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Hello my dear dear people! I've missed you! 

I'm just dropping by to say that Chapter 16 will start next week! finally! I'm sorry it took longer than i had planed...but i think its better to take some extra time between chapters instead of missing updates during the chapter 😅 right?

this is the first panel of chapter 16 😂 i hadn't planed on making him check himself out that hard but it happend and it was pretty funny so i kept it :P 

btw, i think i never mentioned here that I've been on antibiotics for 10 days because apparently i got Lyme disease.. 😩 the only symptom i had was a rash so i wasn't sick..

but the antibiotics made me a bit tired.. yesterday was the last day of those tho, so now im all good!

this was only the second time in my life that ive had to take antibiotics.. and the first time i was like 4! i don't ever get sick enough so that i have to see a doctor or get medication so this really sucked...didn't help that the lest few weeks were really warm and sunny, and i had to not be in the sun because of the antibiotics.. D: bah
rant over! see you soon

love you 




We're just glad you're doing better. We'd rather you be healthy and safe than have perfectly timed updates.


Fingers crossed for no ongoing symptoms with the Lyme Disease 🤞🫰✌️