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You peek into the open doorway, nervous about your first job interview in months, and curious what your new potential employer looks like. You don't know what you were expecting, but a fierce yet stately figure dressed in bright spandex wasn't it. You feel certain you must be in the wrong place, but before you can turn to leave they look your way.

Script courtesy of Waterway the Wordsmith




Fuck yeah, new Lav content right when I needed it!

Christian Kaleopaa

Oh wow love the idea behind this script. I can actually picture it as an anime. It could be called how I axidently became the minion of a super vilan. I'd watch that. ^_^ love the audio Lav. It actually felt like an interview. Wow those benefits maby I should look into it. 8))


Of course I listened again, and now I feel called out. I was waiting for a " hey my eyes are up here" haha


Loll in this situation I think it's safe to say "Yes eyes are up here AND boobas are down here" xD And why do you feel called out? haha


I was mostly teasing you. The lines in the beginning about wearing the costume and, mouth open, wide eyed stare. Very funny stuff. Is this character art your own design?


Great as always! Third time listening and I just realised something, at 2:53 you say something like "planning on breaking into the industry". That has to be a pun right: "breaking into" the criminal industry. Had to pause the audio because the realisation it cracked me up too much