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i feel like it seems like Seki has just been miserable in the relationship(if you can call it that lol) 

but most of the time they are like this, Yuki was pissy once after Seki came home really late after the firework show, but mostly Seki has just been lonely because Yuki works so much.. but that was the case before also.. 

and again sorry for only one page!! ;v; this week was alot.. i haven't made any progress with anything... the next page is sketched, but i just finished yesterday so i didn't have time to ink... doing 3 pages weekly somehow takes so much longer than doing 2... i think its because when doing 3 i pretty much have to sketch all 3 before Tuesday so i can upload the preview before hand, and that's kinda hard unless i have some of the work done from the week before, so it becomes like a bad circle that's hard to break...

speaking of, i think im gonna take next week off, both so i can get a bit ahead on this chapter and so i can really finish the preparations for the secret thing :) (this is exactly why i should not announce things prematurely lol) 

but also because when i wrote this chapter, when it was still a long chapter together with chapter 15, there was supposed to be a sex scene again after this scene :3 but when i split the chapters i felt like there had just been so much sex that i decided to cut it.. but now i feel like it should be there again because it did have some things that i feel like are important for Sekis and Yukis dynamic... unless you think there really has been too much sex? and it should be keep out? im adding it back in, and need to do the prep work for that... 🙃

end of rant! haha thank you for reading and staying with me even when im being this annoying <3

love you! happy weekend everyone!




If anything there's too much smoking and not enough sex, unless it's a post coital ciggy of course, I fear for their lungs before I fear for their relationship 🚬🚬


"Too much" and "Sex" are mutually exclusive properties.