”

“Believe me, I’m already preparing a substantial offer for him once he’s graduated,” Anastasia assured Lily. “I don’t think it’d be appropriate for him to work anywhere else.”

“Can you hire me too?” Narcissa asked as she put an arm around Harry’s waist and pushed her ample breasts against his arm. “I can’t have you hogging him all the time.”

At that perfect moment, a strangled gasp rang out from behind Lily. Everyone’s eyes turned to see Lucius, Draco, and Daphne standing there.

“Narcissa!” Lucius exclaimed in disbelief. “We’ve been looking for you for hours now!”

“Well, you found me,” she replied, still holding onto Harry.

Draco pushed his way past everyone to confront Harry directly. His eyes were filled with rage and his hands were shaking. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Draco demanded as he got up in Harry’s face.

“Listening to an idiot try to act big and tough,” Harry replied smoothly. “But earlier, I was giving it to your mum.”

Sirius let out a little snicker at that.

Harry glanced up at Narcissa’s face to gauge her reaction. He figured that the cat was already out of the bag now that Lucius and Draco had walked in on everyone in his villa right now, but still, this was bound to be an intense situation. To his surprise though, Narcissa didn’t seem bothered in the slightest by what Harry had said or the fact that her family now knew the truth of their relationship.

Draco and Lucius were both caught in a state of pure disbelief. It didn’t seem like their brains were willing to understand what Harry had just said to them. It was intensely satisfying for Harry to see the man who’d tormented him throughout their shared time at Hogwarts to finally get that smug look wiped clean off of his face.

“You should go back to the villa, Lucius,” Narcissa told him as she started to rub Harry’s chest slowly. “I’ll be staying here with Harry.”

“You what?” Lucius spluttered. “Are you out of your mind?”

“No,” Narcissa shook her head. “I’m finally doing what I want. Remember how you made me sign a prenup that would allow us to ‘explore opportunities outside the confines of our marriage’? Obviously, it was just an excuse for you to go down to Knockturn Alley and fuck whores. You never expected that I would have looked for opportunities too.”

“No proper pure-blooded witch would have,” Lucius seethed.

“A proper wizard would have made his wife once in their twenty years of marriage,” Narcissa snapped back. “Turns out, I had to go out and find one myself.”

Lucius pounded his fist against the wall. “You won’t be welcomed back home after this.”

“It’s my home too, unless you wish to push forward with a divorce,” Narcissa said with a predatory smile. “I’d be more than glad to divide up our assets.”

“My assets, you mean,” Lucius said angrily.

“Precisely,” Narcissa replied. “Now, are you going to stand around gawking all day, or can me, my lover, and all of his lovers have some time to ourselves? There’s quite a few more orgasms to be had before our vacation ends.”

A vein in Lucius’ forehead looked to be at the point of bursting. Harry could see his desire to lash out, but seeing so many other people around made him second guess himself.

“You’re dead, Potter,” Draco said in a dangerous tone. “You think that you can just do this and get away with it?”

“I already have, Draco,” Harry replied. Then, in front of everyone, he gave Narcissa’s arse a squeeze.

That was all Draco needed to finally lash out. He drew his wand as fast as he could. “Avada Ke—”

Quick as lightning, Sirius hit Draco with a disarming spell. He followed it up by conjuring a thick set of ropes around Draco to bind him in place. Draco collapsed down onto the floor, struggling against his bonds but unable to escape them.

“Unhand him!” Lucius shouted as he tried to step between Sirius and Draco.

“Goldy!” Sirius called out loudly.

The house-elf in charge of their stay appeared instantly. “Yes?” She asked politely.

“Please contact the local authorities,” Sirius told her. “Draco Malfoy just tried to murder my godson.”

Goldy’s eyes widened incredibly. “At once, sir.”

“No—” Lucius tried to grab the house-elf to stop her, but she had already disappeared.

“Your son’s getting locked up for a long time, Lucius,” Sirius said. “Just give me an excuse, and I’ll see you locked up as well.”

“He deserves it,” Narcissa said without a hint of sadness in her tone. “You’ve been awful for years, Draco. It’s well past time that you learn that your actions have consequences.”

The two Malfoy men sagged in defeat.


