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AN: As always, this is a commissioned work for an anonymous user.


Astoria wasn’t the first to scream, but she certainly was the loudest. Harry’s bloody, broken body fell slack on the wooden stage in front of the maze, and every person in the stands jumped to their feet. Some were staring on in horror, others were fleeing to the safety of the castle or to be sick, but Astoria and Daphne were the only ones to race to the stage.

Professor Dumbledore, the other heads of the schools, the judges, and several professors had already rushed to Harry’s side to help him, but they all moved out of the way when Madam Pomfrey came bustling through. She had a floating stretcher behind her and three potion vials that she was busily uncorking as she shoved Headmaster Karkaroff and Professor McGonagall out of the way.

By the time Astoria raced down there, Harry’s body had already been loaded onto the stretcher. She didn’t know if he was unconscious or dead, but the situation looked grim regardless. Fresh blood was dripping off of his limp arm and down onto the dirt below, and his body was littered with so many cuts that Astoria couldn’t have counted them if she tried.

Her vision became blurry as tears filled her eyes. What the hell had happened to him in that maze?

“You two need to leave,” someone said, pushing Astoria away by her shoulders.

“You’ll have to make us,” came Daphne’s cold reply.

Astoria finally turned to look at her sister for the first time since Harry appeared. Her face was a pure mask of ice. Not a hint of emotion showed through except for the fierce protectiveness as she drew her wand at the figure, who turned out to be Professor Snape.

Their Head of House looked anything but pleased as Daphne’s wand was pointed at him. The corners of his lips turned downward, and he gave her a steely-eyed stare that was normally reserved for those too incompetent to make a simple potion.

“You will put away your wand this instant and return to the common room,” Snape told Daphne sternly. “Hogwarts is being put under lockdown until further notice, and everyone will be returning to their common rooms.”

“No,” Daphne replied, matching Snape’s tone. Astoria was shocked to hear her sister speaking like this to Professor Snape of all people. She’d always been so willing to go along with their parents’ whims and whatever was expected of her. She didn’t realise just how much Harry had changed her.

“No?” Snape repeated while raising an eyebrow. His arm moved slightly within his dark robes, and Daphne snapped the point of her wand right up against Snape’s chin.

“Don’t you dare try it,” Daphne said warningly. Snape’s cloak fluttered in the wind, and Astoria saw his fingers loosely gripping the handle of his wand. “Now, let us pass. We’re going to see Harry.”

“We need to move him!” Madam Pomfrey shouted just ahead. Neither she nor the other professors had turned to look at the commotion to the side even once; their entire focus was on dealing with Harry. “I need to work on him inside of my tent! Keep the Levitation Charm steady, Filius. Pomona, I need you to run to Greenhouse Five and collect as much Dittany as you can carry; we’re going to need a lot of it. Severus… where the hell is Severus?!”

“I’ll handle this,” Professor Dumbledore said calmly as he swept up to them. His kind eyes met Astoria’s tear-filled ones before moving on to Daphne’s cold glare. “Could I ask you to please lower your wand, my dear?”

“Severus!” Madam Pomfrey shouted again, and Daphne’s hand wavered.

“Fine,” Daphne said quickly, lowering her wand.

Snape gave them another look before turning on his heels and striding over to see what Madam Pomfrey needed.

“You two should return to your Common Rooms and—” Professor Dumbledore began, but Daphne cut him off.

“That line didn’t work when Professor Snape tried it,” Daphne said. “We want to be with Harry.”

Astoria could only nod her head in agreement. Her world felt like it was falling apart. The man she loved so dearly was on death’s door, and all she could do was sit by and watch. She wouldn’t trust herself to properly cast a spell when her hands were trembling like this.

“Right now, Madam Pomfrey needs space to work,” Professor Dumbledore said soothingly. “Harry is alive, and Madam Pomfrey needs to be able to focus in order to get him to the point where he can start to recover from whatever happened to him.”

“We’re not leaving him,” Daphne insisted fiercely. “And if I have to bloody—!”

Professor Dumbledore held up his hands in surrender. “Alright,” he replied. “I’ll let you stay with Harry, but you must stay by my side the entire time.”

Astoria could see that Daphne wanted to argue with him. It wasn’t even that Professor Dumbledore was being unreasonable in any way—if anything, they were the unreasonable ones—but maybe this was just how Daphne was expressing her grief over seeing Harry like this.

