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im sorry there only one page today 🙈 its been a bit of a week.. i feel like ive worked and worked but made no progress.. ugh

ive been so pms-y and on top of that i got a cold! ugh so today i have cramps AND im tired because i haven't been able to sleep because my nose is so stuffy 🙃 so fun... hahaa-  i really don't wanna sit in front of my computer anymore today

but i'll give you the other page tomorrow if im feeling better or at the very least on Tuesday! im sorry!

and Happy weekend everybody! im so looking forward to just relaxing 💖



Rhi Bertot

Feel better soon heating pads help my cramps & drinking hot tea to loosen up stuffy nose. If you have it where you are try Vicks vapor rub 💜💕 sending get well wishes to you

rukan kawayama

Thank you 💖 I have a really nice heating I got from Temu haha it has really helped me today 😭 we don’t have vapor rub here but I’ve heard you can use tiger balm too, maybe I should try that


Honest conversations needed... Take care Rukan! Shush those inner critics! You just rest fully this weekend 😉💗