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Did a double-take this afternoon when I was closing my Notes.

For context, whenever I'm working on my laptop I just open up the Notes app to jot down script ideas or sometimes write entire segments or plans or whatever. So... This number alone isn't even the beginning of the crazy part...

It's that I have the Notes on my laptop, separate from the Notes on my phone, separate from my other phone, and then my iPad, and then my physical notebook, and then my Notion, then my Google Docs, and then-- I swear, there must be at least a thousand ideas, WIPs, and scripts already!

I'm so full of ideas and so many of them are already on paper. I think my problem is prioritizing what to run with before moving on, so they end up just piling up x-x Maybe I should start polling you guys and let you tell me what to run with in the future xD Help me get these numbers down!



Christian Kaleopaa

Oh that's a lot of stories 😳. I'd love to hear them all ^_^. But if you ever need help deciding wich to do next I'm sure we could narrow down the selection for you.


Oh wow! That's a ton of creativity. I look forward to hearing you apply your talents and leave us in awe us with your voicing. I realize that I don't always express my enjoyment of your talent in a way that is proper all of the time. I'm sorry for that. 💙