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April 2024 Exclusive Patron-Voted Story Poll

  • Harry/Aurora Sinistra 15
  • Harry/Fleur #1 24
  • Harry/Delphini 10
  • Lily Evans-Potter/Lord Voldemort 2
  • Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen 10
  • Jon Snow/Visenya Targaryen 5
  • Harry/Fleur #2 5
  • 2024-04-04
  • —2024-04-05
  • 71 votes
{'title': 'April 2024 Exclusive Patron-Voted Story Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Harry/Aurora Sinistra', 'votes': 15}, {'text': 'Harry/Fleur #1', 'votes': 24}, {'text': 'Harry/Delphini', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Lily Evans-Potter/Lord Voldemort', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Jon Snow/Visenya Targaryen', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Harry/Fleur #2', 'votes': 5}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 5, 15, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 4, 4, 8, 16, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 71}


This story is exclusive for anyone at the Prompter Tier or above. As such, all voting will be done exclusively by all of you!

Be sure to vote on the story you would like to see written for this month! You have until 9 am PST on the 5th to vote!

To maintain consistency, Prompter's votes will count as 3 votes while Big Supporter's and Commissioner's votes will count as 10 votes:

Here are the prompts:

  • Harry/Aurora Sinistra:

Professor Sinistra loves two things: astronomy and being naked. She doesn't remember when it started but she grew up with the habit of being naked whenever she studied the heavenly bodies; she swears she feels more connected to the magicks of the stars and the moon and the planets when she's au natural. But teaching naked would get her in trouble, right? Well, she knows a strong confundus Charm that she cast in the Astronomy Tower that tricks everyone into believing she's wearing professional (but a little sexy) clothes and robes. And for all the years that she's been teach, no one has even shown a hint of realizing that she's been teaching starkers.

Now he comes Harry Potter, the Boy who will learn later that he can throw off the Imperius Curse. In his first Astronomy lesson, he falls pray to the Confundus curse but slowly fights it off, seeing peeks of dark brown beautiful flesh. He doesn't understand what's going on but he's not about to say anything to ruin this for him. By the end of class, he can see see his dark skinned goddess of a professor walking about in the buff and no one else saying anything about it.

When everyone leaves the class to go to bed, Harry boldly confronts his professor about her "attire" and Sinistra is in full on panic mode. She comes clean and explains how being naked helps her connect with magic better. Harry, new to magic, is interested in this way of connecting to magic and becomes her first naked apprentice!

  • Harry/Fleur #1:

When they first meet fleur doesn’t think much about Harry and then when he gets angry that he was put in the tournament he releases his aura of magic and it deeply affects the quarter Veela and she knows she must have him and so she goes about seducing Harry but when they fuck she is unprepared for Harry’s large and fat “wand” but she enjoys the trip to pound town  aged up Harry; intense fucking maybe some breeding as well

  • Harry/Delphini:

After defeating Voldemort, Harry decides to go back to Hogwarts to complete the final year that was stolen by the war. Things are going well until he notices a face he hasn't seen in all his time at Hogwarts - a certain Delphini Rowle. As time passes he realizes that this new chick is obsessed with him, to the point where he thinks she might be stalking him.

Delphini on the other hand is from the future, discontent and disillusioned with the fall of her father, Voldemort, and led to think that he was a good, honorable man who would've brought positive change to the wizarding world. She intends to go back in time before her father's fall to prevent his death and to kill Harry Potter, but her miscalculations bring her a few weeks after Harry finishes Voldemort. She changes her plan and seeks to avenge her father instead, but the more she spends time following Harry and learning about him and his complicated past, she begins to unveil the truth of her father and the many atrocities he commited.

Harry eventually learns the truth of Delphini's true parentage and reason for arrival, and ultimately confronts her and tells her the truth: that the man she called father was despicably evil and only sought to bring death and destruction to the wizarding community. Harry, still reeling from the events of the war, and Delphini, miserable from the recent truth that has been broken to her after a childhood of being lead to believe that her father was an honorable man, find consolation in one another and forge a loving relationship amongst themselves that blossoms into something that given their backgrounds and parentage, would never have imagined.

