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[Legal note: If you are reading this on any other site aside from Lavendher's Patreon or Youtube, this audio has been stolen and posted by criminals. It is likely a very unsafe site, so please beware.]

It's late at night and you call on your maid because you just can't seem to fall asleep. To your surprise, she knows exactly how to handle this situation and sends you to sleep in the best way possible...

[CW: Calling you "Master," calling you "Good boy".]

Script courtesy of Echo Writing




I'm putting this to the test tonight. 😴 Lav, you're a dear. 🥰 Sweet dreams everyone 💙


Lav, you never fail with an upload. Absolutely amazing

Ibraheem Nakasone

That’s it I’m convinced Lav is inside my walls how did you I was struggling to sleep at 4am!?? 😳🤭


This about to be the one that gets me


Sweet dreams, Lavendher.


I'm such a sucker for being called a good boy.


Another 8 hours and imma get really eepy to this one. Je rêverais de toi ce soir ma chère. ❤️


I fell asleep like halfway through this audio, and my dog farted so loud it woke me up 😭😭😭 I was having literally the best dream of my life too😭😭😭


HAHAHAHAHA- im so sorry the lil guy woke you up (that is hilarious tho xD) RIP dream, i hope you have even better ones next time so this one wont even be missed :)

Jake C (that1otherJake)

My weird sleep schedule thanks you. 😊 Also, really like the contrast in this, a servant who is definitely in charge is always a fun idea.


Idk Lav, that dream was like a message from God or something. It literally showed me what I wanted more than anything in the world: you


Aight. So, you asked for this. Girl this is what you be doing to me I’m laying down in my bed, in my room, and everything is completely normal, except there’s someone else in my room with me. The other person was clearly a woman, because I could tell from her voice. In my dream, I was laying down in my bed, with my head resting on her lap, my arms wrapped around her waist, and she was running her hands through my hair and was giving me tons of positive affirmations. This voice in the back of my head said it was you, and it was one of those times where you just know, y’know? You know something that you reasonably shouldn’t, and yet, you know it to be true as much as the sky being blue. That’s how sure I was that the voice in my dream belonged to you. I know that dreams are just your subconscious self trying to explain things to your conscience self, but I don’t know what my subconscious self was trying to tell me with this one. Because I cried in my dream while you were talking to me, and I haven’t cried at anything in over a decade. I woke up in a cold sweat and was wide awake, with this dream burned into my memories. I guess my subconscious self is trying to tell my conscious self that I feel safe enough to finally cry and let a decade of emotions out when I’m with you… Oh well. Guess it’s time to pack up shop for another decade.


Yep, as advertised, destressed and eepy achieved. Harp did come as a bit of a suprise though 😂


Thank you so much Mami Lav. Your Good Boy only made it through about half the audio before your voice had me drifting off to sleep. Sweet dreams Mami.