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I keep forgetting to mention it here 🙃 but please follow me! I don’t have any followers yet 😭

We used to have so much fun on tumblr back in the day


Rachel Winters

Just gave you a follow on tumblr. Not as active on it as I used to be, but that’s pretty much true for all my social media. I am working on being more active on my social media accounts. 😝

rukan kawayama

thank you for the follow! :D yeah same, after i left tumblr a few years ago ive just been less and less active on social media...and its kinda boring.. i feel like ive lost touch with my readers because of that.. but hopefully that will change now lol i really like posting on tumblr, i dont even care if i get any likes or reblogs i just wanna make my little posts about my art and my life :)