“That’ll be fine,” Astoria said quickly. Her voice choked as she forced the words out. “Right, Daphne?”

Her sister swallowed whatever choice words she’d picked to use next and reluctantly nodded her head in agreement.

“Then come with me,” Professor Dumbledore told them.

He guided them over towards the medical tent, which had been erected underneath the stands so that it was in close proximity to the maze. A thin trail of blood splatters on the ground lined the dirt path from the stage to the tent, and it made Astoria’s stomach sick to see it.

Professor Dumbledore entered first, lifting the curtain that obscured the door to allow them entrance. Apparently, there was a Privacy Charm placed around the tent, because as soon as Astoria stepped past the threshold, she heard Madam Pomfrey’s heavy breathing as she weaved her wand in an intricate pattern over Harry’s unconscious body, which had been moved onto a large table.

Astoria couldn’t help but sob again as Madam Pomfrey cut away his robes. His body looked so battered and broken from the countless cuts, sickening purple bruises, and massive wounds on him.

Professor Dumbledore watched on solemnly as Madam Pomfrey worked. He guided her and Daphne off to the side to one of the other beds and bid them to sit down on it. They did so, sitting with their hips touching and watching as Madam Pomfrey worked.

“If you’re going to be here, Albus, you might as well make yourself useful,” Madam Pomfrey commented without glancing back at him. “His left shoulder’s been shattered, and I need to get the bone fragments out of him. I need you to keep the area clean with the Wiping Spell so that I can see what I’m doing.”

“Just stay here,” Professor Dumbledore told them as he hurried over to Madam Pomfrey’s side.

Astoria wasn’t sure if she was grateful or not that Madam Pomfrey and Professor Dumbledore had their backs to them. It meant that she didn’t have to see their work, but a part of her wanted to see it. She felt like she owed it to Harry to know what he was going through, even if it was hard on her. But although she couldn’t see what was happening, she could hear it.

The sounds of Harry’s flesh squishing as Madam Pomfrey pulled out bone fragments from his torso was nauseating. Each time she got one out, the bone fragment would clatter as it landed in a small bowl nearby. Then, Professor Dumbledore would use his magic to wipe away the blood that was spilling out from the newly opened wound.

“Get him a Blood-Replenisher,” Madam Pomfrey ordered Professor Dumbledore. “Hurry.”

With a flick of his wand, a vial filled with red liquid soared off of a nearby shelf and into Professor Dumbledore’s hand. With practised ease, he uncorked it and poured it into Harry’s mouth.

Suddenly, Harry’s body started jerking around on the bed. His limbs flopped around lifelessly as spasms wracked his body.

“He’s seizing up,” Madam Pomfrey cursed under her breath.

“Do something!” Astoria exclaimed, unable to stop herself as tears streamed freely down her cheeks.

“There’s nothing we can do other than keep him from hurting himself while it happens,” Madam Pomfrey replied quickly. “He just needs to ride this out.”

Daphne called after Astoria as she pushed herself to her feet, but her sister’s voice sounded so faint and distant. She staggered out of the tent and barely made it around the corner before she lost the meagre contents of her stomach into the dirt.

Eventually, Astoria returned back into the medical tent and sat back down beside her sister silently. Daphne hadn’t moved an inch, but Astoria noticed that she was gripping the edge of the bed so tightly that her knuckles were turning white.

Each minute felt like a lifetime as they watched Madam Pomfrey work. She had a determined but stressed look on her face as she systematically addressed Harry’s major wounds one by one. She dismissed Professor Dumbledore not long after she got all of the bone fragments out of Harry, and he returned to stand by Astoria and Daphne’s side, watching on with the same fervent focus as them.

The other professors came and went as they delivered the things that Madam Pomfrey had requested. They seemed just as worried about Harry’s life as Astoria and Daphne were. Even Professor Snape showed a level of concern that surprised Astoria given the man’s well-known hatred of Harry. And yet, here he was, gently feeding potions into Harry’s mouth and quickly crafting a poultice of dittany to be layered over some of the larger cuts on his body.

It was a little over an hour before Madam Pomfrey finally took a step back to breathe.

“He’s stable enough to move up to the Hospital Wing,” she said, sounding worn out.

