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As you remember from the last post, I updated you on my moving situation. The goal is to get back to a place where I will have a setup I can work with (no matter how small or makeshift). I intend to focus on making audios for you guys as well as my voice acting portfolio, I want to work in the field again, haha! But it’s really hard to do that as a nomad so I’m putting a pause on that to put in the work. I hope you will support me :)

On the note of material I am working on for you, I have reached out to an artist to start the process of commissioning some art for Lavendher… 👀 Exciting, right?

Haha, I don’t know about you, but I am absolutely stoked! It is my first time commissioning art for not just Lavendher but branding purposes in general and it makes me feel really happy and overall excited for the possibilities.

I‘m far from a millionaire so I won’t be splurging and dropping even close to a hundred bucks to completely rebrand or start pushing a new style or anything (not even half of that 🤣) but even if I’m starting small, it’s the starting that matters! :)

I hope you will look forward to and enjoy the output! Of course, you will be the first to see it, hehe!

As for the music, I may end up postponing that longer because I haven’t exactly been getting feedback, and I would also need to source some help for the mixing since I don’t have my setup to do it myself. But, if I’m moved by then, I may just pick up the music-mixing bit myself and be able to drop the music. :) Until then, you might see another opportunity to help me write the songs on YouTube community posts because I think I will get more response there. I don’t know, maybe I’m intimidating (me? 🥺) but you guys tend to either be too shy or too uninterested in commenting on these community posts here on Patreon. 😂

Anywho— thank you for sticking around, and thank you for reading! As always, I hope you are all taking care, eating well, and staying safe! Muah~! ♥️  



I'm glad to see you making tons of progress since this post. Keep going and support for you will continue to grow. 💙