“I can’t believe that you talked Dumbledore into getting your Head Boy room outside of Gryffindor Tower,” Daphne hummed as she rolled over onto her belly, showing off her bubbly, pale arse.

“It wasn’t too hard to convince him,” Harry said as he let out a pleased sigh. He reached down to gently stroke the back of Luna’s head as she sucked his cock clean from Daphne’s juices. “I’m just glad that we’re right beside the Prefect’s Bathroom.”

“Hermione’s in there now, isn’t she?” Daphne asked.

“Yeah,” Harry nodded his head.

“Maybe you should go for a quick bath too,” Daphne suggested.

“Why don’t we all go?” Harry asked. “You’ll both need to get washed off.”

Luna looked up, smiling at Harry with a thick load of cum across her face. “But I’m not done with you yet.”

“You’re just like your mum,” Harry chuckled. “Do I need to put my foot down with you just like I need to do with her?”

“What does that involve?” Daphne asked curiously.

“Some rope and a ball gag,” Harry grinned. “She usually ends up getting her way, though.”

Daphne giggled. “We’ll have to try that some other time, but Hermione’s got you reserved for the evening. Come on, Luna. Leave Harry alone.”

Luna kissed the tip of Harry’s cock and reluctantly pulled away from him. Harry had half a mind to push his cock back into her warm, wet mouth, but he knew that he had to save some energy for Hermione. It was their special night after all.

At first, he’d thought that celebrating monthly anniversaries was a silly idea, but then Hermione had won him over with the fact that each anniversary night ended with mind-blowing sex. That wasn’t something that he was ever going to turn down.

The three of them got up out of bed and headed for the door. None of them bothered to put on clothes. It was late enough that there wouldn’t be anyone else around, and the portraits had already seen them naked enough times to get used to it. Padding across the stone floor in their bare feet was cold, but the sensation only lasted for a few moments before they reached the Prefect’s Bathroom.

The portrait door swung open at Harry speaking the password, and the three of them shuffled in. They bypassed the lockers, having no clothes to stow away, and headed straight for the main room.

A gentle song played on the wireless next to Hermione’s head. She was gently sitting down on one of the benches built into the large bathtub in the centre of the bathroom. Her head rested back against a soft-looking pillow.

“Daphne says you get Harry now,” Luna announced to Hermione with a pout.

Hermione laughed quietly and glanced over at the three of them with an easy-going smile on her lips. “Thank you, Daphne.”

“Come on,” Daphne said as she took Luna’s hand. “Let’s leave these two lovebirds alone. We’ll have more time with Harry on the trip back to London tomorrow.”

“It’s not enough,” Luna protested. “Once we get back home, our mums won’t let anyone else fuck him besides them.”

“I’m sure that Hermione can put them in their place,” Daphne pointed out. “Now, let’s go. If you’re good, I’ll go down on you.”

Harry headed for Hermione’s side as Daphne guided Luna around to the far side of the bathtub. It wasn’t total privacy, but they never really had that anyways. Harry and Hermione had become quite accustomed to shagging in front of Daphne and Luna.

“Hey,” Harry smiled at Hermione as he slipped into the warm water next to her. He sat down, wrapping an arm around her waist, and kissed her gently. “Feeling relaxed yet?”

“Definitely,” Hermione sighed contently. “After a week’s worth of essays, I’m finally coming down from everything.”

“It’s your fault that you take it all so seriously,” Harry said lightly. “But that’s what I love about you.”

Hermione beamed at Harry and gave him another kiss. “I love you too,” she said. “My mum’s very excited to have you back home. She’s insisting that I invite you over to spend part of the holidays with us. Though, I think we both know what she really wants.”

The two of them laughed quietly together. Harry had received more than a few incredibly explicit letters about exactly what Emma planned to do to him once she got her hands on him. Pandora, Narcissa, and Anastasia were just as needy too.

There seemed to be a competition between them to see who could get their hands on Harry first. Narcissa promised him the run of the manor, even having her dress up in a sexy French maid costume if he wanted; Anastasia had imported a number of incredibly rare plants that she told Harry he could do research on; and Pandora planned a magical day through the forest where no clothes were allowed. Emma, however, had gone with a more straightforward approach by sending him photographs of how she touched herself while he was away and begging him to come stick his cock where it belonged.