“Thank you, Poppy,” Professor Dumbledore said sincerely. “I’ll carry him up myself. Why don’t you go on ahead and get his bed prepared.”

Madam Pomfrey nodded, too tired to argue even if she wanted to, and made her way out of the tent.

Turning back to Astoria and Daphne, Professor Dumbledore offered them a small smile. “I expect it’s too much to ask you two to return to your common room for the night?”

“We go where Harry goes,” Daphne insisted fiercely.

“I understand,” Professor Dumbledore said. “In that case, please come with me.”

Professor Dumbledore levitated Harry’s unconscious form back onto the stretcher he’d been brought in on and then levitated the stretcher itself to carry Harry out. Astoria and Daphne followed close behind, keeping a watchful eye over Harry.

The grounds around the maze had been cleared of everyone. All of the students were back in their common rooms, and the professors were presumably keeping the peace inside of the castle itself. It was a long, quiet walk back.

The ghosts, which were normally flying around the castle as they whimmed, were nowhere to be seen as they entered it; it was as though a path had been perfectly cleared all the way up to the Hospital Wing. The figures in the portraits that lined the walls were unusually solemn and respectful, bowing their heads as the four of them passed by.

Madam Pomfrey was awaiting them in the Hospital Wing. The first bed closest to her office was ready for Harry, and a large stash of potions were collected on a table beside it along with a schedule that indicated when the potions needed to be taken.

As soon as Professor Dumbledore levitated Harry off of the stretcher and onto the bed, Madam Pomfrey stepped forward with a small vial in her hands.

“Draught of Living Death,” Madam Pomfrey informed Professor Dumbledore as she showed him the vial. “I need to keep him unconscious through the night so that his body can start to heal.”

“Of course,” Professor Dumbledore nodded. “You don’t need to justify your decisions to me, Poppy. I trust you.”

“Two drops,” Madam Pomfrey murmured as she carefully dropped them into Harry’s mouth. “He’ll be out of it until noon, but I’ll need to give him more in the morning. He’s out of the danger zone now, but his body took quite a serious beating. He’ll need Draught of Living Death for a week, maybe more.”

“How did it happen?” Daphne asked quietly.

Astoria could still remember the moment that Harry supposedly grabbed the cup. The announcer had called out clear as day as soon as the alarm spell that had been tied to the cup went off. The crowd had erupted in cheers, but the professors seemed confused. They’d been staring at the stage, as though they were expecting Harry to show up there. It was until many minutes later that Harry finally arrived.

Although they didn’t know exactly what was going on in the maze, these types of injuries seemed extreme. The tournament was supposed to be quite deadly… but Astoria thought that the organisers had taken care to keep everyone safer this time around.

“I don’t know,” Professor Dumbledore admitted. A flicker of worry crossed his aged face. “I fear that Harry is the only one who will be able to tell us.”

Daphne clearly wasn’t satisfied by that answer, but it wasn’t as though she could do anything about it.

“Poppy, do you mind if I transfigure one of your beds for the night?” Professor Dumbledore asked. “These two ladies will be spending the night here.”

“That’s fine, Albus,” Madam Pomfrey replied. “Just make sure that Mr Potter has enough space around his bed.”

“Of course,” he said kindly.

Professor Dumbledore walked down to a distant bed and twisted his wand towards it. The bed expanded, becoming a comfortable size for both Astoria and Daphne to share. He drew the curtains partially around it to offer them privacy.

“You two should get some rest now,” he told them as he returned to their side.

“But, Harry…” Astoria trailed off, biting her lip nervously as she stared at Harry. Under the effects of the Draught of Living Death, he barely looked like he was breathing.

“He needs to rest now,” Madam Pomfrey said kindly. “I’ll be up throughout the night giving him potions as he needs, but there’s nothing more that can be done. We need to let his body heal itself. He’ll still be here in the morning.”

“We’ll get some rest later,” Daphne said firmly as she sat down in one of the chairs beside Harry’s bed. She took one of Harry’s limp hands into her own and began running her thumb across the back of it. “But for now, we’d like a moment alone with him.”

Madam Pomfrey opened her mouth to reply, but Professor Dumbledore gave a slight shake of his head.

“Come, Poppy,” he said as he gently placed a hand on her back. “Let’s go get some tea. You deserve a little break.”

