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edit/ i changed yuusukes yukata to a solid color because that patter wasn't it //

im back! and so is Yuusuke :D

i feel more rested now but im so bad at being on break haha.. the first few days were great, after that ive just been doing nothing trying to relax but doing nothing just stresses me out... so not very relaxing....and ive had no money and the weather has been bad D: so i couldn't do anything fun... blha.. glad to be back to work haha

good thing Makoto bought a yukata for Seki cos i gave him just the most awful outfit xD i did not mean too ;v;




After the yukata patterning your mind just went, "Nope, Seki's in boring block colours, he can suffer in them too!". His yukata should be several sizes too large so he looks ridiculous in it also, just as payback for not joining in with his friends... sly move telling Yuusuke & then not doing it himself, that's hardly the right spirit, Seki.

Kayoko P

Glad you’re back! 😁 I missed you and Yuusuke 😭❤️