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[Legal note: If you are reading this on any other site aside from Lavendher's Patreon or Youtube, this audio has been stolen and posted by criminals. It is likely a very unsafe site, so please beware.]

I woke up qutie late & honestly found it really hard to get up, but finally managed around 2pm. The entirety of my days has thusforth been dedicated to finishing the new reference sheet for the VTuber model which I will be sending to the artist this evening.

I've been highly distractible for a while but finally being able to really get into the zone recently has really paid off. The power of breaks is not to be scoffed at. The way I see it... I mean look at yesterday's audio the way it was edited, and even the little eggs I'm brainstorming for this model... It feels good to be "properly" creative again, haha! <3

I have the Lord to thank, and also you guys to thank. Thank you for not just enjoying my content in the first place but your encouragements every here and there, your honest feedbacks, your laughs, and your smiles... I feel the love from all of them and it keeps me going. :)

I hope you're having a lovely day~




Congratulations for everything that you are accomplishing! Can’t wait to see the model!

Christian Kaleopaa

Glad to hear your attempting to nock out the goals you have set for yourself. And geting in the zone is always good. I get it can be hard to get going but hopefully you're doing well and got the rest you needed. No problem Lavendher 😊. We will be here to support and cheer you on. You and yuor content are truly a blessing i Can't wait to see what you do next. ^_^. Remember to take care of yourself though you could be slightly under the weather not just tired. Though I'm sure you know what's best for your self. ❤️