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hey guys! i realized i never told you when i will return after this little winter break! 

it will be on Friday! 😅

im working hard on catching up on sketching after Christmas, it has not been a productive couple of weeks ugh...

im not in a great place right now you could say... there's somethings going on im my personals life that's stressing me out but also, november and especially december were the lowest earning months for me on patreon in like 5 years.. by a lot, and now since patreon is my main source of income its honestly terrifying... and ive been feeling super bad about my art recently too, like unproportionately bad... i know that my art gets better but all i see are the flaws... i hate feeling like that.. i put so much time in to everything i draw and it sucks that i can't be happy with anything..ugh..i don't even know if my art is bad or if i just feel like that because of reasons?? and its almost to the point where i feel embarrassed to post stuff.. i know this is really stupid... but ive been battling with this for a while.. its not great when drawing is your jobb...

 at the same time i love drawing and i have so much fun, even if im constantly stressing about getting pages out on time, its drawing them that help me relax... im in some kind of weird paradoxical cycle right now with all this haha.... i hope i can start feeling better about my art again soon because i thinks its probably not about my art actually? idk..im so sorry about this little rant... i just kinda had to get it out there... ugh this is embarrassing

im sorry if i missed a few too many updates now during the holidays🙏
i will be back in full force soon!

TL;DR new SE;ki pages will be up on Friday! im stressed about life, im stressed about money, im stressed about my art but im working on it 😭



Your art is amazing, the amount of work you put into it has freaking paid off in quality! It’s definitely your brain at fault. Times are really hard right now, I’m sorry for that :(

Cee Aly

Humans are complicated, we have evolved in to a society that criticizes the flaws and skips past the achievements. We are our own worst critics. I can guarantee that if your art was unliked, you would not have the people paying to read what you provide. I know that for me money is tight in my world as well so there are times I can't support you as much as I wish to. But any time I can I jump in with what I can. Always remember that even the art you don't like is still beautifully recieved here by your fans. Errors and mistakes bring substance and texture and let the aspiring artists know that everyone has moments of uncertainty in their work. Even what you think is your worst is still beautiful work. I hope for you that this message gives a small piece of mind. Be safe, be well, and stay warm.

rukan kawayama

Hello thank you for returning and welcome back 💖 😄 and yeah… I guess you are right… I just have this little evil goblin in my head right now that tells me everything I draw sucks… I don’t even know what I would improve to make it go away… but I do feel a bit better now than when I wrote this! Thank you for your kind words and for your support 🥺🥺💖💖