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Here I read to you "An Essay on Nothing" by Sophia Gottfried.

(Published in 2020 on philosophynow.org)



Literally perfect content tbh


Out of curiosity, how’d you get across this essay on nothing,Lav? Always appreciate your content 😁


There us a quote by Camus from his book "Le Mythe de Sisyphe" which gives a similar perspective to this: "Le néant est fait exactement de la somme des vies à venir qui ne seront pas les nôtres." Which translates to: "Nothingness is made up of exactly the sum of the lives to come that will not be ours."


I definitely love listening to you read, more if possible please! 🫂💜


On the thumbnail for this, at least for me anyway, the caption that should say “Nothing isn’t Nothing” merely says “Nothing isn’t No”, and idk why, but I kinda like that


Beautiful read Lav, This one hits home pretty hard. Maybe i am reading in to it all wrong, but... i am Bawling my eyes out.


Quite interesting. I understand that you're applying your voice to this piece, but what are your thoughts on it? It seems like the idea of nothingness is best applied as a feeling and not something that is tangible. A personal perception perhaps.


I agree that nothing is precisely that born of absence. There can't be nothing without something in the first place. Because how do you know you are lacking something (nothing) if there isn't something existing prior to compare to. But then again, if there were nothing in the first place, and then something came to be, would that something then be nothing? Would the tables turn?


I wanted to be goofy and read about "nothing," and then the idea came to me to read something about the concept of nothing from a serious perspective instead of just yapping lol


I agree. I would say the idea of nothingness is a conundrum wrapped in an enigma.


Thoroughly enjoyed your reading and reflecting on the philosophical argument of nothingness.