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I will be doing a lil' poll on YouTube to give a starting idea as to what direction everyone would enjoy most...

I would like to do a March Madness of (Monster Girls?) that aren't all so monstrous... But towards the end of the month I'm thinking of leaning closer and closer to a more baleful approach to each.

ANYWHO-! From this poll, I will say I have already begun to prepare some of these ideas in case they win first pick!

So you will likely be getting more content here on Patreon that may not even make it onto YouTube at times because either:

A) it's an idea that's scrapped for one reason or another

B) I want it to be for your eyes and yours alone (or ears rather LOL)

C) It's a lil' bit too frisky for YouTube~

Anywho, I hope this variety of content will be enjoyable to follow along! With this I am also hoping to push my boundaries, since I tend to stay within the realms of realistic or contemporary situations... So, as always, I'll be listening to your feedback along the way~! :)



Christian Kaleopaa

Monster lav? Can't wait to meet the wild side. ^_^ Sounds like the next month is full of happy little saprises. Love hearing those creative juices flow.