Madam Pomfrey glanced back down at Harry nervously. “Just a short one in my office. I don’t want to be too far away just in case…”

“Of course,” Professor Dumbledore said as he started guiding her away from Harry’s side.

When the office door closed behind them, Astoria sat down gingerly next to Daphne.

Finally, once they were alone, Daphne cried.

It tore Astoria’s heart to see her sister like this. She’d gotten all of her tears out immediately and throughout the process of watching Madam Pomfrey patch Harry up, but Daphne had remained strong until now.

Astoria wrapped her sister up in a tight hug. “He’ll be okay,” she told her, not entirely believing the words herself. Harry might be alive, but who knew what damage was done to him from whatever he endured.

Daphne’s shoulders shook. She didn’t say anything back to Astoria, and she didn’t need to. All that mattered was that they were there for each other no matter what.

When Daphne’s tears subsided, they pulled apart and just watched over Harry as he slept and recovered.

Some time later, Madam Pomfrey jostled them awake. The sun was just setting in the sky.

“You two should go to bed,” she told them as she started pulling out potions to give to Harry.

There was no argument from either of them now. Together, they headed on over to the bed that Professor Dumbledore had prepared for them. It was big enough to fit both of them comfortably, and in minutes, they both drifted back off to sleep.


A whisper jolted Astoria out of her sleep. It was pitch black outside, but Astoria didn’t know what time it was. The only source of light in the Hospital Wing came from the candlelight streaming out of Madam Pomfrey’s office.

Through the curtains that surrounded their bed, Astoria saw a shadow of a figure move. At first, she thought it was just Madam Pomfrey off to deliver more potions to Harry, but the hairs on the back of her neck were standing up. Something felt wrong to her, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.

Mentally chastising herself for getting scared of a shadow, Astoria nevertheless grabbed her wand from the bedside table and slowly slid out of bed, doing her best not to disturb Daphne in her sleep. Her bare feet landed on the cold, stone floor, and she carefully cracked open the curtains to peer through.

Across the way, she could see the outline of someone standing beside Harry’s bed through the white curtains that surrounded it.

Astoria let out a sigh of relief, but it turned into a gasp when her gaze drifted lower and spotted Madam Pomfrey’s body lying on the floor just outside of her office. She didn’t know if she was dead or merely unconscious, but neither was a good sign.

There was another whisper, but Astoria couldn’t make it out.

Gooseflesh ran up and down her arms as she slowly closed the curtain back up and turned around to the bed. She placed her hand gently on her sister’s shoulder and shook her awake.


Daphne’s words were cut off as Astoria slapped her hand over her mouth. Daphne’s eyes went wide then, but her panic faded when she saw that it was Astoria keeping her quiet.

“Shh,” Astoria hushed her silently. “Something’s wrong,” she whispered. “There’s someone at Harry’s bed.”

She’d explained herself as quickly as she could, omitting plenty, but there was no time to explain more. Harry could be in danger, and he needed their help.

Thankfully, Daphne didn’t question her. She cared for Harry as much as Astoria did, and she’d rather take the risk of looking foolish than potentially losing her love. She slid out of bed silently and grabbed her wand too.

Together, the two sisters slipped past the curtains that surrounded their bed. Daphne made a small sound of surprise when she saw Madam Pomfrey lying unconscious by her office, but then she tightened her grip on her wand and continued forward with Astoria.

“—ucky to escape the Dark Lord.” The whispering was audible now, but Astoria still struggled to recognise the voice. It was definitely male, deep, gravely, and familiar… but she couldn’t place it. “No one’s ever bested our master like that before, but it’ll be the last time it happens. You’ll pay for your insolence.”

The Dark Lord was the title certain pure-bloods had given to… Voldemort—Astoria couldn’t help the shiver that ran down her spin at just thinking of the name. This man had to be one of his followers, but Voldemort had been dead for years now. Why would he choose now to strike Harry. Did he have anything to do with how Harry got injured?

These were questions for later.

Suddenly, all of the time Astoria and Daphne spent training with Harry together sprang forward into her mind. She knew how her older sister acted, how she liked to test Harry. This was just another test… only it was against someone dangerous.

They were at the curtain now, and Daphne was slightly ahead of her. She grabbed onto the curtain delicately and met Astoria’s gaze for a look of confirmation.

Astoria nodded her head and raised her wand.