  • Lily Evans Potter/Lord Voldemort:

Lord Voldemort spared Lily and Harry. Now he wants Lily for himself. A voldemort win AU. Lily became a Death Eater to save her son’s life. She had always enjoyed power. She had always enjoyed knowing things. There was just so much information at her fingertips now—so much dark information. She had never been against knowing and commanding dark magic; she had only hated it when Severus used it to hurt people. Lily is Voldemort’s prisoner now, but he gave her full reign to roam about the Lestrange estate. tags: Dark Lily Evans Potter, Stockholm syndrome, Rest is up to you

  • Jon Sand (Snow)/Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones):

Ned Stark and his posse are defeated by Arthur Dayne. Instead of growing up in the cold North, he grows up making a name for himself as a soldier of fortune in the lands of Essos, eventually becoming the Captain-General of the Golden Company itself. Viserys seeks out the Golden Company instead of the Dothraki. But instead of a pliant mercenary army, he finds Aegon Targaryen, the true heir to the Seven Kingdoms leading a fanatical army ready to conquer the Seven Kingdoms. He's just waiting for his bride to be. (Change it up from all the Harry Potter themed stories. Very general prompt, lots of room for you to exercise creativity).

  • Jon Snow x Visenya Targaryen I (Time-travel Aegon’s Conquest):

The War for the Dawn goes horribly wrong and the last hope for a world not entombed in ice and darkness lies in a man who is the culmination of 2 legendary bloodlines and the dragon he bonded with. With the storm-clouds shrouding the world from the sun’s light and warmth and the cold suffocating the dragon’s fire, the last two living beings hold each other close and wait to confront the end together.

Naturally, the Powers That Be refuse to let that shit slide and allow lifetimes of planning to go to pot. If only death can pay for life, then the death of the world will pay for the survival of their saviours and their exodus to a more promising time.

When Jon and Rhaegal come to, they find themselves on the familiar shores of Dragonstone. But before they can fly north and take righteousness vengeance for all that they had lost with a pre-emptive strike on the White Walkers, they are accosted by the only other beings on the island.

The dragon and her rider that called this island home noticed the intruders on a patrollling flight around their territory and immediately land to square up to confront the large green dragon and rider. With the dragons tussling for dominance over the territory each of them saw as their own; Jon (much to his shock) finds himself communicating in the preferred language of the legendary warrior queen that had dominated his childhood fantasies - violence.

While Jon fights for his life and tries to defend himself from his childhood crush brought to life, he does his best to defuse the situation whilst narrowly avoiding imminent death with every movement and word. Over time, the warriors’ fight mirrors their dragons in being less of a fight to the death, and more of a life-threatening mating ritual.

Visenya, very attuned to her dragon’s emotional energy due to their close bond and feeding off of it, finds the man she presumed to be a threat that had caught her curiosity and attention, to be worthy of her high standards. She ends the fight and pounces on the man that had caught her interest and Jon, being used to not being in control of most situations he ends up in, holds on for dear life.

  • Harry/Fleur #2:

Set a couple of years after the war (not sure how many). Bill gets caught cheating (big surprise). Fleur, not knowing who to go to, goes to the only person in Britain who would be able to help. Harry and Fleur have been good friends since the second task of the Triwizard, exchanging penpals and talking as much as they could. It wasn’t until Fleur moved to Britain and started dating Bill that they met in person again, but they hit it off like nothing had ever changed. Fleur makes it to Harry’s place and asks for a place to stay. She doesn’t tell Harry right away what happened, but eventually breaks down and tells him. Harry, wanting revenge for one of his best friends, gets an idea. Take Fleur out on a date, show her what it really means to be appreciated and wanted in a relationship. And well… that date leads to Harry realizing what Fleur realized back when they were penpals. Harry is in love with her. But now he feels that there is no way to tell her and doesn’t know how she’ll react. So he takes her on more dates, and they become more and more real every time


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