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im sorry about this very awkward scene ^^; hah ack.. but 2 pages :D

unfortunately there wont be any pages Friday🙃 because im having a real existential crisis about how the rest of this chapter is gonna play out...

i keep rewriting it, but its not what i want... i need Seki to be in a pretty good place at the end of this chapter,  if next chapter is gonna work but thats not the way this seems to be going, so i need to focus and try to work it out D: ugh.. also my birthday is Thursday and i might need to go out and have dinner with my sister :D but there will be a bonus comic page Thursday so dont worry :P




Happy birthday 🎂! Mine is on Friday! We're a day apart!

Miss Rae, if ya nasty

Omg my b-day was last Thursday a fellow Sagittarius happy birthdayyyy💗