Daphne pulled back the curtain just as Astoria cast a Stunning Spell. The red bolt fired right at the figure looming over Harry’s unconscious body. It looked like a sure hit, but the man threw himself aside just in time. The bolt of magical energy crashed into the stone wall, and Professor Moody sneered at them.

“You dare interfere?” He said imperiously as he snared down the bridge of his nose at them.

“Moody?” Daphne said, slowly shifting her footing so that she’d be closer to Harry to protect him.

“You two aren’t supposed to be here,” Moody twitched. His wand was held loosely in his hand. “You’re supposed to be in bed.”

“What are you doing here?” Daphne asked dangerously, keeping the tip of her wand pointed at him. Astoria did as well, but she was unnerved by how quickly he’d been able to dodge her spell.

Moody licked his lips. “I supposed the charade had to end sooner or later. Even if I die here today, I know I did so in service to a greater power than myself.”

“Daphne!” Astoria screamed, sensing what was coming before it actually happened.

Green light screamed through the air as it blasted past within an inch of Daphne’s face. She’d managed to dodge the Killing Curse just in time, but she didn’t even have a chance to recover before Moody sent another one her way.

“Reducto!” Astoria cried, firing the spell right towards Moody’s chest.

The spell struck the man, sending his aim wide. The second Killing Curse meant for Daphne crashed into the ceiling as he flipped end over end into the wall beside Madam Pomfrey’s office.

But Moody was barely fazed by the blow. He landed on his feet and emitted a wordless scream as he unleashed a gout of flame in front of him.

“I’ve got Harry!” Daphne shouted as she brought up a powerful shield. The flames ran across the shimmering surface but were unable to penetrate it.

Astoria had to leap aside as the flames raced towards her. Thinking quickly on her feet, she called out: “Flipendo!”

The bed opposite Harry’s flipped over onto its side, and Astoria ducked behind it for cover. Fire licked at her skin around the edges of the bed, but it only gave her a few minor burns at worst. What mattered most was that she had some cover now and could work with it.

One of the important things that she, Daphne, and Harry had focused on training was how he could use his environment to his advantage. The narrow corridors of the maze meant that manoeuvrability would be at a premium, so you had to look for alternative means of defending and attacking.

That first Killing Curse had dislodged thick chunks of stone from the ceiling of the Hospital Wing, and it was just laying nearby.

“Accio,” Astoria murmured softly, hoping to avoid Moody’s notice for just a moment. A pile of stones came rushing towards her, and she quickly ended her spell and let the stones skid across the floor the rest of the way towards her.

“Just die already!” Moody screamed.

The flames died out, and Astoria poked her head out to see that Daphne had hit the man with something that was making him bleed. He had one arm wrapped tightly around his waist, but he was now casting a rapid sequence of spells that had Daphne on the back-foot. She was caught between trying to defend herself and Harry, and that left her very little chance to fight back. Her shield was only going to last so long, and Astoria knew that she had to intervene.

She grabbed one of the heavy chunks of stone and hurled it into the air.

“Depulso!” Astoria shouted.

The stone fired off with a powerful burst of speed right towards Moody. The man instinctively snapped a shield into place, and the first chunk of stone was deflected.

But Astoria didn’t stop at just the first bit of stone. She continued the sequence of throwing stone into the air before banishing it towards Moody. He was stuck in the corner by Madam Pomfrey’s office, so he could only try and dodge to his right, but Astoria accounted for that and kept banishing the stones towards his right side.

Now that she had a brief reprieve, Daphne joined in the attack. She was casting spells as quickly as she could. It didn’t seem to matter what they were so long as they could do something to either disrupt or hurt Moody.

Under the onslaught of the two witches and with no hope in sight for any assistance, Moody tried the only thing he could: he tried to throw himself to the side to dive into Madam Pomfrey’s office.

Unfortunately, Moody wasn’t exactly the most fit and flexible individual anymore. His knee buckled as he leapt aside, and he fell well short of the office door.

Astoria and Daphne both hit the man with a Stunning Spell at the exact same time, knocking him out cold.

There was no sound except for their heavy breathing for several moments. Astoria couldn’t believe what had just happened. Why had their Defence Against the Dark Arts professor just tried to kill Harry? She’d heard about Moody growing up, and she knew that he’d dedicated his life to fighting dark witches and wizards. It just didn’t make sense that he’d try to kill Harry unless he was under the Imperius Curse.

