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Welcome to the family (to our new Patron members)! It seriously puts a smile on my face to have you here. :)

As much as I’d love to draw an elaborate post right now, I’m pinched for time. So, what I *will* say is that my plans for April are to shoot for the things outlined in March’s post!

If you’ve kept up with the community postings, you have some idea of how crazy March got for me, which really screwed with my ability to keep up on content making. In fact, this month as well I have a lot on my plate, plus the new, but I am going to do my best 🫠

I’m still looking for words for that song I’ll put together! I can’t put it together without you :) So drop your comments or DM me <3

I’m considering starting to upload some day-in-the-life content here for Patron eyes, for a more personal touch… what Do you think? Does the idea of what Lav is seeing/doing/eating as she goes about her days interest you? 😂 Let me know.

I love you, buh-bye~!


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