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The lies people will tell to get you to buy into their goods and services is crazy xD

Today it's been on my mind again, reconsidering getting my ears properly re-pierced again.

I've had them pierced since I was a little girl but they started closing once the period came to where I stopped wearing earrings. And at some point during my time in uni, I realized those once-in-a-blue-moon moments when I tried to wear earrings, they stopped going through. They say you can reopen your holes if you have a sharp enough earring, which is what I was able to do with one of them, but I think the other was a little more healed than that one so...

That brings us to today, with more prolonged time without wearing earrings... I'm pretty sure both are closed xD

I've been trying to see where I can get my ears pierced that's NOT at a Claire's. Thankfully my holes are still visible, like they LOOK like they could wear earings, but they're closed in the middle-- so even if someone wasn't confident, they could literally just go right back over the hole... BUT-- I don't know... I've heard too many horror stories and I just honestly want someone to do it right haha.

So I've been looking at tattoo parlors trying to find a piercing specialist... A lot of the places are intimidating though O_O Hahah

But obviously through my search, the options have come up to get other piercings, as some of them ironically don't offer the normal lobe piercing but they'll offer everything else LOL A bit strange if you ask me.

I'm wondering... What do you think about piercings? Do you have any favorites? Do you have any? Are you for/against them? 



Lavendhim (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-22 09:39:07 Piercings can easily get to be… too much. There’s people out there that get massive bull rings through their noses, or giant gauges in their ears that stretch out their lobes, or just other piercings on just about every other part of their bodies that can allow piercings, and it gets to a point where it’s just too much. Most people don’t just stop at simple ear piercings, but when they do they tend to look good depending on what they have. Knowing you however, the piercings would only help accentuate your natural beauty, Lav.
2024-01-16 13:29:31 Piercings can easily get to be… too much. There’s people out there that get massive bull rings through their noses, or giant gauges in their ears that stretch out their lobes, or just other piercings on just about every other part of their bodies that can allow piercings, and it gets to a point where it’s just too much. Most people don’t just stop at simple ear piercings, but when they do they tend to look good depending on what they have. Knowing you however, the piercings would only help accentuate your natural beauty, Lav.

Piercings can easily get to be… too much. There’s people out there that get massive bull rings through their noses, or giant gauges in their ears that stretch out their lobes, or just other piercings on just about every other part of their bodies that can allow piercings, and it gets to a point where it’s just too much. Most people don’t just stop at simple ear piercings, but when they do they tend to look good depending on what they have. Knowing you however, the piercings would only help accentuate your natural beauty, Lav.


I've got two lobe piercings. Got them done by the guy that did my dad's tattoos. Used a professional needle. A tattoo shop is certainly the place to go.