“Is Harry okay?” Astoria eventually asked as she walked over to Harry’s bedside. Her adrenaline was still going strong, but she knew it was only a matter of time before it faded and left her exhausted.

“I think so,” Daphne said as she checked him over. “At least he’s not worse than he was before this all happened.”

Astoria grimaced. “We should see if Madam Pomfrey’s okay.”

The matron was still unconscious on the ground close to where Moody was. Astoria crouched down beside her.

“Rennervate,” Astoria said softly.

Madam Pomfrey rolled away from Astoria in surprise. “What—!” She began to call out, only for her to pause when she saw the destruction around the room.

“Professor Moody tried to kill Harry,” Astoria explained quickly to her. “We stunned him, but can you please check Harry over to make sure that he’s alright?”

Even though she was still a little out of it from being stunned, Madam Pomfrey nodded her head. “Yes, yes… I can.”

Just as she started checking Harry over, the doors to the Hospital Wing were thrown open and Dumbledore strode in with his wand drawn. He sounded slightly out of breath and had a panicked look on his face, only for it to fade when he saw that everyone was safe.

But Astoria didn’t feel safe. Harry had told her countless stories about the dangers he’d encountered at Hogwarts, and it wasn’t until now that she truly understood them for what they were. And there was only one person who she could truly find at fault for it.

“You were supposed to keep him safe!” Astoria shouted at the shocked Headmaster as she stormed up to him. “Harry’s been through so damned much, and yet time after time he ends up nearly dying under your watch! How in the hell didn’t you know that one of your own professors was a Death Eater?”

She was trembling with anger as she raged at Professor Dumbledore. The old man just stood there and accepted her words with a grimace on his lips and a sad look in his eyes.

Daphne came up behind Astoria and wrapped her arms comfortingly around her. “Moody’s there,” she gestured with her head. “You’ll want to call the Aurors to deal with him.”

As Dumbledore turned to look at Moody, he frowned. It took Astoria a second to realise what was happening too: Moody was transforming.

The heavy-set, scar-covered man shifted into a pale, thin man that Astoria didn’t recognise. His clothes were too big on him, and the fake eye that Moody had rolled around on the floor nearby.

“Barty Crouch Jr,” Dumbledore breathed out, recognising the man instantly.

It was a flurry of chaos from that point forward. The Aurors were called to the scene, and Astoria and Daphne spent the next few days being interviewed repeatedly until their dad arrived and put a stop to it all. Professor Dumbledore was with them every day, and although Astoria never apologised to him for yelling at him, he didn’t ask for one. He seemed to understand her anger and frustrations and helped her and Daphne along with dealing with the Aurors.

Throughout it all, Astoria and Daphne continued to live out of the Hospital Wing. Their trunks were brought up here, and they were given their own beds close to Harry’s to use. No one dared argue the point with them, not after Harry had nearly been killed.

They stayed by his bedside whenever possible, even going so far as to take their meals there. Over time, they watched as he slowly recovered from his injuries. It started first with the superficial cuts, then the poultice left his body, and the sickening cut on his arm. When Madam Pomfrey removed the bandage around his shoulder and revealed the freshly-healed skin, Astoria had cried tears of joy. She and Daphne had stayed by his side then, waiting for the Draught of Living Death to wear off so that he would wake up.

The moment Harry opened his eyes, Astoria felt like she was going to start crying all over again.

“Harry,” Daphne sobbed beside Astoria. “We’re so glad that you’re alive.”

He looked bewildered at first, as though he couldn’t quite remember what had happened. Then, his eyes flashed as it all came back to him. It was strange watching him as whatever events that took place a week ago flooded back into his mind. A wave of emotions rolled across his face before finally settling on happiness.

“I’m so glad to see you two,” he replied. His voice was croaky from disuse. He looked around the Hospital Wing, clearly recognising it. “What’s happened since…”

“A lot,” Astoria said with a teary smile. “We’ll fill you in when we can, but once Madam Pomfrey gets back, we’ll be leaving.”

“Leaving?” Harry repeated. “To where?”

“Back home,” Astoria answered. “To Greengrass Manor.”



Harry's been through a lot. He needs some time off before more stuff hits the fan!

Nova Sana

I really liked how you differentiated the two sisters’ reactions to Harry’s condition. Well done and NGL it gave me the feels…