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trying to make myself draw more illustrations because i love drawing illustrations but i prioritize comic pages...which leaves me little time to draw illustrations.. D: but only drawing comic pages all the time is depressing haha so im gonna try do more stuff like this.. just a "quick" redraw of a comic panel from a few years ago.. its good practice and it doesn't take tooooo long...

btw who misses Keisuke? and who hates Keisuke? :P




He has no respect from me, Seki ain't just a side piece. Keisuke didn't have to marry his baby mama, co-parenting and supporting the child is an option.


Oh, that guy!?! He was not good to our Seki in the beginning! BUT seeing that both are in Tokyo, they would be bounded to meet up somehow and somewhere….which I worry for Seki. Your illustration is awesome! Please keep up doing the awesomest art works and storytelling!!! 💚🙏💚🙏🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️