It was hard to deny that Emma’s letters had been the most persuasive of all.

“Maybe for a couple days,” Harry said to Hermione. “But I’d rather have you over round mine where no one else can interfere. It’ll be our first Christmas as a couple, and I want it to be special.”

“I’m sure it will be,” Hermione smiled at him.

He kissed her again, but this time neither of them pulled away. Their gentle, tender kiss grew into something more sensual as their hands found each other’s bodies. When Hermione slid onto his lap and trapped his growing erection beneath her, Harry knew that it was time to get moving.

Harry hoisted Hermione up in his arms and lifted her out of the pool. They broke off their kiss just long enough for Harry to climb out too, and then Hermione jumped back into his arms. She wrapped her limbs around him as he grabbed her arse to steady her. Then, their lips locked again as Harry carried her off.

“Have fun you two!” Luna called out behind them just as she let out a delicious moan. Harry assumed that Daphne was too busy between Luna’s thighs to chime in.

Despite the fact that they were dripping wet, Harry headed straight for the exit out of the Prefect’s Bathroom. The doorway out was enchanted to dry anyone off in case they had to quickly leave the bathroom in case of an emergency. As the portrait swung open and Harry stepped through the threshold, both of them were dried off instantly.

A faint chill drifting through the castle made Hermione cling to Harry harder. Her nipples stiffened and rubbed against his chest with each step he took. It only made Harry take his time walking back to his room.

The portrait swung open when Harry neared it, sensing that his mouth was too busy being used to kiss Hermione to bother to spit out the password. Harry groaned into her mouth as he felt her pussy glide along the length of his shaft. She knew how to tease just enough to drive him wild with lust. There were plenty of days where they barely made it through the door before Harry pushed Hermione down onto the sofa and flipped up her skirt, but today wasn’t going to be one of those days. Today was all about showing his love for her.

Thankfully, the house-elves had changed the bedding out from a fresh set when they were off in the Prefect’s Bathroom thankfully. Harry carried Hermione right over to the bed and laid her back down on it. He followed her, crawling on top of her and kissing her hard.

“Get on your back,” Hermione moaned softly as his lips found her neck. “I’ve been dreaming about sucking your cock all day.”

Harry wasn’t going to argue with that. With one last kiss, he flipped himself next to her. Hermione rolled over too, landing right in between his thighs. His cock looked massive compared to her face.

“I can’t believe this is mine,” Hermione said lovingly as she took his shaft into her hands. She positioned her head right above him and slowly lowered her lips down to the tip of his cock.

Harry’s eyes rolled back as her lips parted and she took him into her mouth. It was always a special treat whenever Hermione went down on him because so many other women fought her for the privilege. But no matter how many times all of his other lovers sucked him off, there was no one who could do it quite as well as Hermione did.

She started off quite aggressively as she bobbed her head up and down, working her lips along the top of half of his cock. Her tongue swirled playfully around his head whenever she rose all the way back up, and then it focused on slithering back and forth on the underside of his shaft as she worked her way back down. Her hands pumped the base of his cock, adding that extra bit of pleasure to it all.

“Fuck, I love it when you get like this,” Harry groaned, running his fingers through Hermione’s beautiful brown hair.

Feeling her plump lips slide up and down his shaft was simply divine. Her tongue continued to lavish him as she started to work herself harder and faster. Harry felt her hands begin to recede from his cock when her lips reached them. She relaxed her body and allowed his cock to slip into her throat, and she teased her way all the way down to the base of his shaft. She stayed perfectly in place for several seconds before she started to work her way back up, slurping loudly as she went to collect every last drop of saliva.

When Hermione reached the top of his cock, she let him out of her mouth just long enough to spit a hefty glob of saliva on his tip. The two of them watched in awe as her spit parted and slowly slid down his cock, only being stopped when Hermione grabbed his shaft against and stroked him, spreading her spit all over.

“I want you nice and lubricated when you fuck me,” Hermione said in a sultry tone. “Because I need you to fuck me hard tonight.”

She took him back into her mouth then, and Harry groaned as she went straight back to deepthroating him. It was like she was purposefully trying to make him cum before they got to the main event, but Harry forced himself to hold on.

Hermione gagged lightly around his cock as she held him in her throat. She grew so tight around his cock that Harry nearly bucked upwards from how good it felt. He wanted his cock completely engulfed by her, but he held himself back and let Hermione take things at her own pace.

The sloppy sound of her gargling around his cock nearly sent him over the edge again. She slowly dragged her plump lips back up his shaft, letting excess saliva slip out of the corners of her mouth to lubricate him even more.

“That’s more like it,” she smiled devilishly up at him as she released his cock from her mouth. “Now—”

Harry couldn’t take it anymore. He pounced on Hermione and flipped her over onto her back. Her pussy was already wet and glistening for him, so he thrust forward and speared his cock inside of her in one smooth motion.

“Harry!” Hermione cried out, digging her nails into his back as she grabbed onto him. “You feel so good inside of me.”

As good as he must have felt for her, Harry swore that Hermione’s pussy was the most pleasurable place in existence. She felt like a perfect fit. She was incredibly tight without being overwhelming, wonderfully hot without being uncomfortable, and exactly as wet as she needed to be to ensure that he could fuck her smoothly. There was no one else as perfect as her.

“Give it to me,” Hermione practically begged. “I need to feel just how much you love me tonight.”

“You want me to be rough?” Harry growled quietly in her ear. “Because I can be rough.”

“Please,” Hermione whimpered, squeezing her walls around him. “I need you to give me everything you have.”

He could do that.

His body lurched forward as he started to move. Hermione’s body rocked in time with his as though she had been able to sense his movements before they even began. His cock jolted back and forth inside of her tight pussy with perfect, long thrusts that left both of them moaning in pleasure.

The bed rocked softly as Harry worked up to a steady tempo. Hermione’s hands ran up to the back of Harry’s head, and she pulled him in for another passionate kiss as he continued to fuck her.

Harry savoured this intimate moment for as long as he could. The feeling of Hermione’s velvety walls wrapped around his shaft, her soft lips against his, her tongue flicking back and forth evasively as his sought to dominate hers, the sheer need that both of them had for the other. All of it was so intense and beautiful, but they needed more.

Their kissing couldn’t continue as Harry picked up the pace. He was going to give it to Hermione hard and rough, just as she’d asked for. She kept a tight grip on his hair, holding his face just inches away from hers so that they could stare into each other’s eyes and feel each other’s breaths as they fucked.

“You’re beautiful,” Harry groaned as Hermione’s pussy clenched around him.

Harry couldn’t stop his hips from slamming forward as fast and hard as he could. It felt impossible to regain control over his body at this point, not with how good Hermione felt and how sweet her moans sounded in his ear. He had a desperate need to fill her again and again with his cock, relishing in her heat and tightness as he went.

Hermione tried to say something, but her words faded to the overwhelming moan that replaced them. Harry leaned down and rested his forehead against hers, letting their noses touch and feeling her warm breath mist across his face.

“H—Harry,” Hermione moaned loudly.

Suddenly, her body began to tremble. Harry felt her pussy try to squeeze the life out of him before she started to spasm. As her body thrashed about, Harry lost control over his tempo completely. His hips crashed forward awkwardly, his cock desperate to just stay inside Hermione’s incredible pussy, and he was driven by an intense need to fill her with his seed.

The world spun as Harry bucked forward one last time. It felt like a tremendous pressure was suddenly released from him as he exploded inside of her pussy. He sucked in a deep breath and held it as his pleasure overwhelmed his mind. With Hermione’s pussy squeezing around him like it was, there was nothing Harry could do to try to stay composed. He just rode the wave of pleasure wherever it took him, unleashing every last drop of cum he had to offer deep into Hermione’s pussy.

Minutes later, the door to his room opened, and Luna and Daphne came in, finding the two of them still entangled in each other’s arms side by side. Luna climbed onto the bed next to Hermione and curled up tightly against her side, gently fondling her breast. Daphne laid down behind Harry, squishing her breasts against his back and tickling the back of his neck with her warm breath.

What a wonderful garden he’d grown over the summer. So many lovely flowers to choose from, and the best part was that they never wilted.


yan boul

good story


Alls well that ends well. This was an amazing story!